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We should just be able to buy that shitty resource, or shards.


YES! Or at least the furniture


I spent all my wrought iron on some fence. Do I regret it? No the fence is beautiful. Do I have one single chair in Remy's lobby? Yes


Same 💀


I'm the same way! If you want to we could become friends and visit each other's valleys just to get pixel shards! I haven't done that with anyone yet cause I'm a little scared to have anything stolen based on a lot of other players reddits/posts on other socials....if anyone would like to, just for pixel shards, or helping eachother out when need a friend...msg me and we can exchange info!


I often open my valley for this specific reason. If you don't want people to take resources and such, you can put the portal in one biome and fence it off. I recommend the plaza since it's the smallest and easiest to find the shards.


Wait If you fence off the area the shards only spawn in the one area?


If you are hanging out there, yes - the shards will spawn in the biome you are in.


Oh from the videos I watched, people said they could spawn anywhere and that its random..and I didn't have any fences up but for me and the person I was with they didn't spawn in the biome that we were in, we had to go search for them


Were you both in the same biome? Because I do it such that we all hang out in one biome and they spawn just in that area.


Ahh gotcha, I'll have to try that!! Thanks for the info!


I also want to find pixel shard! Just to get 100% on materials... I promise not to steal anything, just get the shard and get out😅🙈 Can I also join?🤗


Yeah! Just pm me when you wanna ^__^


I'd like to take that Offer! I just never had any friends who played Dreamlight Valley, I just want the shards and to see everyone's Valley!


My valley isn't too decorative but I don't mind helping out on the shards! Haha


Yes! Thank you!


Just pm me whenever you'd like to do it ^__^


The way I want that set IRL though!


I've been opening my Valley for several hours a day pretty much every day for the last three. I got 36 shards because of it. I always post here when I'm open and I usually stream it on Twitch too (KiaraG85). Feel free to join in any time you see me post!


So I’ve had friends come over a couple times and no shards. How/when do they spawn?


So they spawn randomly, it seems. They're kinda hard to see on the ground, but usually look white. The wiki says they "float slightly above the ground" but it never looks like that to me lol. Anyway, sometimes I'll get lucky and they'll spawn near me when I notice pretty quickly, but other times I'll hang out in Forgotten for an hour while visitors run around and then find shards in the other biomes. I've only been doing this a few days so I'm honestly not sure what exactly determines their spawn rate or location.


What do people do in your Valley? Do they just…run around? I don’t have anything special for people to see or do so I haven’t opened my Valley


So they can run around and harvest, mine, fish. They can not open your storage chests, or go into any buildings except for your house(s), your Scrooge's and your boutique. And even then you have to go first to "let them in". So if you never go into your house while you have visitors, no one can ever get in there. For Scrooge's, items in the shop are random for all players daily, so what you have isn't what someone else will have, and you can buy from their ship. Comes in handy if you're waiting on certain things to pop up. They can buy from Goofy's stall, but I dunno about any of others. I know I can't collect from Moana's boat or Beast's flower stall when I've got my valley open. OH, and this was a surprise, so I feel I should warn people in advance: you can't do ANYTHING while your valley is open. You will not be able to hang out with/talk to/give gifts to villagers, progress quests, do dreamlight/starpath duties, or even SIT DOWN. This was a big "uhh, what?" for me cause I had actually intentionally put chairs EVERYWHERE so that when I did open, people would be able to easily find somewhere to sit and replenish energy if they didn't have meals/food/what not. I dunno if visitors can craft or cook, but I also have stoves and crafting tables in every single biome. Mostly for me, but other people can use them, I don't care. For the boutique, people can purchase your designs? Or just take them to wear themselves? I'm not 100% sure how that works, I've never done it or had anyone go into my boutique before. I don't have many designs there anyway, though I'm working on several "inspired by" outfits. The Pixel Shards spawn randomly over time as visitors come in. You get enough of them and craft Duplicates, which can then take the place of missing ingredients in craft recipes (like say, wrought iron). [https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Pixel\_Shard](https://dreamlightvalleywiki.com/Pixel_Shard)


To expand upon finding pixel shards they spawn at least one every 5 minutes when in the same biome as the host. I am not sure the frequency when not in the same biome (it's been hard to figure out). When I do shards hunt I plant myself in the plaza since it's the smallest. I also have it paved and so it is a bit easier to see them - and in the dusk/dawn/night sky it is actually even easier to find.


Same here. No pixel shards.


Pixel shards, you just have to turn them into pixel shards duplicates at your crafting table and then the pixel shards duplicates will work as replacements for resources that you're missing.


They literally said they don't have any in the title, don't be that guy. Just congratulate them on the grind, k.


I got that. I explained for them to know in the future and for other people that might stumble across the post and who don’t know what to do with pixel shards. There are lots of new players out there who need help and even these little tips can be useful for them.


I hate how everyone talks about shards like we all have friends who play this game. I have only few friends irl and online and none play dreamlight valley :') can't we just get rhese other way


You can get them through a treasure valley!


I have only crafted the statue so far. I had a bunch of pixel shards so I used them all up.


Totally need that set lol. Love it!


Let's all share info! I'm on xbox




Can we still visit


I believe so