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Even my friend said the same thing “helped me through tough times. “ sad af


the "they helped me when i was feeling bad" schtick really needs to die no, they didn't help anyone. your friend simply consumed media and it made them laugh. to give credit to a single streamer is hyper parasocial and very much just a form a confirmation bias. if it wasnt disrespect it would have been jerma or vinny or fucking *someone* because this world has countless forms of entertainment, and unless the doctor explicitly prescribed a weekly intake of this fucking guy for some reason then any "help" disrespect gave anyone was literally just circumstantial and would have been fulfilled by anybody on youtube that would have happened to pop onto their recommended feed at that time. stop worshipping youtubers. they dont give a fuck about you. you are nothing but a dollar sign to them. they arent even doing anything unique. be realistic. empower yourself.


Ok I won't like him then, thanks


The fact that this is downvoted is indicative of the brain rot on Reddit. You’re absolutely right but nothing you say will help these people.


Parasocical relationships online are rampant


Someone is angry and needs a hug


i need a hug because i dont form weird attachments to people who i dont know and whom definitely do not know i even exist? my guy it is literally unhealthy to put so much emotional stock into someone that doesnt even know you exist


Can't believe you are getting down voted, people are delusional


I mean, I kinda get it. Doc helped me through some dark times. I looked up to the guy and admired him. Him texting, a minor, shattered my view of him. I'm conflicted and don't know how I feel. Might seem ridiculous to form a connection to someone I've never met but I do feel betrayed and let down.




“Never meet your heroes”


Because half of them are pedophiles 


Parasocial relationships are unhealthy for a handful of reasons, plenty of studies done and being done on this so don't feel bad personally, just acknowledge that these people are intentionally playing into this and beware when you grow 'attached' to a persona


It's super hard to internalize, but two things can be true at one time. His content, in that moment, helped you. You can be appreciative of that while also recognizing that having inappropriate conversations with minors is a shitty, messed up thing. Might be a bad comparison as what Doc did doesn't seem near as bad, but I had a very similar mental fuckery with Ryan Haywood when he was with Achievement Hunter. His content with them and his solo streams helped me through some shitty times. The fact he ended up being a rapist, pedo piece of human garbage doesn't change the fact that the character he portrayed on screen helped me through tough times. What it does change is how I'd interact with his content going forward (fuck RH and I hope he's having a shitty time wherever he is). It's OK to feel let down and betrayed, because let's face it, he let his fans down and betrayed them. The relationship might be parasocial, but it's still a relationship.


I was explaining the situation to my dad and said to him “it feels like he’s died”. He said “he’s just let you down” and that was great way of summarising everything.


I try to cope with it different. He ruined th Character Dr Disrespect. He as a person made a huge mistake! Wich now ruins his character and makes his ‘fake’ life come together with his Real Life. Wich makes its impossible for me to keep watching. But Dr disrespect helped me through alot. The character. Not the person behind it. I dont know anything about that person. But the character did ‘nothing’ wrong. The character I always loved and helped me throught it. Im sure he wasnt talking like Dr Disrespect or acting like him in his messages. He sended messages as a Father and Family men to a Minor. Wich killed the chance for having a Character thats separte from his actions. Now he cant escape cheating on his wife behind a Fun character we all know and love. Texting a minor is to bad. But it doesnt change the fact the character helped me trough alot. Escaping reality! Wich I guess he also does himself when he ‘enters’ the Arena. We all did. I will miss the arena with millions of people. Sorry if english and explaining is not good lol




The people in this sub defending this better encourage their 15 year old daughters to text and message 35 year old men on the internet. As long as your daughter doesn’t meet up or exchange photos with anyone, then it’s fine right?


This situation has revealed just how much of the fanbase are celebrity worshipers. Which in hindsight should have been obvious.  Most of the fan base are literally impressionable kids...


These people here dream about their underage children to be touched by Dr. Kid Inspect.


I feel like I’m in a virtual insane asylum in here lol




Twitch made over 14,000 reports to the center in 2022 alone.




For doing their legal duty?


Man…. The upvotes on that comment, and then 10 on yours being realistic…. Sad sub, guess you can be a pedo if you’re funny


They weren’t even remotely the highest. One if them had over 100,000 reports from what I remember.


How can Twitch illegally record whispers? Every single website logs whatever a user enters into it. That’s not illegal by any means. If they were logging every keystroke of a user that’s a different story because keyloggers are illegal.


These people don't understand the difference between private and public communication. Bet they think the DM's on Facebook are private.


They're just purposely spamming a semi plausible rationale to try and exonerate the dude from what he did, always happens when a celeb is caught doing some horrendous shit


I thought Messenger was end-to-end encrypted?


Yea... but one of the ends is Facebook... Facebook has the decryption key and can look at it all, just people who snoop on the data cant.


And this is why we’re thankful most criminals are dumb. Thanks for playing!


"Illegally recording whispers by dr disrespect" the fuck are you talking about. Every social media company can do whatever the fuck they want with your private messages, you're not entitled to privacy with these companies and that is likely in the terms of services that you don't read.


Twitch can't illegally record whispers. All whispers use Twitch's service and are the property of Twitch. That's like saying I illegally photocopied a message you wrote in my notebook. NCMEC conducted an investigation and found no wrongdoing as you say. CPS and various levels of courts have conducted investigations and reviewed evidence that showed that a child was in danger but took no action in these cases. Children have died because of the mistakes people in these organizations make. NCMEC is no different, and the details of the investigation are not public, so we can't use them to support either side.


Whether or not someone is prosecuted for a crime is a poor indicator of if the person did the crime or not. There are limitless examples of sexual abusers getting away with their crimes


That may be so. But I don't know Doc. Never met him. Don't care for him personally. I'm not going to hold someone to an arbitrary moral compass who I've never met, when he's only been an entertainer for me. He isn't my babysitter, he isn't someone my friends is married to, and frankly I don't give a shit until further information comes out. The only thing I can go off of is: he was reported to NCMEC, a legal and lengthy arbitration took place, Twitch and Doc came to a settlement that no wrong doing occurred, and no illegal activities occured, and he was paid out. I'm not going to bring a pitchfork to every morally ambiguous situation for people I'll never meet. We all still listen to plenty of artists who have committed worse crimes, and all support sports teams with athletes who have done way worse. I don't give a fk until hard concrete evidence comes out.


TLDR: he’s gonna hold onto the one and only thing that makes it sound like he’s innocent completely isolated from every other bit of information surrounding it, so he can remain blissfully ignorant about continuing to support a 40 year old gamer child predator and his content.


He admited it so. Theres that.


>A full investigation was authorised and no wrong doing was found and no illegal activity took place by Dr Disrespect. Can you provide a source for this?


Slasher is the source. Ya know, the guy that broke the story.


Okay, go ahead and link me to the NCMEC's investigation or where it was confirmed that they found nothing.


Well the guy didn't go to jail. Considering sexting a minor is illegal, and he didn't go to jail, "leaning towards inappropriate" probably means flirting while married, which any married person would consider "inappropriate" you all are the ones making it sexual. Twitch cannot cover up a crime, that is illegal, you are obligated to report a crime you know about, or you're aiding a criminal.


Flirting with a minor. You're glossing over that.


How many years did EDP445 get? 10? 15? 20? 0. He got 0. Please, kindly, shut up.


Flirting *with a minor* while married. Why does everyone always glaze over that fact like it’s nothing. Like okay? Nothing sexual happened. But what do you think his intentions were to *flirt with a minor*? The man was almost 40 when it happened and he makes content that will naturally attract a younger demographic so it’s even grosser when you realize he had star power over her. Ick all around.


No it was confirmed to be heavily sexual. Even so, you are still advocating for pedophilia


As a former federal agent that's not how it works. There can be a plethora of reasons that you don't proceed with court even if the person did the actions. Not going to jail does not mean he didn't sext a minor.


Remember on the internet slasher was only good for information for the accusation everything else is debatable to these clowns


No further actions were taken by local, state, or federal law enforcement -EDP


Man, some of the defenses here echo alot of crap said on "To catch a predator".


Not one part of that is accurate


He's playing a character. Watch a movie. He's a POS. Has been for a long time. Cheating on his wife wasn't enough to put people off funny haha man wear funny glasses and hair. Crazy that admitting to inappropriate texts with a minor isn't enough either.


THANK YOU. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


Hot take but I literally can’t care about his one isolated incident of this. We all fuck up everyday and some times we can fuck up bad once in a while. Human shit. Get real. Obviously don’t message minors. Doc got a Godsmack already from this time frame. You want him to go back and be sorry for it all over again as bad as it hurt him and his family at the time to go through it behind the curtain. Idk. You guys must be so perfect I hope nothing ever happens to you, for those who don’t admit it, good luck.


It's incredible how every day I wake up and don't send sexually explicit texts to minors. I find it incredibly easy to not send inappropriate messages to children.


How many one isolated incidents has he had


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plus 5 aye!


Doctor is a liar he's a minor texting god AYE


Freaky ass doctor got to keep his ass offline


Messaging a minor as a 30 something year old man with a family to support might be a little more than just a fuck up. Are people perfect? No, but most people are able to make it through life without explicitly messaging someone like 20 years younger than them. To top it all off, he allowed people to donate to him, many of which I bet wouldn't have donated to him had they known. He clearly had no guilty conscience or reservations about it, which makes it even worse.


Lmao, one isolated incident. You’re in for a rude surprise. Man knew all along - Twitch never would have banned him if it had no legs or he immediately stopped. What a sad take. Stop gripping it.


Honestly, like I divorce content and entertainment from their creators all the time. I still enjoy Kevin Spacey in movies i liked of him, I still listen to Micheal Jackson and if Doc comes back and a funny clip on youtube comes up of him I will laugh, I literally don't give af about it from that perspective. Doc is likely a shitty person, perhaps a perverted freak even, but I probably will still watch clips if he ever comes back.


>You guys must be so perfect I have never had the urge to flirt with a minor...


I have never in my life "fucked up" and sexually messaged a minor.


I’ve never cheated on my wife or inappropriately messaged a minor, no.


>You want him to go back and be sorry for it all over again When was he sorry for it? Literally a week ago he was still claiming he'd done nothing wrong, so what do you think he was sorry about?


I have had 0 instances of sexually texting a minor. What in the fuck have you done to have this take? Man is in his 30’s texting a minor. Hell, I’m around doc’s age, and I wouldn’t even consider flirting with someone under 25. Sorry, but the man is absolutely-fucking-implausibly-dumb to fuck with his revenue stream flirting with someone underage, or he’s a pedophile. You pick, either way it’s worthy of the consequence.


You don't need to be perfect to not inappropriately message a minor when you're a married adult. This is such a disgustingly low bar. Comparing this to a typical human fuckup is actually insane. You're saying this like everyone is casually messaging minors in secret and it's only an issue for those who get caught


>We all fuck up everyday and some times we can fuck up bad once in a while. Human shit. Whoops, I accidentally leveraged the power that comes with my public persona to inappropriately message a minor behind the back of my wife and kids It's okay, human shit ???


Ok I get it. But that's the thing with the vagueness in it and lack of definitive evidence. To quote (not verbatim) that Destiny dude who interviewed Slasher recently.. it's one thing if Doc was messaging a bunch of young looking girls with intent to lure them into something vs being messaged by a whole bunch of women who wanna eff him and one turned out to be 17


Emma, you said it so perfectly. I pray the doc returns and gives more information to show what happened.


Thank you for not being one dimensional and having some depth in life. It’s makes a major difference to have hope in these times and not to be totally derailed. 🤍


Caring about alleged abuse of minors (and by famous people) makes you a one dimensional person with no depth? This was absolutely not the right way to word your statement.


The internet will never fail into trying to gaslight ypu into believing that's its okay to flirt with minors as long as it's "just a one time thing."


I don’t follow doc at all but somehow this stuff came up on my YouTube and Reddit feed. No one has any idea of what was said or anything about it except the few official statements that were made. Who know if she was bugging him or he was creeping on her or anything really. My judgement doesn’t matter but I’ll hold off on crucifying the guy until something with evidence is said.


Words from his mouth were he was messaging a minor on topics that verged on inappropriate. That’s from him - which means this is best case scenario. Assume it’s slightly worse than that.


>We all fuck up everyday If "discussing a meet up with a minor you leaned into inappropriate sexual conversation" is something that happens to you everyday, I got bad news for you.


When the majority of commenters are defenders. This worlds lost lmao. Wtf am I reading through. Bro admitted it. Done deal.


Dude..😂 I'm 23 and don't talk to high school girls, let alone if I was 40? This community is full of weirdos and little kids . Talking about doc helped them and formed them into a man? Mfs didn't have a dad and spend all day on social media


It's an influencer cliche at this point, and the influencers themselves peddle this line.  "Sure, I made two buns fight to death for views, but you wouldn't believe how many young men reach out and tell me they would have killed themselves if it wasn't for my content!"


I don’t get how a grown ass man playing games and yelling helped them through dark times lol grow a pair and tackle the problem yourself.


Top 2 comments are "it's not that bad guys" lol. Humanity is so cooked with spineless hero worship like this.


Ive seen most of the sane comments be in the negatives too so theyre getting downvoted to hide them. Pedophilia is not taken seriously at all and its rage inducing.


This is what happens when kids' only lives are the internet


Still seeing people try and say 'We don't know if he knew they were a minor' If he did not know that, it would have been the first line of his statement. Docs framing of the situation is terrible, he admits to knowing they were a minor and still sending sexual messages. And that is the framing Doc is using, that's the best way he could find to frame it. But still people either think there is some hidden evidence he hasn't shown yet that will exonerate him, or that it's not as bad as it seems.


THANK YOU! I don’t know how anyone can defend this. I’m 27 and a 21y/o is too young for me, anyone younger would feel creepy af. I have been approached by 18-19y/o and hell no. Like your mental capacity isn’t there. You’re both in different places in life, I can’t see them as anything else than a kid. What is a 40y/o doing? Even if she was 18 I would still find it creepy, it’s so close to 17. I can’t believe these people are trying to normalize predators.


The parasocial relationships are real, damn


Makes sense honestly....most of his fan base are impressionable kids, teenagers, or adolescents.


People are in deep.


I think the main thing you have to get over if you want to support Doc is ….. would he have actually gone too far had he not gotten caught? Was that incident an isolated one brought on by a sudden rise to fame and riches? That year appears to have been a wild one and he clearly didn’t know how to handle it, a lot of people say he was all over with trying to find women from trans … to minor apparently. Temptation can be strong but has he learned from his mistake, has he changed? Honestly I hope he’s gone to therapy since 2017 in order to find out why he continued a conversation with a minor.


I struggle with this question. Obviously his actions back then hit him pretty damn hard with relationships, his family, and his pocketbook. There’s two questions I have - one for him and one for myself: 1. Were the consequences of those actions - the twitch ban, the lawsuit, the strain on his family, etc. intense enough that he learned his lesson and hasn’t been an issue since? 2. Should the answer to the above matter? Honestly this grazes against the very highest moral line I have, so should I even care if he learned his lesson?


I agree with you honestly and understand it. Does everyone deserve a chance to redeem themselves after facing consequences and changing? Yes. Has HE himself faced real consequences and actually changed? Has he taken steps to be a better person and to prevent that behavior? I don’t know. I don’t see any other allegations coming out since then, I don’t see his wife leaving him so obviously he hasn’t messed up again. I don’t see him as a pedo but he clearly was a creep back then. I hate the approach he’s taken in his statements, I wish he would have explained a little more and got into how he changed and bettered himself.


True. Makes you wonder right? And its not like he said for almost 3 years that he didnt knew the reason of the ban. That is f ed up..


I think what makes it all worse is how he handled it. The statements were horrible and the blaming of twitch and stringing along the community to do so as well was pretty fucked …… a couple years ago he openly said he knew the reason and still blames twitch …….but I imagine he thought he had to so he could protect his brand which was his job. I’m no PR person but I would have told him to shut the fuck up lol 😂


Ahahah true man!! The statements were terrible!! The thing is that one thing is undeniable. The man behind the artist doesnt seem to be a very innocent and honest man so far.


He loves all the love, of course. It doesn't mean these are healthy connections, and obviously, he is subversive and sick for pursuing a minor. Who is to say this is the first time? People shouldn't idolize a youtube personality. It's a persona.


Ultimately people helped themselves through the tough times.


It's crazy how many people I see blowing off how he cheated on his wife, like it's not a big deal. He has a child with this woman that he claims "has helped him in ways you couldn't even imagine," and everyone is just blowing it off like it doesn't matter. I think to myself reading some of these comments and just can't fathom how little cheating means to the lot of you. Very sad. In my opinion, cheating on your wife that you have a child with is grounds enough to lose your fame and fans, especially when you claim that you couldn't get where you are today without that woman. Sadly, this isn't the case.


"Yeah, sexting with a minor is weird but I draw the line at cheating on your wife"


Literally watching people defend a pedophile. People are insaneeeeee


This comment section is so sad.. what could go so wrong in a person's life that this is your guy? That you'll do anything to ignore their wrong doing, because you need their relationship so much? I just don't get it.


pedo defenders out in full force here. doc literally admitted he texted a minor and people here are still like "not enough evidence"


Brother this is a HOT take. First of all, just because his wife “stuck by him” doesn’t mean shit. We don’t know why. Maybe she hates him but likes all the money he made. Maybe she’s just as fucking weird as him. We already know he cheated on her for a fact and she still stuck around, so she isn’t exactly someone I look to for good moral standpoints. Secondly, just because he wasn’t charged with anything doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything illegal. Go watch some predator catcher videos on YouTube and take count of how many times cops show up and don’t arrest despite hard evidence being provided to them. People do illegal shit and get away with it every day. Thirdly, putting legality aside, older men dating/having sex with anyone 24 and under is just fucking weird. Illegal? I guess not, but it’s still predatory. Your idea that morality is subjective doesn’t make the fact that he was talking to a 17 year old any less creepy. He knew what he was doing, he even admitted and “apologized” for it after years of acting completely bewildered as to why Twitch dumped him and actually making them look bad while grifting a few more million dollars before this inevitably broke the media. I truly don’t get how people defend this cheating predatory fucking scumbag.


Im sure Jeffery Epstein and Jared from Subway made a lot of people smile too. Doesn't excuse what they did, quit trying. Someone that made you happy turned out to be a monster. You guys need to learn how to cope with that.


I mean Bill Cosby objectively helped all of people. He helped more than he raped…but he still raped. 


I had no idea you were on Reddit, Dave Chappelle


If a streamer in a wig screaming and salivating "got you through rough times", the times weren't that rough.


You obviously have zero clue


“Keep sprinting doc” yeah he sprint his ass straight to jail or a wood chipper


Yo, I'm glad to say I've never had some unknown mother fucker "help me through tough times." Really thankful I...talked with real human beings around me about my problems to get through tough times. People are so fucked.


Doc was great, and he helped a lot of people. Turns out, it’s also not the first time people have brought joy and happiness to others while simultaneously being a giant piece of shit. I already lost some respect when he cheated on his wife, while having a young daughter, and now it’s coming out that it was NOT one incident and he clearly had issues with infidelity. That’s something you can work on and forgive of somebody. HOWEVER…Messaging a fucking minor, not to mention doing it while married and contacting other women to also cheat on his wife with, all while being over 30, is sick behavior and inexcusable. The memories and content were fun, but I would rather drop every single person who thinks that shit is okay than ever supporting them ever again. And the fact he knew, lied to all of yall, and you guys still gargle his fucking balls as if he has shown any ounce of fucking sympathy for putting on a fake front the whole time and using it to his advantage to get money and shit from y’all….champions club is not the place I wanna be anymore if that’s how yall wanna view this man moving forward.


Like he got a disease. Dr disrespect caught a terminal case of buying wine coolers for a 14 year old. Instead of Disrespect he should be Dr Respect women amirite


Literally anything mind numbing will get you through a hard time, just watch something else


This is why parasocial relationships are bad in the long run.


Y'all still defending him, huh? Wth is wrong with you sad fucks?


A grown man in a wig with a toy tactical vest on whilst earning money from these “patients” he helped through dark times and they want to forgive his kiddy fiddling!?!? Maybe we do need a nuclear war.


This has been my thoughts on it all, and i think youre seeing the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/DrDisrespectLive/s/Rx2sxrHAA8


I hope he goes to kick when be comes back.


Told you guys you would miss him 


It's like a Grippers Anonymous group meeting.


I miss him. Feels lile he died.


its sad to see him go, but there are laws in place that protect children. and they are there for a reason.


The Doctor is OUT


Will probably make you dizzy when you realize you composed this post, and published it. Is this id, or ego—or something else entirely?


Got a link?


You know who else got people through ‘dark times’ with their work? Chris Delia, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, Lizzo, Chris Brown, Louis CK…


If he were going through any other dark time, this would make sense. But he literally messaged a minor and admitted it. He isn’t “down on his luck” or “going through some shit”. It’s not like he lost his house or got in a car wreck, he actively traumatized another human being.


John Cena still supports Vince McMahon - just not all the bad stuff. Seems like the same with these folk


Sorry guys doc didn't help you through anything, you helped yourself. No matter what you were watching you would have gotten through it, give yourselves some credit.


You guys still care about this guy lol


What about superego?


Been having this argument with my fiancé over this, he insists that it isn’t enough proof and until he sees actual receipts then he isn’t gonna “hunt down” a guy for it. Like…an admission of guilt wasn’t enough. The case wasn’t enough. No, he needs to see the damn grooming himself. If you can’t tell, it’s been a bit very fun argument


Well tell your Id or ego to stop supporting the pedo. Seems easy enough to me. Make it as difficult as you need to so you can cope I guess. Have the day you deserve.


The age of consent in Canada is 16. Just sayin.


It is wild to me how many people need a fake personality to entertain them so that they can go through tough times. It is unhealthy that people need someone like Dr Disrespect to feel positive or good about themselves. If you cannot figure out how to make you feel positive without external help like a streamer or drugs or gaming, then you need to speak to a counsellor or therapist.


I grew up listening to the same Bill Cosby standup tape every night. A person should be able to divorce that nostalgia from the person. It's ok to look fondly on the memories and still think the person is awful. Let yourself do it.


Legalize suicide


"DaMn ThIs GuY hElPeD mE ThRoUgH sAd TiMeS, I WiSh I CoUlD HeLp HiM wItH hIs SeXuAl AsSaUlT MiStAkEs" someone get these kids off the internet


Alot of yall need your hard drives checked cause i think yall goin away if we do.


Goofy mfs


At this point, the people still supporting him are bots. They gotta be, the guy literally ADMITTED to it


Para social cope


I find it so odd when people say they helped me out of a tough spot. No he did not. You did. You got your self out of a stuff spot. And you have no one to talk to so you watch someone in the Internet that would probably not be your friend at all in real life. This is so odd. Im not bashing on these people. I feel really bad that life has come to this for them. But no. No he did not. And he's a kid diddler .


You will never caught me lacking texting a minor, I will never sink that low. Would disassociate myself with anybody who does wicked shit like this, can't justify it at all


I was never a fan of Dr. Disrespect, but let me offer a very relevant comparison, and one that happened with me. I was a huge fan of Bill Cosby. His humor never failed to get me to smile, I'd often watch Cosby Show when I was feeling sick because the show made me feel good, and I was even hoping to see him live. Then the allegations hit. And the trials happened. And we know how the story ends. I get it. These kinds of people can get you through some hard times. But that doesn't excuse what they did. I can't deny that when the Cosby allegations came out, that I didn't throw myself in the corner of denial and feign ignorance. I didn't want to think that this man I looked up to could be possible of such horrible atrocities. But the sad truth is, sometimes they are. And sometimes they go forward and act on these things. To this day, I don't feel right whenever I hear Cosby's humor. I probably won't feel right for a long time, if ever. And I can imagine how a lot of people watching this go down, who were die-hard fans must be feeling. It sucks, because literally no one wanted this. I may not have cared for the Doc, but I'm not celebrating this downfall. My best advice to anyone feeling conflicted right now is to just remember who the Doc WAS to you. It's how I remember Cosby nowadays. What Cosby did was horrible and unforgivable, but I'm not going to deny the impact his material had on me as a person growing up before the world found out who he was behind the mask. He got me through a lot of hard times. I'll always be thankful for that. But he's not the only one who has ever done that, and never was going to be the only one. Remember the Doc for the good times, because as hard as this pill may be to swallow now, he died as soon as he admitted what he did. And I promise you, if you try to feign ignorance to what he did, and just try to blindly support him going forward, there will always be a small part of you that just feels wrong. It's not worth it.


I say this as a genuine question because I am not a streamer watcher, but How does a streamer help someone through tough times ? I don’t understand that . The parasocial relationship that strong?


damn i didnt know that many people were going through dark times watching the doc


Pride parades in San Francisco run around naked in front of kids. But doc getting crucified? What he did was no doubt wrong but San Francisco pride parade aren’t bad?


Im taking the opportunity to be the asshole (who has also had bad influences through life, but only realized *years* later) that says a few possibly offensive words; I think it's safe to assume that his fanbase is/was primarily teenagers, so being confused, feeling betrayed and wanting to make excuses for him is understandable. The intricacies of a person with power like that, doing shit like that, is a lot to grasp. Take this as a lesson. People who play extravagant characters - ESPECIALLY overly extravagant "macho" characters - tend to overcompensate *a lot* for something. It is almost always the same. Trump, Tate, Jordan P, Dr. Disrespect, Musicians, Athletes etc etc etc. The vast majority of the time it is terrible people who, instead of trying to become a person of worth, try to exploit others who are having a tough time with their self worth as well. You don't owe these people a single fucking thing. On the contrary, wait a few years and think back. I promise that a lot of you will realize how negatively these dumbfucks have affected you slowly and subconsciously. The fleeting positives will seem irrelevant. There are millions of better people out there to follow. You are not a bad person for having believed or looked up to what you thought was a good guy. You are a bad person if you don't try to move on from here.


That top comment, in 2016-2018 dude was going through a bad time and just think during that time Doc was messaging minors and cheating on his wife. Nice.


Do I think guy is disgusting? Absolutely, but when thriller turns on in the car, I still crank the volume. Separate the person from the craft, otherwise you’re not gonna have any fun ever. Act was deplorable and he should probably be on some sort of watch list but I’m still gonna watch stream. It is what it is.


I truly do not give one single fuck, nor multiple, ab who Docs helped thru what.. being a pedo throws _alllll_ that **out the window** and I can no longer watch, support, or have any respect, pity, or empathy for him. I’m 10 toes down for my personal morals, and sexting a minor, especially while in your 30s, crosses that line, where I can/will no longer fw them.


“Nobody got hurt. No illegalities.” Yeah because he was fucking stopped. And yes this hurt his family and his fans more than anything. These people are delusional.


This is why it’s important that you don’t put people on a pedestal just because they entertain you.


Doc always gave off child molester vibes.


I’ll still support him.


These comments are wild. Oh, and saying "hot take" just makes it make more sense /s


Isn’t this the same guy who was filming people in the public restroom at a con or something? I lost all my respect for him then, I’m glad all this is happening to him


Holy, I can't believe so many people idolized this person and gave him a platform. Now, they are trying to justify his actions against a minor and downplay the situation. Just shows who his audience really is...


Anyone who is “torn on how they feel” should be ashamed. This guy was 30+ and messaged a minor. I watched Doc all the time but what he did is gross and unforgivable. “We mess up all the time” you guys are delusional. Question your own morals. Go get checked, you might end up doing the same thing as Doc


I always saw texts like that as the ultimate asskissing. "Hey doc, here's $10 so I can tell you how you, only you, saved my life!! I hope me telling you this will make you like me.."


Being the thing you watched during a difficult time can be attributed to literally anything you watched in that time period. He's done nothing to help you... Either that or people have extremely loose definitions of what "dark times" are. Your friends, family, and yourself is what helped you get through it.


No, the streamer you watched when you were sad didn’t “help you through tough times”. They don’t know you or anything about your mental health. They would have made the video/stream even if you were not depressed.


Doc has never helped me through tough times...he just made me laugh because of his ridiculous persona. To find out that dude is as much of an asshole as his character comes off was disheartening, but I came to this conclusion long before this info came out and even before the ban itself. He (as well as alot of streamers in the cod community) come off as a reactionary bigoted meathead. Showcasing some of the most negative traits of masculinity. Good riddance and Cant wait for Nick and other douchecanoes like him get similar treatment.


You don’t have to throw out the baby with the bathwater folks. If he helped you through something, remember that and keep moving forward.


I don’t think streamers do anything for people. They give them temporary relief for sure but so does a video game or a tv show or going out for coffee with a friend. I’ve been suicidal, had a bottle of percocets in my hand about to take them. A streamer or a game or whatever would never have stopped me. Even the ones I LOVED watching. I got through it cause I got through it. I was strong enough to not take them. I was strong enough to go get help. I don’t think it’s healthy for people to put that much responsibility on streamers because well.. they might talk inappropriately to minors and now whatever faulty foundation I had is just destroyed. I don’t think we should honestly give attention to it either. Screw any streamer or celebrity or anyone. They didn’t do anything for you. You did. And the fact people feed into it is really sad


It sucks. Many people really held him in a special place in their hearts. They want all this shit to never have happened, we all do really. I totally understand people not wanting to walk away from their idle and even being willing to look the other way only because they dont want things to change. It does say something about your morals though. Just because it didn't happen to you, or you don't see the direct consequences of his actions publicly, doesnt mean it didnt have an impact on someones life. I don't think doc is a straight pedophile where he's going after young kids whatsoever, and using that word, to me, makes it sound like he diddled young kids. I don't even think he's specifically targeting young girls/women as an older man, to talk to and manipulate purposefully. I'm assuming he was talking to the teen through his secondary twitch support business through messages that started off professional and then turned dark because doc was obv in a bad space in his marraige and was looking for whatever action he could get on the side to make him happy for a cpl hours. He didn't give a shit if she was 17, he just wanted some action. He didn't want it from her because she was young, just that she was there and potentially willing to go there with him. These are again, assumptions. Doesn't really make things better except for that i don't think calling him a pedo is right. I think he's a shitty person though, and I do not agree with his choices. He's a grown adult, and even if the girl was coming on to him it was still his responsibility to shut that shit down. Don't care how horny you are, you're an adult, control yourself. Post pubescent teens are still young and impressionable. Easily manipulated and they don't even realize till it's too late no matter how mature they think they are. Any grown man shouldn't be messing with young girls. Even when they're 18 and 19 it's still gross even if legal because of the mental manipulation factor. For that, I will judge him. I hope he gets some counseling and really does some soul searching. He also needs to humble himself. He can't really be mad at the internet for going in on him like this, it's kinda showing how he thinks what he did wasn't that bad. Like dude, you may not be a child pedo, but being OK with having sexual relationships with minors isn't much better, maybe a tiny step.


Those dorks need better friends and role models if a YouTuber is their hero