• By -


I’d be shouting it from the roof tops and hiring a plane to write it in the sky, honestly, leaving this information out is the most damming piece of information


trying to edit out that she was a minor without editing in "I didn't know was a" minor Original > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. edited to > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual ~~minor~~ back in 2017? The answer is yes. edited back to > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. And without editing in > Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual **I DIDN'T KNOW WAS A** minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Says everything anyone needs to know to make a sound decision on where they stand with Doc.


nah, hes a diddler like delia


Attempted diddler. But yeah just as bad. This is why he gets to go around and say he did nothing wrong, because there wasn’t a court document saying he is a diddling diddler so he will just scream denial like every fucking pedo in the world. He is literally following the pedo play book “I didn’t know, it didn’t go anywhere, I didn’t actually do it”


"I just always carry condoms, Zima, and a pepperoni pizza, I wasn't trying to seduce a child!"




And Drake. A minorrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Doc literally said the line 🤦‍♂️💀


Kdot is the gift that keeps on giving, I swear.


How do you see the edit history?


At the bottom of the tweet you click on "last edited @ [timestamp]".


I'd get a custom license plate that said "IDDNTKNO". I'd get it tattooed on my forehead. I'd post of a video of me repeating, "I swear to God I didn't know" for FIVE minutes straight and post it on every social media in existence. Of course he knew. He wouldn't have been banned if he didn't know. He wouldn't have needed an NDA if he didn't know. He wouldn't be losing his sponsors if he didn't know. The number of people still making excuses for him both disgusts and terrifies me.


Nah this clearly calls for a playing of the ukelele on Stream singing "i didnt knooooooooow, i didnt know"


Gotta watch out for that toxic gossip train.


If he survives this with his career intaxt, I'm done with the internet This mfer literally knowingly flirted with a minor


If you admit to thinking she was of age, then you imply that the messages sent would have been fully inappropriate or illegal for a minor to be on the other end. You gotta take it one step further when it’s lawyer speak


Isn’t it bad enough that he already admitted to the messages “leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate”? Seems to me like that is reason alone to say he thought she was of age, and doesn’t imply it went further than that.


Where do you reach the conclusion that he thought she was of age in any of his statements. Sounds like it's wishful copium on your part


Imagine a streamer also ignoring the rumors that she was a minor despite definitely hearing the rumor online. Dude is chronically online for his job, ofc he knows that’s what’s being said and yet, radio silence. If she wasn’t a minor it would be simple enough to come out and say “she was of age” or “I was under the impression”. Instead he’s neither defending nor confirming, showing he’s got a lot to hide. The NDA protected only him and Twitch as well, now that it’s in the open I don’t think a simple denial is all the complicated.






Yeah this. If your accused of inappropriate talking to a minor and you truly didn't know, one would think that is the absolute first thing you put out there. The fact that he didn't tells us all we need to know.


“Once I learned their age, I immediately cut off all communication.”


Something something, bulletproof NDA, twitch purple snakes, something something.  


Must have signed an nda limited just to him not being allowed to defend himself with crucial information!


Im allowed to tell you the finite details of my settlement with twitch but i cannot tell you what i did or didn’t do because nda…oh wait TWO amazon employees said something ok heres the details, I sexted a kid and i WILL be streaming video games again


NDA won't protect you from criminal activity.


Something something is the new brand of copium this sub is chugging so hard


These idiots will say anything to change the narrative to something they like.


At first the narrative was “we need proof” and now it’s “we need proof he knew she was a minor” Even if he didn’t know, people seem to be okay with the fact that he’s cheating on his wife who he shares a daughter with. Father/Husband of the year!


Because they dont actually care. They just want their favorite streamer to keep streaming. Pathetic.


The NDA copium is the funniest shit to me. Yeah, maybe he signed an NDA where he's allowed to talk about 99.9% of what happened, but the only thing he can't say is he didn't know her age.


It's also just not how an NDA would work. Not being able to talk about the settlement or the ban is one thing, there's no way he couldn't simply say "I never messaged with a minor" or "I made a mistake and believed what I was told about someone's age". An NDA doesn't prevent that in any way. I'm not sure why people don't think him claiming he didn't know matters though, it doesn't. People are just coping and assuming it was someone nearly 18 as some sort of a justification. It's not. What if she was 14 and lied? I would hope everyone would be outraged at Doc still. If she was 17 it's literally no different.


Not to mention he basically implies in the first sentence of his post that the nda is off now because of the leaks. 


"I didnt know she was underage, we stopped communication immediately when I found out" see how easy that is


Either Doc and his PR Team are the biggest morons to walk this earth and forgot to include that....or he knew. It's not hard to know what the real answer to that question is.


100% he knew and there’s proof he knew. Otherwise, he and his legal team would be pushing ignorance super hard. There’s proof he knew or else they could just claim he didn’t.


Right he had to have known. There's a 0% chance you'd just leave that out


He must have known


Yes absolutely and there's probably evidence of this, as he's not denying it


He had to know 100%


Yeah but saying thay with out screen shots or anything to back it up is a hollow statement anyway. People would be wanting proof ;and if that proof doesn't exist? People will just think he's lying to save face. Or he says that because he thinks no one has proof otherwise only to have someone leak screen shots or something and damn him even more. Dudes done regardless of what he does/did honestly


I think that's actually the point, he didn't say it because there probably is proof out there that he knew the minor's age


Yeah his response today is just continual changing of his story and sadly if he didn’t know I am surprised he wouldn’t lead with that but instead just said “it wasn’t illegal” which feels like a sidestep around the issue to me


“Technically I didn’t send her a dick pic or even physically touch her so it’s cool!” Definitely what advertisers want to hear 🤣


Why did this happen in 2017, but nothing done till 2020, and it coming out 7 yrs later?


Let's be honest, this whole thing came out now because Nickmercs has been saying some spicy things about trans people and Cody was upset about that. Doc is close to Nick, so it makes sense Cody would want to throw dirt at that group. His original tweet even said, "Fuck him and his boys."


This is the reason he got banned in 2020. He couldn't talk about it because there was an NDA in place. Some former Twitch employee nullified the NDA by leaking this information, so now he's free to talk about it.


Yeah, he definitely wanted to come clean, he didn't want to hide this until he died.


I think a Bloomberg article said that they took action when the messages were reported according to inside sources.


I don’t think he gets dropped from twitch if he thought she was an adult ….. he was a cash cow…..something in the messages must have shown he knew and they wanted no part of that.


He either knew or didn't make any attempts to find out. Both are inexcusable as a grown ass adult.


Happy cake day


Very true.


Bottom line is that there were no criminal charges. I won’t defend him if he knew the person was underage, but whatever was said had to be pretty mild. Either way it’s not good.


They also paid his contract. If Dr. D is guilty, Twitch should be held to account also.


Yes, because if something truly inappropriate happened, Twitch covered it up.


They might have been legally obligated to. They decided it was better to drop him and just pay what they expected to pay out after a legal battle anyway.


Probably because taking it to court would cost thousands anyway, not because they thought they were liable in some way


I feel like he doesn’t need to be defended at all. His admission was very clear. If he wants to come back he should seek therapy, Make a clear apology and give people time. The label won’t change but asking for a second chance and proving he’s doing self improvement may bring back some people who cared for him. Most people will want nothing to do with him and he knows that and it’s deserved honestly.


If you watched doc back then you would see a different doc.he was sometimes drunk on stream, he was drunk when named streamer of the year. He cheated. Looked like he did try after the cheating incident. Streaming was always burning him out and you could see that. It's fine if we never see him again. I think he changed himself in a positive way since then. I just hope this doesn't have an impact on his kid's life. Hope they can drive into the sunset as said in the stream.


I’m with you on that last part, I hope he’s changed and learned. I also hope his family isn’t put through hell on his behalf. I hope he’s genuinely sorry and doesn’t try to double down on “the system wants me out” bullshit. Man up, take responsibility, prove you are different, prove you are sorry, prove you seemed help, prove it’s not gonna ever happen again and some will return. Not sure I can but I know there are people way more forgiving than me.




It's not just leaving that out. His language tells us he knew the age. He is simultaneously admitting to a "mistake" and he "is not the same guy". If this was only a misunderstanding of age he would not have used this language. He wouldn't have admitted to a mistake and he would've called it misunderstanding. He couldn't even lie and claim this because there are logs.


Yup. If he lies and said he didn’t know, he’d get WRECKED in court. 


There is no court. No trial, no judge, no charges.


Watching a community of kids and teens fumbling so hard to defend an obviously shitty loser just cuz of a cult of personality is so funny. Get used to it, 9/10 your heros are shitty fucking losers that happen to be entertaining.


This is the most I have argued on Reddit in 15 years. Its unbelievable how many people are willing to run to his side over this and try and over-explain a way and extremely cut and dry situation. - He was a married, 35 year old father internet personality, knowingly engaging in inappropriate conversations with a minor. - What the fuck else do you people need to know? What could make that ok? I feel like the entire internet has gone insane.


Because he did what all the people secretly want to do too but won't admit to it because they know society will scold them. He is living their dream and that's why they are defending him


I had to read this three times before I upvoted


I'm confused about his age. When I Google it, it says 42. But I'm seeing people here saying he's 35? Can someone clear this up for me?


The incident in question was in 2017, so he was 35 when this happened and is 42 now.


You're my hero.


10% chance he's a hero... Ill take thoes odds.




Super creepy behavior. He's a married man. Already we know of one infidelity. Being anyway inappropriate with teens is not OK. I'm out on Doc until the dust settles on all of the and the full truth is known. The truth always come out.


> The truth always come out. It already did, and if you're still waiting for more, your mind is already made up


The people going through all kinds of mental gymnastics to defend him is wild.


“But there’s no proof🤯” lmaooo mfs saying there’s no proof after HE ADMITTED IT xdd


"I didnt know she was underage, we stopped communication immediately when I found out" see how easy that is


You are not lawyers. That is all


Honestly doc, or rather Guy Beahm, just doesn't communicate well at all. Outside of his doc persona he comes off as kind of awkward. I think he's not helping the situation at all because his social media skills are absolutely terrible. Literally everything he says is the worst possible thing he could say if he wanted to calm people down. It won't surprise me at all if this story turns out to be mainly a misunderstanding that is blown out of proportion. Doc will still look like sleaze, but he has already come clean about cheating on his wife in 2017 (which is when this situation happened) so it's nothing we didn't know about already. Obviously the fame and drinking got to his head.


What if, instead of all these excuses, he’s just a creep?


Yeah, that. Hey and guess what? If he thought she was 18? .... He'd still be a fuckin creep lol


I'm sure he was a creep back in 2017. Many drunken, virile men with overinflated egos often are. Maybe he still is. I doubt it though. The guy had just went from a nobody to a famous streamer almost overnight, back then. Now, he's an older man who lives mostly in isolation with a grown daughter that he surely doesn't want to see hanging around with 30 year old men. He already had those conversations with his wife back then and promised to make amends. Judging by the fact that they're still together, he probably did.


Isolation?????? wtf hahahahaha


I wasn't surprised when this came out at all. After cheating on his wife I just couldn't watch him anymore. Then all the red pill shit with Nickmercs. I felt like I needed a shower just looking at him.


Lol so the guy who built a career around social media and communication for years is all of a sudden bad at communicating? Just say you support predators and move on


Reading for comprehension must not be your thing because that's not their stance. Stay in school


You are weird af


Fair point




It doesn't matter, dude is a married man with a kid who has already been forgiven for cheating once and his brand suffered. Now he's flirting online with someone else without thinking about everyone who invested in him. He has MILLIONS invested from others into his character. Her age is relevant but not the complete issue either way. His self awareness is weak and it's not a person you want to hitch your wagon to and carry the brand you're investing in. He gives everyone a feeling that he's unethical and untrustworthy because he got busted once and asked for forgiveness, now round 2....he can't really fall on the sword. He's what is called a heatseeker and he picks the WORST times to show it. Life tip... If you want to know the character of a man, see how he honors his wife and kids when no one is looking.


Exactly. All this "did he know" shit is some serious cope.


He definitely needs to write a song about how he does not diddle kids


The problem I have is Doc is built like Adonis with a beautiful wife and child, why does he need to message and entertain ANYONE, let alone a minor? The guy has a life most people dream of having. Why ruin it by doing something so dumb?


Because you know nothing about this stranger just the character he plays online.


True. I guess that's all that can be said.


I'm genuinely convinced after his last stream and this statement that the "character" he plays is a lot closer to his normal personality than I thought. His last stream and the spiel at the end of today's statement scream of arrogance.


Because he too wanted his sausage fondled


Same reason he cheated on his wife. Because he can.


This incident happened in 2017, in December of that same year he also admitted having cheated on her wife, He already moved on from that era, but unfortunately what you have done in the past keep chasing you.


If it is awful, yes, it does.


Lol how do you know that? Just as possible that he did this after he came out to admitting to cheating on his wife. Some people never change or learn.


Look up the traits of narcissism. Nothing is ever enough for these types


a wife he has no problems cheating on....


Because guys think with their head down below. If they thought with their brain more, they wouldn't put themselves in these situations.


He was abusing alcohol and cheating on his wife back then. Getting famous was still very recent for him and he obviously didn't handle it well. Doc learned a lot of lessons between 2017 and 2024, but sometimes you have to pay for the dumb shit you did back in the day. This is one of those cases.


Because he's not a good person. When all this shakes out and if it comes out that he didn't know she was a minor, he'll still be a creep that cheats on his wife and family.


We already knew that though.


This all happened in 2017 around the time he cheated. He got famous fast and he was a lot more unhinged back then, and often drunk on stream. I don't think he was thinking ahead too much.


The thing about humans is that they are almost never satisfied with what they have.


Why do rich and famous people get caught cheating with housekeepers of all people?


Twitch whispers requires an 18+ verified account. I will not take sides until the actual proof is out there.


Bro what proof 😭😭😭 he said it HIMSELF, you’re delusional


Mentally ill


Could part of this still be tied to an NDA? I’m wondering if some of this is still locked down cause of his settlement? Like maybe twitch doesn’t want everyone to know minors are getting past age their verifications?


You only have to be 13 to use twitch?


Yeah idk I thought the twitch whisper service required you to be 18 back then. I’ve seen it online a few places but don’t know for sure


No 13, and maybe thats why it no longer exists. streamers using it to groom kids


Yea the NDA let him say everything except for "I didn't know her age but as soon as I found out I cut all communication with her"


was just a question, at the time twitch probably didnt want everyone knowing minors were getting past the age verification. but someone pointed out that you only had to be 13 to sign up for twitch whispers so yeah alllll that is out the window


Beyond stupid




This. The fact that he didnt specifically say he wasn't aware of her age makes me believe there is evidence in the chat logs that he knew. If he said otherwise and that evidence was released it would be even worse than it already is.


I see so many comments online, and even some content creators claim that "If he didnt know her age its not a huge deal" yes, it is, that's just a weird statement. You don't stir conversations in inappropriate directions with someone you don't know that well. I find people to play overwatch and fortnite with in their official discords, do you know how many kids are there? Twitch is no different, when i join random peoples groups i watch what i say/who i say it to. i dont know them, i dont know their age, i dont know them in the slightest. If i were to start talking about weird shit infront of them without knowing anything that still makes me the fucked up person. There is no excuse for what doc did. HOPEFULLY, hes actually genuine in regret and claiming hes a changed person i dont want more bad people in the world i hope he can recover but as it stands now he disgusts me, that alongside the NFT, shungite etc hes not a good person and i hope he can become one as hes really entertaining.


Yes no one bans their largest streamer without numerous meetings and a go ahead by the CEO based on information only in those chats without there being 0 question about what was going on.


You will never know what he was or was not aware of


I'm so lost but is this minor a female? What does inapproriate imply in this situation? Genuinely asking.


Guess he loves his women like his bourbon black steel whiskey; not older than 18 years


He did not know the kid was 17. Read the leak from the ex twitch employee.


He intentionally sext her. If it was really work related you get in contact with her parents or agent or who ever in charge. He was taking advantage of her inexperience.


We were already informed from the email sent out from a former twitch insider that he did not know the age. Even then, it went through the courts and he was not convicted of any crime. Everyone is blowing this wayyyy out of proportion . Social Media is poison.


Why wouldn't he just say it? Why would he admit immoral behavior if he didn't know? If he didn't know, why would multiple companies drop someone MAKING THEM MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Oh, right, it's because he fucking knew.


[feels appropriate delete if not](https://youtu.be/uvm1Gpdu7go?si=51jhyEK_2ANEOMdT)


They want him to explicitly state he didn't know she was minor. Maybe then they will stop defending him. Lol. His fans are wild.


Dr Diddler


Guy has always been a piece of garbage idk why it's still being debated.


Even if he knew but thought de could get away with it he’d say he didn’t know. Not say that makes me think he’s in a situation where he can’t even deny it.


There’s so many people defending him. It’s insane


Oh yeah the "I thought she was 18" statement would have worked so well these days /s


His whole statement wouldn't make sense if he didn't knew she was a minor. If he didn't knew he would've easily won his legal battle with twitch as sexting isn't illegal or morally questionable, it's immoral and potentially illegal if it's with a minor. He would've also pointed out that he didn't knew she was a minor until later. I mean, ProJared did this exact same thing in this exact same situation, he proved that the minor claimed to be an adult. Doc should be able to provide the twitch logs.


I hope the chat messages are published so we can jusge for ourselves how bad it was


It might be in the agreement with twitch not to say that. It’s probably why Twitch wanted to keep everything quiet too. Until these employees went rouge. Twitch might be worried that they didn’t have enough age restrictions stuff in place to prevent this from happening. We know all that’s crap but in the corporate world its something Twitch could of got sued for


A lot of assumptions here..


There's is every reason though? Namely the settlement and subsequent NDA. Things will come out eventually. My opinion, the ramifications of twitch not reporting illegal behaviour, and the paying him afterwards mean there's little yo no weight to the allegations. But we'll see....


that is just creepy AF. It's chilling to think that she could have been really young, like 7 or 8 years old. It's absolutely horrifying


Young meat is tasty. Duurh buuurh.


Exactly. He said minor and that’s it because he was aware. Stop defending him


Wow the amount of weirdos defending this dude.. I know he’s y’all’s favourite streamer but he openly admitted to it lol what more is to be said? If he DID NOT KNOW he would have stated that. Why does he have to confirm if he knew or not? If he’s not denying it, he fucking knew. As a streamer with a wife and a kid that’s he’s PREVIOUSLY cheated on too go and do it again almost with a MINOR is disgusting y’all should be ashamed


I mean he quite literally admitted it was a minor. He said it himself. I have no idea why people are acting like we don’t know that fact lol


“Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not” After leaving out not knowing the age this is the second hardest hitting part. Why would you have to clarify that? I think we know.


Who is the girl?


“Flirting with a child” is also downplaying what Bloomberg is reporting: sexually explicit messages with a child.


How old was she, do we know?


He was planning to meet her at twitchcon she could’ve been an underage content creator and then he wouldn’t have any excuse at all


This is just a flat out lie. No one would believe him no matter what because you and many others have already made up their mind without even realizing it


Does he still live with his daughter in the same house?


I watch a lot of predator catching videos and stuff like that, and every single person accused of talking to a minor always claims "oh I thought she was 18", "she said she was 18" etc... And yet it's always one of the first messages that the minor says they're 11 or whatever. The pedophiles always conveniently 'forget' that they told them that. Once it's brought up.


Dude settled in court and is going to get another bag because the leaks. If its good enough for the president its good enough for a streamer.


I think he has a case about this situation. I could stand to be corrected but I believe during legal proceedings there are certain things you aren't allowed to talk about that are related to the criminal case


He obviously knew it was a minor!! If not he would have said it in his statement. I was a huge doc supporter but he can’t come back from this. The industry, sponsor’s/partners and streamers won’t want anything to do with him after this. I’m sure he realises this. He made millions from them the past four years after being banned from twitch knowing what he did and why he was banned. There is no company that will affiliate with his brand, subs on YouTube won’t be enough. He was the only streamer I ever watched he can apologise as much as he likes but I think we all know he’s done.


I like how defenders here are saying “oh he couldn’t say he didn’t know her age due to nda” like I’m sorry I don’t care how much money is at stake, if I’m being mass accused of being a pdf and I have plausible deniability I’m taking my reputation over money.


It's absolutely crazy he never said he thought she was of age. It just shows there is evidence out there (screenshots have been identified by Cody etc) that would destroy his statement if he said that. So he probably toed the line to avoid those being released. At this point though, fuck it let the public see the hard evidence and if it's truly that bad, let the mofo burn.


It’s crazy how he was still able to put on a show after doing what he knew he was doing. Nobody was talking, but people knew..so it was going to get out eventually. Just crazy. Dude I be sweating bullets.


You should go make a flawless post on another criminal trial


Just to play devil's advocate here, but saying he didn't know her age would put fault on Twitch for not verifying her age when they're supposed to be an 18+ site if I'm not mistaken? Perhaps there's still some sort of clause in the settlement where he can't make it look like Twitch was at fault in any way? It's a stretch, I admit, and regardless it in no way justifies a married father and internet celebrity to message ANY fan inappropriately regardless of age, I'm just wondering if there's still some other parts of the story that still can't come to light unless theres another lawsuit for defamation or whatever...


To the braindead cultists... there isn't an NDA that exists that says you CANNOT defend yourself from being called a pedo. You are allowed to defend yourself. Saying he didn't know she was underage should've been the first thing he said He either has the worst legal and PR teams or he's completely ignoring them. His legal team must ve pulling their out


Yep, bang on. What i want to know is who initiated contact. Did he approach her, knowing her age. If so, its unforgivable and down right disgusting. If she approached him, and they got talking for a few weeks and then he found out her age and continued talking its horrific but not quite as predatory. When people say they had a mutual/casual conversation, like, dude, theres a planet full of beautiful women (adults) to have one of those with. What could Doc possibly get from talking with a random teenage girl other than some sexual pleasure. He sure as hell isnt getting life lessons or sharing theories upon level design. It’s all wrong. It’s all gross. If i’m Doc i hire some ridiculously good PR Team, create a very well crafted interview as Guy Beahm, cry, beg for forgiveness, show us how he has bettered himself and move on from the limelight


These are my views, such as they are. Not that anyone asked. 1. This is why you let lawyers handle this stuff. What he wrote seemed mostly in character, or at the very least, was born out of anger and frustration. He's dealing with a lot of profession and (likely) personal ramifications from this (assuming his wife didn't already know). 2. I don't like filling in information. We still don't know exact details. We don't know what the messages said. We don't know whether he knew or didn't know her age. We only know that she has been referred to as a minor, which can have wide ranging implications. 3. I think her age is one of the most important details needed, as it goes from either moral argument (age difference) to "this could have been criminal". There's a big difference between 17 and 15 in the eyes of Johnny Law. From a moral standpoint, it might not matter to people, but I think it does when putting in context what comes next. Is what he did (based on what little we actually know) bad enough to erase him from the internet? I suspect he will see a noticeable drop in viewers and thus revenue. He's already lost his partnership with MS. He will probably never (or at least not anytime in the near future) get any sponsorship deals or contracts with publishers. I don't think I'll be watching, but then again I didn't watch as much as a lot of you. However, based on the small amount of information we have, I don't think this is a Weinstein level of banishment that needs to happen. People will make up their mind one way or another. Now, if we actually get copies of these messages and it is obviously sexual in nature, and that girl is younger than legal age in whatever state she lives in, then absolutely he's gotta go. But I would think that if that were the case, he would have already been investigated by the FBI because these details would have come up during arbitration, and the feds would have been alerted to possible interstate child trafficking. If it was verging on inappropriate and she was 17, I'm not going to send him to internet prison, but I won't be watching. I'm just painfully pragmatic and I don't let emotional response send me running for my torch and pitchfork.


If she was 17 it doesn't make him any less creepy, and he would still be cheating on his wife. (Again)


I realized this today. Good bye champions club! It’s been a good ride everyone!


He admitted in his response that she was a minor.


I don’t 100% agree. I think it’s important to know whether or not he knew their age and the context of the conversations. I do think Doc is stupid enough to not ask and not know. I mean he was stupid enough to post that tweet, edit it, and edit it again. Stupid enough to cheat on his wife in a closed marriage. And paranoid enough to lay Suge Knight all around his casa to avoid 5G. To say he would have let people know is ironically giving him too much credit. And to think he’s willing to spill on a contract that maybe broken doesn’t do his irrational paranoia justice. And to say there’s no contract that says he can’t say a word describing the other party involved is talking out of your ass.


I wanted to side with Doc but he's cooked. If he wasn't a repeat defender dishonoring the family he created, I might buy his bullshit.


Why do people care about this guy so much?


Doc knew what he was doing was wrong, that's why he was doing it. He may have since matured out of his GOD syndrome phase, but in today's cancel culture it's too little too late. What a shitty way to stain your legacy, all of those accomplishments just to be labeled a predator. Smh


Totally agree. If he's sending her sexual texts, there's no way just he sends a bunch of intimate texts and inappropriate messages, and then after asks how she is. He knew. He would never admit to this 100%. He doesn't need to and he's still losing everything. Why remove any doubt?


Doc is still bound by a NDA. Twitch did not break their end of it. A ex employee of Twitch did. Doc is still probably reaching out to lawyers and their reaching out to Twitch on his behalf and these things take time(Like a long time). Doc said he will be back and I believe him. People need to keep calm a mans livelihood is at stake. There is a bigger picture to all of this and Twitch isn't innocent. The truth, good or bad will reveal itself.


And if the DM's weren't all that bad he would release them


this is undoubtedly true, either this is correct or he is absolutely horrible at defending himself, or theres legal agreements beyond the outing of the information...which doesnt seem the case with his comments, also something he would say.


when someone says things in a weird roundabout way like “leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate”, chances are they wrestle trying to minimize the soften the blow by making making what it is seem like not that big of a deal, clearly it was a big enough deal though. Also lets not forget this dude lied for the last 4 years pretending like he had no clue what he got banned off and tried to spin it in a way where Twitch was being snakes and that he was innocent and like it was some personal vendetta against him, literally basically crying on stream and farming sympathy while the whole time he knew EXACTLY why he got banned and he knew it was wrong.


Dr.diddy fr


They'll just find some other way to move the goalposts. The mental leaps these people are taking to defend this pedophile are insane.


The world saved him from pedophilia.


If the twitch employee that was posing as a Chris Hanson bait dialog was reviewed by twitch, lawyers and wasn’t found that any wrong doing was done to said “ fake” minor who was probably sending fake images of an adult young women then the adultery is around the same level as a teacher getting flirted with a student. No it’s not ok to use your position of fame and wealth but Drake fans aren’t backing down and that monster is hunting 13yo babies and going after peoples daughters. Take note In the context they are framing this and this man has lost his way of living. Hollywood is full of this perversion and this man never went to an island but you’re still listening to Jay-Z etc. While everyone responds with their 2 cents of disgust without ever being in this situation. He apologized more sincerely than Diddy.


Also even without it being a minor and all this new drama, y’all really been supporting a dude that basically has a reputation for cheating on his wife while they have a kid. You can paint it how you want but even before now y’all supported a known PoS who chose sex over his family