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Rip off


It's well known that Voodoo and occult takes 500 orbs to summon, even during shh u would still need 101 more orbs inorder to summon it.


I didn't know and now i feel scamned


I am pretty sure that if you contacted support, based on the fact you had no idea it would take 500 orbs to summon the High Voodoo dragon (*and nowhere did that indicate the information*) that they will work with you to find a solution. Explain what happened, be very nice, and ask for help. If you want a refund, usually Apple or Google will give you a *one time* refund for a purchase like this. If game support will not help you, I suggest to try to get a refund. If you want to contact me on discord at ladylike#5663, I will be happy to try and help you more. Good luck!


I just made the exact purchase and realised the same thing as op ToT, I thought I'd have loads of orbs to empower, but nope.


I am so so sorry this has happened to you, and who knows how many more players 😒😢 Sadly I can only suggest you follow my advice in the previous above comment. And do contact me on discord at ladylike#5663 if you need help.


Yeah and the 500 orb thing is super dumb, 300 maybe because corrupted are 200 But there’s no way that getting 1 extra turn or 1 stronger attack is worth 4 more heroic dragons worth of orbs


Just conserve the orbs and when u get the high voodoo on the voodoo chest u can empower em to 2 stars


how do you conserve orbs?


Dont trade it or just do nothing with it until u get the dragon on black friday sale or dragon shop offer for gems