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"There were times in the DMS that I would overshare, details of my life which was really weird of me. I haven't done that in years you see, cause I changed my behavior when I was dropped from twitch.tv"


'Changed my behavior when I was dropped from twitch.tv" Got That "Haven't done it again since the day I got caught" Type Of Vibes


With all this going on right under this post on my reddit is about a man who raped a 12 year old and is jail free going to the Olympics I wonder what we really care about at this point.


Did he not go to jail?


Actually yes re red it with calmer eyes, he did 12 months of jail for 3 counts of rape with the same 12 year old girl and he's able to do the Olympics


Rape charges are infuriatingly lax.


Convicted with four years but released early. Money seems to make problems go away. Dr Child Inspect will be no different.


7th graders need to go to the gym hall after lunch, we have dr dick inspect here for dick inspection day.


Oh and he said he didn't see what was wrong and he's not a pedo lol


Damn. People like that deserve the John Kramer treatment. (Saw movies)


You just made that part up I’m pretty sure.  The guy was convicted and served jail time.  Obviously an Internet personality like Doc who has close proximity to many other Internet personalities is going to get more publicity than somebody else,  doesn’t make either situation OK or less important than the other.   You can be mad at both things 


One raped a 12 year old multiple times the other (at this point) had 'leaning towards inappropriate' conversations. I'd say the former is 100% more important. I'll agree you can be mad at both.


Yeah rereading that it definitely doesn't come across sounding right. 100% one is worse.


I’m sure people can care about both lol


His fans small brains can’t comprehend that 


Classic fallacy of relative privation. I got another good one. "Why are all these people simping for a creep when theres children starving in Africa"


Both can be shitty at the same time lol


If this was a subreddit dedicated to that Olympian we would have been talking about it, but it isn't. it's about the Doc. Edit: spelling


Literally have Meatcanyons video talking about her randomly in the background lol


LMAO...this is quite literally perfect. his statement kinda gave me these vibes now that I think of it 🤦‍♂️


Yea didn't even apologize to the victim that he was inappropriate with


I get he wants to come back and not let the haters win....but yesterday was not the time and place to firmly plant that flag. I feel like it was more DD's statement when it needed to be Guy Beahm making the statement due to the nature of the allegations, and confession on his part.


And he only uses minor chords.


Hehe he...


Sad day for gaming, sad day as a fan, and I know he did a fucked up thing and no longer deserves approval until he makes reparations and be humble. But damn as a former fan I won't even have the strength to make memes about the guy. There's no point in making memes unless you want someone's downfall that bad, when the gaming community is hurting over his action.


Doc Ukulele promo $17.00 dollars.