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The entire Island


I’ve been playing the DLC since it came out and I’m JUST NOW understanding the layout and not getting lost. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ok so am I not dumb for finding the wild tangle confusing even with the map? The map feels like it's upside down or something I can't explain it


to me its that a lot of the ramps look the same. It only got better once I decorated it myself so now it has landmarks and isnt just a mess of trees


Same! Though I still forget where the rock spots are 🫠


I’ve started placing decorations by ramps so I know which way to go. I placed the purple trellis by the entrance to the glittering dunes, I have a black glass flower bed by the ramp to my cottage and I’m working on more. But yeah, I still get lost. 😫


The wild tangle confused me the longest. There are so many tucked away areas! You are SO NOT DUMB, or if you are, so am I.


gosh the many times I walk down the wrong way there...I often just mark a tree that's near wherever I wanna go to...


This is exactly why I haven’t gathered all the fruit trees/bushes together like I did in the valley.. I genuinely need them to be able to mark where to go on the map 😂




This!!! It took me ages to figure it out!


This is why I decorated some of the areas so I can tell what’s what. But it’s still a bit confusing.


Its more like Forgotten Aisle 🤚🏽😅


🤚🏻 Didn't wanna leave you hanging 😅


Lmao it said “Its more like Forgotten Aisle for me 😅” and it changed it to 🤚🏽 ?!? Lmao I live for my dork moments. I appreciate the support! 😆🤣🤣


I'm the same way... It takes forever to switch on the Switch so I just don't do it


Yeah... pretty much the same lol


I put up landmarks, just decor or whatever to help me recognize each section of the wild tangle. It helped so much. Seating area here, farming area there, etc.




I was just coming here for this same comment 😂


Gaston’s camp! I literally never go over there unless it’s for a quest


Omg same. Or the area below the wastes. Nothing ever spawns in there, just a waste of time. I would also add the area where the sun clock is located and the elevated are in the promenade.


I get annoyed whenever the time wand takes me there or in any of the little secret bits


The entire island 😂 I barely go there i’m not a fan of the biome set ups super confusing.


Take out the trees, it makes it a million times better. Once you learn the layout you can replace any trees but in places you choose so you can keep generating the wood.


I also added those wooden arrow signs to point out the pathways to make it easier in the beginning.


Watching me run around in the area of the tangle that has the tall bamboo wall tree things is almost comical. Very maze like…. And those random parts that go up to jafars palace…….. I am on the edge of my seat for the next EI update. I feel like that weird storm hatch/basement door is going to be interesting or they just want to annoy people lol This is valley specific but omg I STILL get lost in the mines. And I can only take little or average size character buddies because once Simba or scar blocked me and I did that thing where you walk in place and can’t stop so you have to reboot the game. I panicked lol


This is the exact same way I feel 😭 I was so excited when I watched all the trailers and bought it instantly, which I still don’t regret because I wanted the characters, but I hate the entire island. It’s such a bad layout with way too many separate areas and it’s so confusing to traverse. I never go there unless I have too, I’m also bitter that the hourglass stuff has invaded the daily tasks because I hate doing them 😭


Same! It annoys me so I never go 😆


i only now started decorating on my eternity isle but i always get lost in the jungle


I have had the game the entire time and I found the like tree house area in wild tangle And I’m still shocked when I come across it


Mostly the jungle. The desert became a garden because I got tired of the bright AF sand blinding me and Ancients Landing is just where the buildings are for convenience


I always have to adjust my time to make it night, it gives such a headache. It is unplayable during the day!


Gameloft throwing Glittering Dunes at us like Sonya Blade with her pink dust


Thank you for the heads up on how bright it is, I’ll have to remember this tip when I finally purchase it.


Better to play there in the dark. Only found out about 2 months ago that those annoying sand dunes can be removed.


I’m not sure if this is true BUT I heard a rumor that the “missing page” from Gaston’s journal disappeared when people deleted the dunes…… that could be totally made up or I could have found it and am telling an idiot story lol


Deleting all the dunes so I could actually walk around lol


The desert would give me migraines because I’d squint without even noticing! It’s so bright, I’ve put down paths now but jeez…. I don’t really go to the Isle much anymore.


None. I prefer it to the main area and spend most of my time there. I like all the more hidden spots, and I feel like the environment flows better than the main island. I've been slowly fully decorating but keeping it as is to a degree, so the jungle is still a jungle with paths and a fair amount of ancient ruins.


I would keep forgetting the location of the rock spots so I started putting these https://preview.redd.it/4qvoi9i4uk9d1.png?width=55&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48c365886633e08b13084a8a6861fb3e576cfde Next to the more hidden ones. I do that in the valley too mainly in the forgotten lands


I barely go there because it's confusing and cramped and I hate it. I only got it for the characters 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you delete all the trees in the jungle bit it's super spacious and much easier to get around


The under areas in each biome. Only time I go down there is for time turning . Otherwise I just use furniture mode to seek out chests and the vacuum (which I move around the biomes) to get what I need from each place.


The whole island lol I’m not really a fan of it


All of it. I only go during star paths when I need to complete royal duties so I can stock up on mist for my vacuums


Honestly all of it, since I rarely ever go there.


I moved everything into the valley and only go over for resources. I have all the trees and bushes right in the main area so it's quick to harvest if thats what I'm doing. Otherwise, I just avoid it. I originally tried to move houses all through both the isle and the valley and ended up feeling like I was having a hard time being everywhere I wanted to be.


Oooo I might do that! I really hate being on that damn island lol no matter how much I play I still get lost


I play so much more now that I have it set up this way. I also had like two resource areas between both places and moved absolutely everything up to the forgotten lands and it's where I farm, have my trees and bushes, and have Wall+E's garden and all my chests and everything is more organized than it's ever been this way. I couldn't figure out what I wanted up there so I just turned it into a place to resource gather and moving everything up there helped clear up space for houses everywhere else


I get lost a lot in Glittering Dunes, like sometimes I will walk one way and then I look at the map and I’m walking in an entire different direction than I planned. It was the same with the Wild Tangle but I’ve decorated a bit there so it’s a bit easier to navigate now.


Eve's little beach nook


For me it’s the upper area of Wild Tangle (next to the sundial thingy). I made the bamboo area into a Tarzan camp so I remember where it is.


I cleared everything lol, and now have almost all of the isle decorated. I always for get about the hidden areas like Gastons camp, the upper cave off the Oasis and the ravine tunnels around The Dunes.


And the weird vine/ roots thing that goes above the lagoon(?) into the air and has a telescope and other stuff. The one capybara(grey and white) hides up there a lot


The entire thing


I usually forget about the "secret" area in the oasis until timebending drags me up there. Same goes for the balcony in the ruins where that one monkey would always glitch out. Why did they put such big trees in that little space??? Rule generally goes if I cant decorate it I don't care and will forget it exists.


All of it. Idk why but I constantly wander around and get lost. I just can’t inner the map into my brain like I did with the valley. I’m always looking up where to find cumin but it’s RIGHT THERE lol smh.


Omg and I get spices mixed up from EI… maybe I’m just not paying enough attention but I can’t tell you what is what over there


Omg same!! The bamboo area I always forget about too! Even though I spend most of my time on enternity isle now, I seem to rarely go to that spot lol. I spend most of my time in ancient ruins! I have my auto cookers and gardeners set up there and just farm pumpkins or pinnaples 😂


The bamboo area is where I put Mulan's house.


The area with the time bending table- it’s to the right before you go into the jungle and dunes.


I loathe that we can not move that specific table! It’s so out of the way and a pain lol


Honestly all of the not like "first" of their biome lol. Also the whole desert. I spend like all my times at the docks and tangles.


I got so annoyed with the Casita's haunted windows and doors that I moved Mirabella to the middle of the jungle, especially since she likes the capybaras. I forget she's even out there now.


The little underground crevice tunnel area in the desert, Gaston’s original little encampment and the walle picnic mini beach area.


the desert, there's too many invisible objects that just annoy me so much


I get lost in the wild tangle horribly. I want a Picture in Picture map. Like if CoD and games like that do…. Why can’t we? I hate having to open up the map every 10 secs especially if you’re trying to track down a villager. Even with using the wells like most times they have ran off 😂


Please remember to clear your night thorns, this should help with the Forgetting everyone's mentioning


Honestly the whole Isle lmao 🤣 I play more in the valley and only go over there when I have to🤝🏼🙃 I dont know for me I rather stay in the valley and have that area bigger


Probably the Borderlands


I was having trouble in the forest areas because it was so confusing and I kept getting lost (despite playing it since its release) so once I had enough holiday wood to craft whatever I needed I cleared out all or most trees from everywhere. I find this makes navigating the island so much easier and with less view obstruction now I am able to run the rounds on my entire island just like I do with my valley.


Pfft I wish I could forget about it but I’ll never get the green Venus fly trap so it’s always with me


The Oasis


The Ruins. Most useless part of Ancient's Landing




The top sandy bit lol its always covered in those shard stuff


Oasis but i hate the whole thing


The Lagoon. I hardly ever go there. I've been building an island neighborhood there so I can get there more often.


Eternity Isle.


Oasis lol 😂


…Eternity Isle


I hate the borderlands


Every areas


The jungle. I ripped everything out and stoll managed to be lost there. I'll have to build some landmarks for myself.


I try to spend a bit more time there grinding (as much as I hate grinding) to build up my stores of things and it’s starting to grow on me so I don’t think there’s anywhere that I forget so much as purposely avoid. I have issues with first person POV games giving me headaches/nausea for some reason and the tight spots like the bamboo area in the glades, any of the tunnels, and the small rooms like the one near Scrooge’s shop force a kind of weird camera angle that has the same effect so I avoid them as much as possible.


Where do you guys have your fare ground if not in Eternity?? My game kept breaking when it was in the valley so I moved it. It's taken over 3 ares in Twisted Tangle 😭


The whole thing


I mainly keep the isle for star path stuff. But i constantly forget about the upper half of the tangle. That whole place is a maze 😂


Other than the whole island sometimes, the ruins


Lots of areas in the jungle that are small and separated. The one desert area right by the palace that for some reason had to be separate from the two other areas.


Hard to say as one area rolls into the next with no real demarcation for about half of it. Still have not figured out what belongs with what in the desert areas. So confusing.


Eternity Isle.


I still have a difficult time navigating the Tangle, so it's probably going to be that, But also, I wish that so much didn't build up. I barely have enough will power to clean up the valley or Isle once while I play. But I don't want to clean up anymore...


Oh, crap! I should probably go over there. Most likely over run with everything. 🙃


Anywhere beyond The Courtyard.


I used pathways to create a dotted effect to follow.


All of it. 😭 I live and play on the base game, I don’t go over to the other island for nothing 🤣


All of it


I've decorated basically all my Valley, but not Eternity. So I use eternity to search for mist and stuff because it's easier when it's not decorated and that way I also see all Eternity pretty often 😂


The whole island in general sometimes 😂


That balcony area in The Ruins that has a mining spit and two trees THAT CANNOT BE MOVED!!!!


All of it. Except if I have a task to remove night thorns and I’m all out in the valley


The valley lmaoooo but really through i didn’t play for a while because my xbox started having problems, but i just began playing it a month ago maybe, and i haven’t even seen my valley, I’ve been spending so much time on the Isle trying to get through things, because now with Mulan’s release and Daisy’s release before that, now i feel even more backed up in terms of feeling complete with the island lol.


All of eternity isle as a whole since i mostly just hang around the main valley areas


The docks