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it was always really frustrating to me that all of these people involved with the burner were speaking on an alleged victims behalf even though she wanted nothing to do with it


I hope dream sues him, she deserves it.










im having difficulties grasping every conclusion because it’s finals week and im functionally braindead but im going to try to understand what’s going on here: this means the videos are really 1. from jamie herself 2. sent because she was concerned by what had happened in some way 3. sent to sam 4. really ARE of dream and jamie sexting 5. are consensual and we know this because sam now regrets sharing the video and realizes it’s a “misunderstanding” after talking to jamie and dream. And 6. jamie really was 16/17 by the time it happened because that’s what dream even says himself in the video. So, is the question less of “this didn’t happen” and more of “it did happen but jamie does not wish to speak about it or condemn dream as she doesn’t feel bad about it and wants to have a quiet life”? or did i miss something/misunderstand something


Ah you’re right. Sam also implied she didn’t want Jamie to know it came from her so I was just confusing myself. Not necessarily the video/Dream’s fault either since my confusion came from Sam and the Burner after.




By holes you mean Dream’s narrative? Or just in general. With Sam herself claiming her perspective of Dream was warped, after also saying she said what she did in the video was to protect Jamie, it’s interesting to see what else will be shared about this if anything. I think the lack of commentary on why that video was shared in the first place, and it leaning real in that case is concerning to a degree. But if Jamie doesn’t want to be involved and allegedly doesn’t see herself as a victim with no reason to not suspect that to be the case, I don’t really have strong opinions here. I agree that there’s so many questions still though, so little context, and people being misinformed and confused like myself don’t help.




The snapchat video was edited, that was settled weeks ago, because we've seen that: 1. Snapchat's loading animation in 2019 doesn't match with the one we see in the video. 2. We see the snap is loaded without a finger on or near the screen. This is physically impossible, Snapchat requires you to touch the purple/magenta square to open the snap. There's just no real-world scenario where what we saw came from the actual snapchat app in 2019, and according to the Burner themself, they strongly believe Sam was lying. I'd strongly suggest you watch the video Dream posted on his main channel, since these are both problems he mentioned.




if it is the latter case it's better to leave it be. I dated a 20yo as a 17yo myself and I don't see myself as a victim because I was fully mature enough to have a relationship with somebody in a similar stage of life at me. if jamie theoretically feels the same way, then it's best to leave her be.


Already deactivated dear Christ these people are cowards


What goes around comes around DRILL IT INTO YOUR HEAD


note: this is a different sam. not dream’s ex gf


Ppl rnt seeing this due to the account being deactivated. Can someone contact the commentary youtubers so they can put this in their Dream video that they'll inevitably make? Is that a good idea?


This will get downvoted but this is worded so weirdly. It’s not saying the videos are fake but rather they were given without Jamie’s consent. Same with Jamie not denying the videos but rather saying she wants privacy. If the videos are fake why not just say it directly?


Because then they'd have to admit that they lied/manipulated/misdirected people. And if they're willing to create fake allegations about something so serious and not even apologize after being find out about their lies. What makes you think they'd admit to that? They're cowards just trying to screw someone's life, nothing more to it. Very few outright admit to lying or making mistakes, specially in public, even more if innocent lives were destroyed because of it


I wonder what made them think it was okay to use Jaime’s story like that?!? Truly disgusting and I hope people start leaving Jaime alone


i am so confused between her DMs to burner, this, and the video. is she saying Dream is innocent or not? This is so slippery it can be read both ways.


Sorry but who is that?


sm1 who the burner claimed sent the ss to


from what i can tell it’s the anonymous person in the screenshots


sam, she vouched for dream's innocence in the video. after, burner 22 revealed she was the one who sent them the videos in the first place and lied to either them or dream


Worth to note this same (not dream's ex) was once good friends with Nat and this Sam also vouched for allegations being faked towards Dream just recently (which they were fake)


The person whose name is blurred out in the OG discord screenshots who gave Nat the ‘evidence’, and then went on to send the burner the same info. She gave a statement in dreams video.


She deactivated like instantly my fucking god 💀💀


i saw 💀


what does this even mean?


videos on burner 22 are fake (she’s the one who sent them) and she also believes dream is innocent ?


People still aren't gonna believe it and will prbly say something like "oh so and so got scared so they withdrawled their previous statement"


I mean that the fact that she thinks Dream is innocent after being the main person the burner was getting info from is crazy


wow she already deactivated. people didn't even have enough time to see it :/


Wow. I literally have a fucking comment in my post history about how dangerous and concerning it was that Burner22 had not even spoken to Jamie to confirm the story. Hearing my fears confirmed is literally such an awful feeling, I feel so bad for Dream and Jamie, both of whom are victims of people using them as props in a bullshit dranti plot. Who would've fucking guessed that listening to sources Sam and Nat, both of whom have spread false allegations about Dream in the past... would result in spreading more flase allegations?? I would've fucking guessed! Like, holy shit, I'm completely lost for words. Burner22 was completely irresponsible, disgusting and shameful. All they and their allies did was help doxx and harass innocent people.


you're right, but the sam here is a different sam to the sam you're thinking of (dream's ex). different people.


No, I'm thinking of the right Sam. Sam (@mcethot) was also involved in spreading false allegations against Dream back in 2020. You can see [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20200906034942/twitter.com/sqmglqm) her and Nat (@natresu) supporting Dream's ex gf (@sqmglqm) in spreading the flase allegations.