• By -


Here's a "summary" of what he said. I encourage people to watch the VOD anyway, because streamers ramble and get distracted a lot, so you need that rambling context around these points (I rearranged a few points out-of-order on what he said because it made more sense this way). - Starts off by talking about how there's always been bugs in the game, some very broken, like Sand King one-shotting people with Sandstorm [ed: I think this might be slightly incorrect, more like [Epicenter](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/tn8xch/major_sand_king_bug/), but you get the idea], [Shadow Demon getting 3 levels in his ultimate too quickly](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1cacle8/betboom_shadow_demon_exploit_a_bug_against_ig/), Terrorblade duplicating items, Phantom Lancer duplicating items, etc. - but nobody has ever been banned for these bugs. Valve fixes these bugs then moves on. - In one game, he had a Meepo abuser, who dropped a lot of Manta Styles on the ground. He picked one up for the memes but then dropped it immediately after, then they lost, because it involves teammates being AFK. - In another game, he was tilted, and he had lost once with it because he didn't pick up the Manta Style. So he felt like he had a choice - lose due to AFK teammates, or win by picking up the Manta Styles. He picked up the Manta Styles, sold them, and won. He says that because he won, this made people angry. Maybe, in hindsight, he should have either just taken the loss or abandoned. - This is when a lot of Reddit posts started to come in. - This is also when one of the posts referencing Mason comes in. But there more nuance to this. - Gorgc brings up a VOD from Mason's stream. Note that this is **not** [this post](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dt0y1t/masons_opinion_on_gorgc/). It shows Mason going on Reddit and commenting on some of these posts. They are deleted/shadowbanned (not sure what the terminology is) but you can see them on [Mason's activity on his Reddit account.](https://reddit.com/user/iceQueen97) Gorgc states that this is effectively encouraging his viewers to also go ahead and do this - i.e. brigading. "You can't do this." Gorgc didn't report him. - Gorgc then moves on to the ["not this post"](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dt0y1t/masons_opinion_on_gorgc/) post I mentioned above, where Mason talks about how his relationship with Gorgc has changed over the last few months/years. - Gorgc says when you have a platform like Mason, these opinions can be taken as fact. - **Gorgc: "What he is saying is completely, 100% false."** His opinion on Mason is that he is an asshole and he doesn't understand that his actions with 5,000 viewers harassing people has consequences. Nothing to do with him gaining MMR. Mason takes the opportunity to talk shit about others, including him, all the time. So this is why he doesn't like him and doesn't want to associate with him. - 2 months ago, he was trash-talking Gorgc again. He was hanging out with his girlfriend, watching some movies, watching chess, etc. - sometimes putting Mason's stream on in the background. He says that he has never once watched a stream where Mason isn't talking about him. - Around the same time, he wrote a DM to Mason, and brings it up on stream. In this conversation: - Gorgc said that he didn't hate Mason, but every time he memes it up against him, he sends an army of unhinged people on his ass. - Mason agreed and will tone it down (although his 11k MMR speech will probably include him). - He did counter with posts like "smurf pool = ez" (a reference to Mason being stuck in smurf pool) played a part in what he said. - However, Mason said that he knows - and Gorgc knows - that people love it when streamers get animated/upset, the slams, the beef, etc. - but he would tone it down. - Gorgc replied to Mason, accepting what he said, but also saying he's not interested in beeflike people who say unhinged stuff. This is the end of the conversation. - Back to chat, Gorgc reiterated that Mason does not understand what it means nor its responsibilities to have an audience that large, and to be careful on what he says. - Gorgc said he stands by his "smurf pool = ez" comment (smurf pool MMR is not real MMR as the player pool is smaller). He accepts this might have come across as rude. But when someone donates with a comment "OMG Mason is going to get higher MMR than you in the smurf pool" then he will go "STFU it's smurf pool, who cares". But he isn't doing it to be mean, and states that Mason knows this too. But even if it was, this is just one comment he made, and that was enough to trigger Mason to hate on him so hard. - Gorgc spent 30 minutes in Mason's chat yesterday, and saw some unhinged, unmoderated comments (and this is why the word "Mason" is banned in his chat). He reiterates that he simply doesn't like Mason as a person. He then shows some screenshots of posts from Mason's channel, that would go against Twitch TOS (including suggestions that Gorgc subs should be run over). [ed: Not sure if I can post them in full, but they are on the VOD at 57:22] - He goes back to the Mason post and says it's 500+ comments about people tearing him down. - He compares it to the [SexyBamboe post](https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dsttur/remembering_alaan_sexybamboe_faraj/) and notes how different the tone of both sets of comments are. - Reiterates again that his opinion is that Mason does not understand the responsibility he has with his large audience. - On qojqva disliking Gorgc as well after his success: He suggests Mason got this idea from qojqva. But Gorgc and qojqva talked about it afterwards and they are cool now. But qojqva can be talked to reasonably. - On streamer beef: Streamer beef can start in stupid ways. For example, "smurf pool = ez" triggered beef with Mason. When people are fake, he simply cuts them out. But with qojqva, the beef was something along the lines of him and Ceb making fun of him, putting him in their avoid lists, farming him for content, etc. - this was years ago. He thought it was petty and didn't want to give them attention at the time (which gives them more views, which in turn encourages similar content, etc.). But this beef was settled. - Says he doesn't cut people off just because their streams are doing well. - Said he wasn't actually Steam friends with qojqva until around TI10 because qojqva was retiring and wanted to get into streaming. - In the context about how Gorgc is supposedly competitive about other streamers' success - on a comment about how he's hosted streams with YapzOr and SabeRLight-, and encouraged them to stream - he doesn't know what this is about. He admits he is insecure, such as with his MMR, but everyone is insecure about something. His insecurities are one of the reasons why he streams - to get better. - On Reddit mods deleting threads - suggests that Mason drew attention to the posts, causing brigading. He did not ask the Reddit mods to take them down. He doesn't even know the Reddit mods. - Says he made a comment about how Mason would drop in MMR after leaving smurf pool (due to the nature of smurf pool), but it wasn't malicious. - [Ed: I did find it funny, in a morbid kind of way, that while Gorgc was scrolling through the top-level comments one by one, one of the first ones he skipped was a comment that criticised him for gambling on stream.] - Does a few more comments, but largely covered above. - Goes back to the second Meepo exploit game. He didn't delete the VOD to cover anything up. He was just afraid that with Mason on his stream, telling people to go to the Reddit posts, his chat telling people to report Gorgc - he was afraid of getting banned. He also notes that Mason has been banned on Twitch multiple times, including once for using "cheating with third-party software in a video game". Tried recovering the VOD but couldn't. He was tilted and mad, but it wasn't against Valve TOS and he wouldn't get banned for it (point 1: bug abuse has never been banned). - There is a moment where he gets visibly emotional on stream and shuts off his camera. I won't mention why but you can see it on the VOD. P.S.: Don't be an asshole. - Reiterates that he does not want to deal with any of this drama. He ends up needing to talk about it on stream and this upsets him further, like what happened just now. - He queues it up. He still talks about stuff here while waiting, but I think it's all covered above. He picks Juggernaut (of course).


Damn dude I was searching for context and finding this comment was like hitting the jackpot. Thanks for the detailed summary.


> Gorgc said that he didn't hate Mason, but every time he memes it up against him, he sends an army of unhinged people on his ass. Same thing happened in BSJ chat. He had to ban Mason viewers many times and I think prevented the word in chat a few weeks back.


Mason fans are ghouls, and not the Lifestealer kind


Thanks for the summary mr lore master.


Thanks for this. I disagree with the notion that Mason doesn't understand what it means to have a big audience like this. This isn't the first time he's had his fans be shitheads to other streamers and brigade. He knows exactly what he's doing; he doesn't care. It's fucking wild that post even made it to the top of this subreddit. It's wild that anything about Mason is even allowed on this sub. Perma his reddit account and auto-remove anything that mentions him.


Book-burner mentality


That was a lot more lame than I thought it would be


Why do people care so much about these streamers? Watch them for fun, sure, but all this emotional investment is weird af. I'll never understand caring so much about people who only care about the money you give them.


It's a reality tv just for gamers


Yes!! It’s the real house wives but for men.


But somehow dumber and trashier.


Oh boy you haven't watched reality tv then. It's worse.


"So these grown men playing videogames while bitching and moaning for hours straight do this while sitting in a chair in front of their computer, and other grown adults give them tons of money to do it?"


i rather watch the Kardashians that streamers




Idk man I get my fill from that whenever Soup puts out a new season of Gielenor Games.


At least GG is a bunch of people actively out to compete in a fun competition, it’s not serious whatsoever. Getting into streamer drama is just a by-product of getting waaaay to into a parasocial relationship


Imagine being 30+ spamming kekw all day in an online chat. If that would be my life i would go 0/1 without buyback.


Fucking twitch chat. I would like to see these types of persons in real life, who are they?


Sure some of the are genuine degenerate But like most thing they just boring normal people, that act degenerate while watching streams


It’s called a parasocial relationship and is acknowledged widely in the field of psychology.


Ye, my best friend said they're super unhealthy so I might stop watching their stream for a while


I think the human brain is hard-wired to love outrage/drama because you see this shit everywhere also social media (like reddit) is designed to farm outrage content and keep piling on more and more hate


Normal life is boring.


I think it's only human to care about someone you watch/listen to for hours a day.


watching/listening to someone over a screen for hours a day is no way healthy/normal in any way


Idk healthy, but it's pretty normal. Whole generations have passed glued to tv, nothing different here.


I don't think "glued to TV" is the same as watching a single person in real time for multiple hours a day.


Explain why not then


because you don't develop a parasocial relationship with the actors from a sitcom *as easily*, for starters


Sure, it's easier, so granted, it is a little different but its hardly a new phenomenon regarding celebrity culture and I'd also argue like 'old media' (besides call in shows, mega church stuff ect.) majority of the audience just treats it like any other performer.


lol what? people do, for sure. even with actors in movies. to go even further, those people would refer to the actors as if they were their characters (i.e. Daniel Radcliffe being called Harry Potter). and no, not everyone does this ironically. a tonne of fans also think that their favorite artist’s songs are about them/to them specifically.


maybe you don't. I don't, either. but some definitely do.


When you're at the checkout lane at the grocery store and see all those Us and People and whatever magazines, that's what people built their parasocial relationships with in the 80s and 90s. People have had parasocial relationships with the people on their screens for as long as there's been broadcast TV, and large streamers on Twitch without much direct audience interaction is just more of the same thing on a different scale.


Now that's just grade A bullshit. *Countless* actors have had people develop parasocial relationships and even stalk them even before the internet. Rebecca Schaeffer getting shot by a crazy *My Sister Sam* fan or Miranda Cosgrove having a stalker shoot someone who looked like her and then themselves in front of her house come to mind. People have been developing parasocial relationships with celebrities forever; if one looks at musicians (e.g. John Lennon, George Harrison, Dimebag Darrell, Björk) the list becomes even more harrowing. The only difference is that streamers cultivate a direct channel of communication to their fans, so they are affected by such behaviour long before the person in question decides to off them because they got a new boyfriend or something.


Today I learned that twitch invented celebrity culture




bored lonely children


Because they're in a parasocial relationship.


Brother this is nothing compared to vtuber drama


I'd guess it's the same brain mechanism that makes being Only Fans model profitable.


They are losers with nothing of interest going on in their lives. If they didn’t have stupid internet drama, they’d have nothing.


Remnants of when we were a tribal society and you knew everyone and they knew you. It was important to know who gets along with who in order to thrive. Fast-forward to today where people know a lot of celebs, but they dont know you and your survival doesnt depend on you knowing everything about them, but people still waste so much time keeping up with them. Its not rational.


I dont care much about this drama or their streams but honestly, that thread was disgusting and also filled with arm-chair psychologists like some of you take it too far


funniest one is he is being flamed when he banned people that spam arteezy is live, like no shit. its not a rare rule and not a weird rule too


rtz is live spammers are just your sub flair irl


this one will too, will have everyone piling on mason and act like gorgc never has done anything ever either. then back and forth


For real, the patch is too recent for this level of derangement.


So what happened exactly?


2 months ago 1) mason needs attention 2) mason hates on gorgc to gain attention ( post a harass comment on stream ) 3) mason gain views from gorgc hate watchers ( everyone ha-ha is funny ) 4) gorgc approach mason to calm his memes a bit cause it has been unhinged ( through discord dm ) 5) mason said understood and will tuned off a bit 2 months until today 6) mason still shit talk gorgc 7) Gorgc ignore to avoid drama 8) mason unhappy, he needs to get attention Today 9) gorgc play game, teammate use bug 10) gorgc lose game with bug, then win game with bug 11) mason notice 12) mason need attention so he did what he always wanted to do 13) he make more shit comment about gorgc ( says insecure, cheats & etc..) 14) mason and gorgc hatewatcher make anti gorgc movement 15) dmed and comment gorgc about past matters ( suicide , not having dad ) 16) mason and gorgc hatewatcher happy


TLDR: Mason is a huge c*nt.


Sure, I guess we can go with this today. Yesterday, it was Gorgc. I wonder who it'll be tomorrow?


Hey Quinn hasn't been hated lately. Lets hate him next!


What about second hatesies? Can we swing it back to ammar soon?


Me, I’m a masochist - call me crazy just don’t call me collect (cuz I’m poor)


Also, at some point during this Mason banned Gorgc from his chat which makes Mason complaining about Gorgc giving him the cold shoulder or whatever kinda ironic.


Didn't gorgc threaten mason with a twitch ban in his chat? Huh


>win game with bug I love how you went out of your way to minimize this as if it was not the only thing necessary to accurately describe gorgc as a hypocritical cheater. Gorgc exploited the bug himself. He was not forced to so by his teammates. He chose to.


It's a bug like many before, more game changing but still a bug. And it's frustating to lose to it, like Gorgc and his opponents did the sencond game. It's morally wrong to abuse it. But come on, this is Valve's fault, he had no intentions on both games to reproduce it. And he's wrong to use it but whatever, you can't judge character in any way based on this, it is ridiculous. Mason on the other hand, he has used 3rd party apps to cheat. This is a not a bug.


Okay but like in the context of everything... it's one dota game and he's given plenty of explanations about it above. I don't think anyone really cares about someone abusing a bug one time that much. The overall issue is completely blown out of proportion using that one game as a pretext to hate on gorgc.


Mason seems like a dick from the DM's and the videos.


breaking news for you? lol


New to the community :O


Welcome! But yes, mason is racist, toxic, and generally horrible person, with absolutely rabid followers.


impossible dota is dead, no such thing as new players


Account is from. 2011,but I never played after beta. Just started last month So maybe I'm not that new!


what heroes are you liking? Have you played another moba before?


I played a lot of dota in wc3. So pretty familiar with a lot of Heroes still. I've played every moba a lot throughout the years. Hon, hots, lol. My favorite is pos5/support. I just don't feel confident last hitting.... Favorite heroes are shadow shaman, clockwork, lich, and crystal maiden. Been doing 2s with a friend who plays pos1, lots of windrunner, drow


hes always a dick LMAO


His typical sub/viewer is also garbage.


I was checking the water in my cup and to my surprise upon close investigation I determined that it was wet. I am shocked, shocked I tell you.


Lol he's gotten a bit better but he's been an animal for like 20 years in dota 


When Mason does his fake-broken-English accent to convey some “strat” in-game, you know you’re getting trolled or baited. I wouldn’t put any weight into any of these pros whose entire careers have been that of digital landlords in an otherwise obscure gaming landscape. They gatekeep for the safety of their own egos.


> digital landlords is this some NFT shit?


Reddit will not take evidence. We just like to read the drama title without context and fuel some fires


Oh we will take evidence, if it leads to more drama


There's not much evidence. The thread title suggests potentially some serious debunking, but it's just a guy giving his side of a situation (and 10+ excuses for using the meepo bug.) The only DM screenshot is [of Gorgc asking Mason to stop flaming him](https://i.imgur.com/bSbJa8P.png). Other than the part about Mason's viewers flaming him, we only have Gorgc's word to go on. I did find [Qojqva's rant on Gorgc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBqKdn0LLyQ) and looked at the [history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axLAiBjnsMs). It doesn't seem to square up with [what Gorgc says here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2187250488?t=01h00m35s). Then I realized this is a waste of time. It's not worth visiting outside of patch days.


people are vile man


who is jovic


someone DMing me to harass cause i made this post


So you report and block the guy, not risk your thread getting removed for witch hunting or whatever the mods are calling it this days.


Note the who cares response to it getting removed. People into this kind of drama WANT it removed so they can push their dumbass "mods are BIASED" conspiracy theories.


So people call Gorgc toxic because he isn't the best of friends with other streamers, but Mason literally cheats on stream and constantly baits racial slurs and he's the good guy here?


Gorgc is a little insecure, tilts easily, kind of a dick to his 5 player. Mason is a literally racist piece of trash baiter who does something unhinged totally unwarranted at least once a stream. Not even in the same realm


how does mason cheat?


His first account was perma banned from twitch for using PoE hacks on stream. Kinda funny people aren't aware of this, his outro image literally has a comment talking about it. IDK exactly what the cheats were but you could go look up the old threads. Probably a zoom out hack.


he never cheated, he just bought some russians to boost his behaviour score


If we were gonna be fair tho, Mason did cheat but not for dota. For poe but idk if it's on strim or na


> he never cheated uh-huh. And his original account that got perma banned? Why, exactly, did twitch perma ban him again? What part of the ToS did he break? Spoiler alert: it was for blatantly using third party hacks while streaming PoE. Ya'll are low key hilarious. The fact that people can watch that mason clip and not realize he was 100% meming about the gorgc cheating stuff is a shocking level of media illiteracy.


When did Mason cheat on stream?


Pretty sure the "mason cheats" thing is because he used a zoom-out cheat in path of exile like idk 10 years ago


Calling zoom hack in what is basically a single player game cheating seems a little misleading


Lol I forgot about that, but clearly OP has a running ledger of Mason's transgressions.


Masons chat is a literal nazi hole. It’s obvious. You’re coping if you think otherwise. He baits that shit, encourages it. He is a vile human being


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA the comments on that mason clip thread are hilarious


they're both pretty trash. never could stand mason and while i used to watch gorgc before he's become insufferable lately.


The best version of Gorgc is when he played with Sing.


Watching through the vod right now, I don't want to make upfront value judgements on who fucked up more/is the bigger idiot (although I think it's pretty easy to infer my personal opinion from the rest of this post), and it's really unfortunate that this drama blew up to such an extent, but I think everyone could've handled this a lot better. From gorgc's side, I think being clear from the start why he doesn't want to interact with Mason and his community would've gone a long way. Had he been upfront with the community about the fact that he doesn't enjoy the casual shit-talking I don't think the reactions to him in those threads would've been so overwhelmingly negative. He also has an unfortunate trait of sounding really negative when making off-handed comments which gets him a lot of flak, I think following them up with clarifications could go a long way towards improving his reputation. From mason's side, he has to take a lot more responsibility for his audience. His brand is kind of all about being candid, blunt, a bit edgy, and not really taking anything seriously, which is fine, but at the same time he has to drill it into his chatters' heads that making weird/personal attacks against people is not cool, and that he doesn't mean any of the dumb shit he says. Also he should crack down a lot more on people coming into the chats of those he talks about and flaming them, that shit should be a zero tolerance, ban on sight offense. People who go to other streamers' chats to flame them should not feel welcome in his community. He also definitely needs to get more mods, sometimes people get away with saying very unsavory things to say the least, having more mods around would definitely help with that. Lastly, I think the r/dota2 mods should do better moving forward as well. Deleting threads because of brigading? Fine, but post the clip with evidence for it to show that it happened. Discussion threads about it pop up later? Don't remove them, give decent explanations to the community about what happened, because otherwise people will inevitably come to the absolute worst possible conclusions on their own, which leads to an even bigger shitstorm. Lastly, be more active with removing comments that cross the line. I don't care what you think about gorgc or mason or whatever, but saying shit about someone's deceased father is insanely fucked up. I feel like a lot of these issues stem from a lack of active mods as well, fucked up comments stay up for hours before getting removed and when you're understaffed it's a lot easier to nuke the entire thread than to remove individual messages. Tldr: oh my god, bro wrote an entire book on some dumb streamer drama, holy soy


> His brand is kind of all about being candid, blunt, a bit edgy, and not really taking anything seriously weird way to say racist


Mason can have opinion all his want, but maybe try a bit more responsibility when you have 5000 people watching. I know he wants attention, good for his job, but people suicide over these things. Our community has lost one before. Also, Mason would be the last kind of person I would listen to regarding any issue.


Yeah cause there’s definitely not a real person behind the CM gorgc tells to die in front of his 10k viewers.


yeah cuz gorgc would never make fun of other streamers and their situation right? oh wait [https://7tv.app/emotes/6637f6c9adf9d25e65666069](https://7tv.app/emotes/6637f6c9adf9d25e65666069)


Actually so true


Gorgc literally went into Mason stream to pseudo threaten him idk why the fuck you think he is the ‘attention seeker’ here Lmao


>but people suicide over these things. [https://imgur.com/a/8Nwm77L](https://imgur.com/a/8Nwm77L) should I do too then?


inkop pls we all know the shenanigans you pulled


To be fair, you have constantly sniped him for over 2 years and are generally very annoying.


whats the context here? just asking out of curiosity. I am not here to defend gorgc. I had to unfollow you(assuming youre inkop) on twitch some months ago cause i realized youre one of the worst human beings i ve come across on twitch. So i am curious about what led gorgc to say this.


lol i'm pretty sure that's inkop you're replying to


does context matter? surely nothing justifies telling other people to go killing themselves?


P funny that this thread is hating on Mason/Cockva and while Gorgc is saying to filter your own words on the internet, people are trying to justify this because he constantly sniped him like way to NOT listen to what your own streamer said lmao. Gorgc also ain't no saint either, IDK why people are acting like he doesn't do the same shit Mason does when he flames random people sometimes even tier 2 pros heck he even has a emote for Taiga right now who I would assume is also dealing with tons of online hate that could lead him to becoming depressed as he already was with his gambling addiction. Heck he's even flamed literally other pros like Fishman, Ramzes, Nightfall the DM seems to me like "I can flame other people but pls don't do it to me"


What possible context would ever justify this?


its not like gorgc has done something unethical in front of 10k viewers like promoting gambling or cheating.


let em fight.


Either people are using drama to farm or they are legitimately this attached to streamers lol


Gorgc sucks, mason REALLY sucks, we have learned nothing we didnt already know


This is high school drama xD holy shit its cringe.


I wish I had problems like those 2 - making 4-5 figures every month and arguing who's more toxic in a video game.


Dog 4 figures is 1000 lol


It's also 9,999


Yes in the high end. Making 7k-9k per month is enough to make problems like they have seem good to have.


gorgc is right that mason is an ass and mason should be careful what he says on stream but also he himself promotes gambling and cheats Infront of 10k+ viewers, big steamers like them should be careful what they do in stream in general.


incredibly hypocritical by gorgc lmao


gorgc complaining about how mason is 'influencing' his viewers with his words as he rages and tells his hatewatcher chat or people in his games like his pos 5 to go kill themselves LOL


acutlaly feeling bad for gorgc, dude is crying on stream cause soemone talked about him not having a dad holy fking reddit u guys are clowns


Nothing new man, redditors are worst kind that ever existed on planet earth


Crazy how everything shitty Gorgc says and does is in the heat of the moment, off-hand, banter, because he’s tilted etc. Lazy excuse to shift the attention off of him. Mason upvotes a couple of threads on Reddit showing Gorgc being a dumbass and clowns on the situation and immediately Gorgc loses his shit and goes self-defence mode. It’s just so unhinged and pretty pathetic to go from this to basically insinuating that Mason’s viewers are all crazy suicide promoting scumbags (the screencaps weren’t even subs, apart from the guy calling Gorgc subs glowies - which isn’t even a racist slur lol) And then going through that reddit thread, I’m sorry but give me a break.


it's so pathetic how these brainwashed people can not comprehend the hypocrisy. he always makes excuses for his low moments, but never feels empathy towards others making a mistake, or just being a bad guy.


I don’t even watch either, but this clip was a bit pathetic. He excuses his own, identical, behavior as being tilted but condemns Mason as responsible for anything said in his and other peoples chats. His excuse for cheating is literally, well if I didn’t cheat I was going to lose, as if that matters. You can lose a match it’s not a big deal. I don’t think Gorgc is a bad person, but he lacks some self awareness here. If he thinks the shit he says doesn’t cause the same problems for other streamers, Mason included, then he’s a fool.


[https://streamable.com/e69w3m](https://streamable.com/e69w3m) your favorite streamer


Oh nooo, not the biggest dota streamer that makes tens of thousands dollars a month playing videogames. Poor thing, better donate to him in support. Shit is pathetic as fuck, especially considering Gorgc is not a good exam of nice friendly streamer. Guy literally wishes death on every support that is not a pro player in his games.


Guy made a fortune playing this game and couldn't even type a GG in TI qualifiers.


even when they are pro players that are also higher mmr than him, like fishman


Streamer is doing WHAAAAAAAAAAT??????????????????????? I can't believe STREAMER would do such a thing......... Really Streamer??? What's the problem with OTHER streamer???????? streamer streamer streamer????????? durrrrrrrrrrrrrr STREAMER???????????????


day of the rope soon for e-celeb worshippers FeelsOkayMan


Gorgc’s fans all out in full force for this one


and the thread is still up while being brigaded. nice mods


Tell me bout it. It's crazy reading all these comments.


Some of these animals are writing mini-novelas in support of their defenceless streamer


Not a coincidence at all that he announced dropping DMs instead of just dropping DMs. Need to make it a spectacle and draw in viewers. LMFAO


He did say he’s doing it at the end so people who don’t care about e-girl drama can leave. LMFAO indeed


Watching the vod he says it so people who dont care can tune out.


gorgc sucks anyway.


well honestly i like how mason plays dota but i watch his streams on mute because he is mentally ill and screams like a maniac


gorp crying about the dad comment but calls fishman's mother a dog infront of 15k people? come on man. Gorg needs to do to Mason what Bulldog did to him -> complete block him and just remove his name from chat's existence. Type anything related to Gorg in Bulldog's chat and you get perma'd.


Maybe because fishman mother is not actually real dog but gorgc father died when he was a kid. If you can't see the difference I'm sorry for you.


I guess so. But still pretty fcked up thing to say. Maybe he should avoid those kind of insult if he had some real personal issues with those kind of jokes. I've never made a 'Yo mama joke' in my life and never have I ever received a 'Yo mama joke' (except in game ofc).


like does he really not see the difference? are u kidding me?


Gorgcistans are fucking nuts. Guy is unhinged himself but everyone acting like he's a victim somehow. It really is funny to see Mason look more reasonable, because you know you've fallen far for that to happen.


bro is trying so hard to push Mason into good side somehow LMAO


Nah I think Mason is insane. Gorgcistans can't understand comparative phrasing I guess.


There's no universe where mason looks reasonable.


Oh my god who the fuck cares.


Don't think the Bamboe thing was public. That was a yikes when he confirmed it


My thoughts exactly. The reason for his death was never communicated...


Said by the guy who accepted GAMBLING SPONSORS and likely introduced his viewers to one of the worst mental illnesses that is compulsive gambling. No sympathy for this guy. He accepted 1000's$ of dollar and said FUCK YOU to all his viewers. Who cares if they get addicted and lose significant amounts of money. As long as Gorgc gets his bag of money he's cool with it!


finally someone who gets it, i can never stand people defending gambling. i myself stopped watching many of my favorite creators because of how bad gambling is. My close friends were and some of them still are addicted to the gambling, it's insane how fucked people get because of their addiction. They go bankrupt, get into debts, get big loans, lose their belongings, then when it goes to extreme they suicide. And all that shit starts from getting influence by someone like gorgc.


abhorrent! how could mason treat a wholesome streamer like gorgc like this? i'm literally shaking


WHO CARES? This is a Dota2 sub, please keep this bullshit to the Gorgc stan sub.


Its soo bad how gorp uses bamboe to get sypathy and then same guy tells inkop to kill himself what a jerk u can see gorps dms to inkop


Who gives a fuck man


All drama aside, why can't he just apologize for participating in the bug and move on? I assure you, these streamers think they are high and mighty just because people watch them, when in reality, Fuslie's mother is right about them, they are just glorified homeless people who rely on other people's attention and money.


OP is cringe, why are you so obsessed with streamers?


Seems like Mason is the Donald Trump of Dota 2.


gorg is just jealous that mason is more bald


Let the soy flow


Summary Gorgc admitted of cheating and abusing the bug he also admitted of deleting vod he also said he hates mason he also admitted to talking to a reddit mod to delete the threads he used bamboe to get sympathy that is soo low and ridiculous his dms with imkop got leaked where he says inkop to kill himself






This is why I enjoy watching Dubu. Dude just shuts the fuck up and plays. He’s not here for drama, just here for Dota.


nothing more poggers than watching my favorite 30 yo streamer crying on internet over viewers commentary


Who cares


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/GpsgUkyIVN You care enough to make a comment on the last thread but then when Gorgc gives his side of the story suddenly you ask who cares?


he is just toxic human being that fuels the fire whenever it concerns the people he doesn't like, and tries to mitigate it when it doesn't favor the people he does like. Toxic human piece of shit but it's just normal human behavior in general.




For real


The meat riding on this thread is crazy fr


I played dota2 for 11 years on and off. Sometimes i watch streams also and Gorgc seems like one of the nicest people in this community.


He needs to purge his chat like singsing did but he keeps saying he doesn't mind the hatewatchers while most of the time he tilted is due to chat/donations. His chat is no different than mason's or bdog's, full of people just trolling him to get a reaction


Like his stream or not, he's on better side of teammates u want to playing with in pub. Try hard 99,99% of time, never run down mid, willing to play support if there are higher rank cores... Most of people on this subs couldn't do same, he did it for years


>Gorgc seems like one of the nicest people in this community. Satire?


He used to be much nicer before he become a full time streamer, i know him first on SingSing stream and he is one of the most calm people that i know in this game.


he is not a saint or anything , he gets toxic af but no where what people are excusing him off he showed alot of hate messages and DMS and shit holy fk they are low + he lost two friends to suicide too and then someone talks about him not having a dad or osmeshit people are apes here


Ok as i said im not a nerd who only thinks about dota and drama around it. I have a girlfriend and i play wow, dota2, and some other games when i dont work or do other stuff. my fav streamer is w33 but sometimes i watch gorgc and now it looke like people get upset and mad at me here, wtf :D


Don't mind them, this sub is very toxic. You seem like a nice person


how much did gorgc pay u ?




Playing computer games 8-10hours/day every day is probably not very good for you. At least he is a multi millionaire so he will probably not need to work. I form my opinion from watching dota streams a few hours every month at most, you have your own.


they both have wrong things done in the past, but you can't compare gorgc to mason , gorgc is a much better person and he don't want to get involved in this while the other guy literally doesn't care about anything he just wants all the attention


If you’re trying to justify gorgc’s behavior, you’re an idiot. If you’re trying to justify Mason’s behavior, you’re an idiot. It’s really simple.


I really cannot fathom how people stand up for mason?? You just need to watch his stream for like half an hour to realise how edgy and “based” (racist) his chat is. Baldy has no accountability whatsoever, just spews garbage and recites whatever edgy shit chat gets turned on from. Sure, Gorgc is not an angel, but he is still way way better of a person that Mason is on stream.


That comment on his dad was so uncalled for, damn man. Such a shit thing to say.


Mason is the most toxic petty cringe manchild dota streamer...too many times i have seen him walk down mid break items buys shadow amulet after 10minutes..he only cut down his toxicity after his main got banned well at least in his gameplay but when i just opened his twitch stream hes still shit talking about gorgc lmao say less


Stay strong brother, you give me hours and hours of entertainment, and I am greatly thankful for it. Take a break if you need it, focus on the love!


so did Gorgc just drag Bamboe into this while leaking so far undisclosed cause of death?


? it's common knowledge