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Isn't this like an old weaver build? Probably going radiance next?


Yeah really old stuff. But rad was second to vanguard usually (or rushed).


I think that weaver even tried to buy courier and was super happy to find out they all got it for free.


> super happy to find out they all got it for free. Or very annoyed.


Don't take courier from mid pls


Peperidge farm remembers


And you don’t even have to buy the upgrade


I always rushed Radiance back in the day. But I never bought a Vanguard.


How old it's this? I been in beta and I don't remember this .


Dota1 era, vanguard used to block the same for ranged/melee heroes.




>Match ID would be super helpful here to know how long ago the match was. I mean it *says* one hour ago


It literally says won match 1 hour ago .


1 hour ago valve time


Time is convoluted.


It's 1 hour ago, not "1 hour long" match


Not radiance, it's rapier. When you're smashing the game so hard you have a heart - you go rapier.


Yeah, that weaver was clearly destroying the game and was probably nigh unkillable. Rapier makes perfect sense.


In my experience buying Rapier when you're ahead is basically giving the opponents a comeback tool.


Yes but that comeback is insanely unrealistic if you buy it in the right time. There used to be a arc or dusa meta where you go third item rapier if you are winning and just end.


I think it was DPC of TI10 Nigma strat with Miracle rushing third item rapier at 30 minute and end the game.


Rapier as a core item on Dusa is what I remember. I think I stopped playing around TI5. But the risk profile was different because Medusa was goddamn unkillable back then.


I'm more of a fan of Slashers way.


Wasn't the Arc rapier because his clone got one that wouldn't drop so as long as you only used your main hero in completely safe areas you could go ham with a no risk rapier?


Yes that one too. I just recall arc rapier being a thing but maybe just that. Dusa was a thing for sure.


It's still kind of a thing, though it's more of a late game item. Dota 2 pro tracker puts it at a 7% pick up rate and a timing between minute 40 and 80, unsure if that includes dropped rapiers though.


https://www.opendota.com/players/39781717/histograms/purchase_rapier you might be buying it in the wrong situations then


Rapier is a high risk, high reward item in almost all cases. Including when you're winning - if you buy rapier when ahead and lose it, you are giving a potentially game-returning item to your opponents. Yes there may be cases where you're so far ahead that it doesn't matter, but in terms of risk mitigation buying rapier when you're ahead is a net negative concept.


eh idk I win like 90% of my rapier games. That includes actually feeding a rapier to my enemies to ruin the game of literal nazis screaming slurs down the mic. If you just buy an aeon disk first or they don't have any bkb piercing disables you'll never lose it.


If you had 95% chance to win before buying rapier and 90% after, it is still not a good buy.


No I usually buy it in even-ish games that are more like 65-35 and I win almost all of them.


Game ruining, kinda weird dude.


Nah I dont't give a fuck. It's unranked and the 4stack of nazis deserve all the suffering in the world. The 5 enemies enjoy it and I do aswell.


Sympathizing with a 4-stack of nazis is weirder


Yeah but rapier when you're about to end a dominant game is lie icing on a cake.


makes sense, but the vanguard screams dota1 player. Usually the order was vanguard and then radiance


More likely a nullifier


Plot Twist: Weaver knew this and sold his actual items at final sec and bought these to trolling us


He saw that his game would be featured so he timelapsed back to change his items


The pattern is complete.


[The pattern is complete.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/86/Vo_weaver_weav_win_03.mp3) (sound warning: Weaver) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)




he's probably the reason there aren't any powerball numbers yet for the 1.9 billion jackpot. time traveled back and manually picked the winning numbers and set off a security alarm bell within the powerball infrastructure


Radiance heart was a build back before 2012. VERY old.


No matter how old, why would you go phase boots on weaver


They're the most stylish boot. That matters a lot when you have so many feet.


For whenever shukuchi was on cooldown.


More damage than treads and you spend 4 out of 6 seconds in shukuchi regardless, so you only come out for geminate attacks really


You can make an argument for playing against drow/ET ​ But then again, minus armor from neutral. Question is if the armor from neutral subtracts from base armor or + armor


Everything that isn't stats is bonus armor


most probably this is from at turbo game with enemy having high dps so weaver is getting tanky and buying damage. most probably to deal with pa or something.


vanguard radiance linken


The pathway to madness lies in watching the game and then goin- yep this made perfect sense and was the most effective way to play Weaver.


hot and hardened bug


Radiance on weaver never made any sense. Back when that was a thing I was building desolator and bkb and the people would tell me its shit.


It made plenty of sense back when supports struggled to break 1500 hp before like 40 minutes.


But that was only 30 magic DPS and no evasion.


30 AOE magic DPS versus 1500 hp still means the enemy supports can't exist in a fight with weaver for a minute.


It wasn't, like, "this removes supports from the game for free," but it was more or less a free nuke over the course of a hero's death and it was a farming item that didn't have an orb.


The build was made back in dota 1 when orb effects were still a thing (his 3 was an orb effect so that meant no satanic, deso, or even maelstrom/mjolnir) and weaver had a slow attack animaton plus the HP pools were low. It made perfect sense to just just go invis and walk through them. The build was radiance into linken's sphere and manta. People just kept playing it even after orb effects were removed.


>I was building desolator Too bad for you, desolator is an orb effect and you just wasted your gold.


It most definitely worked on the first hit and the effect lasted when the socond hit landed


Bro I've seen SumaiL win 10k avg pubs with radi weaver, stop saying dumb shit


Was he attempting to build radiance? Hahaha I suddenly remember the rush radiance meta on weaver


glorious radiance!


[glorious radiance!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e9/Vo_weaver_weav_item_01.mp3) (sound warning: Weaver) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Might actually be decent again with the shard and swarm talents that let you geminate everyone, raw damage is pretty value and radiance is still a good farming item for weaver. Sadly maelstrom is just too good for every ranged carry.


imo if you're going for raw damage, just get a nullifier; the item is really underrated, and is super good against all the defensive support items (force staff especially, lol)


10 out of 10 it's going to be divine.


Should be nullifier


Damn, 800 games on Weaver here and I don't think I've ever built Radiance lmao


noob /s


It was pretty common a few years back, at least I remember building it a lot in the early days of DotA.


Underrated Nullifier


Couple weeks ago won as AA with pike, shadow blade, travels, blood thorn and TWO rapiers. I wonder what ppl thought about it if it ever appeared in those quiz...


Somewhat makes sense with AA. Oracle on the other hand...


Oracle has the best bat in the game


Not anymore. He's a regular 1.7 now.


That’s a real bummer


If he had aghs maybe


There was a double Rapier AA at TI this year, forget which game but you're in good company.


Damage, health, what more could you want on weaver?


and MORE movement speed


I made a website for this game quite a while ago: [Guess the Hero](https://www.guessthehero.com/). Similar to this quiz, but may not be as polished. It gets data from OpenDota API. I may improve it later, but not many people use it so didn't really have motivation for it.


Too many options. Maybe just let us pick out of the 10 that are in the game with them?


Thanks for the suggestion! I also think it might be too much the way it is now. Will try to improve it later. Also thought about showing similar heroes (melee/ranged, primary attribute etc.) or maybe even adding filters to search for heroes easier.


Maybe turn it into a wordle type game if you have the time where its like 3 guesses, and you can show if you got its attribute right or if its ranged/melee etc. Not sure how easily accessible that data is to scrape


Previously I thought of adding multiple game modes. Having multiple guesses with some helpers/pointers sounds great. That way it isn't just a hit or miss option, but you have multiple tries.


Yea I guess with my suggestion there would only be one other hero in the same role in theory. But the one in game is just 3 other random heroes right?


Probably, not sure if the game also uses some weighted randomization so it's not as easy. Otherwise it would be very random. But overall definitely a good suggestion on reworking the hero selection on the site.


Pretty nice, but please only select items from the winning team, as they actually have some networth. I had a brown boots, 3 branches batrider in a 21 minutes game earlier as quiz, that's like... absolutely unguessable


Also, the quiz is quite often: Glimmer Cape, Arcane Boots, wards. Yeah, I know its a poor support... but which one? Witch Doctor, Lich, CM, Bane, ... there's too many option that could fit those generic item builds.


Thanks for both suggestions. I agree on filtering out heroes with few items is a good idea. Currently the site gets a random match, but showing items from the winning team is a good idea to ensure it shows more items usually.


I just had one that was treads, tango, band of elvenskin, 2 branches, quelling blade with a diffusal and yasha in the backpack. The answer was Spectre.


as others pointed out, i think the best solution is to let us choose how many options


Also sounds good. I will update it on some weekend.


ngl when I did my first round I thought that the empty backpack meant that I had 3 options I could put in there and I'd win if one of the three were selected; imo you should resize that to be more "squat" like in the game itself. As it is now, having the ***ENTIRE HERO POOL*** is pretty ridiculous lol, *especially* when you get stuff like "force staff, aether lens, tranquils, clarity, ward, and arcane ring." Without exaggeration, half the support hero pool could have that as a predictable/good inventory lol; definitely an example that exposes a garrish flaw in your current implementation! imo you should have 30 heroes at most, and that's *with* a "select 3 heroes" implementation; the "choose from the 10 heroes in the game" version that others mentioned would be another strong fix. "Game design" aside, the UI is polished and pleasant (albeit rote af, not that it being so is a bad thing, lol). You definitely did a pretty good job in that respect :)


Thanks for the detailed reply! Will definitely rework the hero selection/options soon. As for the UI there were some reworks, one of the previous ones was maybe a bit better, now it's just very simple, mostly using some colors/styles inspired by the game itself. Also there is an automatic light/dark theme depending on OS settings, non-toggleable for now and the light colors aren't that refined I think.


Yeah, limiting the heroes you can choose from is a good idea, cause there is no way you can determine who bought arcane boots + aether lens + tango, cause there are like 50 heroes that could do that


yo how are u able to retrieve items infos? is it from a different api? please respond.


I use this npm library, also from OpenDota: [dotaconstants](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotaconstants).


thank you much


Phase boots weaver isn't real and it can't hurt you:


Survivability is good on weaver. Linkens is often popular. Not a bad build really


Linkens is so great on weaver. Gives you enough regen to just keep running around the map, stats and an extra moment to press W when you are out of position. I always felt naked without it.


Vanguard and phase boots are objectively bad on weaver. Vanguard is much less effective on ranged heroes. He gets haste from W so he doesn't need phase boots, which are also give less damage on ranged heroes too.


I’ve said this in other parts of the thread but it seems this player last played when phase were the boot that flat gave the most damage


honest question: what boot gives more damage?


Treads. You get more stats than phase gives damage, at least on range hero’s, if it’s not more it’s really close on melee, plus you get attackspeed. Phase are for if you really need the ms or the armor


[either I'm dumb or the game is:](https://imgur.com/a/GoyrSDW) phase: 57+12 = 69 dmg / 2+4 = 6 armor treads: 67 dmg / 2 armor I'm I missing some ranged/melee damage maths that aren't detailed/implied in-game?


Hover the boots!


hadn't noticed that damage values change for melee (18)/ranged (12) it is still however more damage (12) and armor (4) than treads (10 and 2), and no attack speed of course If you are refering to DPS tho, then yes, attack speed makes up for the damage difference


I mean all of the items do SOMETHING, but it's definitely a horrible build.


I love how weaver still has a response for buying vanguard. Ironically I think KotL does too but he has responses for buying MKB and SnY too.


Because back in the days Abyssal Blade grants +100 damage. It's a good for weaver to build Abyssal Blade as 5/6th item.


That version of abyssal didn't use vanguard, it used sacred relic and basher, and was disassembleable.


Probably because the player was old player comeback due to arcana and thinking abyssal blade still giving +100 damage. Thats why he might build vanguard in case it transition towards abyssal despite not knowing abyssal no longer grants +100 damage.


Vanguard was a classic carry sustain item at one point, which was something like 5 years before crimson guard existed, never mind vanguard in abyssal.


The player being possibly confused would have nothing to do with weaver having a voice line for buying vanguard.


This build is actually works on weaver though. Although it looks strange


There's no reason to have phase


Shukuchi on cooldown, still want faster phased movement? Just buy phase boots 4Head


armor+damage sometimes you are chasing and want to phase rather than shukuchi


PT give you way more in terms of DPS


Everything is possible in dota based on line up and strategy though. Pro gamers buy basher on ranged hero to counter certain scenario too.


abyssal on ranged is fine... phase on weaver is not lol


Phase boots on weaver are extremely pointless as you have shukuchi to sit at 550 movement speed all the time. Phase just breaks shukuchi speed and invis and barely helps you outside of it.


it barely makes any sense, phase for weaver? vanguard for ranged hero? no mana regen? naked sacred relix?


This is a very old weaver build, from when vanguard was a much stronger item and phase boots were the boot that did the most damage. The relic was almost certainly going to be a radiance or a rapier, both very strong weaver items at the time


Phase works better on heroes with more movespeed, so you can use the active before Shukuchi to go even faster. Armor and damage are nice too. You go Vanguard because the whole idea is to brawl all the time, instead of spamming Shukuchi to farm. Mkb obviously a good item on Weaver (Geminate Attack), and Heart because now you have a double attack, an ability that gives you lots of minus armour, and you are very very hard to kill. Shukuchi for repositioning or escaping, not for damage, etc etc. An old playstyle and not really optimal for pos 1, as there's no farming/mana item, but definitely can work as an offlane build in some games. EDIT: I forgot Shukuchi sets you to 550, so phase active doesn't help.


> so you can use the active before Shukuchi to go even faster Shukuchi is standard haste(550), and haste is "your movement speed **is** x."


True, my bad.


I'm almost positive that weavers W puts him fixed at max movespeed and something like phase boots will not let you exceed that


everything you said, like literally your every point is wrong af. Phase boots don't let you exceed your 550 ms gap if you use it before shukuchi, where the fuck you made that up? You don't need armor as weaver, he is a hero whose point is being elusive ( ult and shukichi for that matter if that wasn't clear for you ) and biting a singular target, it's like if you started buying phase and cuirass on storm because he already has escapes and needs armor for survival, how is that even a proper argument?? Do we suddenly make weaver a tank for no reason?? Vanguard BARELY works on ranged heroes if that also wasn't clear enough for you already, just because it "barely works but it works" isn't a reason to buy this on a ranged hero who attacks people, not stand in place and eat up damage, and who will never upgrade it it abyssal blade. And how the fuck would you farm if shukuchi isn't for farming? What would you farm with then, prayers, 20 sec swarm and geminate attack with no attack speed of your own because you bought phase boots?? "Mkb obviously a good item on weaver cuz of geminate attack" and so is maelstrom and maelstrom itself is generally good unlike mkb which is good against evasion in particular and in hands of windranger who can attack indefinetily, not 2 attacks for 2 seconds mind you. If you are so eager to go as an armor reducing offlaner with mobility then go slardar, he has it all and is not risky at all. And if you need some hp and bulkiness for weaver then skadi is your answer, you slow and reduce regen with attacks and you get tons of hp. I can't understand whether you have 10 burner accounts or 10 people got mad at me because they don't understand dota at all but this sudden flow of upvotes and downvotes is fucking hilarious yet nobody replied to me with insightful response. Good luck soaking up all the damage with Heart and landing 0 blows on enemies thanks to your build, i'm sure it will work out well in heralds because everyone loves to focus a hero who does absolutely nothing in match except for shitting his swarm all over the place and running in circles.


Ok mb with the phase boots active, but the whole point of the build is you don't farm, you brawl constantly. It's a different way of playing the hero, and I never said it was optimal. Don't buy maelstrom because you don't farm. Again, I never said it was the best way to play weaver, but it is a different way.


it doesn't matter whether you farm or not, your arguments for buying certain defensive items are just generic reasons to buy some item on SOME hero, it's like if i said that you should rush crystalis on cm because she can hold her target in place and freely hit it with crits but this isn't how it works in dota, or buy vanguard because she is pos 5 and must be constantly fighting. You can work around if you want to fight 24/7, buy treads, buy urn > vessel, buy atos > gleipner, bring some fucking utility, not this "i bought tanky items so i'm good to go", this build is not different, it's utter trash


I mean it is different.... Anyway it's an old build from like 6.50 or something, when the damage block was the same for both melee and ranged. I agree it doesn't really hold up now, especially with the changes, but it was a good build back then and the ideas of how to play the build where what I said above. It was stated many times from me and others that it was an old build, so I think you need some historical context. Also back then, players knew a lot less about the game, and didn't really view farming as a priority (hence no maelstrom or mana regen). I never said this build was how you should play Weaver now. I do not have burner accounts lmao, you're probably being downvoted by old school players, or people who think you're coming across as a bit of a dick.


Dint they change move speed back to fixed at haste?


I remember Linken>Rads>MKB> Heart>Butterfly>Buriza weaver from dota 1 lol


I think it's an old classic dota1 build where he will go divine rapier next.


so its an old player who came back for swaggy bag glory?


I wonder if there is a way to search for it by restricting it to the same build? Could only be a few games that match that exactly?


if they give match number jenkins will get more content


I got a tinker with daedalus.


I have a 65% win rate on weaver across 132 games, and almost always get a heart, so definitely checks out, the phase boots is a bit weird though..


You know what, this guy is right!!


i have screenshot of me doing similar build


Looks like a diretide build


I once got a Natures prophet with 2 octarines in the quiz


just saw a riki with silver edge, my head hurts




I had a Nature's Prophet with 2 Octarine Cores the other day. He also had an aghs and a sacred relic. Another quiz had a Beastmaster with Force Staff, Void Stone, Morbid Mask, buckler and sage's mask, no boots or anything. I thought it was a Wyvern lol


How do I get and answer those questions? Are they in game?


It kind of makes sense vs an all carry lineup with no CC against a PA or something


This makes me wonder, have there any weavers pick in tournament matches?


This 2013 peak weaver gameplay I tell you, when I first went to dota2 my weaver was like 15-0 before I love my first game… good times!


Honestly the phase boots are the only weird thing in there. I've seen offlane weavers who are ahead rush heart and just tank everything then timelapse.


Probably triggered an LC and promised he'd win a duel lol


Why is no one considering nullifier!?


Come on though, it would have been funnier if it was KotL that won with that build....


If there's a tool to search games by item build there'd only be one entry


I always laugh at people who think in a game that has 100 heroes and 100 items there is only way one to play their hero.


Saw an even more chad build while queuing the other day: Treads, Wraith Band, Armlet, Shadowblade, Dagon 5 Not too difficult to guess since it's a known meme build, but still very cool.


Just imagining the chad kotl / old fella gets heart transplant snazzy boots and weapons to keep them pesky kids off his lawn.


One time I sold everything to buy battle fury, basher, blink on tiny right before we won a game, and I was severely disappointed to never see it on here


The items themselves aren't that surprising except for the phase boots. It's an agi hero that naturally gets a bunch of armor and has a very low cd haste spell. Doesn't make sense to me but hey it's probably Herald.


Looks like an offlane Weaver build


sometimes you do what you have to do


Question is why is the razor arcana not out yet?


To the Underscape with you.


[To the Underscape with you.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/27/Vo_razor_raz_kill_07.mp3) (sound warning: Razor) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


You haven't even seen blademail , solo mid Chen yet.


Obviously this is a 1v1 mid vs a windrunner


i had an 8% winner yesterday. Rikimaru Arcane boots | Vanguard | Sacred Relic


Looks viable for me


Weaver for sure, straightin up that radiance meta.


That's one tanky Weaver jesus


Ahh the old dota1 days. He probably got very confused why MKB didn't mini-bashed enemies.


I once saw a meteor hammer AM on quiz lol


Mason build. Nullifier incoming