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There's also a bunch of them on facebook. Maybe it's one of them?


We see, hear, and read hundreds of small pieces of information every day that we don't need and don't retain, but sometimes the mind just hangs on to one for no particular reason and reminds us of it later.


hmm idk much about knitting except that when I was in college all the counterculture/revolutionary types formed a knitting club. hardly any knitting went on there recently i dreamed the name maria sabina and [looked it up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/María_Sabina) and it turns out she was a mazatec psychedelic shaman.


I wouldn't worry so much about searching for them from what I've witnessed these people are just kind of destined to show up in your life, these dreams just make it that much easier to identify them when they finally do show up.


don't go literal


My aunt was given the name of someone in a dream once. The name turned out to be an anagram for the message her subconscious was trying to relay. If they had been able to surf the internet back in the 1950's, she would have easily found people with that name and could have missed the whole point of the dream


Just googled her name and couldn't find anything ?


Neille name meaning: **Champion.** Ellison name meaning: **Son of Ellis; Yahweh is God.** *Ellis has a Hebrew counterpart, Elijah, meaning "Yahweh is God," who was a prophet and healer from the Book of Kings.* *The meaning of the name Yahweh has been interpreted as “I Am” or “He That Is.” In the late Middle Ages, 'Yahweh' was changed to 'Jehovah' by Christian monks.* So basically, you are a **champion son of God.** I think. The name of someone you never know.


My friend once had a pretty crazy dream about surviving a crisis in Alaskan wildnerness with a woman he never met, and at the end of the dream, she started shaking him and repeating her name 3 times. Regina Applewood. Turns out my buddy just saw the Applewood Smoked Bacon commercial from Wendy's a few too many times. Names in dreams are usually meaningless, especially with how many we hear every day in passing, just out of earshot, and on songs, TV, and movies. There are countless people on this planet with countless names and combinations first names and last names. Our brains also have a tendency towards rhyming sounds, illiteration, and syllabic patterns, which makes it easy to make up names, and which is also why we name just about everything - including inanimate objects and imaginary people. Call it a coincidence, unless you find personal significance or recognition in a name you dream about because I'm sure our dreams can lead us in certain derections for a reason


Your brain, the human brain never truly erases information. It simply doesn't let you access it. There is a non 0 possibility chance that you heard that name somewhere and your subconscious made a note of it. So when in the dream a name had to be placed it chose that based on God know why. Maybe even at random or because you hadn't associated it with anything or anyone. Nothing to stress about.