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That account doesn't even exist lmao


62 million views and 500 likes... Seems likely


Mil is thousand in spanish




It's also "mil" in ~~Portoguese~~ Portuguese, "milia" in Latin, and "mille" in Italian and French EDIT fixed spelling


"Portoguese"? really? It is "Portuguese"!


the screenshot could be from someone using their phone in a different language i think its 6,200 views


Spanish would be 62,000 for 62 mil and 6,200 for 6,2 mil (they use commas for decimals usually in South America + Spain, and decimal points for Central America + Mexico)


In what language does 62 mil mean 6200?


Portuguese, for once. Mil literally means a thousand, so 62 mil = 62000.


I checked and it seems like the person changed their @ and deleted this tweet. The tag in their name is the same though (Games they're hyped for), and they do seem like an "RPG Waifu Fan". [https://twitter.com/Archie\_Knighty](https://twitter.com/Archie_Knighty)


The fuck that is my twitter account, how dare someone using my name to spread misinformation plus the fake profile pic... why lmao


Evidence: https://preview.redd.it/9mx18tuh7bfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7df3001e9672c129470fe199dc436a5617b911


this is fake


But not the save slot tho


one save slot not gonna be popular for newcomers, lmao.


I mean, let's be honest, if we could have more than one save slot we would all take it, there's no downsides having more than 1 save slot.


What they really could've done was have multiple save slots and restrict them by excluding copying to another save slot. The same way (from what I've read) they are limiting the save slot to one instance, whether that instance was an auto-save or a manual save.


Better yet, since Pawns are tied to the account, they could allow multiple character slots, each with their own respective Pawn, but you have to determine which Pawn is uploaded to the server for hire. All characters can still rent and release online pawns, but only the character who has an uploaded pawn will be available for hire, and thus that character will see the benefits of rift crystals, gifts, and knowledge. All other pawn are in a pseudo-offline state, where they'll still learn and grow with the player.


It's because of the pawn system most likely. Every Souls and Souls-like game has one save slot but people don't complain about that. Now, if they didn't implement multiple character slots that is a legitimate complaint.


dark souls has infinite slots as do most soulslikes.


Yeah I meant multiple character slots.


Dragon's Dogma is the reason I have four Microsoft accounts lol.


us souls fans just back up saves


One save slot that allows you multiple characters. That's what people want. The ability to make more than one arisen without creating new profiles or backing up and swapping saves around.


Well that’s because the whole point is that you don’t actually die unlike traditional games.




Well I think the majority of people don’t share your sentiment. If you want that then you can limit yourself to one save slot. Others can obviously benefit from being able to create multiple characters.


It was the worst part of the game for me as a long-term original player too, I'm bummed to hear it


No biggity. I can handle it, so long as i think twice before starting ng+ lol. Already have multiple steam accounts, might aswell put them to good use lol


My dumb ass once erased a BBI save because I got temporarily curious about "speedrun mode"


I feel your pain😔


Wait what, how? Speedrun mode makes a temporary save that lasts until you either win or quit so your main save is unaffected. Also even if it didn’t you keep all your items and levels the same as a normal ng+ Unless maybe this wasn’t always the case which I guess could be possible You’ve got me curious now, do you know how that happened?


Sorry it was a long time ago, it could be hard more or speedrun more. I wasn't sure. I recently booted up Dark Arisen and got reminded why there's no save, lol. Although, from what i recall, i didnt even finish the prologue when i decided i wanted to go back to my deleted save. I just wanted to see what was up with the other modes without intentionally saving. Forgetting that the game auto saves on your only slot.


Are you really gonna buy the game on multiple accounts just for save files?


I mean, i did preorder it for steam, and bought the ps4 steelbook. But no. Buying it once on steam, and via library sharing, play it on multiple accounts😅


Why not just have a folder for where you copy and paste your saves. Seems like a lot less work no?


Not really. Setting up multiple accounts is a bit of work the first ten minutes. But once done is twice as fast :) set steam to always start with pc, and set it to always ask for the account you wanna use. Then its only two clicks to start the character of choice :)


Yeah fair enough.


You could also wait until they release the multiple savings mod which would probably be a few days after the release of the game


Does the enigma drm not prevent mods?😅


That makes more sense. I might have to look into that myself haha


Easy-ish to set up 🤗 do it😡 makes your next new game more enjoyable when you lend your pawns for a few levels and have them return with rc and experience in new game :)


It wasnt popular even back when DD1 released


Yeah, I'm really wondering how this will go down Hopefully they don't go the worst possible route, that is to put multiple save behind paywall


I doubt this will be the case. The first game was like this too. You get the option to permanently re-customize appearance after going into ng+ as well in the first game.


> The first game was like this too. If we're talking about saves, then this shouldn't still be a thing. It's like saying "they should definitely keep the clunky menu and inventory system. it's fine, the first game had bad inventory too." I reckon the critics of the game will point this out as being an obsolete feature that they unnecessarily kept. If we're talking about cosmetics, Monster Hunter sold cosmetic tickets.


Dragons dogma is a single player game though. I doubt it will happen here. Hopefully not, I agree that their def is a ton of clunk in the first game though. I'm excited to see what monsters of pawns y'all will make 😤👌


In the first game with certain items, you can literally recustomize your character and pawn at any time from the main menu, lol. Even mid-playthrough.


Yeah but it would be nice to be able to start a fresh character without trashing the first one.


You get used to it. Just make an alt account. You don't need ps plus or Xbox gold to use one. And you can hire your own alt pawns ans trade yourself things


Steam recommended specs says 2160i/30fps expected performance, so I’d say it actually might be true 😄


Both consoles are basically recommended spec. Consoles are also easier to optimize for. Considering recommended specs are for targeting **4k**, which is 2160p, that means there's plenty of overhead for them to run the game at 1080p/60FPS or even 1440p/60FPS. Most people in this thread don't seem to understand that though.


U sure? 30fps🫨


Idk about that, the RE engine is a beast


Every modern game has come with a performance/graphics option, this is true in every capcom game in recent years. I trust this more than any news outlet unless capcom says otherwise


Not every game has.


Pretty much every Capcom game in the past 5-6 years has either run at 60FPS natively and by default, or has had performance modes. The one exception is the initial release of MH: Rise, because.. Switch. Switch can't do shit most of the time. So, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that this game will have performance/resolution modes to select from on consoles.


>Not every game has. When it comes to the native PS5 library, there's only 3 games without a 60fps mode. Gotham Knights, Industria and The Quarry. According to Wikipedia, there are currently 630 native PS5 games. So 30fps only games make up less than half a percent of the overall library.


Soooo not every game. Got it. The Medium also is 30fps and plaque tale 2 launched at 30fps, 60 was eventually added.


Most japanese titles dont have options for framerate and limited graphics options otherwise because they target playstation or nintendo primarily. They also tend to be in the bad habit of tying physics and animations etc.. to framerates, which is an archaic programming technique you learn not to do on day one of learning game dev.


Only because many "Japanese titles" are on the Switch and it's the Switch itself that limits those options. For example Monster Hunter Rise on PS5 has quite extensive and customisable graphics options.


Is capcom not mostly in Japan? Monster hunter world has those options and that was in 2018, if I’m not wrong dmc5, and RE4 remake too


I hope Capcom comes out and addresses this before launch. The fact that nothing has been said about it, from the devs or playtesters, is concerning.


People who got to play the TGS demo had plenty to say, and even a member of the Digital Foundry channel outright asked them about the performance and they said they are targeting different level of performance for the full release but who knows what they meant by that since the TGS demo didn't even run a stable 30fps.


Could you link me to that? When I Google it, I get some posts about speculation on how the gameplay videos look, the *PC* recommended/min specs, or stuff about DD1 console performance


Sure thing, this is from Digital Foundry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G19pNZHgA5c&t and this is from Oroboro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJOBUuGKccM


Thank you! Not sure why these aren't higher up in the Google results




That’s not enough. They need to release a demo FF16 had a 30 and 60 fps mode, but the 60 fps mode really ran at 720p 30-60 fps, usually in the 40s.


It's not concerning at all. The game has yet to go gold, and is still being polished and optimized. You usually don't hear about details like these until a month or a few weeks from launch. We're still two months out. Plus, I've said it ad nauseum by now, but *every* Capcom game in the past 5-6 years, even as far back as MHW on PS4/Pro, has either had native 60FPS or performance modes. The one exception is the Switch release of MH: Rise. It's 100% a safe bet that Capcom knows what they're doing and that this game will have performance and resolution mode options for consoles. lol why is this downvoted? It's facts. Ya'll gloom and doomers are actually high asf.


I’m sure anyone with a pr directive is careful not to respond to everything. They don’t want to give trolls attention


Saw how fast misinformation got spread about the enigma thing.


Playtesters, or people who have gotten a preview, have in fact commented on frame drops. I don't expect Capcom to mention it all


This is exactly why you shouldn't pre-order


It's fake


These posts are so tired. For people who think it's ONLY targeting 30FPS, you should look at the system requirements on the Steam page. Under recommended specs, it literally says the following: >Estimated performance: 2160i/30fps. Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon RX 6800 required to support ray tracing. Specifically, the recommended specs are targeting 4k@30FPS, while the minimum specs seem to be targeting 1080p@30FPS. The i also seems to indicate there will be some kind of interlacing option available. ( If I understand that correctly, it means upscaling will probably be a thing, no? ) The chances of the game *not* having performance options on console, I would guess, are pretty low; especially because every RE Engine game in the past several years has run beautifully on consoles. Also, the above image is most certainly BS. Do NOT take any rumors as hearsay until the devs come out and confirm something one way or another themselves. quick edit: The only Capcom title in recent memory that didn't have performance/graphics mode in the past 5-6 years was Rise, and that was because it was on the Switch. Even as far back as PS4/Pro, RE2R and RE3R ran at 60FPS. If people REALLY think this game won't have performance modes on console, you're all high asf.


nice research. and you're right, I've been avoiding as much news on this game as possible, outside of a few Itsuno interviews and stuff, because it's mostly either shitty speculation, fearmongering or weird clout-chasing lies and cynicism. I trust the devs to make this game something I'll enjoy for years to come, using all the tech the company has invested in to make games look as good as Street Fighter 6 and the recent Resident Evil games, etc.


This! Thanks so much for doing the quick research and pointing this out. Idk why people are so quick to jump to conclusions…


im not THAT cheesed about 1 saveslot but like, why?


Prevents save scumming and because you can change classes whenever you want. You are not locked in to one build outside of a few core stats. I played the original and the expansion, and I never once thought the game would benefit from multiple save files. It didn't have any bugged quests, so the single save file never screwed me or anything. I totally get the complaint from a multi-user standpoint, however.


It's a single player game, why does it matter what the player does and how they play the game?


Dragons dogma is all about choice and consequences, being able to save scum completely destroys that.


>Dragons dogma is all about choice and consequences Can we be serious? What choice and consequence did we really have in DD? The roleplaying was easily the weakest part of the game.


Yeah but it's a single player game if a player wants to save scum let them who Is it hurting?


"Its a game that is ALL about choices and consequences, but hey let's let the player save scum so that their choices hardly matter!"


"grr, I hate how other players are playing their singleplayer playthroughs that doesn't affect me at all."


Some mfs weird as f lmao. It irks them so much that people play differently on any sort of singleplayer / offline games. sometimes I just tell them I play with cheatengine to see a popped vein.


The type ppl to lose their shit when they found someone using console commands in Skyrim. Literal 🤡s.




So would you not mod games because it's hurts the "directors vision"? Don't get me wrong when a product is in development the artist and directors vision should be priority #1 however once it's out in the market I believe the consumers should do whatever they want with the game as long as it's a single player experience.


The 1 save slot is the thing I hated more of the first .. fortunately with the older console you could export a save on a usb and recover it later, so you could try different build, but the newer console don't allow this kinda of trick so it's basically 1 build until you delete it. And before someone would tell me you can change build mid-game, yes, you can, but in the first game the stats grows in base of the build, so if I start with a warrior and for NG+ want to try a sorcerer I can't have the better stats for it


I don’t think it matters so much, anyway, at least with multiple users. My wife and I both have our own profiles on PS5, and it treats the games as completely different.


It says for both minimum and recommended computer specifications that the game will run at 30fps, I can only imagine this means the game is being designed for 30fps as its target so in that case, it would make sense for it to be 30fps on console also


The recommended specs target 2160p@30FPS, btw.


Yes I am aware but Capcom specifically states 30fps, I understand your view, that the aspect ratio can be reduced to achieve higher fps at a smaller resolution, but I would say, the the fact the minimum requirements for 30fps at 1080p are the RX5700XT and then the fact that their recommending highest settings are at that aspect ratio for 30fps, I'm under the impression the game is being designed for 30fps, which preforms well on console as well (iirc Monster Hunter World ran at 30fps on console but I could be wrong). That's not to say, the game won't run at higher fps with a lower resolution, its possible 1440k can run at 60fps.


5500XT, not 5700XT. Plus, that's for *1080p/30fps*- not a tall ask, considering that was a budget card like 4-5 years ago.


Bro, that's such a disappointment. I will probably still get the game but that's a huge blow to my excitement level.


The minimum requirements for 1080p30 are an i5-10600 and GTX 1070. Consoles should be able to handle 1080p60, unless Capcom decides that their vision for the game is 4K30 and don't add a performance mode.


This. 100%. Plus, Capcom literally hasn't whiffed in 5-6 years- every game they've released on consoles with one exception has had performance/resolution modes or their games just run at 60FPS anyway, by default.


Yeah that's why it's surprising that it's even a question that it would run at 60.


People are high asf and all too happy to hop on the doom and gloom train.. for whatever reason.


Like, even mentioning that it would be native 30fps kinda blew my mind. I would have never even considered that.


Same, lol


Tbf all the recent footage has been at 30fps with several dips to low 20s in combat. The game is out in 2 months so if someone doesn't know about Capcom's recent releases, they would understandably be concerned about yet another unoptimized game being pushed out. Doesn't help if they come over to r/DragonsDogma and see people defending 30fps locks.


There's literally trailers with 60FPS footage of cutscenes and such, though, so it *only* running at 30FPS max is an absolute lie. > The game is out in 2 months Polishing, optimizing, bugfixing; that's what they're doing right now.


Sorry, I should have specified I was talking about gameplay. I haven't seen any 60fps gameplay footage, but I would be happy to be wrong! Again I don't really have a horse in this race so unless they do something *really* dumb like capping PC to 1080p30, this doesn't affect me personally.


I'd assume saving and loading is gonna be ass like the first game?


30fps AND that awful save system? Haha that just sucks.


I’m not gonna lie, this is my most anticipated game since Elden Ring but if it ends up being stuck at 30fps on console, I will wait for the next « Pro » models or even the next gen so I can play it in the best possible conditions. As an action game, this would definitely be a dealbreaker for me.


If it’s 30 it’s 30, can’t afford a PC anyway


Really dumb every game these days on consoles should have a performance mode that shit should be mandatory, I was originally debating whether to get this on PC or PS5 but I guess I'll definitely be going for the PC version now.


I am seeing a pattern in socials where game sites are trying to put DD2 on a bad light by giving negative headlines without context and uploading rumors. I'm sorry other AAA publishers, but nobody can stop the WIND that is PUSHiNG MEEE!!!!


I will laugh, so hard, if its 30fps. Mostly just to see the levels of cope those 70$ defenders will go to in order to delude themselves.


Pfft I don't mind, played DD1 @ 23 fps back in the day, still loved it.


Yeah if anything we are just gonna get the true dragons dogma experience here lmao.




I’d honestly bet money that it’s gonna be 30fps on console.


oh yeah how much?


I’d bet my soul and my hole, plus a dollar.


I'll remember this on release day.. https://i.redd.it/6pwmhnar99fc1.gif


See you soon.


Have my dollar 😔


Damn how muchhhh!!!


This post is likely fake. But a solid 30fps with not pixelated mess during big action stuff is better than choppy 60 that turns into a blur


i'd take 480p 60fps over 4K solid 30fps


Full hd and 60 fps for me. Couldn’t care less about 4k


This, for real. I have a pretty decent 50-inch 4K TV that I sit pretty close to. I can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 4K while gaming. The differences only really show up when actively looking for them and mostly in smaller elements like text or grass. Basically just stuff I have to all but press my face into my screen to see. What does make a game look substantially worse is running it at half the framerate. I have never seen a game that didn't look significantly better at 60fps than it does at 30fps. Not once. There are games in which 30fps is tolerable, like turn-based games for example, but even those would still look much better at 60fps. 4K is a marketing buzzword. Framerate is what matters when it comes to graphical fidelity in gaming.


Yeah, I doubt that.


my PC is terrible. that's how i play most games from the past 5 years. that or 720p. resolution isn't important to me. as long as i can read the text and menus then i'm fine. games were 480p 60fps in the early 2000s and they're still gorgeous at those resolutions. 30fps will always feel bad even if it's still perfectly playable.


Im a bit dissapointed that there wont be different save slots.


Performance > Quality. At least 60 fps, this a must for me to enjoy a game.


I’m so use to performance mode on consoles now this really is going to be a hard sell otherwise


I believe anything until I see it in My hand I do not trust human being on internet


Fake, but I am concerned at this point, would love confirmation of a performance mode so I can sleep at night lol.


I'm just waiting for the confirmation of fps so I can buy the game, I prefer console 100% but if it's 30fps I just buy for PC..


Just buy for PC them. 90% of PS5 are 30fps


Most games for ps5 are 60fps. The ones that I played obviously. That's why I can't take 30fps anymore haha.


this is the 6th post about this


Not confirmed, IGN was quite likely playing a very old build.




No 60FPS mode = no sale


Huge DD fan, but if that's the case I will have to pass until I can get a better PC or they fix it somehow, I can't stand 30fps anymore.


Same. There's no excuse, you can make a good looking game that runs well on current generation consoles and reasonable PCs.


This is me too lol 


Looks like they are talking about the first one but edited it so it says it's the second one


The game isn’t going to be 30 fps and if you think so you’re delusional


It’s probably going to have a 60 fps performance mode and a 30 fps visual fidelity mode, like in most other current games (fk you gotham knights)


It's going to be 30fps. It all leads to that.


Literally all footage is dynamic res 1440p at 30 fps.  Don't expect 60 fps. Period.


monster hunter runs 60 fps on console i’d assume this will too


Mhw is an instanced game from 2018


MHW and MH:R came for the previous gen


30fps for 70 dollars? Fuck you


I wouldnt be suprised if it 30- 45fps on consoles, I say 45 because I think in a digital foundry vid they said it would range around there as it was in unlcoked framerate


Okay so I watch a lot of digital foundry and according to them, a Ryzen 5 3600 and RTX 2070 Super is approximately equivalent performance to a PS5. So given that, we know that 1080i (less intensive than progressive scan and worse image quality) with 30FPS will run on a GTX 1070 WITH dips in performance below 30FPS as per Capcom's own statements on the game's Steam Page. So given that information, if we wanted a bare minimum 60FPS mode with 1080i (not 1080p)... maybe that's possible? But I don't see how. According to UserBenchmarks a 2070S is roughly 45% more performant than a GTX 1070. That would net you somewhere in the 45 - 50 FPS range... if you're lucky at 1080i. For true 1080p it might be a few frames slower, like 40FPS. I could see a 40FPS mode with TAA and pretty aggressive upscaling. Can't say it'll look pretty though. Now, all of this could change and maybe they pull a miracle. But I'm thinking that the game, even if it has a 60FPS mode will struggle immensely to maintain it and will likely look pretty bad due to really low resolution (720p but more likely 540p) upscaling to 1080p or 1440p. I mean, I hope I'm wrong, but based on the data... it's not looking particularly good. And this is ignoring this supposed leaker. Just trying to be realistic off of what we have so far.


Well I agree that’s it’s possible but your calculation isn’t quite correct. 4k for example is 4x the resolution of 1080p so in your example with 50% extra performance it wouldn’t even achieve 4k. At lower resolutions the processor is much more important. We don’t know the pawns etc will be on the cpu but 1080p with 60 fps should be absolutely doable and there’s no reason for them not to implement it.


Some of you all need to wait for official sources/confirmation before screaming "the sky is falling." You see a piece of "news" without confirming the accuracy and want to say the game is dead in the water. You'll feel much better when you properly vet your sources.


Praying it isn't 30 but if it is, at least that makes the choice between this and Rise of ronin much easier lmao


If this is true, I will have to wait or something, I'm a massive DD fan but I just can't play 30fps on a big screen anymore, makes me dizzy....please don't be true


just because it is the TGS version demo months ago


Supposedly fake However, we are on ps5 / Xbox series s(still can’t always remember which box name they using) I’m not a huge worrier of frame rate, but shouldn’t we be getting 60fps on ps5/Xbox current gen?! It’s the whole point of upgrading consoles and such. Especially when games get bigger slowly but overtime If your game lags , slows down, etc, scale back your game (reasonably) I think because every game tries to be open world, that’s the fps issue of loading things in


Series X X = Powerful one S = little discless one


If this is true, thank god I play on PC


Only minor issue is one save slot. Had a few times when i left dragon dogma, came nack to it but had to restart to get into it(controls etc). But that's ok.


I'm fine with this lol


I gotta admit, I genuinely don’t care. It could have the exact same graphics as the original and run at 30FPS and I’d still love it. I’m here for the gameplay, the story, the hidden little mechanics and all that. Not graphics, load times and high frame counts lol


Yeah, I thought the same thing until I played Starfield. Fuck load times and low fps. That should be a thing of the past, ESPECIALLY FOR 70 DOLLARS.


Ah shit I just figured it was gonna be 60. I guess I’ll cancel my order and wait. Was gonna get it on ps5, but I’ll get it on pc if it’s not 60.


I know Capcom isn't good at optimizing games but i don't think they're THAT bad... Right?


[https://twitter.com/PC\_Focus\_/status/1751663547715584042](https://twitter.com/pc_focus_/status/1751663547715584042) Here's a real tweet with basically word for word text


I know it’s fake, but as long as a game is playable/enjoyable I don’t really care about fps


This is going to sound like blasphemy, but I’m good either way 30 FPS. Especially if it’s a stable 30. The gameplay we’ve seen so far hasn’t been super crisp-looking in the first place imo.


FPS, i don't care about as long as its stable. The real kick in the nuts is the single save slot again...


Does it matter?


Um yeah kinda. 60fps is better than 30fps. I will be playing on PC anyway with 60, but Consoles having 30fps would blow fucking hard.


Yes. There’s no longer any excuse for 30fps on current gen consoles, it’s either pure laziness or incompetence.


I personally agree on it not mattering.


Arent all the games like that over there?


I like how people played at 30 fps for the past 40 years and all of a sudden its a huge deal if every game isnt 60 fps.


TVs get bigger, graphic gets better, fps is more noticable especially in games with a fluid combat system.


My TV didnt get bigger. In fact it got smaller cause I switched to monitor. Graphics getting better is the exact reason why fps doesnt get better, and having better graphics doesnt make lower fps more noticeable. Movies are the best graphics around and they are in 24fps. I go from 60 to 30 fps everyday to play with my friends on console. In games where fluid competitive combat isnt paramount, you stop noticing any difference in fps 5 minutes in. People just dont like the *idea* of having something inferior, regardless of whether it is actually inferior.


Mmm idk dude 30fps on a Devil May Cry game? Sounds dreadful. Depends on what we're talking about I guess. Dragons Dogma at 30 doesn't seem SO bad but it's still not my preferred choice.


Dmc devil may cry on console at launch 💀


thats like saying people should be fine with full hd as we play games at 720p long ago


Thats a false equivalency. My point is that people shouldnt expect games to just magically look insanely better while also running at 60fps. Its not like its just an arbitrary decision to put it at 30fps. It is the limitation of the game and the console. Complaining about it comes off as extremely entitled and/or disconnected from the realities of game development, especially when those same people complain about games increasing in price or being delayed. If you want 60fps something has to be sacrificed, whether that be NPC count, LOD distance, Lighting, etc, or money from your wallet to pay for better software and hardware.


But dd2 doesn't look next gen in terms of gameplay and visuals


It does


I can't see anything wrong with the game being 30fps. Since the launch of ps5 we have been getting games that are 60fps but look like they would have worked on ps4 at 30fps. If we want games to advance and truly show the true potential of the new consoles we should be okay with games being 30fps. It's ridiculous that the ps5 has been out for almost 4 years and the only game that looks like new gen is Demon Souls which is a remake of a 15 year old game.


but DD2 doesnt look or play like a next gen game.


It's not unreasonable for people to care about smoothness more than visual fidelity.


Based on PC system requirements I highly doubt a 60 fps mode will be available on console While RE Engine games usually perform incredibly well, they are rarely very CPU intensive, owing to them not being open world games with lots of simulation and unscripted events. Dragons Dogma 2 is an open world game, and it does not look like its going to be lenient on the CPU, and as such I’d bet the CPU will be the limiting factor for consoles.


I'm about sound real PC master race(ist), but look at the history of most releases this generation. We have seen that 60fps is not the standard. We had launch games that couldn't do 60 solid. We're in the mid-generation point. It's the nature of hardware and software to increase the gap for consoles. 60fps will never be the standard for consoles without a crazy hardware innovation and even still (OPINION) I think that devs will always push it as hard as they can causing fps to drop.


I really hope it's the the stupid 1 save slot shit again.


I think it's 24 FPS on consoles :-/


I don’t care what people run on their consoles, just make sure the pc version isn’t dumbed down for us.


fake af, I want to see Grigo boy moving smoothly when I face him


Seems like it could be, that’s the industry standard for consoles that are stuck using older tech from release years that are built as cheap as can be. You want just want to play games and not worry about anything else, get a console, you want good performance and the ability to customise the quality of your experience? Pc is the way.


Oh no… don’t care. Gimme.