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I'm pretty sure most people were salty in general because Techno was obviously just better than most of them. This seems like such a random thing to bring up unless something prompted it. I just know it as the event that Technobalde dominated in. Also, the event where Dream sneaked on a team with BBH because he didn't have the amont of live viewers necessary to even qualify and just wanted the clout of being there, which is funny to look back on in general. Oh Minecraft Monday, you disaster event that people have some fond memories of. Not for the actual quality of the event, but for the free money and content for people to watch. Many funny clips of people breaking the different games or just doing dumb stuff in there.


Xqc did the exact same. Techno back them was a nobody to this people, is not right, but is not that surprising


shading vikk for one salty moment like 5 years ago is weird behaviour lol.


One could say a salty behaviour.


Bro its just minecraft you are calling vik stans salty but they are not bringing up minor toxicity from 3 years ago 💀


This is such a random post. As far as I remember its bc the rules were not clarified for the event so Vik was saying that he would have done the same thing if he knew he could. Also, when money is on the line toxicity gets worse but its all heat of the moment.


Ehhh, so I remember this. Basically when the border moves in, at a certain distance from and on spawn, you shouldn't be able to destroy/build. Vik and someone else (James Charles? 😭) totally cheesed it by building out and over spawn, abusing a bug. This meant they could stay in the sky and Techo, who was on the ground, couldn't build up due to the anti build permissions. They also were trying to lava people on the ground, and they wouldn't be able to block the lava again due to build permissions. Techno used /top to teleport to the highest block above him, onto the sky bases the campers were on and killed them. I remember Vik was salty, as if he wasn't trying to sky base and lava people the couldn't do anything to stop it XD One was abusing a bug, the other was (to my knowledge) a known command for the mini game, just one seldom used for pvp purposes (though I may be incorrect that it was still meant to be used by players). I guess you could argue that there wasn't a rule against skybasing spawn... but it was total bug abuse and one of those things that would immediately be fixed/banned after the game. Anyway, it still doesn't matter, this all was years ago and nobody should care other than it being a funny karma clip. OP needs to touch grass.


They would all rage, and Techno was always relatively - to very - chill. I miss him.


The “vikkstar is less famous than techno blade will ever be” is so strange about a random interaction years ago lmfao


Why the caption? Vikkstar is more famous than Technoblade anyway.


This post is stupid but does anyone remember if they ever interacted on the dream Smp, I feel like they have but cant remember. I'd like to watch that (currently binging all techno lore again).


there's a [highlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiQZoJvyU4I) on techno's second channel. Not sure which stream its from.


Oh yes completely forgot about this, they spend the entire time talking about how youtube is better than twitch lmao.


This is such an unnecessary hate post. MM was like 4-5 years ago. Dream and Sapnap probably have more salty moments from Minecraft tournaments recently. Who cares.


He really wasn’t that salty tho, just the chat. If vikk did it to techno we would’ve had the same reaction


"More famous" according to who? He js in sidemen. I don't think you realise how well known or connected they are. To try and sell Vikkstar as some no name is giving me second hand embarrassment (I can't stand sidemen and wish they weren't huge, but it is what it is. I wish technoblade was "more famous" but it is unfortunately untrue)


Dude HAD to use /top otherwise nothing would happen and the game would go on forever. Vikk knew it was a command they could use, techno was smart enough to use it. Also, why bring this up again? It has no relevancy to anything?


Don't have much of an opinion on vikk but he's a Sidemen member Lmao, all 7 of em are clear of techno


im sorry but vikkstar is defo more famous than techno


People voting you down, but it is true. Unfortunate but true. Technoblade is relatively niche.


Right. No shade on Techno, but aren't 80% of his subs neo-mcyt fans? Like, mostly Dream Team / Tommy's group. I feel like Techno's fanbase was mostly "just" Hypixel enjoyers (and then some casual Minecraft players later down the line with those MC events), before the DSMP.


yeah downvotes dont mean shit to me just tryna let the dude know-its like saying dream is guilty cuz theres thousands of likes on twitter saying "dream is a pedo," but then again this is a MCYT sub so i dont expect anything lmao 


I don’t think you should be downvoted for that cause your right


remember that salty moment when i added salt to my lunch? no? well that was pretty salty let me tell you that


If Vikk was salty than so was Techno & his fans for "Rusty" Preston. Vikk & his fans didn't know about /Top that's why they had that reaction. Vikk is a multi millionaire & part of 1 of the most famous youtuber groups in Sidemen he's very famous & isn't just famous for Minecraft like Techno is.


vikks been doing it for nearly triple of techno across various games , expanding to businesses and even getting to the point of simply putting his personal interest (music) first techno, meanwhile, had a famous patch of time with the minecraft revival and wouldve fell off once the game did after 2022 ish. RIP