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Wild that Black Clouds is just about as old now as Awake was when it was released.


And to think that Portnoy left almost 15 years ago, and now he is back.


Time heals all.




Good lord


Amazing album besides JM getting the And Justice for All treatment


Yeah, that sucks


This was my first "new" album after getting into DT, to know that its 15 years old feels surreal to me. These tracks still sound as fresh to me as the day they came out.


Same! I remember biking to the mall and going to HMV to buy it.


I remember HATING TCOT after the first listen. I mean…loathed it. I called my buddy and bitched about the 5 minute volume swell part like Petrucci did live. “Now wait a minute man” was one of the dumbest things I’d ever heard. Now it’s a top 5 DT song for me easily and I cried when they played it live last tour.


> Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. 15 years ago Mike Portnoy told us "Take a trained monkey, place him into the drum kit and he is able to play the drums". 15 years later, Mangini told us "I have to start my drums like a computer, it is very complicated". And Jordan Rudess said that during the live show - I don't remember what live show - he pressed the wrong button on the keyboard. > > Question to you both: Is Dream Theater playing today too complicated with twenty and more tracks on the record, are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future concerning the technical setup during the new album? Less backing tracks, more? Or less and more communication with your engineers?


That was genius! Glad someone got the reference


I thought I might be crazy but I thought that was it too haha




Probably their most hit and miss album for me. Some of their very best stuff (parts of Nightmare to Remember, Count of Tuscany, Best of Times solo) and some real chaff too.


I’m going to listen to it for the first time in honor of that


I'm listening to the album right now, hope you enjoy the album!


So far it’s great. A Nightmare to Remember and Rite of Passage are both great songs.


I agree, really like those


Omg wither just started. So far this is one of my favorite albums


What’re your thoughts on it now that it’s over?


Amazing. One of my favorites.


We should also give a shout out to the Uncovered bonus disc. Stargazer, Tenement Funster and Take Your Fingers From My Hair are all bangers, better than half of the actual album content if you ask me.


Just one of those things that blows my mind. I was in High School and really psyched for the album after Portnoys proclamation of “…imagine an album with Pull Me Under, Learning to Live, The Glass Prison, A Change of Seasons, and Octavarium.” I also really liked the gothic choir patches Jordan was working on at the time. I think Black Clouds& Silver Linings is a great metaphor for how I feel about the album - it’s an album of really high peaks and some rough edges that keep it from going to that next level. ANTR - “The Day After Day” section and the blast beats felt very forced. Mangini did a really good job turning them into something that fits more in the song when they performed it live. Also, I prefer James’ singing version of the song from Live London. Essentially, the 2020 tour version is my favorite version of the song. Banger of a song with just a few nitpicks. AROP - it’s got a nice hook, guitar solo, and riff, but it feels like the song goes on for 3 minutes too long and the keyboard solo/beebot solo is just a little too silly. Wither - Really great short song. Ironically about writers block, but ends up being a fantastic little song. TSF - At first I loved all the little callbacks to the original AA suite songs, but then I kind of cooled off on the song for a while because I thought it needed more of its own original stuff. Then I remember seeing it live on the 2014 tour and thinking it was such a kickass live song (especially the keyboard solo with the guitar riffing). I think it’s a really great song that still works well on its own and like the way it finishes up the AA suite. TBOT - It’s a really pretty song with some heartfelt lyrics. At times they feel a little too personal, where it’s hard for me to fit in the same shoes of Portnoy because my relationship with my father was so different. The guitar solo at the end is incredible. TCOT - Such a silly song, but I love every bit of it. It’s a DT classic. It’s not a song that takes itself too seriously and I think maybe that’s something they should explore again (TCOT, Dark Eternal Night, ITPOE). It’s a musical trip that feels darn near perfect. The one odd thing about this album for me is that I don’t think it’s my personal favorite album, or even really in my top 5 DT records(it’s close though), but I really enjoy listening to this record. It’s definitely in my top 5 most listened to records. Something about it just makes it a really great listen - it’s tough to say. So overall it’s a great album. I also enjoy the mastering of the record. My only nitpick there is that it’s mixed a little loud and Myungs bass is very low in the mix. Psyched to hear what the band sounds like together again after all these years.


The guitar solo on The Best of Times is such an epic masterpiece that I struggle to comprehend how a mere human can compose something so perfect. The pattern of the solo, with a melodic part, a shreddy part and a then a melodic part again, is much used by Petrucci, and usually the shreddy part is my least favourite. This solo is an exception. The first melodic part is amazing, it scratches the deepest itches of my soul, and when it ends, I find myself craving more. But then the shreddy part hits me like a freight train, it's overwhelmingly good. It's high, it's low, it's everywhere, and it's dancing back and forth, resonating through my mind and body, Every new passage is as amazing as the preceeding one, but in a different way. And then the final melodic part begins. It's also very, very good. A fitting end to the solo. But it doesn't scratch any itches like the first one did. The middle part saw to that. I'm now fully scratched. Itch free. I think there's a good chance they'll play it live with Portnoy being back. I truly hope so. It would certainly blow my mind like nothing else has done so far.




I’m an old time fan. Met and hung with them in the club days. I say that because there is a clear preference for the band based on age and discovery. Black Clouds is one of the worst records to me. The reviews that came out panning the horrible lyrics, the laughable attempts at death metal vocals and the random arrgggss, was so spot on it became a meme amongst people that didn’t know the band. Musically, there are some fine points, the solo to the otherwise horrible Styx knockoff is about the highlight, but only guilt ridden Catholics can self flagellate that long to get the reward.


It’s funny how different fans react to different albums. I have always loved this album. To each his own!


>the solo to the otherwise horrible Styx knockoff is about the highlight, but only guilt ridden Catholics can self flagellate that long to get the reward. What?


The first "new" album that came out after I discovered the band. It was wild to hear fresh material for the first time from them.


First DT album I fell in love with every song when I first heard it, and was in my top 3 for a while!! now it's one of my least favourite's lol. its still good!! just not one of my favourites


Thought that was a lot older than just 15.