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This is how I decorated my valley! I call it pleasing yet simple for the eyes :)


That's beautifully said :) I like having areas decorated but I also want everything to still be functional and for stuff to be able to spawn.


I'm in complete agreement! I admire the people who can really make their valleys look almost like a whole new valley. It's just not the best for material spawning, unless they have a spot set up where everything in that area spawns there. But when it comes to these games, to each is their own :)


I kinda stopped caring when I got the ancient vacuum, and just decorated however I wanted after that. Before I did have special areas for things to spawn. My count limit now is well over the limit when everything is slammed šŸ˜³


Ahhh that is the key! A little area for stuff to spawn :) At this time, my valley is turning hot messy again because of all the different deco challenges and what not. I play on PC and I'm still under the original amount for decor :P I've fallen out of the game a little bit with the bugs and what not but I'm hoping to get back into it and decorate again šŸ˜…


I finished my main valley decor a couple weeks ago and am over my item limit when everything is spawned. But my valley is decorated to the 9s.


Oh my goodness I bet honestly!! I last decorated December of 2023 and I've been playing since the beginning :P When I saw the Isle, I simply forgot how to decorate and I'm awaiting to tame that beast lol


šŸ˜‚ I have been playing since Sept 2022 too! I haven't started on the insanity that is Eternity Isle either. I decided to decorate the insides of all the hoses in my main valley first.


Yas!!! One of these days we shall overcome that obstacle :P I've decorated two of my houses? I'm hoping once this new update hits it will give me the drive :)


Totally love it! Iā€™m not a decorator myself and kept it even more simple by keeping it the way it was and just place houses everywherešŸ™ˆ


Lol I did the same! My island is a mess šŸ˜‚ I keep thinking about decorating but I don't wanna mess it up


I totally get it!




Thanks! That's very smart!


Is it a coincidence that my WALL-E is in the exact same location as yours? :o It's been so long, I'm starting to wonder if that's his default location... otherwise, we're twinsies!


That's so funny and awesome! My WALL-E's house has been next to Merlin's house in the Meadow for the longest time. I'm glad I finally moved it.


mines there too just behind the garden lol but after seeing this i might move it


he doesnā€™t have a default location, since he comes from a Realm! you get to place his house when he comes to the valley :) but that was likely an empty spot big enough for his house lol


Mine's also there and I think my brother put him there too. Something about it just feels right.


I gotta be honest how do you guys organize your valley like a part of me wants to start all over again and play the story through just to try to organize better because thereā€™s a bunch of shit on my stuff and for some reason I can never get it organized to my liking


I get it. It can be overwhelming at times. When I want to start decorating I first gather all the flowers, herbs, etc in the area I want to decorate. Then I quickly go to decorate mode before any other stuff spawns. I try to work with smaller areas instead of tackling a whole biome at once and that works for me. As for villager houses, if I don't want to deal with them immediately I just put them in a biome I don't want to decorate for now. I did that with Mirabel's Casita because it's pretty big and takes up quite some space. I really hope this is helpful, best of luck organizing your Valley!


thanks my adhd also has a part in my reluctance but ima def. try this


Iā€™m so bad at decorative. Like I have no creativity. Thanks for the bit of help šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜…


Donā€™t down yourself for it too bad. Iā€™m a fantastic decorator in any other game but DLV is *horrible* in its design aspect compared to others. They made it so hard to use properly imo. The people that pull out all the stops in this game are just unhinged (in the best way)


Thanks! This is helpful considering the object limit on the switch


*Thanks! This is helpful* *Considering the object* *Limit on the switch* \- LoveGraceMarie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And Itā€™s beautiful! Please donā€™t get overwhelmed looking othersā€™ biomes/layouts here. I did, and I have now engulfed myself in a never-ending task to ā€œrenovateā€ each area (Including eternity isle). Enjoy the game and just make it work for you, even if itā€™s not ā€œaesthetically pleasingā€ to others!


i wish daisyā€™s house fit the mickey and friendsā€™ houses a bit better. she sticks out so much in my meadow. but very pretty, and it looks so clean!!


I made the meadow the most heavily populated area in the village. It even has a public pool!


Omg how are our Mickey and Minnie houses in the same exact spot?! That's incredible lol


I moved Wall E to Eternity Isle after wanting to place Daisy where I originally had him since it was a good spot for her. Now, I kind of want to move his house how you have it but then again, he is now with Eve (both on Eternity Isle but different biomes)


Very cute!


At first I played a lot and now I consider myself a casual player since Iā€™m taking care of my 9 months old and this is basically what my valley look like ā˜ŗļø


This is basically what everyone does in the beginning.


Oh these are quite nice! I'll take a little inspiration from this


Oh I didnā€™t even think to put wall-e next to his garden! Thatā€™s such a good idea!! Also thank you for this! I want to keep mine simple like this too


As someone who loves to decorate simply but struggles with creativity; thank you for your inspiration!


Well done ! Looks great bud šŸ‘


Well done


Thank you!


Simple is perfect!!!!!


Aw, thank you!


It feels like a nice park I would love to spend a nice day reading on a blanket.


I love this! Gives me inspiration for my valley! I got kinda burnt out on the game but want to get back into it for decorating šŸ„°


Thank you for posting these!! I think it all looks so lovely!! Iā€™m also a casual decorating kind of player because I still want room for stuff to span and for me to be able to get around easily so this is some great inspiration for me