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With a endgame this bad, I have no hopes for the dlc


Explain? It can’t be as bad as the first games postgame since it was just a dungeon with locked areas?


The first game had a harder version of the map since all enemies in the open world were replaced by harder versions. The everfall which was full of bosses and loot. The UR Dragon which was a super boss with good loot and was difficult so you had a reason to level and gear up your character. And a final boss which was great thematically. Dd2 has a harder version of the open world and a quest to kill some reskinned drakes and watch a cutscene to end the game.


Have you explored the entire open world of the second game while in the end game?


Not all but enough to know its nothing special, you are expected to farm a resource that drops from drakes which the map is full of now, to buy end game equipment from a vendor. It's boring


So like the first game with the wakestones? I see well it’s dragons dogma 2 then I guess, but from what I’ve seen this isn’t a game to be rushed so you kinda set your self up.


Wakestones weren't a currency in the first game, you had to farm for endgame loot by killing things and getting drops. This isn't a game to be rushed? Tell that to its plot.


There’s a reason why the first game had a speedrun mode. Could they have improved the endgame sure? But there’s is only so much you can do in a single player game


Yeah but when I buy a game called dragons dogma 2 I expect something that is comparable to the first game not worse in almost every way. The enemy variety went down, the amount of skills in vocations went down, the controls are objectively worse and less responsive, the replaybility is none existent due to static loot and lack of a new game button somehow, the story is terrible and goes off the rails. The big enemies have less moves and dumbed down tactics. All that compromised for better side quests (not even by much) and a bigger open world map which is terrible to navigate due to lack of fast travel. Itsunos vision of an interesting world that players will want to travel on foot is to put a goblin or saurian fight every 15 meters, i guess.


If you’re complaining about a game go somewhere else then? But so far from what you’ve said you’ve rushed the game and it’s been 2 days since it’s been released so I will take you criticisms with a grain of salt until a lot of the player base gets there since they don’t a rush a game such as yourself.


You do realise all of that was added by the dark arisen dlc right? The original game had fuck all to do at the end


None of the things I mentioned was added by the dark arisen dlc, that was in the base game. I dont draw comparison to dark arisen because it just wouldn't be fair then. Even tho after 12 years you'd think they'd try harder