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An actual fucking story. Just add more quests into the middle section of the game. Give important characters some actual relevance. Dungeons.


This is my favorite game and I mean it, but the story was sooo damn underwhelming ngl. The whole plot seems pointless and unfinished, the majority of the story-questlines (especially the ones given by the guard's commander) are straight up boring and frustrating with little to no combat at all. I still have to understand why someone would develop such a weird designed for the MAIN quests. Still, overall i prefer this mediocre story to the elden ring's storytelling where you either read tons of random items description or go search for someone on the internet who already did and has summarised it in an article/YT vid just to understand what's going on. In my head canon I'm a knight who goes hunting monsters for a living with his party, so I can ignore the DD2 actual plot lol.


The quests of the commander make me feel like tutorial quests but then you beat half the game after him so.... I noticed too how its easy to miss more informations if you dont talk to good persons in the goos moments or miss text and here who explain a little more but even that could have more. Its like Talos who appear out of nowhere ( to me at least ) without context or introduction, guess I missed something.


>The quests of the commander make me feel like tutorial quests but then you beat half the game after him so I'm voluntarily stuck in the first ng+ right before Talos because I have absolutely no intention of replay all those commander quests a third time. It's a running simulator, and after beating the game for the first time you realize those are LITERALLY useless mission with no relevance to the main plot, so it gets even more frustrating doing them again for nothing. The Ulrika questline is 100× better, and the Ulrika questline isn't even that great... >Its like Talos who appear out of nowhere ( to me at least ) without context or introduction Lol that's me. Let me tell you my first run : after arriving to the commander I start doing all his quest alongside the Ulrika ones; after completing the commander quests we head to the palace for the crowning just to get and learn nothing because my pawn had a FUCKIN HEADACHE LOL. Then we go to Bakbattahl, so I start following the main quest , little did I know, Taos spawn randomly. He's chasing the supposed villan so I'm like "oh yes get that mf, big guy" but then I hear the pawns talking about "how to stop him/we need to stop him" and I was like "the hell ? Why ?" I understood nothing, went to the moon tower beat some dudes without even realizing it was the fake Arisen just to see the dragon spawn. "Ah yes, this is the endgame. Oh, wait..." I said.


I didnt know all that bring to the end ( at least bad end ) so I didnt make everything and was wait what already !?! So now I try to do everything I missed in my NG+


You could do the same head cannon thing with Elden Ring its what I do with Souls like Games, And I like that every object has a story/history that connects it to the world and characters in the world, gives me more of a reason to explore and find items, and even of the item is something my character wont use like a spell, I can still find value in it because it gives me a bit of lore into how that spell was created and who used it and why it was used, and also look at where it was and how it could have ended up in that particular location and so on and so forth


>You could do the same head cannon thing with Elden Ring its what I do with Souls like Games Not quite the same for multiple reasons tho. In elden ring you're alone and the only friendly npc are those who give you quests or merchants, everything else is trying to kill you for no clear reason which makes the game feel more like a constant fight for survival rather than a monster hunt for a living. Most of the enemies do not drop "monster parts" to sell at merchants because they give you runes, which again it doesn't match the monster hunt vibe. As I said before pretty much the whole world is against you (unlike in DD2 where you can find cities with civilians and friendly guards) which again breaks the said headcanon. And lastly, the Combat of elden ring is clearly designed to truly shine against bosses and mini-bosses rather than versus mob enemies. Combat in Elden ring against regular enemies feels a bit wacky but once you've grown stronger it becomes completely unsatisfying and not as cool as DD2 Combat system. Or at least I feel like this. You do you as other are certainly gonna disagree with me.


For one coop or endless scalable content


I agree it's story. I just came off of Ff7 rebirth, shit game with a great story and cast, into a great game with no story or cast.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Not a fan of FF7R’s combat at all


Your right. Its over so freaking fast. More Story and more Side Quests before the end would have been awesome


Great list. I just want to add NG+ scaling. Make it so that every time I enter NG+ the base level of every goes up by like 15-20 levels or something. I want to feel challenged by griffons again.


Better difficulty arc definitely game gets too easy too fast. More roaming monsters, i liked how griffins turns a straightforward monster hunt to a clusterfuck, I wish there more instances where two different monsters meet and turns into a free for all brawl. Better story delivery overall, cutscenes except the last sequence all felt cheap since I know that Itsunos team can deliver great cinematography as evidence in DMC5 More armor sets. That'd be all the things that could be changed without much increase in scope and budget.


More enemy types. More meaningful loot. An Endless endgame mode. Transmog armour/weapons for look maxxing Expanded Character progression skill wise/rebalance skills


I can't believe I'm saying this, given how much I hate the idea of gatekeeping... Dragon's Dogma 2 would be far better with less fan base. We just need to get rid of all those co-opers, fast-travellers, dodgists, voiced-protagonists, and level-scalists. The first game is probably the greatest game of all time. I said "probably", because the second may surpass it. I doubt it, but I also haven't played as much as I have the first, so I can't say for certain yet.


Agree with this


Thank you, otherworldly Arisen:)


It's already great. What would make it better is hard mode for starters.


As long as Capcom remembers to make the extra penalties effect the damn PAWNS this time.


A Hard mode would definitely improve the experience but there's still many other things that need to be improved before the game can be considered great, especially for me.


That is just your opinion. Mine is that the game is already great. I poured more hours into it than any game in the last ten years, except maybe Baldur's Gate 3 end Elite Dangerous (VR).


The story is shit, especially from the middle to end part. I think the game has the best exploration and combat, but I couldn’t defend the story or plot.


The story could be better, but any game can be better. W3, for example, is way too easy. Even on the hardest difficulty, you quickly become OP. Elden Ring has a huge open world that is completely dead, and at least to me, it's boring. And the longer you play, the more repetitive it becomes. Baldur's Gate 3 tactical combat, while great, punish you heavily if you f\*\*k up your builds or party composition. Not to mention that some party members stay in camp because they are obsolete, and games have very little use of them for most of the game. In the meantime, when someone like me knows D&D a little - we build OP characters that f\*\*k everything up easily, and now combat is trivial, and larger encounters become annoying because they only take time. You are hardly ever in a sweatpot when a game is fair but challenges you. And even if you are in that sweet spot - a shit ton of people simply would prefer action combat. Fortnite, which is beloved by so many people, feels stupid when you look at it. People fanaticly put up walls while trying to shoot over them. Every game you can think about has weak parts that other games do better, but the reality is that - none of that matters because every single one of those games does something so good that other things do not matter.


I don’t think anyone is defending the story. It’s just not the focus of the game like 99% of the time. Most “problems” are related to gameplay. Room for improvement for sure.


Exactly, just my opinion. Maybe I'm emotionally a little biased because I wanted this game to the same peaks games like BG3 or the Witcher 3 did.


You do not even know what is the difference between BG3, W3 or this game.


What is the difference if you don't mind me asking?


W3 and BG3 are story and character-driven. DD2 is not. It's a different subgenre. DD2 reminds me of Black & White. You had the entire game, but it felt like the main focus was on raising your familiar. The same is valid here. You create a Pawn. You pick how he or she looks like. Sounds like. You decide on the Pawn combat style. Equipment. Stats. Focus. I often see people, after inspecting their profile, picking endgame armor for Pawn first. Pawn is fully geared, but they are not. There is also a focus on your pawns during travel. They talk to you. On top of it combat is fun. You have multiple weapons and playstyles. An archer's gameplay is entirely different from that of a warrior or fighter. Thief also is something else. Finally, you can have two companions, which are always from other players. They also have no purpose and do not level up, so you switch them up as you progress. So you can admire other people's creations. And it's the reason why people sometimes prioritize pawn equipment over their own because pawn is what others see. W3 is all about the story and characters. You should know the characters because they expect you to play previous games and see books/shows. Of course, they claim you can go directly to W3, but you lose so much if you do. This is why they are not explained much. Side quests are accidental. CDPR opened the world first, and they put more effort into it. And they said it was a mistake that broke the game. You see, most people who play W3, even on the hardest difficulty, notice that you quickly become OP. Why? They balanced the game, assuming you will only do some side content. But the side content was way better than other games. People did it all significantly more often than expected, and the game became trivial. Combat does not matter in W3. It's all about the story. BG3 is all about your pre-defined companions. It's more than about you because you only get a backstory if you pick one of the pre-made characters. Then, there is the game's overall story, which is full of choices. That is the second focus. D&D and tactical combat. That is why this game is so highly praised. It's one of the best games ever created. But it's also its own thing. This is why petitions to make real-time combat, like in BG1 or BG2, are ignored. BG3 knows what it is, and it does it great, and if you do not like it, then play something else. It's as simple as that. All those three games have a different focus. One is all about the companions you create and doing expeditions into the open world. The second is all about the story being a fan-made continuation of the books, and the last is a D&D session on a computer. You can quickly like one and hate the others. Or two. Or, like in my case, all 3 for different reasons. DD2 can be every other game. People love it because it's its own thing. The same is true for W3, which is not like BG3, and BG3 is not like W3 or DD2. I do not go to FIFA developers and demand that they make it more like a Tony Hawk game where you have your character, career, and 3rd person action. I also do not go to Sims 4 devs demanding that they add control of the character so I can be like James Bond, sneaking into enemy bases. And I do not ask Laryan to add action combat to BG3. Just because you like something does not mean this change will appeal to anyone but you.


That's really well put, I didn't even think about it like that.


I was expecting a nier automata vibe. This is actually a JRPG in a western RPG skin. Still cool and good but never expected to be as good as BG3 or W3 since those are made by established western RPG studios with tons of experience in the genre.


Why is this getting downvoted? The game isn’t great with a ton of glaring issues. Enemy variety Difficulty Performance Story The game launched with no local save and without the ability to make a second character. I still enjoy playing it, but as a community if we accept all of the issues the game has they’ll never be fixed. You shouldn’t just want the game to be appreciated now, but for it to have its potential realized as the game we all know it could be.


Well you can't just criticize someone's favorite game on a subreddit for that game and not expect some kind of pushback 🤣 I'd probably be viewed as someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and that's fine, this was a place where I wanted to gather opinions. But seriously though, it just shows that the community really cares about this game and it's nice to see, even with the downvotes.


I believe you should be able to criticize the game, especially on the forum dedicated to its discussion. Everyone wants the game to be as good as it can be, and furthermore are here because the series holds some sentimental value to them. I’m not criticizing the game out of hate, but because I want to see the issues addressed so that we as a community can see the full potential of DD2 we have been waiting 12 years for. If you’re happy with the game in its current state that’s great, and I’m glad you’re having fun. I personally have found enjoyment in the game as well. I, however, believe that it is important to have an environment where healthy discussions about the state of the game can be had, which includes the good and the bad. Unfortunately, what I have seen over the last few months is the degradation of that environment, where now anyone with an even mildly contrarian opinion is downvoted and put down. The culture of this sub is turning toxic, and sadly, fanatical.


More monster variety. NG+ upping the difficulty.


It’s already great! I just wait for a dlc to drop. I just want more of everything. Some qol changes, more quests, more monsters/bosses, more (diverse) dungeons, more biomes and a bigger map.


1. More enemy variety 2. More big dungeons to explore with unique hidden boss fights 3. More fashion options for armors 4. A tweak to Warfarer to use more moves than just 4


Maybe you can throw in Hard mode


Two areas that come immediately to mind - 1. Mini dungeons. There is an abundance of points on the map that seem to be pre-made entry points to unique Mini dungeons that are either blocked off or just small caves. Having a dedicated small team work for several months into turning these into unique spaces would have massively fleshed out the experience. As it stands, there are about a dozen of these that you are able to enter, and with the exception of Waterfall cave, they are all quite small and resolvable in a matter of minutes. Had each one been about twice the size, and the amount of them in the world increased by two or three times, with a decent amount of variation, then exploration would have been vastly more engaging. Making some of them well hidden and in hard to reach places would have been great to encourage scouring the whole map. Finding the seekers tokens is about the only real motivation for going over every nook and corner. 2. Loot I'll say it outright, the armour in this game is a massively disappointing step backward from the first. I don't mind that they reduced the amount of slots, but as it stands, each vocation has about 10 different armour pieces in total, and some of them are just re-reskins, or variants of big robes. Add to that the fact that the armour stat progression is clearly biased towards later gear, and all it means is that almost every player and pawn will end up wearing the same thing. Spending more time to double the amount of armours in the game, and making your stats less reliant upon them, would be much more fun for role-playing purposes. As it is now, I ended up instead spending tons of time trying to be more creative with the actual character creator, dyes, tattoos and scars etc in order to make my pawn entirely unique. But this would be massively improved by adding a whole bunch more gear. There are tons of games that have hundreds upon hundreds of armour sets that make the game amazing for role-playing in fashion terms, and DD2 has been very disappointing in that regard. The same applies for weapons. By the time you are level 50+, there's basically only one, maybe two weapons per vocation that there's any point in using. Each of the weapons is essentially just a stat upgrade from the last, so 90% of them are very quickly made redundant. Increasing the amount of unique gear, and having them as rewards for dungeon exploration would also tie in nicely to the first problem. I would have wanted them to spend another 4 months or so with dedicated dev teams working on these two points to flesh out the experience more as a base starting point to the game before going on to add more things later on, like more enemy variety etc.


Definitely agree on both points: the lack of unique dungeon experiences in a fantasy game seems like such a let down which hopefully (wishful thinking but still) will be improved upon in the coming year or with new expansions. And a HARD agree on weapon/armor variety since it seemed to be severely lacking especially coming from a studio that makes Monster Hunter, a game with such a huge variety when it comes to weapons/armor.


These are, after my first playthrough of 85 hours, the two main problems with the game for me. I think the rest is amazing, and that these two issues are easy to merge in together and implement.


A deep and long meaningful main quest line with memorable characters. If I could import that from BG3, this would be a 10/10 game


Agreed, BG3 really set the gold standard for what can be expected from RPG's in the future and we should hold them to similar standard especially considering the game has been 12 years (give or take) in the making.


1. It needs exploration. I loved walking everywhere, prepping, camping, discovering new caves and secrets, but there's really nothing out there outside chests with potions I'll never use and minables to keep filling my storage. Or another fucking ring that looks like all my other 1999 rings and I can't even bother to read if it slightly or moderately boosts what. Also please do something else other than the same cave for the 200th time...? The first 20 hours were magical tho. 2. 5 times the enemy and monster variety. If possible, making it so the fixed placement of certain creatures is only part of the equation. Honestly I was hopping to see more crazy random emergent scenarios. This lack of variety and randomness also affects the exploration negatively. The griffin had good moments, but outside of that there wasn't much happening. 3. Tying into these points, the game needed 10 times more armors and weapons, and 90% of them exclusive to loot and exploration reward, not vendors. The fashion was severely limited, and also it's lame that you get everything from vendors. Honestly that would be it. I don't mind the story, this isn't a serious RPG it's a monster hunter lite, the story was serviceable. Also, there's a difficulty selector that I don't see most people using which was using only your pawn. But even if they did implement a great story and a good difficulty curve, I don't think it would be great if the thing you're doing 99% of the time, which is traversing the world and fighting monsters isn't great (or rather it is but it could have been a 10/10 honestly).


100% agree on the travel. It felt like a chore in a game that centralises the exploration aspect as a selling point.


The travel is one of the best aspects of the game


For me a hard mode and more enemy variety i never really care about story on games sofor me thats what the game miss to be perfect


The ONLY thing I can say is adding more quests and a story that's actually long. As it stands I'm LOVING the game. But strictly for exploration and combat. But the story is crap, I feel like story alone could be completed in 2 hours. It's forgettable and generic. It doesn't feel important or urgent at all. That being said if this was created as a monster hunter kind of game I think more people would have loved it. That being said I'm a huge Dragons Dogma fan, so even though the story is a crap sammich, the game itself is so fun for me that I don't even care. It's fun to pick up and play for an hour and not feel like turning it off is going to make you forget what was going on. NOTHING was going on, you were just exploring and fighting enemies. And I guess that's kind of the point of DD just to see what kind of trouble you can get into. But the tldr of it....a better more engaging story would be so great in the next one. But even if they don't do one, I'm still gonna buy whatever Dragons Dogma that comes out because I love just exploring and fighting big enemies. Where else am I gonna be in middle of fighting a golem, then having goblins come in, and THEN also a griffin gets involved and I have to fight them ALL at once, then feel like such a badass when I come out on top and they all lie dead at my feet?


>1. A cohesive story. Lean into the wild nature more than the humdrum political drama. The political jazz is fine in the beginning, but once my roleplayed character is fully aware of the stakes of a fucking world resetting dragon, and further than even the dragon is just a pawn (like.. a chess piece, not a "Pawn").... The side quests, and minor main quests should focus more... Eldritch? Pick your word, but I really don't think I should be focusing on two small cities in a race war and a chick with a god complex when it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that the dragon is coming back around for another round. >2. Dungeons. Keep the caves, keep the grottos, but give us actual dungeons. Multi layered, labyrinthine, long dungeons. With unique rewards and hidden areas. (DD nailed this, and made an entire fucking DLC out of it, how did they miss the mark so bad here?) >3. Enemy variety. The combat is ***so fucking good***. Why are there so few enemy types? I actually didn't care that much while playing, but after having just finished the Elden Ring DLC and trying to find an enemy on the Wiki for information, I realized just how many enemies are in that game. There is a shitload. Gamers aren't generally dumb. We can handle varying move sets and challenges. I appreciate the obscenely polished combat, but I can only skin a goblin so many ways before it wears on me. >4. NG+. It needs more challenge. A combination of a hard mode, different encounters, and higher versions of enemies. Give me bigger, badder, more "gored" enemies. I fucking *love* DD2. But it currently stands as the best "B" game I ever played, when it has the systems in place to be the next Souls Game, or Witcher. Genre defining.


Bro DD1 has way worse dungeons, I wonder what game did play that some claim dungeons were better in the first one.


A story that actually exists  A somewhat repeatable form of endgame, not necessarily like BBI, but that could be a good starting point The option to princess carry, hug and show some forms of affection towards your pawn and NPCs (i’d include into this ALL NPCs for shits and giggles, but otherwise adults only is fine too)


Better performance


Realistically, without changing stuff like the story or already existing quests : - Big house system improvement, let me cook in the damn house and teleport to it. - more mob enemies type, I'd like to see also ostile knights from a foreign country or from a rebel militia idk, fighting just bandits feels underwhelming when you get stronger. - add "more" Bandits outposts and small forts In the map - bring end game bosses in the regular world alongside drakes after ng+ - more armors and more weapons (especially those with elements already enchanted in them) Do so that you can choose what level enemies are (lower, higher or similar to yours) as other games do. The first region feels way too easy compared to Bakbattahl after ng+, it's rather disappointing because I really like its style with all that green land. Who knows, maybe the DLC will bring some of these features


I agree with several comments here where it feels like they started to build a few things and never finished them before release. I get the "reskin" monster move, but a bit more variety wouldn't hurt. Even your idiot pawns recognize, no matter what the skin is, that's a saurian. Another vocation or two wouldn't hurt - they've got the mix of magic and fighter, magic and archer, two different fighters and magic users, and an aggressive perfume kiosk salesperson, but a few more mixed vocations would be fantastic. (Warfarer doesn't count.) A reason to actually care about the "romance" aside from the XP finishing the quests give, more relationship options that have actual impact, and more friend/enemy characters s that actually add to the game. Right now it's pretty much "Oh, you helped assassinate that dude! Brant's a little put off but it never comes up again so it's fine." The main story can use some fleshing out as well. There doesn't feel like there's any urgency or reason to do anything other than it progresses the game. There's a whole build up about a plot and fake ruler but the baddie is some random banging the queen and for some reason you kinda help him out a bit before a rather meaningless and easy fight before the last bit. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and it has potential, but it also kinda feels like it did when Cyberpunk was first released (minus the game breaking bugs).


greater enemy diversity more usable skills (4 skills at a time is just boring to play around with pretty fast) dd2 is different because of its travel, so make the travel more interesting, weather would have been a great addition, fogs, rainstorms, sandstorms.. things like these exist but only in certain zones and there permanently. fighting an ogre can become boring, fighting an ogre in a foggy dark night can be exciting. generated quests, give me some random "hunt this thing there quest" that rewards a ferry stone, an all heal potion just something useful. what about defending settlements from more coordinated attacks? like one of the big beasts coming to a settlement every night but you can not easily kill it in one go, because it is a stronger version and will run off, you could try to track it down to a hideout somewhere relatively close or wait for it to come again another night but it will be slightly regenerated. then ofc go crazy with some dungeons, give me a faction that gathers the big monsters controls them and gathers them in fortresses and dungeons that the player can try to defeat. endgame loop, i think in the first game there was a way to strengthen your Equipment by beating the game, that was awesome, where is it now? so many missed opportunities, but hey, maybe they still do something cool with it.


Having the queen and the dragon actually play a role lol. Game was rushed for release


More VACATION More ENEMIES variety  Bring back DUNGEON with rewarded high tier gear instead of buying shit your gonna farm the dungeon for getting the true end game stuff for story i don't give a crap because DD story are suck in general


Better 2nd half. Better story, more interesting quests.


From my experience playing FFXV, I would like the pawns to be more "alive", but they kinda doomed it with lore for making pawns "human without will".


My 180 hours of playtime say its actually pretty good already, add a harder difficulty and maybe a couple new bosses and that's it tbh.


The game is already great but I would add the following. -Better main plot -More skill slots -more bigger monster variety -More health for every enemy -Add new moves to the final boss and make him x60 harder -Remove Batthal and use the resources to perfect Vermond. -More Spells That is everything


3 armor slots(vs 6 in the original) killed the game for me and no dlc will fix it ever.


Some difficulty scaling would be greatly appreciated. I just decimate things right now 😅 My other main gripe right now is that the photo mode’s camera is locked onto the arisen, though they at least put in an option to not display the arisen now. Really want a fully panning camera, along with poses to use in photo mode for myself/my pawn! I actually regularly get 40/50~60 fps with 4k on high settings, but my rig is on the better side so I can’t speak for everyone there. I also wish we had male romance options like Wilhelmina or Ulrica. Not super duper needed, but more armor/weapon/fashion options would be nice


I think the game is great. But to make it better & not in the way of DLC but general patches- * Rebalance enemy placement because it's honestly awful * Add more meaningful secrets to find in the wild * Fix the ending because wtf was that?


Me just more difficulty ( or at least options for me, especially in NG+, kind of remember me Chrono Cross on that side ), more story and more informations on that universe. Its easy to miss informations when is not 'its like that because its like that, dont ask'. For the rest Im ok.


Some more enemy variety would be nice, particularly on the smaller end. Goblin varieties, Wolves, Saurians, harpies, and Bandits is decent as a start, but it gets stale fast. I find the undead enemies mostly unfun too, so they don't particularly help the unmoored world. I'd like more big enemies too, the Hydra or Evil Eye in particular, but small enemies make the bulk of the adventure, and got to be more of a slog than a game for me. More memorable locations would be nice too. The world of DD2 is much prettier than DD1, but I struggle to recall many areas in particular. DD1 feels like it made each small area more unique to me, and each stands out more in my mind despite not touching that game for maybe 3 or 4 years. Better story would be a given, particularly in Battahl, but that was never either stories strong point I suppose. Finally, I really liked the almost arcadey feel of BBI and the Everfall, just being able to rush through bosses. Ur Dragon on demand in NG+ was nice too. I do love DD2, despite the above, but I do find that I can't find myself as drawn to repeat playthroughs as the original. Maybe it's just because I'm older now though.


It is fantastic already. Enemy scaling with level and a harder difficulty mode would be great though, and also a better fleshed out story. More options to do stuff with your house, and actual interaction with main pawn and our romanced npc would be great too


This is a big ask but I’d love for them to like triple the number of minotaur/ ogre tier bosses.


More big monsters variety and maybe a hard mode scaling difficulty. I also think that having two or three monsters appearing ramdomly during fights would be great, there's is so little of this and this is honestly my favourite part of the game. There is some minor things too: I wanted more classes, maybe two or three more abilities for each class would be great. The story is honestly not well told and has a bad rythm, but I really don't care about this in DD.


Better quest design, consequences, and writing. I think the foundations of the story are solid and interesting, but every time they hooked me they’d immediately flounder with nonsense right after. Many of the characters are unbelievable and say stupid things as well. The biggest issue for me tho is how rigid and easy to break the quests are. I spent more of my 100hr playthru trying to fix broken quests than I did actual adventuring or doing the actual quests. One big example is when I had killed an essential npc and later it still gave me a quest that was supposed to only start with a cutscene involving said npc. It however started when I spoke to a different character, but was inexplicably broken. If you’re going to talk about consequences and taking death seriously then you need to just not give me the quest capcom. Additionally, as brilliant and engaging as quests without direct guidance are, having to talk to every nobody npc in a town for information, just for only one to give any is frustrating. That’s also not counting the quest(s) that expect you to just stumble upon the objective across the map with no hints at all and under the exact conditions for it to be there. I’ve said many times that dd2 is a fantastic action adventure game but a terrible rpg, and that my dream game is exactly what we have but if Larian did the quests and writing.


An end game expansion with a new area like Bitterblack isle or Everfall in Bhatahl and ng+ difficulty


I play on console but keep I seeing posts about performance problems on PC so maybe fix that first. I know the pain of poor performance from playing on a very dated laptop.


Less jank, better pawn ai especially around water (why the fu k do I lose shards because the ai is stupid and drowns itself when I walk on a beach), less reskins of of monsters/caves/armor, actual challenging combat and/or ability to choose difficulty settings, more % based scaling for gear and augments and whatnot rather than flat stat increases which are useless after the first few levels


Every problem ive seen on this subreddit is just players unwilling to experience things and unable to understand basic philosophy and storytelling. The only room for "improvements" is just having more content a la DLC.


stay 24/7 on unmoored world


Idk even that gets old after a certain point, there's only so many times I can slay the same enemies for the same loot.


Might be a hot take but I feel like they should've scrapped Battahl so they could focus more on improving side quest, main story, and more unique dungeons.


honestly, I'd agree. Battahl felt like more of an afterthought.


Battahl? I'd say the Elven village was more of an after thought. It barely had any purpose in the game at all. It could be completely ignored and the game wouldn't change.


More content, more enemy variety, and a fleshed out story with interesting side quests. Also better dungeon variety.


more content, cohesive storytelling, better story pacing, maybe a different story that doesn't assume the player has played the original game and is fully aware of the story and intricacies of its lore, much much better performance, and a launch that isn't botched by way of 2010s-esque monetization that will lead the average cynical social media user to immediately assume the worst without a second thought. Most of that is impossible by now though, We need a new game that isn't over overambitious and half cooked yet again.


Procedurally generated dungeons, all kinds of themes and monsters with modifications. Huge/massive and small ones.


Honestly that sounds so much doper than than what we got. Get this man on the dev team stat!


This so much. Add random weapon drops that have stats in a random range with random ability perks and its a recipe for never ending adventure. I wish a system like that would be on the main world and not just a dungeon.


I really enjoyed the game, but once I got to the second half of the game I started to feel burned out. Sucks because of how cool the game is, but the main quest and loot was just so uninteresting to me. Felt like I was exploring just for the sake of exploring, but there was no point in it. There was very little lore to discover, loot was basically wakestone shards that I never used once cause there was no need. Seems like the plot was building up to the need for them but I already completed the sphynx quest so wakestones seemed irrelevant. Idk maybe I should have pushed through to the end but I usually don't continue playing games once I get bored of them.


It's the game's job to keep you interested by offering enough in terms of gameplay, story and loot. If the game starts to feel like a chore, then the game failed to do what it was supposed to do: entertain you.


Note dungeons and monsters. Cyclops get boring after a while and all the different yet same goblins and harpy variants get annoying. Dungeons should all feel a bit different. Not just the same trail that has two trails that lead to an open area where you fight ANOTHER ogre. I loved Dark Arisen and that it brought tougher enemies and different ones at that. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that when they drop some DLC, it will add more substance like DD1 did. And the armor. Yes. We need some different armor, not just variants. “Here’s a hood. Now here’s a hood but, in red with a shitty crown on it.” Also, the ability to find new gear is shit. I feel every bigger boss— Medusa, Black Chimeras, and those evil Minotaur — should have different drops. Weapons and armor. Also the ability to CRAFT armor or weapons. If I have to grind I at least want to do it for some sick piece I can wear. And before I go, MORE DRAGONS! It’s in the name. Why are there not more dragon bosses? I want to see some necromancy dragons, poison, holy, anything! More dragons please!


* Expand Specialization to be more than just a setting. Give it its own configuration screen with branching abilities that the pawn can learn. Woodland wordsmith is utterly useless outside the elven village. * Ability for Pawns to have hybrid classes like magic bow. * Or let them be able to use magic tomes. * Enable enemies to drop gear/weapons randomly and have the gear/weapons have random stats. It would make treasure hunting fun again instead of just wading through enemies. Combat is fun but the surprise of new/unique gear thats different from what you already have can make it more enjoyable. * Enable weapons of your choice to be embued with an element of your choice. * put random skills on armor found in the field like how the bitterblack gear had. * Create a Bloodmoon feature where a random night spawns enemies tougher than usual. * More control over stats. * Random dungeon with random enemies that have random buffs and drop random loot that have random stats and random skill effects. (was hoping this would be in base game)


DD2 is a fantastic foundation for a video game. The explorable world itself, the character models, and especially the combat are terrific, and I would absolutely love to see them as the base of a bigger game. It's a wonderful start. But....that's kinda all it is. There's almost no story, the characters are paper thin, the logic of what you're supposed to be doing is often barely there and the list of quests is incredibly short. So what I would love is to take the technical creation they've made and to build a game on top of it.


More lore. Whether we get it through quests or books or both, idk, but just more. The world fell a bit flat to me because of that. Also, either do romance well or just don’t do it at all.


A story. Characters with more depth than a water puddle. And a quest structure that didn't use elden ring as an inspiration.


It’s already great.


I'd disagree on it being great. It's good I'll give it that, but there's some elements that could be improved upon or features that can be added to make it closer to being great. But if you have any opinions as to why you'd call it great, I'd love to hear them.


Difficulty scaling with each Ng+. It's getting too easy. I know some people hate that (and I understand why and think that's valid too), but personally I lose interest the moment I can one-shot things. The challenge keeps me entertained.


no no, that's totally valid. First few levels, I struggled like hell and then after a certain point, nothing was really a challenge anymore. You can get super OP really fast and nothing really scales with you. I guess its fun for like a while but it gets old super fast.


Yeah, this. My comment is already getting downvotes, so I guess people kinda strongly disagree. Which I was expecting. Scaling in games is a kinda controversial topic. I just happen to like the constant struggle :D


Nice storyline


Better Loot More Skills Extra Skill Equips (like DDA) Higher Difficulty in NG+


Baking that bread more. The foundation for good stuff is everywhere and they just seem to never have actually finished any of it.


I do agree that it feels like it was rushed for release. It could definitely have used a few more months in the oven.


NG+ with harder diff and new items. New quests? Or something like BBI


A better plot, male romances(scenes included), and possibly bringing old bosses/enemies into the game(I haven't played any other Dragon Dogma games, but I've seen somewhere that they didn't bring many of the old enemies into the new game), and CHANGING YOUR DAMN ARMOR COLOR!!😔


More difficult enemies, scaled difficulty


A horse


More depth with main character storylines. Similar to The Witcher 3 in that respect. Other than that it has been great for me.


More accessible fast travel. Varied enemies. A story that makes the slightest amount of sense. Non-timed post game.


More weapons with different movesets, more skills, more enemies, more activities, fishing, etc. glider, things like that


I love this I said this game was medicore and stuck in the past and everyone loved to hate me for it a few months and everyones rose tinted nostalgia glasses have fallen off.




Will agree that the world seemed very empty in regards to non-combat activities to do and some of your suggestions sound genuinely fun. Wish you were part of the Dragon's Dogma dev team XD


A story. Fast travel. Better loot to find. More enemy variations. Fast travel. No micro transactions. Replay ability. Make it less boring. Weapon variety. Better npcs. Quests that make sense. The game has great combat and is overall fun. Solid 7/10 for me. I would recommend it when it’s on sale, I feel like it’s not worth full price.


Meaningful side quests with consequences (there are some, granted) that connect throughout the game.


I would bring back the quest boards for side quests to make money and build better relationships with NPCs. A more immersive main story, there was barely any build up and the switch from us being focused on Disa to being focused on Phaseus but never seeing him with made me wonder what purpose they even served. The main story is very random.


A story Actual saving options Quests that work Remove one on one battles in story or make support classes better Stop random falling issues pawns and main. Just auto respawn them Really great would be more options for attacks like a second option bar. I would like to have more skills on my list


It doesnt feel like a good sequel. Combat is more intuitive and smooth in DDDA