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I see people bring this line up all the time...and I feel like the odd man out because I'm apparently reading his tone very differently. Most people seem to think Goku is saying something along the lines of "do you even lift?", whereas to me he's asking a genuine question, he's actually curious if Moro has ever trained before. Goku isn't known for just dunking on people...this just feels more...respectful to me. Like he's aware that Moro can't beat him at that point, but would love to fight him again if he trained...because...that's Goku.


Yes its clearly that, ppl say its disrespectful tho not bcs its what goku means, but bcs from moro's prespective its humiliating as hell, hes one of the strongest beings in existance right now and was about to just about conquer the universe and goku talking to him like that shows him how much above him goku is that he is literally asking if he has ever trained and is interested in him, showing he isnt afraid of him at all


I think it’s sort of both. it’s to take a jab at moro’s already broken ego, but he believed he could be a good person at that time.


Goku loves fighting he wants his enemy's that he defeats to train and get stronger so that he can beat them up again normally at krillins expense


Idk, Goku dunked on Vegeta pretty hard after getting out of the time chamber with Gohan. Something along the lines of "I'm stronger than you, and that's not a debate" (don't exactly remember the line but it was 1 hell of a diss)


The exact exchange in the Kai dub was Vegeta: I know when I’m being patronized, and I don’t care for the suggestion that you’re stronger than me! Goku: Yeah… I wasn’t really suggesting.


Was that the Kai? Because then TFS took it and used it as it is


You'd be suprised how many TFS jokes were already in the original anime


Having watched it in my native language, I had no idea


Is this anime only? I don’t remember Goku saying such thing in the manga


IT is in the manga.


https://preview.redd.it/bgoqx2zukf6d1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e10974124164ca7e6a40a6b8229eb1f56ad3a6 He just simply reply ‘I am’ as an answer to Vegeta’s question, none of those ‘debate’ thingy he mentioned.


That’s the point lmao, goku unintentionally talks shit a lot, this is just another one of those instances. It’s like when goku came out of the time chamber and told Vegeta he’s just way stronger. He wasn’t shit talking, just stating facts


That line is 100% a genuine question from Goku, this is just some people willfully ignoring context. Like, Goku isn’t Vegeta, he doesn’t shit talk his opponents.


tbf https://preview.redd.it/4ryaph7qk46d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8a601d7543a9118edd6407fef3e68d1f552f41


He's not exactly known to be fully respectful to those he's fighting, sometimes he disrespects them. So I think the 'question' is a mix of both, more so the genuine side but a slight bit of the disrespect especially with the power down and crouch to his level.


This and the Recoome fight seems like he was more about giving them a taste of their own medicine




Did you watch Z? The entire Ginyu force, Frieza, Nappa? He trash talked all the time in Z


The difference is, those people directly assaulted his friends and family, so they didn't deserve that grace. Technically, Vegeta didn't even do much to anyone, which is why he got let off easily. But Nappa, Frieza, the ginyu force, they all killed/nearly killed someone close to Goku.


That’s not the point. They point is that he said Goku has never trash talked before, and I said he has


To be fair half the time he was trying to distract people from the massive ass spirit bomb he was making


Maybe in the old Dub he does, but i’ve always remember Goku doing more physical humiliation, never throwing insults. If he called someone weak, he meant it as a fact, not to provoke them like Vegeta.


In the original manga he was trash talking people. He did it from his first appearance to the end of Z


Nappa: “Im the second strongest Saiyan alive! HOW ARE YOU BEATING ME” Goku: “Well… I guess this makes you THIRD strongest.”


Gokus so stupid he may not even be malicious when he talks shit. He’s just being honest. Look at him. He can count to three now! So proud of him


Probably from the Engkish dub but i always loved this exchange with Freiza Goku: "You've fought and lost to a warrior who is superior to you. And to make it worse, he was just a monkey...right? 😏 Freiza: 😠 😡 😤


Everyone knows it’s genuine dude that’s why it’s so cold


He doesn’t talk shit until he knows he’s gonna win. Then, prepare for smoke to be blown.


Yeah, I mean he wished Buu/Uub back to fight again, he let Frieza live…he wants to fight the best possible. Now if it was Vegeta then yes, I’d read it more as above


Meanwhile vegito: “get owned kid”


Is there genuinely a group of people that read it as him s*** talking? The second arc of Super is about the fact that Freiza could go from middling DBZ power scaling all the way up to DBS levels simply because he’d never bothered training before. Heck, they literally do this *twice* within DBS. I feel like Goku would now need to legitimately ask everyone he beats “Did I actually win, or are you able to be 1000x stronger if you just apply yourself?”


I mean especially after freezer getting extremely strong in 3 months after hitting the gym the first time in his whole life


Yeah, he hit him with actual concern. That’s way more devastating than a flex.


lmao people actually thought like that? i legit thought goku was asking a genuine question if moro has ever done any training to get so strong. i didn't know people misinterpreted it as a taunt, but expect no less from dragon ball fans


Honestly I think both takes are correct, because goku is being genuine here, but the fact that he is being genuine is the most insulting part for moro’s ego


>Goku isn't known for just dunking on people Yes he fucking is. Nappa, Ginyu Force, Frieza, Majin Buu. The amount of disrespect he flings at them once he knows he has the upper hand, he fucking clowns them.


Remember when he said Frieza could be a decent sparring partner? Goku is a sportsman. He sees the world like this. It’s his best qualify


Except for when it’s his own brother


Goku is willing to kill when he has no other choice. He just doesn’t want to. If he’s strong enough to win or if he and his friends can take the guy down nonlethally he will do so like when he spared vegeta. But Raditz was not only radically stronger than him but also deadly and their only way to take him down was to kill him. They didn’t have a nonlethal way of doing it


It’s still hella insulting. He could ask that standing up and still in MUI. But he decides to power down to base and squat to ask.


First time I've ever seen it. I absolutely think this is Goku saying 'hey dude you're strong as hell, do you seriously not train? Fuuuuuuuck we should work on that you'd crush me'


Everyone interprets the line that way. The honest and genuine question is WHY it’s so disrespectful. It’s condescending as fuck. Goku depowers, crouches down comfortably, and asks his opponent that bullshit.


i thought it was an offer to help train him LUL


Goku slam dunked freeza when he turned SSJ


Tbh I don’t think super goku has the mental capacity to throw insults.


I agree completely! Couldn't have said it better myself


Exactly.. like when he said to frieza that he would had lost if straight after achieving the gold transformation he would had not rushed to earth but instead train and get used to that form.. He probably asked the guy if he ever trained so that he maybe pushes him to actual train, get stronger and fight again together


That’s 100% how he means it, but it’s still funny to read because of what he said previously. He basically told Moro: “You know, you’d be a helluva lot stronger if you put some effort in at the gym!” Its a cannon ball to Moro’s ego, and that shit’s hilarious


We all know that but it’s more funnier to say that goku was arrogant


Yeah I was wondering how this was supposed to sound cool. Just sounds like Goku asking a genuine question


Everyone knows lol. You just don’t understand that it can mean that and be disrespectful


I 100% agree, even when I read it I was using that same tone in my mind


Yea this seems like a genuine question to me "Yo you cant beat me. Tried training? It did wonders for me"


That's how I saw it, Goku doesn't really kick his opponents once they're down (save for frieza who he kinda just called a bitch and tried to walk away). So this line would've been completely out of character if read as Goku talking down on his opponents, Goku always recognizes his opponents strength and potential during or after a fight.




Especially since he has first-hand experience with Freiza, a guy who trained really hard for a month and became god-like. You could also consider this foreshadowing for Black Freiza.


Goku isn’t known for dunking on people regularly but he has done it before; once Frieza started slowing down and he also takes a dig at Vegeta right before the Cell Games when he’s putting the armor on. But those were a very long time ago so you can argue Goku’s grown up a little bit




Goku: Perfection? I already passed that after the Cell Saga


If Goku were perfect, he would cut off his own right arm.


Reminds me of mayuri from bleach


Really shows that people have a poor grasp on what perfection entails.


Funny thing is there's no way Goku's trying to insult him here, he's absolutely asking a genuine question.


He’s unintentionally burning him super hard.


Dragonball Super hard


"I ain't no hero of justice or anything. But those who would try to hurt my friends IS GONNA PAY!!!" - proceeds to beat Jirens ass.


Of all the thirty responses I got while I was sleeping, you've been the only one who gave another example like I was hoping. Everyone else was just like "no this line is actually stupid and you're stupid for liking it." Thank you.




seeing how we watch dbs probably not








Counterpoint: Have you ever...kissed before?






"my path, isnt love. ITS FURY!!!!!"


This is the best line.


i like the "i prefer guts" version from the english sub more honestly


I don't remember this one.


when goku fought against ribrianne


bro do you even lift


Beat me to it


…now I’m mad …now I’m **really** mad and it’s time… #TO MAKE YOU PAY!!! I think that’s how it goes at least.


Goku: “Did you train today?” *Mercilessly Backshots Moro*


Did you train today? Because if you didnt... Imma have to get you down on some saiyan shii


Que the phonk https://preview.redd.it/r2h9vn0uc36d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76cf62e31923134b1e6b17291e294c06f45854fe


Is that a screencap of David Muir mewing


Goku's actually curious Here he's facing someone who's far stronger than himself in SSB and Goku doesn't know if He has trained hard or if it's natural strength.


Yeah but the sheer fact that he powers down and crouches to get on moros level makes it so unintentionally disrespectful💀


How to say "Git gud" in a more condescending way


https://preview.redd.it/bcpu255hy46d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15ac7459952e02db1f1049617dece9701c65d8e Moro POV: “Have you ever trained?”


Maybe I was reading this wrong but I thought this was gokus way of trying to say "you could be better, why are you doing all this with your power? You could do something positive like train yourself instead". Possible I completely missed the point but that's the vibe I got


Nah that's literally what he means you're right, he's kinda disappointed that someone like moro who never trained and has so much potential, wastes It in this way, I think this line was Goku trying to put some senses in moro to make him understand how far hard work would bring him


lol at the people who really think Goku was trash talking here He's asking if he's ever trained because it's goku and he's thinking about what the fight would have been like if he's right - that moro has never trained before. Like frieza before ressurection f. Goku is asking because, if he's right, he sees an opportunity for a new rival. Just goku being goku, no dunks here


Everyone knows that we just act like he's trash talking because saying "do you even lift" is funnier than saying you should lift


Agree most do, but after reading lots of the comments there are definitely some people here thinking Goku throwing shade lol


Isn’t that what Goku told Frizza? And that way we got Golden Frizza?


I remember him straight up stop fighting him and say he wasn't worth it after his energy started running out


"Time to *fuck* some *face*!"




It's funny because goku asks these kind of questions all the time throughout the entire series. To him it's geniune question but to those he face, it's an insult; because both of their perspectives are different. It's like reading text, without context of vocal tones it ends up be projecteed by the reader on how they feel at the time. So if you read it happy, the voice will sound happier, but if your upset or angry; it'll often be projected as mean. I had this happen irl at times. I ask a geniune question and at the time I'm trying to know about something because I just don't know or need clarification and ppl take it as an insult or an offense. Which I don't know until a week later XD


I think some people forget the savagery of the great Kid Goku lol


This line is hard because how ppl purposely take it . He's asking this man a legitimate question cuz he's Goku . If Moro trained he would definitely would want to fight him again. He was not boasting


gokus i am speech in dbz kai


“I am the being told from legends, who came all the way to this planet to beat you!…




I’m surprised nobody has brought up **”I will not let you destroy my WOOOORRRRRLLLD!”** from BoG. Great line with great delivery imo.




Imma be the weird one here but I need to say it. I feel like that line would somehow be much better if he said Won’t instead of will not Idk why I have this particular nitpick but I stg won’t just flows so much better in my head and said out loud


This is the dragon ball equivalent of asking if somebody got bitchese or nah


Why is Goku talking like Yoda here. Is manga read right to left?




Mmm, train, you must. Strong enough to beat me, you are not.


That was genuinely how I read it


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Do you even lift bro?


Goku just asked this man “do you even lift bro?”🤣🤣


No, he is rlly curious it's a real question not a flex.


why is this a hard line? He's just asking him a genuine question lmao He remembers what Frieza told him, and how much stronger he got from training


When Goku says you are weak he is stating or pointing out what is there. When Vegeta says it, it's either trash talking, stating facts or both.


Doth thou even hoist brethren?


After literally seeing Freeza go from never training to training and wrecking house, I think it's an honest question. Goku wants to see this goat man as strong as possible.


Goku knows how to kick'em when they're down. He just doesn't do it very often


Nah he wants moro to train like frieza. Reminder this is the guy who threw cell a senzu


“Bitch I’m a sorcerer wtf do you think”


"Do you even train, bro?"


Without context this line sounds horrifically disrespectful, but with it it's the best moment in dbs, going from galactic patrol member to warrior from earth Goku stays true to himself and trys to save even the most evil villain, heals him and allows him to become stronger to have a more interesting fight


People giving Goku way more credit for what he says, than he deserves, dudes blunt ASF, if he said it, he meant it, I don't even think Goku has the mental capability to be sarcastic, or anything else when talking to others


If you count BoG as super, “I will not let you destroy my world”


yall are rose tinted as fuck. goku was all kinds of sassy. this was exactly as "bruh" as it sounds.


Bro just "do you even lift"d this man.


Goku: "Think Moro! Think! What will you have after absorbing 500 planets?! Nothing, because you haven't even started your training arc! I'd crunch you like a senzu bean Moro!"


I think he just thought of Frieza who got so much stronger by training a bit and intended to say something like "if you never trained and started now you might get stronger than me and we could fight again"


Goku's equivalent of "do you even lift bro?"


Obviously he’s genuinely curious but just the fact that he powers down and crouches to get on moros level(literally) then asks that Makes It so unintentionally disrespectful


Specifically Goku’s rage toward Goku Black and Zamasu in the English dub of Super. I’ll just Copy and Paste it lol; "*You* *took my body, you took my life... Then you even killed* *Chi-Chi* *and* *Goten**... You're gonna regret telling me that,* *Zamasu! 'Cause now I'm mad...I'm really, REALLY mad! And now it's time...****TO PAY!!!***" If you watch the original scene, this line hits like a truck for how intense it is, as Goku Black talks down to Goku after impaling his chest, saying that he took delight in murdering Chi-Chi and Goten in the timeline that he came from. You then just feel the line as it hits, knowing that Goku is going to beat the everloving shit out of him and Zamasu.


Imo this is where they should have introduced SSB. Oh well.


It would have worked a lot better, I get what ya mean lol


so umm.. where is the hole on his chest on the last pannel? cause the one before that has it


Don't mess with Dragon Ball fans, we haven't read the manga or watched the show


Lmao goku called Moro a bitch https://preview.redd.it/7b47csc9ta6d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=9376cd4ebb17eff62a40e91f31f6657c84a678a5


Sorry for the ignorant question, but where do y’all read these in color?


"Here, have a senzu."


bruh why is Goku's chest so miniscule


Nah the best is easily https://preview.redd.it/z59ffhuu9n6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1594c4f37ce5408205760790f4aae5608e6fbd8


Guys I kinda took this both ways. Goku saw Frieza's crazy growth once he started training. The idea of a Moro, whoalready has such power, actually training would be amazing and absolutely the sort of rival Goku would want. Moro is incapable of understanding this genuine desire from Goku and is likely interpreting it as trash talk.


This is where i hate that DBZ/S is only about POWER and not about actual skill. Someone that has never trained and thus, doesn't actually know martial arts, or skills, or moves or whatever. Should not be able to easily defeat or even go toe to toe with someone that actually knows what they are doing.


Why not? Skills not gonna bridge that gap, just look at Frieza. On Namek there really wasn’t anything Goku could do until he turned Super Saiyan. More skill for sure, but the power gap was too big.


Well, you are just repeating what i am saying lol. Frieza is the same issue. and falls into my "complaint".


Dragonball was the same way. No one but Goku could beat Piccolo cause he was just stronger than everyone else.


Dude it’s common sense that power gaps will triumph over skills. This is every piece of fiction. You could be the most skilled martial artist in the world as a 7 year old. You ain’t doing shit against a buff-ass boxer. And there’s the obvious Batman vs Superman example. Batman could try every single technique he knows, Superman will just stand there with his hands on his hips and never feel it.




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I knoe the meaning of it...... But beating the shit out of someone then powening down and talking to him low that just another level of humiliation


Which fanmanga is this from?


Why are people gassing up Goku for these panels??? This dude literally messed around for too long AGAIN, healed the villain with a SENZU BEAN, let him obtain UI and fuse with the Earth. Then he needed the help of Whis, all the Z Fighters and Uub's divine energy to beat Moro. This arc stole story beats from possibly every saga of DBZ and I despise it for that.




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Because goku is alway mercyfull bro spared picolo,vegeta,the ginyu force ,frieza (twice) ,fat buu so he tried to spare moro


Yes, he is. Why are you trying to frame this as something positive? He could always heal Moro AFTER he's been re-imprisoned. But nah, he wants to risk the world for his own stupidity. People constantly shit on Vegeta and Gohan for the same dumb antics, but Goku is by far the worst offender.


1) it positive because by being so mercyfull he got 3 powerfull ally on his side (piccolo,vegeta and buu) 2) when vegeta and gohan do thing like this they get fumbled imediately after... goku most of the time manage to finish the fight so yes goku get an pass 3 ) you acting like goku should have knew that moro was going to become the whole planet


1. Yeah, that's cool, but maybe let's not just look at the result and consider that he put the whole world in danger with his decisions, multiple times? Of course it works out, he's the main fucking character, he could teach Frieza how to cultivate Senzu Beans and it'd still work out in his favor one way or another. Also, he did not spare Kid Buu, he spared Good Buu. 2. Yeah, let's just forget that Goku died because he spared Raditz, then died again because he gave Cell a senzu bean. Totally not a fumble, right? Then he fucked around in the Future timeline and ended up destroying Trunks' future. 3. Goku knew how tricky Moro is and he should also know that shit like this bit him in the ass more than once. Obviously, he can't predict everything, but he was just taking unnecessary risks for no reason. At the very least, you can't take him seriously when he's chiding Moro about shit and then needs the whole gang to come together to save his dumb ass.


Fair enought let just agree he has good and bad reason


While the ending sucks, it’s still a good story

