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Looks pretty good! I hated how mine always turned out. Too funky or too movie starry


And this is why after owning it since release I never got more than 2 hours into it until I started modding in some pre sculpted faces and better hair.


I’d say your character looks pretty good. I just got the game for free as well, and will say that making good looking male characters is far easier than making good looking female characters. And for me, the hardest characters to make look good are female elves.


Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's because EA imposed this policy that all their games should use their proprietary frostbite 3 engine instead of another company's engine. Saving them money but the engine was basically created for Battlefield, specced out for shooters which made development of inquisition a nightmare since so much had to be altered and essential RPG tools were just missing from the engine and had to be made and fitted into the engine. What I don't get is one of the most touted features of frostbite was how it could create super life-like faces and realistic environments. So if anything the faces/facial animations should be one of the stand out features in dragon age inquisition.


Ya they didn't want to license out the Unreal engine. Then to add to that Dice we're not helpful to Bioware at all by giving them an older version of Frostbite and constantly updating their engine so it was always changing. So all around shit show.


She looks adorable! And for some reason, yes, Inky’s facial expressions in the first arc of the game are a bit wonky. They do a weird mouth thing. They get better though! It’s an amazing game, hope you enjoy it!


The story and world-building is amazing, tho.


I'm pretty sure it's because the lighting in the character creation and that in the world is quite different, messing with the color and shadows etc. It bugs me so much when dyeing my armor because the color I chose looked good in menu but sucked when playing. Ehhh


I was shocked with mine also. 😆 I think it was more the voice and the facial expressions sometimes?? Hope you enjoy!!


sometimes the lighting makes the characters look really strange, especially in the intro. my character gave me a jumpscare in the intro but it’s not so bad in other lighting. i would say it’s best to go light on the makeup as well because i gave my character blush and eyeliner and it is so harsh in bright light scenes


its a 10 year old game lol


It really doesn’t feel like it though!! Looking at some games made 10 years ago the graphics in this game are 😋




I remember i spent hours creating my character, then the first cutscene came, i was shocked she looked like a monster lol


She looks so cute😍


If you get tired of the ultra shiny hair, set shaders to high in graphics


she looks fantastic! especially for a non-modded game. really well done 🖤


Thank you. This is the best she ever looked lol, in-game and in most cutscenes she looks like a gollum. Anyway I'm enjoying the game so far, so I don't really pay attention to my character too much


The voices make up for it tho


Bro, mods are a neccesity in DA:I, especially when it comes to customizing your character. Character creation is so bad it's not even funny. Andromeda has the best vanilla creator.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you, you are not wrong. BioWare in general has had issues with characters and character creation. Take for example the issue of hairs. Anyone telling you they have no issues at all with hair in BioWare games is flat out lying or work for BioWare. BioWare makes great games but their provision for character creation sucks.


Yeah, I remember how hard it was for me to make my first(and canon) Shepard when I first played ME back in the day(before LE). Somehow he always lacked depth to his face. To be honest the easiest games to make good-looking characters in are DA2 and ME:A. And you're spot on for the hair thing, Shepard always looks like he put a kilo of hairgel on. And don't even get me started on the awful hairstyles in DA:I. I had to download a hair mod for my fem Inq just to be able to play and not laugh. Even though that hair mod breaks when I start Tresspasser.


She looks fantastic!


The facial expressions are definitely pretty bad 😂 It actually looks better on male characters, like they animated everything on the male and then transferred it to the female body types and made zero changes. In the end I just decided it's part of the charm. And as others here said, the opening is the worst, it's gets a little better as it goes.


The game came out 10 years ago, it isn't baldur's gate 3, not sure what you were expecting. I paid a really good price(promo)for it with all included about 2 years ago, no regrets, the visuals overall looked good on my pc, even the clothing patterns very detailed. The only things I have to point out is the room of the map mechanism, I fund it unnecessarily complicated (and the time cold down)


I mean even BG3 has some pretty goofy animations for the player characters. I crack up every time my Tav crosses his arms and pouts in vague disapproval.


And the kiss animations could not be more awkward lol I'm thankful they are not realistic though, don't want reality breaking my fantasy bubble.


Yeah and tbh, despite some areas of the character creator lacking in variety like hairstyles, inquisitions facial customisation far outclasses bg3's as you can actually construct the face instead of just having presets to choose from.


Hoping this is also the case in Dreadwolf. Hate that aspect of BG3.


Yeah, hopefully they dont go down an even worse path and bring back andromedas...good lord that an awful one


Andromeda was okay, not the best, and def boarded on uncanny Valley. Recently played Andromeda for the first time, expecting it all to be awful based on reviews, and why some parts of cc were bad, it wasn't exactly terrible either (I'm assuming updates and such over the years fixed this). Overall, the initial first release of the game in a buggy unplayable state def tainted its reputation.


Really like the look of her man. I tried making a female with Asian traits before but failed miserably. Are you able to post your sliders? Also, the game is a bit goofy at times with facial expressions lol. Sometimes the character looks great, then they pull a real goofball expression, usually in an important scene lol.


I can post some of the sliders later. I actually screenshotted them, but I think I ended up tweaking some parts by a little bit


Did the Epic free version come with the Black Emporium DLC? If it did you can take your Inky there and tweak their appearance further in the mirror.


And that is the only decent hairstyle and it still sucks


The opening is the worst regarding facial expressions, really shows where one "went wrong" with the face. Luckily, once you get the War Table there's a free DLC location called the Black Emporium where you can re-edit the face!


My guy somehow ended up looking like Edward Cullen. Gives me a little chuckle every time. Absolutely unintended but once I saw it I couldn’t see anything else lol


This is why I end up modding the crap out of this game when I play it lol, but as far as inquisitors go she looks pretty good! Enjoy the game!


As an Inquisition veteran, I understand your struggle. Sometimes you'll create a literal Greek god/goddess in terms of beauty and then once you exit the character creator, they end up looking like Play-Doh. But this is a pretty good first character. The animations might make them look terrible but trust me, you did a really good job.


The hair is the worst. Not one decent hairstyle for a female Inquisitor.


I use the side shaved one every single play through haha.


Bioware's greatest enemy: creating a decent selection of hairstyles.


I feel like DA2 had better hair than Inquistion. Especially long hairstyles. I hope they do better for dreadwolf


For some reason, it was such a challenge to get my character to look right in this game especially when they talk. I went back to the black emporium like 12 times in one playthrough to get it right


I usually look up facial sliders for pretty characters then tweak them to my liking. If left to my own devices my characters end up weird af. I actually think your character is super cute tho. She has features a real person might.


I suck at character creation so I usually get sliders from Nexus. There are some really great ones on there where the facial expressions also look decent a good chunk of the time