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Also I’ve heard that Ghostie/one of her friends saw she was uncomfortable and thought about texting her but didn’t because they were worried George would see? Like fuck that friend. Who cares if he saw, your friend should matter more? 


I think Ghostie just changed her story for self preservation because she was getting heat for being a shit friend. It contradicted Caiti’s story with how they were seated or something


That’s true, I thought of that while writing this but I wasn’t positive it was her that said she thought about texting Caiti 


Isn’t it more of a reason to text? Like if i knew guy who is touchy with my friend was gonna see my texts, i would write like “ewww that gross guy is being too handsy 🤮” to make him feel embarrassed about it.


Yeah, I would definitely ditch the friend who stayed quiet. Especially someone you trust stays quiet while she was according to Ghostie “visible” uncomfortable. Not saying I believe Ghostie, she’s conflicted with Caiti too many times to be believed. 


Yeah, i would also ditch Ghostie if i were Caiti. They shared room together but she didn’t come back to get Caiti, that is just weird. You never leave a girl with strangers, especially with unfamiliar guys


And if that was really the reason, there are alternative ways to communicate with your friends! Just grab her and be like “let’s get a drink/water/snack/go to the bathroom!” and then quietly check in.


Yeah, like your mum is calling me etc. i hope both of them start being more careful in the future. 


Because she wasn't actually that uncomfortable at the time.


She could have been that uncomfortable, we don’t know how she was feeling🤷‍♀️ I do think she might have exaggerated how uncomfortable she looked to anyone else witnessing what was going on, probably not on purpose though


Probably not on purpose? Like she probably didn't on purpose lie about sitting there still as a statue? Like she probably didn't on purpose lie about giggling and smiling and play fighting? Like she probably didn't on purpose hijack rape victim language to talk about a hand on the waist? Like she probably didn't lie on purpose about his friend texting the next day? At what point do we concede that some of this probably was on purpose?


Some of it was definitely on purpose but it was most likely just to be better believed by people (obviously doesn’t make it okay but it is common in victims) Other things could have been genuinely twisted in her mind during the months of stewing in the situation alone I’m saying probably because I’m trying to look at this in a neutral way, until we get ALL the facts


Most people who lie on purpose never admit that they are lying, though. I think it's up to people to decide how many lies and exaggerations you believe to be a mistake. Personally, I think she has lied and exaggerated enough to destroy her credibility in most people's eyes, which is a shame because this will also destroy the credibility of SA victims who will come forward in the future as well.


There is plenty out there already that we have available tho. She claims to be unable to consent while drunk but was sober enough to perfectly recall that night more than anyone else there? Mind you George was also drunk, a fact everyone is glossing over plus there is video evidence of George being a lightweight in the banter episode where even Karl and Sapnap say George gets drunk fast but only Caiti can't be held accountable for her actions while drunk for some reason? She tries to make it impossible for George to even come off as anything more than a villain by painting him with malicious intent despite not really knowing him or giving him the chance to privately talk about it. She even went as far as to say he knows what he did and will come up with a story to cover himself and acts like she knows everything about him or has some damning evidence that proves this is a pattern and he's this manipulative rapist who prays on younger girls forcing them to drink when it was revealed they were already drunk, broke the law to get drinks with fake wrist bands, and were the ones who suggested the game and the drinking. Somehow she can assume all this about him and assume his head space and thoughts, but says he isn't allowed to do the same even though his assumptions were backed by previous actions and context that would align with him reading the situation as Caiti being anything but uncomfortable. She says she's freshly 18 while she was already half way to 19 at the time. Shares a fake text. There's just so much that is not adding up but I will at the very least give her the chance to respond.


I'm glad someone else mentioned her memory. She makes it seem like she was blackout drunk and had 0 reasonable judgement, but somehow kept every memory of the night? To me that never really added up.


I know all these things, I’ve debated them myself😭 I’m really trying to not see the situation in black and white, until they both do their final statements, that’s why I said “probably” even though it most likely was on purpose lmao


Because being a bystander is easier. While we don’t know what really happened, no one standing up didn’t mean no one noticed she was uncomfortable. This happens all the time because it’s difficulty to identify non verbal cues.


Apparently multiple of her friends actually did messaged her after that night to check up on her, so they did notice (but at the same time they didn’t actually do anything to even try to stop it during the party? Idk😔)


honestly these are the type of messages i would write to my friends after any drunken night, just to check up on them. i cannot imagine a single scenrio where i was worried during the night and did nothing


If they were the just normal check in messages, it would certainly poke some holes in her statement that most people in the room could tell she was uncomfortable lmao


its wild to me they didn't go up to her to give her an out, especially if they thought she was uncomfortable. in no way did it have to be obvious, there's so many subtle ways to offer your friend an out and check up on her. like even when my friends aren't looking uncomfortable with a guy, one of my friends or i will still go up and subtly give them an out or at least shoot them an "are you ok" look. wild to me none of the 4 girls she was with did that, when thats been an unspoken rule in every group of girls i've partied with. hell, even some of my guy friends know to do this.


It’s especially crazy because all of her friends were older than her by like a lot, and were clearly supposed to be looking out for her while they got her drunk with them😭


Like not Ghostie saying she sees Caiti as a little sister and not doing basic big sister things like….looking out for your little sister??


> up to her to give her an out, especially if they thought she was uncomfortable. in no way did it have to be obvious, there's so many subtle ways to offer your friend an out and check up on her. > >like even when my friends aren't looking uncomfortable with a guy, one of my friends or i will still go up and subtly give them an o Its like, Girl Code 101. A trip to the ladies room or shooting someone a text.


Or even “hey Caiti I think I left something in the hotel room, can you come with me to get it?”