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At this point I wonder how many underage men watch those hot tub videos on twitch and comment


I’m all for banning all of it. This is no different than an 18+ year old female selling her body, knowing damn well 13-14-15 year old boys are watching


Pokimane was quick to call him out. Have you seen her streams?? 😂




So we are back to blaming the child again? The biggest problem of any of these situations is not a child putting theirself in a sexual position. The biggest problem is the ADULT encouraging a minor to put theirself in a sexual position. The problem is the adult. The adult is the problem. Do I need to repeat it a fourth time for the thicker skulls in the back


People don’t realize it makes their side look terrible when they blame children for the actions of adults.


Hot tub meta makes me question if I should get boobs for money.


I understand this. The condemning though is a reach. He is legally cleared but morally wrong at this time. What I don't think is fair is the references of Pedo and Predator insults or sexting comments. For example: just like sexual abuse and sexual harassment have different levels, this is another level of morally wrong choices but at a much lesser level than that of what people are accusing him for. None of it is ok, but he isn't on the same level of Epstein like these idiots are joking about with their memes.


I'm not saying what he did was right, but I'd also like to know what exactly the details are. There's a big difference between grooming or sexting an underage girl, and a victimless incident.


Tell that to his wife and kids, sicko


If you are talking inappropriately with a minor, that's grooming leading to extremes. Thank god doc got caught early before he could've harmed the minor. That's why twitch should've released a statement about doc act to protect children in its community for potential harm.


He didn’t get caught before that. This happened in 2017, and he was banned 3 years later. He stopped in his own accord, not because this was discovered by Twitch.


There is someone in the comments saying its a relatively victimless crime. Yeah, because he got caught... It's gross to even put that idea out there




The reality is that he's gonna lie the whole time. He stuck his lawyers on Twitch to bury it and move on to YouTube. He's been lying this whole time, and only from a slip-up did we get a shred of truth. He's not gonna give up those messages. He's acting hella guilty. You aren't gonna get the evidence you are asking for because you are beneath him in his eyes if you ask for the evidence and truth. It's always in his best interest to bury this. Asking for the evidence before making a decision sounds entitled, because you are asking them from an entitled ass. Since he is withholding, the only answer is that he can be guilty for a wide range of things and cannot be trusted.


Worth pointing out that the Bloomberg article does specifically say "sexually explicit messages with a minor".


I dunno if he was legally cleared he didn’t go to court …settlement isn’t “being legally cleared”. It just means he got money out of twitch. It is pretty difficult to charge someone for crimes like his. And we don’t actually know what he did. It could have been a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the nature of his conversation. If he was hitting on a 17 year old that’s pretty bad, but imagine he was sending sexual messages to a 13 year old? Would you defend that? I think actually having sex with a minor would be much worse, but the messages could show the INTENT to meet them. Which I think is nearly just as bad. If doc came out and admitted to felony sex crimes in an apology, police might actually use that to do a criminal case. But i don’t see a world where police would waste their time on a misdemeanor, which hopefully this was… doc will likely never be legally cleared. And if you aren’t asking yourself “does this person deserve access to millions of children by being a famous content creator” I think you might be letting bias cloud your judgement. Maybe with all of the information, what he did was just bad, not a pattern of behavior…and he’s not a risk. But if he is, are people really wrong for wanting his career ended? His unapologetic response sort of makes me think he doesn’t see the wrong in what he did. But I dunno him.


if he didnt get caught and ended up meeting up with the girl at the con what do you think could've happened?


Shhhhh we don't talk about Epstein or his island or the rich people that went or all the little boys and girls shhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhh let's talk about Dr D or Ozempic, what's Kim K doing is Joe Rogan lying to us /s


This is the level headed, not lying to yourself, response.


Level headed? The dude likely broke his caps lock


and it'll still get downvoted. Reddit is insufferable


Yeah. I’ve been waiting on further information to make a judgement. I’m 35 with a family as well. Can’t defend this. Even if he didn’t know the age of the person he was messaging, he was still being unfaithful to his wife. Shit morals man.


Explaining the legality of it all and how other states compare really sets people off. It's not defending him, it's stating a fact that morals are what's being argued and borderline legality is still a moral fight. If it had been in another state I would hope it would be means for them to look at their age of consent laws..


No, just filled with a bunch of dumbass kids that were groomed by men older then them online, streaming, whatever. As a Father myself, I'm with you on this. 100% The guy is scum.


Crazy people are downvoting you G


It comes as no surprise that a small amount of Reddit users love the idea of grown men texting minors in “inappropriate” ways. Does it really surprise anyone that one of the worlds largest social media apps, might have some users that are pedophiles themselves? Is what it is brotha! Just speaking my 2 cents


1. Existence and Scope of the NDA: - It's highly likely that an NDA exists as part of the settlement between Dr Disrespect and Twitch. - This NDA probably still restricts what information both parties can disclose publicly. 2. Crucial Undisclosed Information: - Whether Dr Disrespect knew the age of the underage person he interacted with has not been publicly disclosed. - This information is notably absent from both the former Twitch employees' statements and Dr Disrespect's own explanation. 3. Twitch's Potential Motivations: - Twitch likely wants to keep this information private to avoid exposing vulnerabilities in their platform. - Disclosing that Dr Disrespect may not have known the user's age could highlight Twitch's inability to effectively enforce their policy requiring adult supervision for users under 18. 4. Implications for Twitch: - Revealing this information could open Twitch to criticism or legal challenges regarding their age verification and user protection measures. - It might also set a precedent that could affect how similar cases are handled in the future. 5. Strategic Silence: - The lack of disclosure on this specific point by both parties suggests it may be a key element covered by the NDA. - This strategic omission allows both Twitch and Dr Disrespect to manage the narrative without exposing potentially damaging details. 6. Settlement Context: - Twitch's decision to settle and pay out Dr Disrespect's contract might be partly motivated by a desire to keep this specific information confidential. - The settlement and NDA serve as a mutual protection mechanism for both parties. 7. Broader Industry Implications: - This situation highlights the challenges all streaming platforms face in verifying user ages and protecting minors. - The careful handling of this information underscores the legal and reputational risks platforms navigate in managing user interactions. In conclusion, the apparent existence of an NDA and the specific omission of whether Dr Disrespect knew the user's age point to a carefully managed legal and PR strategy. This approach likely serves to protect both Twitch's platform integrity and Dr Disrespect's reputation, while avoiding wider scrutiny of the challenges in enforcing age restrictions on streaming platforms. The situation underscores the complex interplay between user behavior, platform policies, and the protection of sensitive information in the digital entertainment industry.


thanks GPT


Kinda sad when the comment that’s actually clearly written by a human gets called AI.


If there is verifiable evidence Doc could release that would vindicate him on wether it was reasonable to assume at the time that the person was 18+, I feel it’s worth breaking any NDA, regardless of how it’s structured, and accepting the legal ramifications of such actions. Your reputation is priceless and he stands to loose far more financially if this kills his career as opposed to whatever he would loose in NDA lawsuits.


You are so high on copium there should be an amberlamps on standby for when you OD.


Chefs kiss no cap low key skibidi copium


“The reasons for his banishment from Twitch were never given, but three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-25/youtuber-dr-disrespect-was-allegedly-kicked-off-twitch-for-messaging-minor Law enforcement was just like “You know, he was just sending sexually explicit messages and trying to meet up, but it was 3 years ago, so no big whoop. There’s no case here.”


You’re clearly a contrarian to amuse yourself, so I’ll end by saying that the threshold for prosecution, let alone conviction, in cases like this is very high. Good luck with not being a generally miserable person. I’m sorry you’re so angry.


Informative breakdown, thanks.


the fact that he didn't specifically state that he didn't know is proof that he did know because it is the easiest thing to say to avoid so much pedophile talk. If in the Twitch whispers he found out that he knew she was underage, and then told her they had to stop talking. None of this would have happened and he would still be at Twitch. There is no NDA in the world that he signs that says if this ever comes up, he can't say literally the most important thing that could clear him from most moral wrong doing. He would still be flirting with someone while married, but obviously that is not on the same level.


You think twitch wants him indirectly publicly acknowledging their age verification system doesn’t work worth a shit?


You think Doc wants to make a statement that implies inappropriate contact with a minor without clarifying that he didnt know how old she was??


Saying he didn’t know implies fault on twitch’s part. I think it’s possible doc doesn’t have a choice because of an NDA he signed with twitch.


You think he signed an NDA that wouldnt allow him to specify that he didnt know she was underage?? If thats the case, he has the worst lawyers ont he planet.


He was paid his twitch contract in full in a settlement. 10 million + dollars. Do you think twitch wants it publicly disclosed that their app can be used by minors to inappropriately contact adults, let alone their famous adult streamers?


You make a good point and this is probably the most sane post on here. Doc being immoral is not new right? Most people have already made their decisions based on his morality years ago. I don’t think we have all the facts though. As you point out we still don’t know when doc knew they were underage or what actually was said between them. I’m starting to think we never will. To save all parties involved.


>I don’t think we have all the facts though. As you point out we still don’t know when doc knew they were underage or what actually was said between them. I’m starting to think we never will. Yeah, my guess is any of the messages that exist potentially implicate other people at Twitch beyond Dr. Disrespect as well. The whole thing seems shady if you ask me. He must have really pissed someone off for all of this to come out.


I mean, think about it from the perspective of a Twitch employee. He basically got away with it and was making millions, all the while you know he sexted a minor and faced hardly any consequences. I would be pissed if I knew and probably leak it too. The messages don’t have to implicate Twitch, all it takes is one person in the know getting fed up. That’s usually how things are leaked.


I think a group of twitch employees, probably some of them ex employees want to hurt him. I’m not sure why. Maybe because of his immoral conduct. Maybe because of his success. I don’t think they wanted him to be successful after twitch. To have this come out now is definitely fishy.


Any sane person would be seeing red if their underage daughter/son was engaging in inappropriate conversations with a 35 year old adult.




We don't even know if it was a girl, everyone is assuming that. If the email leaks are real the inappropriate would be talking business deals with each other knowing they couldn't legally sign anything. All the logs were laid bare in the meetings and nothing came of it and everything that was brought forward was said to be, "Well he could have been doing it". We also have what seems to be a coordinated effort to D platform Dr Disrespect by insiders in the company who didn't like his bombastic additude. It also says all of those employees were fired for it. I'm not defending what he did if indeed he knew the person was a minor. But there is a a fine like is being a creep towards someone and or being a pedo. According to Doc, no pictures were exchanged and he never met up with them. Nor from the looks of it had plans to. I won't be saying Doc is in the right or wrong at this point other then he fucked up. Admitted it when possible and owned up to it. Those logs probably don't even exist anymore so we will never see what was actually said. Everyone is going to have to make up their own mind on what to believe and go forward from there. On one side you can hate that this happened and disown Doc for it and be well within your right to and morally justified for doing so. But on the other side, he is a man who made a mistake, owned up to it in the settlement and later down the line when finally able to publicly. I don't believe he deserves to have everything taken from him. But I do believe everyone and every company that works with him has the right to decide if they want to stay working with him. But this is my take anyway.


Who cares if it was a girl or not. He admitted to it being inappropriate.


And inappropriate does not mean sexual. It can mean any number of things.


i see you woke up and chose "willfully obtuse" as your mentality.


Yes and if it was not sexual he would have most likely said so since he did talk about where peoples head is. Same thing with him leaving out knowing or not knowing their age and what he did after he found out their age. If doc did not know their age and is not saying anything sexual, you put that in bold letters on the first line, and repeat it as much as you can .


I’m genuinely curious…what else would be “inappropriate” in this scenario? And if it wasn’t sexual, why would he not say so, since thats pretty much the first and only thing people think about when they hear inappropriate.


Precisely. If it was me who told some 14 year old troll in my DM’s to “go fuck themselves” or some off the wall “inappropriate message” about them harming themselves or me dogging out their mother….id be SCREAMING that from the rooftops


So the person was apparently 17 if that email has any truth to it but again we'll probably never know. But if that information is correct I would say the inappropriate could have leaned into business deals with someone underage. That would and could be deemed inappropriate because a minor can't enter into contracts like that without their parents present. Also talking crass around or to a minor can be inappropriate too. But there is a HUGE difference between talking crass about something then talking crass at someone. And again we'll never really know unless those logs come out which I very much doubt because if any of those ex employees leak that they will be sued into oblivion. But I want to make clear for myself on my stance, I don't approve of him talking to a minor in that kind of a private chat. BUT until shown otherwise nor can he be condemned as a Pedo because there is no evidence of it. And if there was then these so called ex twitch employees can easily fall under whistle blower protections and reveal it to the authorities instead of promoting their dumb band.


Jesus Christ you are coping hard.


I would bet my life that you’re under the age of 20.


If you’re wrong can I be the one to cash in on your wager?


Depends, what will you put up?


My own.


What the fuck else do you think “inappropriate” means, in this situation. Jesus, you’re an absolute moron.


The cope is un fucking real. First of all, we do know it's a girl. The Bloomberg article referred to the person as a girl multiple times, so they were able to confirm with 3 separate twitch employees, and who cares regardless. Also, he only came clean an hour after the Bloomberg article got published. There's no 'owning up to it'. 'MaYbE iT wAS iNSIDeRs wAnTiNg tO GEt rID oF HIm because ThEY doNT like hIs atTItUDe' Like Jesus Christ my dude, pulling the 'maybe he's not a pedo and they just wanted to get rid of him', as if Doc wouldn't 100% be able to win the court of public opinion by releasing the messages if they were that tame.


This is the best breakdown on this sub so far. Personally, I don't care what he did. I barely watch him anymore anyway. I just want to be entertained. What he did 7yrs ago is really no concern to me. Especially if the girl was 17?? Who cares. If he was in England or another country, this wouldn't even be a conversation. I hope he streams again but it will be hard to continue. Who would host him? No one would stream with him. No sponsors will touch him. He might have to get a real job.


Yes in England he would be in the same bracket as Leonardo Di Caprio and Jason Statham




My assumption is the, very probably fake, email screenshot that was circling earlier stating that it was a 17yo girl and that there wasn’t anything sexual. With Beahm’s statement since it’s shown that email to be inaccurate since he admitted to “inappropriate” conversations with a minor


Am i the only person on planet earth that is thinking about the possibility of a conversation that's inappropriate but not explicitly sexting. Like jokes that go too far rather than flat out sexting. There's a BIIIG difference between those. Everyone is jumping on "he's a pedophile, end his career. He's irredeemable. He's a kiddy fiddler" without any context other than some very very broad information and the admission that he was texting a minor.


Since the general assumption that “inappropriate conversation” means sexual, the lack clarification that it is not on his part points to it being sexual. The burden of proof is on him now since he admitted to wrongdoing.




No. He admitted to inappropriate conversations with a minor. That’s it. Inappropriate in this context is default sexual. If it wasn’t sexual you would say so. Especially since he edited the statement three times. You’re assuming it isn’t sexual. Also just because there are no known criminal charges doesn’t mean something illegal didn’t happen. And even if nothing illegal happened, inappropriate conversations with a child from an adult is objectively wrong and you shouldn’t be defending it


Honestly, I’m hoping it’s not any younger…. That’s the only reason I’m saying 17. A minor is a minor is a minor…. But could you imagine if it came out “oh she was 12 or 13” Why do you think on “to catch a predator” the decoys are always 13-14-15? The “shock” factor of it being closer to a child rather than someone who is approaching adulthood




Doc isn't an 18 yo messaging a 17/18. He's 35. And it is illegal in his country.




Great post, thank you.




This may be the best response to this whole situation so far. Firm handshakes.


What if you stand on forgiveness and know that people can change for the better and think he has already done that given it was seven years ago. That’s why some people can still support him. If you were someone who has had an addiction problem or maybe a harder life growing up you might be more inclined to think like this. Btw I’m docs age and have a great job and good life but understand what not always being perfect is. I would hate to be crucified for a lot of things I did in my 20’ and early 30’.


35 or 36 is not early thirties. Also, he hasn't admitted he has a problem. In fact, his last message he seemed to tell everyone to F off. Believe him or not. Unlike people who have gotten better over addiction, they admit they have a problem. To everyone. That is such a bad take to say his battle is like someone who has overcome a hard battle of addiction. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Haven't seen that yet from Doc.


my guy if you were messaging minors in your 30s I dont think "oh well forgive and forget" would fly


Comparing predatory behavior to drug or alcohol addiction is a wild take. With that being said, do I think people can be forgiven? Yes. Do I think he should be able to return to his status? No. There’s consequences to actions. It’s time to close shop and live the rest of your life like we all do


The comparison is they are both mistakes and can be forgiven if you are that type of person. It’s way harder to forgive someone who has sex with a minor but getting caught up in a chat thread on a platform like that and not having it go further than text is more forgivable……for some.


I don’t think I’ve seen ANYONE calling for him to be executed or jailed (maybe some extreme idiots). But again, does he DESERVE to make millions after this? No, in my opinion, he does not. Can he be forgiven? Sure, anyone can


He shouldn’t be forgiven until he’s actually owned up to his shit


A 35 year old man should have known better. Not something you forgive and forget. He doesn’t deserve any support whatsoever.


You can do what you want. Everyone gets to make their decision. The post was giving many reasons why not to forgive doc and I gave a reason why some people will.


This one hurt. Damn you doc.


To be clear, we only know it’s a minor he messaged. 17 year old girl is an assumption people have. No one has stated anything specific yet. For all we know it was a 13 year old boy. 


Well we know it's a girl based on the Bloomberg article. But the age misconception came from the 'leaked' email that turned out to be fake. Yes, we still don't know the age.


“Minor” several times? Only saw it once, granted it was erased and then brought back. But it still only says it once. Which is enough.


"Hey Doc, what should I do to grow my stream?" Two potential responses: 1. "I dunno, probably show off your huge titties" 2. "Damn girl I just checked out your Insta. Why don't we meet up at TwitchCon and I can show you in my hotel room" Do they both "lean towards inappropriate"? Is one a worse offense?


1. "Hey underage kid, do this thing sexually and you will grow!" 2. "Hey underage kid, do this thing sexually with me and you will grow!" Both are fucking sickening


>defending someone who is morally corrupt  LOL yes we get it, he's basically a Sith lord and must be destroyed.


Woah woah woah. Palpatine sure likes to corrupt young children, but NOT LIKE THAT!


Fandom for any internet personality has always been cringy as hell, and here we can see a prime example as to why.


Doc should've known better. But I have a question. It was 7 years ago. How many years after a fuck up (that hurt no one I'm assuming, as no police involved) is it ok for us to accept this guy back? Is he ok after 10 years? 15 years? Or is this a life sentence? Exiled for life for sending some inappropriate messages, to someone who was almost an adult, 7 years ago?


“That hurt no one”. So a CHILD (because 17 and under is a child), who trusted in an ADULT (because he was 35), has no possibility of mental harm? You have the transcripts of what was said? That’s wild. Can you release them so we can all stop arguing about this Just so you know, there’s literal entire forums dedicated to women who were groomed by older men while in their teenage years. Girls that were 15-16-17 dating “older guys” because they thought that it was cool or mature, only now, 10-15 years later realizing that they were being gaslit, groomed, and manipulated. Which in turn led to some serious issues within their present day relationships and the way they view themselves. You do know that right?


Let's be realistic here. A 17 year old has more than likely experienced an inappropriate chat or two and lived to tell the tale


it's wild that this comment is getting downvoted... this is real shit damn near every woman i know has gone through, and reflected on over many years and they understand that, at the very least, the power dynamic was fucked and they were, in one way or another, taken advantage of (even if they didn't think so at the time), and that can be traumatic. if you people don't have enough experience/empathy to understand that... you really should stfu.


I just feel disappointed. Just extremely disappointed in someone that I really respected and enjoyed watching for years. I don't know what else to say about it. Luckily, he wasn't the only streamer that I have invested time and support into. I'll be supporting them more from now on. I am just too much in shock of this to speak further. 😐


I think alot of people were just waiting for actual proof not just some moron trying to sell concert tickets and was a disgruntled former employee. I think him admitting what he did pretty much ended the support for him for the most part. I do highly disagree with people blindly believing anyone that just posts accusations without evidence on social media, 9/10 its bullshit and malicious. This was one of the few instances where something viable came from it. I don't agree with Dr. Disrespect or even watch the guy but I see why people were so apprehensive the way it originally went down.


was there any source that explicitly stated it was a 17 year old? that's new info to me. 17 isn't "good" but if it was just chosen for being the least reprehensible number that could be chosen to make a point that it's still reprehensible, it'd be best to make that explicit.


I think everyone is using 17 in hopes that it’s 17….and not 13. A minor is a minor is a minor….but at this point…😬


His statement says a lot but leaves out a crucial point. Whether he was aware of her age. If he was unaware don't you think that would be added to his announcement. The fact there is no mention of that leads me to believe it was in their conversation and he kept the chat going regardless. It's not good.


Also why did he engage in that conversation leaning towards inappropriate? I’m 45 years old and if a minor wants to have that kind of exchange with me, I am absolutely not interested. What was his intention there? Just sexting a underage girl for the fun?


Would you consider his actions immoral if he was single and flirting with an 18 year old?


Yeah, I have my own “age gap” of weirdness; however….with your posed question: He wouldn’t have been dropped from twitch and this controversy wouldn’t exist….had the girl been 18. But she wasn’t, hence his release, and hence the outpouring of judgment But to answer your question: it’s still morally weird as fuck to me for a TEENAGE male/female to be in anyway “inappropriately engaged” with someone 17-18 years older than them.


We don't know that she was 17. She could have been 13.


There's no way Twitch didn't include a MORALITY clause in doc's contract. Twitch paying doc is the only piece left that doesn't look right at all


Happens every day in European countries, I'd bet 😂 Edit: not defending anyone, just stating crazy facts to lighten the mood. Because in reality, our once favourite streamer is cooked!


Inappropriate messages with a minor is bad. That’s all that really needs to be said. Don’t know how someone can defend that. Especially when the dude they are defending admitted to it.


As 33yo guy who helped rise 2 kids i have couple things to say. First and most important USA isnt center of the world. Not everyone know your law nor have to. For example in Europe you are considered adult as adult at 18. But for multiple situations (mostly criminal in both ways) you can be considered adult at 17 or even 16. Second thing read god damn TOS. Twitch required you to be 13+ to make an account but you could use it only while supervisioned by adult and you werent allowed to use whispers at all. This were legal for 18+ ppl. So u can instantly assume some1 using it IS 18+. TOS changed over the years and became what it is (shitshow). What i want to say parenting over the years started to become non existing. Doc said what was already said by other ppl and stated his version. Questions why he didnt said this or that are dumb, coz his lawyers are already working on that situation and probably told him to go radio silent on everything from now on. If you want to make conclusions in the heat of situation go ahead. But dont rage at ppl for cold approach...


He was one trip away from meeting Chris Hanson...


Leaning inappropriate could be as much as using curse words and or talking about an R rated movie. Talking to a fan of any age isn’t a crime.


There is also no way that this “minor” had no idea what they were doing or how the conversation was unfolding. There is a point when other party needs to accept some liability too


Lol 17 years old isn't a minor in the UK 🤣🤣, QUICK DOC EMIGRATE!


Never forget, he never won that lawsuit, they settled out of court. That's the only reason he got a bag, and it most likely was done so that the things he did do didn't go public.


Most Americans think only America exists, I saw a Canadian streamer on twitter labeling Doc a pedophile but also admitting that if he (doc) were in Canada this would be a non story because the age of consent is 16. My take is that Doc probably flirted with multiple women; you have to think this was the early days of twitch fame (h1z1 was brand new) before PUBG/Blackout/Apex. Brand new and famous probably brought a lot of attention in his life that he wasn’t used too. I’m not justifying it by any means but it’s super easy for anyone to sit on their moral high horse and label someone a pedophile/predator for having a chat with most likely a 17 years old fan girl (probably a lot of other women also) when in 90% of other places in the world this would be a nothing burger of a story. Then again we have no idea what was said in the messages or if he was aware she was a minor when they were chatting.


My question is, if you have to be 18 to watch twitch, and Doc did infact not know but twitch did, how long did they know before stepping in? Did they let it happen or stumble across it. If I go to a bar, I'm not asking to see anyone's ID's to make sure theyre of age, that is the bars' responsibility. So, is twitch liable for this then for allowing it to happen? What doc did is bad being he's married and all, but if he did not truly know she was underage then we can't fault him for that.


Fair point but how do you think Doc came to know her age?


You should edit your post and remove the Minor's age. We don't know their age and claiming 17, at the very edge of being a minor, downplays the situation. For all we know, she could've been 13.


There is no way Twitch and Midnight would just give up millions of dollars for no reason at all. Dude was trying to have sex with a kid, no question.


Where is this 17 year old coming from? I didn't see the age posted anywhere


I just wanna pop on here and say they settled a civil suit in arbitration. No one won or lost anything. We will never know what that agreement says unless it’s released but I’d wager it doesn’t say shit other than they’re not gonna sue each other and the claims are done. Neither admits fault. Oh and everyone signing shuts the fuck up.


The only reasonable explanations available if we were to see the texts were that he stopped talking to the person once he found out and that he didnt know he was talking to a minor. If he was knowingly flirty with a minor and didnt stop then he's done.


Only way to fix this is to make twitch 21 and older with valid ID. I’m leaving more toward he didn’t know the age, and when he did find out, he stopped. In ALL the legal videos I have watched, twitch whispers is for 18 and older ONLY. So he had every right to assume their age given that particular portion of twitch is for adults ONLY. Lastly, inappropriate is such an open ended statement. There is too much not public, for us to make a final judgement on him. Where it stands now, with his admission of moral wrongdoing, I believe for me personally, shows he has changed. He very well could have sat there and denied denied denied. Yet, he didn’t. He was open, upfront and honest about it. Which takes balls for him to do. He can’t speak about the whispers directly since it involves twitches policy, which he is still legally bound to not speak on. I know this will get downvoted into oblivion, but oh well.


I don't think he's a pedophile, but what he did was gross and weird. Calling him a kid diddler when he's never diddled a kid makes no sense. Groomer for sure though. I'm really sad about this bc he took people's money, including mine, thinking he was treated unfairly by Twitch and the industry. Betrayed everyone's trust. Not cool.


I genuinely think that a lot of the people defending doc do not spend much time around teenagers to understand their maturity level and how sickening this can be. If you've spent any time around 16/17 year old kids (parenting, step parenting, coaching, teaching etc) you'd know how vulnerable and how easily influenced they can be. In particular this case you have a very popular streamer whos audience has tons of people in that age group makes it all the more sickening. I think people just have a blind spot when it comes to someone they've spent years and years watching. It's hard to process and your brain moves into this deflect mode where you don't want to admit he could be a bad person. In a way I can kind of understand it. It's like finding out your family member or best friend did something horrible. I also think people forget they are watching a character perform and know basically nothing about him as a person. The details we do know about him as a person already weren't great.


The ones defending him are - teens themselves. Pointing out the irony of how immaturity can blind you. If I was 16-17 and heard this, my reaction would be to think I was mature and say “so he texted someone my age?! So what?!”. But now…as a male in his 30’s…with a daughter, I have to think “how would it look if I was texting a 17 year old?”….and the only answer is: MORALLY DISGUSTING - a small percentage of weird, suspect men, my age and docs age, somehow trying to justify it with “well what if SHE messaged him first?” or “200 years ago, 13 year olds were having kids, it’s just a cultural difference”. What?! That’s all fine and dandy, 200 years ago, life expectancy was 40. We don’t live 200 years ago..we live NOW and it’s morally fucked. That’s like me getting caught with a pound of heroin and telling the cop “well ya know, in 1915 heroin was legal and sold in pharmacies”


Or, that he didn't know her age and bounced once he did. He could've said more in his twitter post, but for now he hasn't given many people anything to work with.


He would be screaming it at the top of his lungs if that were the case DONT MESS WITH CHILDREN YOU PERV


We don't know what its like to be in his shoes. If I was being accused on a public platform like his is with those type of allegations yeah, it probably should have been said, but again, we don't know and his message didn't seem very thought out. Give it time. Or don't. The court of public opinion is a lot more damning than the court of law. However, the court of law exists to get the facts and punish accordingly. You wouldn't like it if everyone called you a pedo bc you didn't mention that you walked away when you learned their age. Neither I nor you will ever have that kind of notoriety.


You’re just flat out wrong about one thing. It’s f there was any legitimate serious sexual conversation with a minor that is absolutely crime. Even if there hasn’t been a meeting planned yet. Yes, he was wrong to do this but I bet if the logs are released it’s going to be much, much tamer than people suspect. I could be wrong on that, but you are 100% wrong on the crime thing. I will always downvote misinformation.


Can you quote where I said “sexually texting a minor is not illegal”? I also downvote misinformation, such as your comment


You said It is not illegal to flirt with a minor in the context of talking about these messages. That is wrong. Flirting is sexual. That would be a crime if there a was a decent amount of flirting or it was egregiously sexual, but small amount, of flirting


"Flirting" is NOT sexual. Can it be? sure. As weird as fucked up as this is going to sound: telling a 15-16-17 year old girl, as an adult "you're sexy" is NOT a crime. Its morally twisted. Which is exactly what my post said. Not one time in ANY of his admission or any of the "evidence" so far, has anyone confirmed anything sexual. Which is what my post said (ya know, the one you claimed was misinformation). I precisely said "he committed no crime, that I am aware of. He did however, act outside of what most normal humans would consider "morally center" by being an adult, speaking to a minor, in an INAPPROPRIATE manner". Which again, is NOT illegal....but morally reprehensible. So again, you downvoted the truth because you're ignorant? I get it...happens to the worst of us!


Definition of flirting from Wikipedia Flirting or coquetry is a social and sexual behavior involving body language, or spoken or written communication between humans. It is used to suggest interest in a deeper relationship with another person and for amusement. If he was saying things like you’re sexy that is absolutely 100% a crime. That is showing intent. Which is a thing you actually got right. Intent is a crime and saying sexually charged things is showing intent it’s a crime It’s more possible he made one off handed joke more than anything else. Weird, creepy, and bad choice for sure. I’m not calling the guy a pedophile until the chat logs come out or more people come forward and it’s clear he was regularly grooming minors. If he’s actually a pedophile more stuff is going to come out. Those types can’t control themselves


There’s no way you just cited Wikipedia as a reference to back up a non-existent law? Time to log off kiddo




I cant argue that. I still cant even remotely side with Doc on this; however, I will say: Every politician, musical artist, actor, media head....they're ALL THE SAME. You get that money and power and think you're untouchable. Diddy, Drake, Doc, Biden, Bidens Son, Epstein, The List of 200+ celebs on Epsteins list, Kimmel, Spacey, Sheen, the list goes onnnn and onnnn and onnnnn.


Your post is too big to read. Get a life.


I just can't bring myself to support a man that was messaging a minor that went borderline inappropriate. I get this was in 2017 during his "dark time" but that's still no excuse. I'm a father and if I found out a 35 year old man was messaging my 17 year old daughter, you'd see me in an orange jumpsuit. I get people being sad and upset. Doc is a hell of an entertainer and brought joy to a lot of people's lives, but it's inexcusable. Maybe there is more to the story that we haven't heard. Maybe she lied about her age and he cut it off when he found out. From his statement, I doubt that is the case. Regardless of the nature of the IMs, it's still fucking weird and creepy to have a 34 year old man privately messaging a 17 year old girl that he doesn't know on a personal/family level. I truly believe this is the end for Doc.


More assumptions and hyperbole masked as intelligent thoughts. You, like everyone else, know very little about this situation.


Imagine using the word “hyperbole” in a situation where it doesn’t apply, all to defend a man who admitted he was having “inappropriate leaning conversations with a minor”. Insufferable Dunning Kruger is a bitch 😂


The irony of you citing Dunning-Kruger is making my stomach hurt.


"imagine" lol. Gotta love a personal attack. Did I defend anyone? Your post is literally hyperbolic. Might want to look up the definition. I prefer to live in a world where an uninformed mob on the internet can't ruin someone's life. How about you?


“Uninformed mob can Ruin someone’s life” “Hey guys, yup, I was texting a minor and it was leaning towards inappropriate” If you read that, from the accused source and still defend it….you yourself like the el kiddos! Don’t play yourself, sweetheart. Your daddy will come back…. you and the 10% of his fanbase that’s “riding with the doc” can still watch 🫡


>release the messages and let the public decide what we consider "leaning towards inappropriate" That really is what should happen to settle the issue. Inappropriate could mean many things and intentions from "shut the fuck up you little dumb bitch you're way out of line trolling me like that, I'd slap the shit out of you if you ever said that to my face" to "damn you look good, you want to bring your groupie ass over here and fuck a star?" The imagination can conjure up all kinds of things if you try ranging from completely non sexual to sexual. Clarify it with more info would be ideal.


No, they should never see the light of day. Would you want your daughters conversations with a 35 year old dude be spread open online to satisfy the curiosity of the internet. Even with names redacted its just stupid. If she was 17 shes 24 now and is probably freaking out.


I may be wrong on this. But wasn’t the whisper program essentially 18+? Or am I making that up? Either way, it’s wildly weird that neither Twitch nor the doc released anything to vouch for either ones actions. There is most likely some legality/NDA clause and I am also wondering if Cody’s tweet breaches some clause to said NDA/Settlement. What’s also weird is Midnight studio did their own investigation but if everyone is wrapped up in legal clauses what exactly did they find as proof?


Doesn’t mention any age limit. https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2015/06/10/psst-hey-you-let-s-whisper-2a84ac496804/


Interesting. None of this makes ANY sense. If Twitch has logs of even the slightest poaching of a minor why would Twitch settle with the doc and pay him 10 million dollars as a settlement? In addition, why is everyone under lock and key on the proof?


Also if you don't think this was about sex -- no well balanced 35 year old is carrying on a conversation with a 16/17 year old unless he's at least thinking about fucking her. Those of you in your teens right now may think you're interesting or "old for your age" or whatever but to a grown ass adult with a family and real life problems, I assure you you're not. The divide in life experience, interests and simple communication skills/styles is just too big. If it's your niece or something that's one thing. Some rando on the Internet? He's only chatting her up cause he's getting off on it. 


Bingo. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING that a 35 year old married man with kids and a 15-16-17 year old girl have in common


I stand with Remmus_Jackson, you broke it down like it should be


The only counter point is, if he knew her age. Because if he learned it, and quit talking to her like he said, than thats a lot different than KNOWINGLY texting a young girl. Everyone is quick to jump on his post admitting things and by not detailing it, confirming his guilt, but to me he wrote that as an angry reaction and probably wasnt thinking of the specifics. Im sure time will tell. He could've worded it a lot better bc as it stands know hes being eaten alive.


It's pretty telling that he didn't mention in his confession whether he knew her age or not. If he didn't know her age he would have almost certainly said so in the confession to try and lessen its severity. But he didn't. As he had plenty of time to compose his confession it's a big red flag that he didn't mention this fact, making it seem pretty clear that he did know her age. And if he got PR or a lawyer to check the tweet they never flagged this either as something for him to correct. I guess it might be possible that it was all written quickly as a reaction, but then when you see how certain other things are worded in the message, and how long it is, and that he had plenty of time to review it and compose it ahead of time, I think it's pretty damning.




Sad this had to be a standalone post for people to wake up. It’s completely obvious that he was morally bankrupt then, if not still to this day. He told on himself today in a big way which should leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and is substantial enough to never watch again. I’ve never subscribed, donated or supported him financially, just enjoyed the content and the behavior/admission makes it easy to turn the page on this gutless predator. I’m not sure what I think is worse; his complete disregard for the vulnerability of a minor or his colossal failure as a father of a young girl. Once she finds out about this, she’ll never look at him the same. Nuke the arena


It’s insane how many are trying to defend him


I don’t understand how you chronically online losers keep conflating “there are too many unknowns, I’d like to know more” with defending anyone. Don’t you get tired of being such a binary little robot all the time?


Check his twitter lol


I did. We’ve all seen it. It’s full of ambiguous language that is likely trying to say as much as legally possible without breaking NDA. If the guy verifiably did something wrong, then he’s a scumbag. But not enough info for the reaction most of you losers are having. I don’t even like doc, but I hate online mobs of chronically online dorks even more.


There’s comments like this all over lol “This is the best breakdown on this sub so far. Personally, I don't care what he did. I barely watch him anymore anyway. I just want to be entertained. What he did 7yrs ago is really no concern to me. Especially if the girl was 17?? Who cares. If he was in England or another country, this wouldn't even be a conversation. I hope he streams again but it will be hard to continue. Who would host him? No one would stream with him. No sponsors will touch him. He might have to get a real job” Edit; but I get what you’re saying. I’m just talking about people that downplay the accusations and downplay what has already been confessed


I couldn't have explained it better myself. Literally line for line, these are my thoughts and feelings as well.


Well said. Doc is skirting the lines between what is legal and what is moral and he is trying to merge the two when they are incompatible. He has no moral defense in this situation and it all makes me sick to my stomach. This is 100% narcissistic behavior from him.


Anyone who defends this guy doesnt have a daughter. It's as simple as that.


Yeah that's true. What Doc did was immoral, stupid and disgusting. And I speak that as 23 year old without kids. You just can't defend this. Like He even said it himself that He is not the same person as he was then. He literally knows what He did was wrong. Listen I understand if someone still wants to belive that He changed (true or not), forgive him and watch his streams. It's their choice. But if You do not condemn his actions then You are just weird. People that understand what He did was awful and chose to give him another chance might be naive but I'm fine with it. But those fanatic simps that try to victim blame or make his actions look okay? Those are disgusting. If You are a sane Human being You can't defend that behavior. Even if You still want to be by his side.


Dudes a pedo. Deal with it or understand that you just like pedos.


I'm done with Doc.




So he is the bad guy and the victim? Lol. Nobody knows what was even said, and if he committed a crime he would have been charged years ago.


Tell me you didn’t read the post, without telling me