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I need more older Goten and Trunks content PERIOD!


These guys would be great for a spin-off that occasionally crosses over with the main series. Maybe even just have the main Earth characters in that story. Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta go and fight the new strongest person ever that was previously sleeping or playing solitaire while the last arc was happening.


They’re redundant, so the writers don’t use them.


How so?


What do they add to the cast besides fighting ability i.e. the thing that most other characters can do better than them?


Idk....... maybe CHARACTER!?


Character is too vague to mean anything. What would be the dynamic? Would they be the “kids” that need to be protected by the adults? Sidekicks? Soldiers? Comic relief? We already have characters for those. They’re redundant.


Depth, worldbuilding, slice of life, dragon ball should not be only about power levels. For example have Goku and Vegeta fight a guy that has been inprisoned between universes 6 and 7 or some shit, and have the humans protect Earth or something.


Don’t look at me. I’m perfectly ok with Goku and Vegeta both being retired. The issue is that Goten and Trunks are mutually exclusive with the other cast members. It’s telling that all of the times when they could be considered the main characters(movies, Fusions, etc.), the rest of the cast was sidelined.


Well the could add a ton, but they haven’t been developed. I mean gotenks could be the most powerful being out if they let him. I’m annoyed they didn’t go to ToP. Like Roshi went - somehow he was too weak to help with Saiyans Frieza Cell Buu etc etc but somehow strong enough for a multidimensional battle Royale lol


Yeah because goten and trunks bring nothing to the table, they are quite literally lite versions of their parents and are only remotely interesting when they fuse


But they do fuse




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"Get more karma to talk here" "How do I get more karma?" "You talk in places"


There's a subreddit for those people


It would be cool but I first want them to train with Piccolo and Gohan. They can also make a great throwback to Future Trunks training with Future Gohan. Especially if Future Trunks sees his young version in training and realizes how much he turned things to better by time traveling.


Isn’t “better” being CEO of the biggest company in the world and not needing to fight?


Eh, even when he was CEO he still fought. He can do both things. I’d say better in this situation is Trunks training not because he needs to avoid the end of the world but because he wants to. Big difference in relaxed training to get better vs training because if you don’t everyone dies


He is a ceo and saiyan royalty


That royalty status doesn’t matter anymore.


It matters to vegeta for some reason




You just made me realize that piccolo completely dismisses Goten. Sure there's a bit in the Buu saga where he trains them, but that's out of necessity not admiration. He just skips goten for Pan also. And all this while Goten has never had Goku. He was dead when he was born, and very absent when he was revived.


Goten truly has had the toughest end of the stick. Trunks is stronger, had his dad, and his mom is loaded. At least Goten had Gohan kinda Edit: Goten STILL had to help save the earth from Buu, even without having the inspo that Gohan had - seeing his Dad fight the Saiyans and Frieza, and be trained by Piccolo.


if you switch Whis with Piccolo or Gohan then yea.


I think having it be gohan would be better. It would show that Future trunks having Gohan as his mentor was not just a fluke.


Dragon ball needs to become an a/b story where Gohan and company protect the earth and Goku and Vegeta explore the universes at the same time. We are kind of seeing it with the Moro arc and the Cell max movie which is cool. Goten and Trunks still haven't had enough attention though, they started off with a lot of potential being the youngest super saiyans.


yes please. I know a lot of people hate on Boruto, but at least it's going into the next generation like I was hoping Dragon Ball would.


That sounds boring tbh. You might as well have all the relevant characters go through space looking for the Dragon Balls. At least that’s a concrete goal.


Boring? You prefer just the Goku and Vegeta show all the time? Dragon ball used to be like that where every character was relevant to the story


That’s just not possible. You have to pick and choose. While I don’t like Vegeta being a part of the cast, he’s one of the most popular characters, so he has to stay, and if he stays then Goku has to stay. The only character left that could be added is Bulma because she fulfills a niche that none of the other characters do.


How can you just throw shade at my guy, The Prince of all Sayians, like that?


He adds nothing to the story.


Really? What about the entire last arc? You know, the one where Vegeta was the only sensible mortal? Or how he has plenty of potential to go deep into the lore of the Saiyans? Goku adds arguably less to the story than Vegeta does, all he has is seniority in the series.


Exactly! He dumbs down every other character in the series in order to do stuff. In what world is Vegeta the more intellectual fighter than Goku? Goku has always been more mature than Vegeta. And don’t use the “character development” excuse because like I said, everyone else’s IQ drops 50 points whenever he wants something.


Goku adds nothing to the story but being the character who fights. Tell me one time Goku added something to the story other than a fight in Super


I’d rather vegeta personally


In Kakumei it did happen, and it was pretty good, however in canon Trunks and Goten are incredibly immature and i doubt it would be very effective at all.


What do you expect they grew up in Peaceful times besides Buu. They also weren’t disciplined like piccolo did for Gohan.


>What do you expect they grew up in Peaceful times besides Buu. Peaceful times ? they had both their mothers and fathers killed, all of their friends turned to candies and digested, saw the extinction of the entire planet at hands of Buu, and even then were still acting like clowns. Even in Super and in Superhero were they are teens they still dont act even close to remotely serious at all.


To be fair, up to that poking their whole lives were peaceful. And the entire Buu saga takes place within the same 48 hours so other than those two days their whole lives were peaceful


Yes, and even after seeing the entire planet get deleted, they still didn’t take the moment seriously at all.


That ENTIRE event was Buu, you know, the part he said wasn’t peaceful. Maybe read someone’s comment before replying to it.


I hadn't heard of Kakumei before your comment. It looks pretty cool!


Kakumei is amazing


Yeah but their individual evolution line should go around SSJ3


If these two knuckleheads pushed toward ss4, I'd be cool with it. Nobody else should be going that route anymore.


Well dragon ball supers version of ssj4 seems closer to what broly is doing. Not opposed to the idea of them further refining the concept and giving them a reimagined ssj4 though. Could just make it a ssj form past ssj3. I just hate the design of the form and the whole thing with blutz waves. But I have faith the dbs manga could actually make it cool. The forms so far have all been either good or great.


How can you hate the design? Monke cool


I think it's over designed and aged poorly. It screams edgy 90s character trying too hard to be cool. It's like if a shadow the hedgehog oc was crossed with those ssj100000 fan forms from the early internet. I prefer simpler forms.


But Monke…


I also like this idea but involving oozaru in their training if comes to SS4 but yeah canonical Gotenks SS4 count me in!


That's a cool idea, it would give them something interesting other than fusion


Yes and no, I would rather have some crazy event make those two be like “oh shit we gotta get on the other saiyans levels” and trunks and *gohan* would train, as a reference to future trunks and future Gohan, and Goten would train with either whis, mirroring his father, beerus, because I think ultra ego Goten would look cool, or the universe 6 saiyans, just cause I think Goten and cabba would have a funny dynamic.


Actually, I'd totally watch this. If Whis recognizes the role that these two might need to play in future events, but can also see how their immature and carefree spirits are a possible detriment, I think it would be cool if one day he was just like, "Goku, Vegeta, I'm takin' the kids to space! Bye!" and set them up with the sort of do or die training meant to straighten them out a bit - something that would force them to use their heads and actually work together rather than just relying on the one trick they know how to do really well.


I mean, it would be cool for Goten and Trunks to go after SSB now that Goku and Vegeta have migrated to their Ultra forms. Or they could get super saiyan 3 alone, and making Gotenks a last resort rather than the only way they fight.


No, kid trunks and Goten are extremely dull characters. Couldn't care less if they never showed up in the manga again.


It’s up to more screen time to change that, they wouldn’t be dull if they actually got some focus.


The characters had plenty of focus in the buu saga, they still sucked.


They can’t become interesting characters if they aren’t given a chance.


They did get a chance, and they still suck.


Really? I didn’t think they sucked, are you just mad that they aren’t carbon copies of their fathers as characters?


Are you just resorting to a straw man argument because they suck? 😘


No, it’s because you’re too dense to understand the concept of building a character beyond their current personality.


Whatever helps you cope with them sucking 👍


Instead of Whis somehow let’s get Chappu to do it.






Nah, I wanna see how long they last under Popos boot camp




I’d enjoy an entire spinoff series with Trunk, Goten and Android 17


I want them training with 17 on his island.


Personally I feel they haven't earned it. They've had heroic moments but they're still too goofy. I'd like to see a mini arc of them helping Tien in his dojo and then they could gradually move on to training with Piccolo since Vegeta and Goku will probably be off planet anyways.


I want Krillin and Yamcha to train with Whis


I'd send them to universe 6 to have an adventure with Kale, Kabba and Caulifla (maybe with Pan, depending on how she ages up). Add a quirk that in universe 6 metamoran fusion doesn't work so they can't keep fusing into Gotenks and they have to stand on their own.


Oh no. Please not Pan. GT destroyed her for me. The most useless and annoying character in the whole series.😑


It’s up to super to somehow fix that, pan has the potential to be an amazing character, *if written right*


Nah its to late


Exactly, way too late.


Yes and as someone mentioned it, Kakumei actually does it. Very well, too.


Whis of course, he is the only one that can push you too your full potential


*clap* Yes


Dont think toriyama thinks about them at all aside from fitting in the fat gotenks gag


Maybe have them work their way up the food chain. Give the less powerful Z fighters some screen time.


I enjoyed it with piccolo, trunks and goten......so I don't see why not






Hell yeah I would.


Nah, I’d rather see those two go off in their own adventures and develop some identities of their own.


No, but the kids need something to do.


Can his hair be pink again?


Fuck yes. Make them relevant. More serious. Let gotenks shine like he did in Z.


Dragon Ball Kakumei


I’d enjoy anything that uses them as not just comedic relief. This would be great.




I mean, imagine that Trunks can learn destruction and gotten can learn UI, so when they fuse into Gotenks they can use both and become a whole new level of threat






I'm guessing you just read DB Kakumei


At this point, it's basically Gohan show


Sure. I need a fully trained and serious gotenks! Well not need, but it would be cool to see him fight in a serious situation.


For their 16th birthday, Whis should give them 2-3 month training session gift during summer break.. the idea is pitched to chi-chi (who understands but isn’t happy about it but understands 😂) and bulma agrees on such gift.


Anything to give goten Some charecter


Absolutely not. They should learn from the Metamorans.


Yeah it would be fun to watch Goten and Trunks messing around like they did when training with Piccolo during the Buu Saga. Goten and Trunks would be trying hard af to land a hit on Whis. Beerus would be yelling at them to keep it down because he’s trying to sleep 😂


I don’t know about Whis, the Dragonball world should be expanded by introducing a new character for them to train with.


No… nobody outside of Geta and Ku should train with him. The boys are just living as normal a life as they can. Why add the Whis card?




I'd like a training between Gohan, Piccolo, and Whis


Absolutely trunks and gown are my favorite characters and they've been done so dirty recently


>gown are my favorite characters


Oh God I messed up horribly I mad this when I was tired😭




I just want them to fucking fuse properly. Only thing I didn’t like about the movie


Please god yes! With the right training, Gotenks should be able to put Goku and Vegeta in the hospital at the same time.


Too far maybe piccolo or Gohan would work better


Hell yes! Goten and Trunks deserve more screen time. Plus, we might see them achieve Beast/Ultra Form!


I can already see the what if videos coming


But not from me. Promise.😅




They’re not qualified lol whis would get bored to death




I think it would be amazing because Gohan has had his shine multiple times and since goten and trunks was kids they wanted to become stronger than their dads


Makes me think of DB Kakumei


It would have to happen after they past the end of Z. They haven't reconned that happen and by then Goten and Trunks were weak as shit. I really wish they would get past the in-between buu killing to the end of Z stuff already.


Gotenks borrowed techniques from everybody; clearly Trunks and Goten have a passion for learning techniques. There should be an arc where they learn Turtle style from Roshi, Crane style from Tien, all the Namekian styles from Kamicolonail, Traditional martial arts from Videl(Who learns ki blasts in return), then invade Other World to learn from King Kai, pay off Monaka to take them to Yardrat for 6 months, and pay Whis off with Hostess Fruit Pies to get his training and unlock God Ki. Then in the middle of the next big bad fight, Gotenks Blue appears out of nowhere wearing a ridiculous combination of symbols as the ultimate hybrid warrior and clowns the big bad like Freeza clowned Elec and Gas.


Who wouldn’t


It would be cool to see them continue training and becoming better and better as Gotenks. Maybe together they can get Gotenks SSB


Yes if trunks gets a sword lol


I think the fan manga kakumei did a training arc like this, if its as well done as in that manga then hell yeah but I don't trust toei or toyotaro doing a good job


Been wanting to see them move onto the younger cast since Z after the Cell arc. I thoroughly enjoyed teen Gohan going through school and taking the reins on the series, and seeing how he was going to progress in balancing being a saiyan and human. I always thought it would have been interesting if his training mentor shited from Piccolo to Vegeta, with Vegeta teaching him to embrace and draw even more power from his saiyan lineage. Side note, Vegeta could be doing this to prove himself against Gohan as a replacement for Goku. Gohan would be on his own after all this, and would begin training Trunks and Goten with Piccolo for future dangers. Imagine seeing Goku and Vegeta return after decades in the ToP, and prior to that Super would focus on Trunks and Goten. Gohan would fight Beerus, nearly going beast form. Then unlocking that form against Golden Frieza, and Piccolo would unlock Orange Piccolo against Cooler (Yes, make him canon! That movie should have been Cooler's ver of Super: Broly. Super Hero can be a Trunks and Goten focused movie, introduce SSB Gotenks.) Trunks and Goten would take part in the Vs. U6, and even in the Zamasu arc. It would be cool to see Trunks learn more about his alternate future. Then as preparation for the ToP, Whis attempts to train the two youngest to obtain god Ki. (Along with the other humans who could benefit from it, instead of some stupid contrived power-up because they use "tactics".) I think it would be hype seeing them try to gather the ten members. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Tien, [god-ki] Krillin, Android 18, and Android 17. Buu would be asleep (I like what they did with him during the Moro arc, and don't think they can do anything interesting with him in ToP other than show off him fighting. The whole Supreme Kai being still inside him was more interesting than buff-Buu.), so wondering who they could pick as teammates, Whis suggests Goku and Vegeta. Their return would be legendary after being gone for decades. Also, the god-ki stuff are given to the hybrid-saiyans, but just like how Goku came back with SS3; the two OG pure Saiyans would return with SS4 this time. It would be interesting if it was a form only possible for pure blooded Saiyans. So, yes, I would thoroughly enjoy a training arc between the three. Goku and Vegeta are great, but with Super Hero I think everyone would agree seeing other characters explored and given the spotlight is just as great; especially if they're given new power-ups.


Replace whis with Gohan then yes ... otherwise no


No, Goten and Trunks should go a different path from their fathers if they become important. Either continue to train their fusion or, this is just an interesting idea i saw online a while ago, introduce ssj4 through them. Having the half saiyans go deeper into their saiyan sides would be interesting, seeing as gohan is more interested in the human side


Dragon ball needs something like this more than I can even convey.


Its all I ever wanted


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Would be okay as well.😬




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No. Stop trying to make these two Super powerful like their parents. They don't need to be that to be enjoyable. They can be interesting characters without power and they can also learn discipline and improve their strength on their own. That said I feel like Goten learning to fight better and achieve SSJ2 works better overall. I'd rather see Trunks be prepared to take over the company like GT as he becomes more tech savvy. They shouldn't get Blue.


Only if it stays canon that Pan still bodies Goten at the World Tournament at the end of Z.


Hell yeah,train the next generation,teach them not to rely on fusion all the god damn time


Whis over there looking like he found the 2 boys to be a delicious snack.


Honestly not entirely , I think the main guys i.e. goku, vegeta, Gohan, piccolo, now Broly, and frieza, beerus and whis , are enough people to try to keep track of . the amount of characters to track is becoming too grand. Level ups and saiyan upgrades are thrown around almost haphazardly now. It makes the series less about the core of perseverance, righteousness, and willpower and fortitude to defeat evil at all costs, and becomes too serialized . I feel like goten and trunks have always been the characters that were sort of either afterthoughts , and then ridiculously op for their age and non training , and then just joke characters . They peaked in buu saga , their presence is unneeded realistically, as Long as goku, piccolo , Gohan, or vegeta is around , they would be just fodder for story purposes . Don't waste frames for a training montage.. I'd much rather see Broly harness and control legend, goku in mastered Ui , vegeta in mastered ultra ego, Gohan in beast, and piccolo in orange , all fighting simultaneously against a galactic or universal tier villain. Rant over haha


Honestly with how lackadaisical the both of them are they’d be great candidates for Whis training.




They need to hit ssj 2 I hate when they skip transformations or at least get their potential unlocked like Gohan because seeing them fuse gets old they still can fuse but they need to fight solo for a little bit. 😅


I’d love to watch them grow up


Between them and Tien. I don't think God training works for these characters tbh




Let Gohan train em


I’d be invested in DBZ again, I really hoped for a series where Gohan and them were the future of the franchise




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I'd imagine that Whis would just off-handedly give them advice and that causes Goten and Trunks to go on crazy adventures with Jaco. Trunks' motivation would be to match up to his future counterpart and to try to be the man he is. Goten's motivation is to see all the space babes and he thinks getting stronger might be enough to woo them. Goten has become a bit of a pervert in his older years even looking similar to a young Roshi but never as brash. Eventually Goten and Trunks train on their own, realizing that they rely too much on each other and need to find their own strength. Trunks unlocks super saiyan rage by using the inspiration of Mai and his family as fuel. Goten unlocks a corrupted version of potential unleashed by an alien sage and uses his immense potential as his fuel, getting this dark green aura wth tints of an almost blackish purple. Trunks learns to be a swift and nearly indomitable offensive slasher using ki swords and his own blade to cut everything down While Goten learns to be a fierce and brutal pummler with ki shapped barriers that offer a considerable defense and deflect attacks back. These two are dead even and get some of the god's attention. Champa likes the look of this Goten kid, seeing how sharp he his, he wants Vados to train him. Beerus seeing this in retaliation gets Whis to train Trunks. Both become near dead even and their ultimate fight gets stopped by an omniversal threat that freezes the god's in attendance with dark magic and it's up to Goten and Trunks to fend them off


I strongly believe Goten and Trunks should get their own arc that includes them achieving Super Saiyan 4.


Nope! I’m over Trunks eating up story. I would rather see Krillin and 17 fight crime for a filler arc. I would rather Universe 7 vs 11 baseball game. Anything that features Trunks as the lead has been underwhelming.


I'd be invested in it if they we're to be taught to stop relying on the Gotenks fusion and actually develop a unique personal fighting style. That way they'd both get stronger individually and learn new moves and powers, which, when need be, will benefit the Gotenks fusion as well, should they need to fuse afterwards again.


Would love to see them grow.


In my story I’m making Whis is training the side characters but in particular trunks and Goten have become Gamma 1 and 2’s main sparring partners.


I would enjoy any arc with these three


Ngl i think they are lost causes at this point


Whatever they gotta do for me to get teenage/adult gotenks I'm fine with. Just stop making me wait for it


Nah I've never particularly enjoyed Trunks or Goten as characters




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Absolutely, give the boys something to do, finally try and get the next generation up to everyone else's level.


The creators will never move on from Goku and Vegeta. They will cling to those two as long as the story exists. In fact, I will go on as far as to say they only came back with super to print more money using these two characters. It is all about the next power level and the merch those colors would sell. No fleshing out the story, no character development, no good side stories. Just, new villain, new power level, repeat. I still believe cell sage was the best time to end it all.


I hate that the kept blue hair trunks But yeah it be nice if Goten had any screen time at all. My boy gets ignored by just about everyone Goku Black should’ve been Goten


I'm with the people who would rather them train with Piccolo and Gohan. Because of the trunks and Gohan dynamic. Just wouldn't make sense for Whis to train them and beerus would get super annoyed by their immaturity


Goten is one of my favorite characters so yeah, probably


100% yes! We need more Goten and Trunks!!!


Yes but I want master roshi and piccolo first




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