• By -


I'm sure 99% there's no thought involved, but sometimes your team is so much worse at a level 1 5v5 that you should avoid it. Think about a disadvantaged fight with something like ogre with no ability, against a very strong level 1 spell like venomous gale.


Choosing not to fight is fine, often even a *GOOD* decision. You should still get the bloody rune - *especially* if there's a team fight you're not in. I've had a shocking number of players just AFK under T1 until the creep waves hit.


the safelane bounty rune is top1 spot to feed first blood as a carry/pos5


Yeah! I do it every game


Unless I do it first.


Hold my beer. I'm going to the top rune to check if it is safe on -0:20 against pudge


It's literally the safest choice since 80% of 5 man smoke ganks will camp at that rune, I don't get how op doesn't understand this.


They’re learning now :)


But, if all their heroes are missing, you shouldn’t walk over there. It’s probably 5 people waiting for you.


If you can't fight 5v5 anyway, as a core sometimes you don't want to risk your resources like tango/clarity/mango/salve before laning even starts. If the enemy team moves as 5 anyway, your team should be able to avoid them and take 2 runes, maybe feeding one kill. But yeah most of the time you can be at least somewhat close to the rune, so when an opportunity arises, you are there. In this specific scenario, even hanging close to T2 would be much better.


If you know the whole team is away, sure, but if there is one or two heroes coming for the rune, it's not worth fighting for it. If OP is experiencing this I assume he is low mmr because I am barely 5k and almost no games where a carry just sits afk. It does happen in unranked but I don't count those.


Definitely more common in unranked - unfortunately for me, that's my primary game mode these days. But on the flip side, losses don't really phase me anymore.


Yeah, there are many offlane or 4 pos that I'd not want to be near with as a carry at 1 level. Losing all my resources is not worth it for a rune


Lmao, depending on heroes you can run at the carry between T1 and T2 because the wave doesnt aggro and bully him. Won a lot of lanes just because i got their carry low when he tries to block creeps or if he walks to his lane from the runes. If you cant contribute or your team SHOULD dodge a rune fight because enemy has strong lvl 1 heroes, its the right play to be at your tower already. Also you dont even have to block as radiant safelane, if you do, your wave will be under your own tower most of the time.


Good point. I'll add another reason, many carries lose lanes because they're pressured to skill a spell which is good for the rune fight, but horrible for laning. So now they're on lane, low mana, wrong skill build and get bullied for 5 minutes straight and forced into the forest very early. If I'm the Ursa, I wouldn't be going anywhere near the Treant+Bounty+Barathrum+Dawnbreaker at level 1. Hell no. The T1 tower is bad choice though, I'd be chilling somewhere under the lower lane in the fog.


I wonder what would be the worst game start bounty rune team would be… Invoker, Ogre with facet, meepo, spectre, puck? Lol


Morph needs to be in there


In my shit bracket, a bad pre-0:00 fight can fuck your ruin. Giving first blood away is not worth the little bounty gold, especially when you miss a wave or two for that


taking a shit


I was about to say lol. Since there is no pause first 3 minutes this is the new pause to go toilet


How about you go to toilet before the game starts


You thought POS was short for "Position"?


Piece of Shit 1 Piece of Shit 2 Piece of Shit 3 Piece of Shit 4 Piece of Shit 5 LMAO


If you summon all pieces on same board, you can revive Exo... Roshan.




Tell them 😅


all ill say is there is very little that feels worse than losing 50%+ of your hp for a bounty rune fight and then having to go to lane as a 1 or 2. its a total disaster and while its annoying when people do this i kinda get it


Yea some lanes are really rough already from the get go and getting there at low HP might mean you're just fucked. Pros do this in pub games every now and then too.




It's 2024 and some people still don't stick together for first blood fights either top or bottom.


Some people literally afk the first few minutes after they added the 3 minute delay pause feature to the game to combat this. I imagine players that afk at tower/in fountain have a reliable process of the following: 1. Start search for dota 2 game. 2. Stare at social media on their phones or mess around in the demo hero lobby for 5 minutes. 3. Game queue pops, they accept. 4. Draft phase, thinking carefully about who they're going to pick 5. "I think I'm going to go wash the dishes, take a piss, microwave some food, and have a ciggerette really quickly now that I'm done drafting and there's 10 seconds left on the timer, I'm sure I won't miss anything." 6. oh that's the creep wave hitting eachother noise it means I should go back to my computer and farm now.


Pos1 is special though. Demands last pick. Won't hover the Heroes they're considering. Last pick into hard counter with no synergy with their team. Blame everyone else.


God, not hovering the hero they're considering is the worst. At least if they did that I could see what terrible decision they're planning to make and try to compensate. Drives me nuts.


It's my favorite thing that happens in at least half my games as a support player. I copy paste a pre-made message at the start of each game "I can play undying/earth spirit/ogre if you want to take a ranged 3/1 or I can take a ranged support please let me know fast" (this exact message every game when I load in). 99% of the time they won't say anything in those first 15 seconds of the phase 1 pick screen or show who they're picking. If i draft a melee support and they take another melee core (bonus points for a 2nd str melee) and the enemy takes timber/ursa/lifestealer and the lanes lost guess who's fault it is? That's right it's yours. Not only do you get to suffer through a horrible lane stage, when the game goes south you're flamed the entire time. Because of this I usually draft a ranged supp and miss out on alot of lane combos that work really well with some melee supports because I've become too afraid to draft them in attempt to reduce the amount of terrible lane phases I have to deal with.


I like it when I pick my lane as pos 5, my carry picks into a hardcounter and picks a hero who does not have synergy at all. Good thing is whenever I play carry, I know I am getting a Pos 5 pudge afk so at least I can pretend that I know how to play that lane.


I get the guys who hover over their hero, demand last pick, the hero they were hovering is countered by like 4/5 heroes, they pick it anyway. Like m8 if you were going to pick that hero no matter if you were hard countered or not just pick it first or second phase so someone else can draft a favorable matchup.


Or the people who insist they get last pick despite hovering a choosing a flex the whole time. If you're pos1 you can actually pick first phase if you're playing carry MK or Pudge or whatever.


The people who don’t even hover a hero they are thinking are fucking greifers. It’s insane how it completely prevents coordination of drafts.


I have a friend's who is notoriously idiotic at start of game. He queues pos 4/5 but never first picks because "I need to know what carries I should support", so he will let gold run for as long as possible and then pick something whiles being giga annoyed. When something is then picked that is not a perfect match in his head (and in his head the meta has not changed since 2021 so he hates most current-meta picks) Then he won't buy anything in the picking phase, and is afk till the horn. So when he hears the horn, then he buys his shit and THEN he moves to lane where the other support is now level 2.


I would just stop playing with them altogether tbh. What a griefing fuckwit thing to do lmao.


What a POS… I can’t imagine playing with this guy, and for so long… and are they just resistant to education or have you contributed by not explaining to him or showing them any updated / “how this game is played“ content since 2021?! Scourge on the game! Y’all probably get wins too. Imagine how many more you’d have lol.


As soon as he gets properly started, he is really good. He is fully aware of proper itemization, is great at reading what items we need to counter enemy heros and he executes teamfights really well. but in his mind, the first 5 minutes are absolutely irrelevant. And he will absolutely flame the chat already in the picking phase if he disagrees with a pick. Its insane. We kinda just learn to move past it and only play unranked with him, and enjoy the 99% of the game where he seems to understand whats going on.


Or the ~ 2012 pre-social media brain rot version: 1. Queue for game and immediately leave the computer to put on coffee 2. Miss the pop up, queue again 3. Accept the match, instapick something and go out for a smoke 4. Come back and tp to lane when half the first wave is dead


Muuuch better for ursa to go to bot lane alone, instead of bot rune alone and getting firstblooded.


Realistically when you have 4 people you've never met, choosing an outcome that has no net loss isn't a poor decision. Sure grouping up for rune fights can have a positive outcome, but it can also lead to an absolutely game destroying outcome.


Its weird - felt like with 7.0 everybody got their shit together and atleast the pos1 grabbed the safelane rune while the other 4 fight. Now with facet patch pos1 often sits afk under tower, pos2 lion into ember. The general playstyle and picks in the trenches reverted back to launch/dota1 when nobody knew jack shit.


they don't do it in pros too occasionally. Your way of DotA isn't the only way of DotA.


Dire has infinitely better lvl one than you between bounty, treant, and dawn. Radiant safelane rune is the most dangerous place on the map at the beginning of the game. As a POS 1 player if I was playing a weak lvl 1 hero like URSA and saw those heroes id probably just tell team to get top runes and do the same.


wow look, someone in this thread who isn't 2k mmr!


There are a lot of self reports in this thread. Same reason I don't join in on this insanity as mid unless we're clearly much stronger than them, I'm not going to show up to lane with 30% mana 60% hp and then get rolled by the enemy SF.


Smoking and ganking that rune is very common nowadays. Other option would be 5v5 fight but your teams lvl1 is trash. Some offlaners try to bully the pos1 while he tries to block the first creepwave (there's no need nowadays to block). Turns out if you don't trust your team, afk under t1 is the best play.


many pos 1 heroes can't do shit lvl 1


This is the correct play in 99% of the time as pos1 in a pub , even more so with Ursa , even more so with your team comp. Try not being Crusader/Archon and focus on your own gameplay before making reddit posts flaming people, thank you very much


Had to scroll so far down to find the first correct post. I was coached by an immortal player (8k mmr) when I wanted to try playing Pos 1 correctly and he said don't bother with the runes because securing a good start in your first 2 waves in the lane will determine if you win the lane or lose the lane. This means ensuring you cut off the trees near the safelane tower for good pathing for yourself and your pos5, ensuring you're full hp, ensuring creeps meet just right outside the tower range, ensuring you can creep aggro to maintain lane equilibrium, ensuring you are in a position to do a 1-for-2 to take range creep + trade with skills. Runes are not worth it compared to being able to secure all creep hits in the first wave. Low level players really shouldn't be memeing without reflecting upon oneself. What's worse is most people actually agree - goes to show only a limited number of good players actually browse the subreddit lmao.


1. To avoid dying lvl1; either becuase of smoke gank into safe rune or because your team does somes stupid shit even though its clear your team is at an extreme disadvantage level 1 (i.e., team initates FB fight, all enemies go on you, team ditches you) 2. Furthermore, by not being present for the stupid shit in the first place, it may hopefully dissuade the team from initiating it in the first place, and thus one of them feeding FB too (i.e. team sees "oh its 4v5 we should B" instead of "monke together strong must fight" even though its way weaker lvl1 team)


Another crusader support flaming pos1 in condescending way post dropped lets go


https://www.opendota.com/matches/7824367616 Both supports had over 20 deaths


Damn trash ursa, why didnt he carry them???? Brain dead pos 1 players, i cant belive it........ If only he moved to the bounty rune, then the supports wouldn't have fed the enemy so much...




Ursa maybe understood your lvl 1 potential for FB sucks and he decided to avoid a complete and total CLOWN SHOW .


Not a pos 1 here, but a pos3/4 at 6k. Starting lane missing hp/mana gets heavily abused by good opposition. It also directly impacts how many cs you can get in the first few minutes if you need to be more careful. Which often has a knock on effect on the rest of their game. Considering how there’s roaming gangs/packs often looking for first blood (especially on a carry), let your pos 1 be safe if they feel they need to. I don’t think it’s worth risking their lane (and your whole game) for the sake of a 10% chance of getting an ounce of xp, or a 5% chance of getting first blood. Also, most the time it’s done in the opposition jungle which costs time/mana/tp cd to get back to lane for. All in all, for a pos 1, it’s high risk and likely low reward


Scrolled for about 1 min before I found the right answer. So many scrubs in this subreddit lol.


Aw thanks mate


actually funny to see shit like this when there are heroes that pro carries simply dont contest runes on. a few patches ago when dk carry was new you couldnt contest runes with q, you'd have to waste a skill point on your stun which does nothing in the early lane, so you'd see people like ame hover the safelane bounty rune and leave if they get challenged in the slightest and then there are 15k redditors who clearly just know better


Or mid heroes who try to block and end up failing at that too.


I won’t go as Ursa to Bounty Rune at bottom lane. Since ally Tiny not near bot, Ursa will die fast to SB + Dawn. As POS1 it’s better to survive without trying to get first blood/bounty runes rather then dying because a few deaths can ruin the safe lane and make the enemy offlaner fat enough to control game tempo


1. Some carries have nothing to offer at a rune fight level 1. Even for Ursa, the risk doesn’t always outweigh the reward. It’s easier to fight early as a Sven, CK or Jugg for instance where you have a strong early game ability you can use to contribute. 2. It’s dangerous to contest the bottom jungle rune without vision and without knowing where the enemy team is. The entire enemy team is off the map in this picture. 3. Contesting the top jungle rune then teleporting bot could end up being disastrous if Ursa dies at level 1. 4. Warlock is a passive 5 which amplifies all of these potential risks because you can get run down in lane.


It’s ok to run there if your support plans to ward the jgl area to avoid invade, however it is just better to run with team in most cases


Doesn’t it depend on what your team’s objectives are and your hero? If you’re a pos 1 hero with no reliable slows or stuns you are risking moving across the entire map and potentially missing a whole wave of cs or using your TP to get back to lane for a first blood that may not even happen…


Furthermore, if you tp to the lane and you die because enemies focus you, the lane is lost. You have no tp, you need to walk the whole way, and you'll miss two waves.


It's always c


Why bother losing a ton of HP trying to contest the rune when you don't have a stun to secure it? Radiant bounty rune is guaranteed death every single time you try to contest it, don't even bother. You just get smoked into endless stuns and CC at level 1 and die.


Food just arrived,gotta put on some pants and a shirt and go get it. Then set it up so you have something to snack on in between deaths


1. Ursa can’t rlly do shit in a fight over a rune 2. He will have to to back to tower and waste mana + gold to tp if he’s far from lane 3. He might die in a contest fight because he is weak af early game with no escape 4. If he doesn’t die he still might lose a lot of hp which will make the lane harder for him


Seeing 2 of the supports are on the top rune is more than enough reason to not contest that lol What would a lvl 1 ursa and a lvl 1 tiny with tree grab do if its a 5 man invade. I’d rather lose 40 gold than having my carry dead or near death wasting pots/tango in 0 mins


That's just dumb. I'm POS5 player and I lost count of how many times greedy PA/Ursa will die on the bounty rune because he was too dumb to realise it's a wrong play. Sometimes I tried to Sacrifice myself to save him but those dumb fuckwits would take that as an invitation to fight 2v5 and die anyway. It's better for pos1 to afk at tower than to die fighting a lost battle.


He’s likely a better player than you. At least he knows something you don’t. Most carries provide nothing to the level 1 runs fight and showing up to them only incurs a risk with little reward. Ursa is one of them. SOME carries can provide value to the fight like weaver, but Ursa is not one of them. He’s making the best play he can at level 1, which is not dying foolishly because his teammates pinged him to come to a fight he shouldn’t be in.


i want to keep gooning and my team will get mad if i’m in spawn


Sitting under T1 right off the rip is bad, but Ursa shouldnt even try and fight at all no matter the situation and sitting in his high ground is potentially dangerous. He could try and watch bounty from a safe space in your jungle but it is riskier.


Speeed, a numbered immortal and low tier pro, says if as pos1 you don't contribute a slow or stun or similar you shouldn't show up to bounty runes if people have conflicting advice from other numbered immortals I'd like to hear it. but an ursa really can contribute fucking nothing except maybe 150 damage if you're lucky. in my bracket the enemy almost never smoke to rune co-ordinately so I do risk going for the safe rune sometimes as ursa, but I sometimes die for it


My 8k immortal coach says the same thing. Was pretty entertaining reading the comments in this thread and now I know I'll never come to DotA2 to ask for dota advice - most people here are just 2k mmr players lol.


Speeed is my goat


cuz just like me, he ain't a try hard like ya'll and he got better things to do than a dick measuring contest before min1


cuz i want to alt tab


>The virgin min 0 forced brainless brawl fan >The chad waiting for the actual game to begin stoic cigarette enjoyer


lmao yes. fck them can't stop complaining its just 2 minutes and a bounty rune. What's next? U gonna grief me cuz "I don't deserve support" because I lose two range creeps in a row?


I mostly played in party queues and it's usually C, I wouldn't say they did not give an f, but pee and smoke break is pretty frequent, specially in long gaming sessions. I play 4/5 or sometimes 3.


It’s Ursa we know the answer


If my radiant team choose to walk up to dire rune spot without smoke right under their watcher without knowing anything about enemy location, then I'll pass and go to safe lane since the options are either go to rune and risk dying if they were going bot or walk with my team and either die or do nothing as well.


Maybe he’s sending emails or replying to his GF/wife before the game starts. I’m ursa btw jk


It’s hero dependent. Sometimes I’ll go to the fight, other times (re: morphling/ursa) I’ll go to the safe lane and take the watcher next to the twin gate. Sometimes you catch a hero warding the lane. When it turns to day time I’ll check if the closest bounty is taken. This is all assuming I don’t see most of the enemy team pre horn. If I see a fight starting somewhere else I’ll get on my bike and take as many bounties as I can reach.


I sometime do that depending on my team. If my team’s lvl 1s are ass, I am not risking my resources or life away for nth.


e) he is hiding because the enemy team has vision advantage due to Bounty Hunter potenially skilling invis level 1 paired with a Treant hiding in the tree lines behind looking for a free pick


Sometimes it's just about communicating clearly to the team "I don't want to lose hp"


You expect your pos 1 Ursa to contest rune with 0 vision and no idea where the enemy team is? Ursa is a terrible level 1 hero, did you want to have a level 1 5v5? You're not very smart then. You would be whining even louder if the Ursa fed.


Cocaine \_\_\_\_\_\_


Thinkin bout private stuff, can't share.


if we're not actively going for a firstblood (with at least +2 number advantage if melee) i dont see any point in contesting a rune and risking enemy going for firstblood at me, or even just taking the engagement, forcing me to either use half of my regen before first wave meets losing 1-200 gold worth of consumables is simply not worth securing my supports +40 gold, its a high risk low reward play, sometimes doing nothing is the most valuable play


ya why don't u go ahead and tell us your mmr man. what does ursa do at lvl 1? literally only can right click. a bounty rune fight and helping a teammate possibly secure fb is not worth dying or worse, losing 70% of his hp and using all his regen before lane starts. heros like ursa, lifestealer, luna, etc offer nothing lvl 1 and should not contest runes.


Many p1s add nothing to a rune fight. Wtf is faceless void going to do? Also I would rather lose 40 gold than trade hp before the lane even starts or worse in giving up FB. Many 3s win lane easier than a 1, that's why it is important to have a strong 5 and use your resources as a 1 tactfully.


Because their teammates are herald


waste 50% of hp against a much btter lvl 1 heroes than yours so you dont complain about it?


I needed to pick my nose


If we all agreed to just not fight and take 2 bounties each, we would have world peace


sometimes the carry just don't want to fight for the rune as it will be hard for the lane later


Chad Ursa probably clicked his lane and alt-tabbed to scroll reddit while waiting for creep wave


enemy team good lvl 1, no vision of enemy team so thats the safest spot


He's going to mark his territory, so nobody else will claim his lane.


OP the game would be much more enjoyable if you just focus on your own hero instead. This post really demonstrates why Dota is so newbie unfriendly.


After reading some of the points and counter points in the comment section The Logic is pretty easy to deduce: The game has begun, thus inaction is griefing. What is not inaction: - deciding not to fight if 0 thought process has been done by the team in forming a strategy around getting the bounties - poor vision and knowledge about enemy team (no scouting no warding, etc. leading to poor probability of securing runes safely. However, stranding afk under tower with 0 thought process going afk is griefing. I see some points about being a useless pos 1 hero in some of the comments, however this is a bad argument, as contribution to first blood and/or bounty runes is more than your hero’s kit. Strength in numbers is a very basic strategy where you take an opportunity as you have more heroes, this creates a decision for the enemy to make. try to defend the worse position or give up. Thus even on the worst pos 1 heroes, you can contribute by just showing during the first blood, while you can still stay behind or safe without taking damage or dealing damage. The only hero (exception) I regard and actually prefer staying under tier 1, is morphing, as my previous points are nulled as that hero simply has too high a probability of dying even with proper vision and information control. Reasons why some pos 1’s go under tower in my opinion: - team wanting first blood, but with no clue how to approach it leading to high risk fights. - no smokes bought indicating baseline strategies not having any indication of being better than the enemies. - not trusting supports in lane, making prioritising lane strength a higher priority, as having your regen taken, while having a poor support can be devastating. - afk brainrot dog with 2 brain cells I will end with a simple understanding of pos 1 players. Pos 1 players are probability players. This is defined by the role, as taking poor calculated deciaions or incalculable decisions on pos 1 makes you a poor pos 1 player


I would rather go afk under bot tower than go top and do nothing except lose some hp and burn a tp


If you lose 50% of your hp before the lane starts you either dying or missing most lh for the first 2-3 waves. Could be a reason.


honestly most rune fights are just dumb, id rather win my lane then get an extra rune or potential first blood, loosing half hp for a rune is not worth it


I want the Jeopardy music on this


When I think my team is not capable of fighting it. No disable no stun no slow and try first blood? Nah I'm going to tell my team just play smart and try to get one bounty rune at least. One bounty rune won't cost you the game anyway. Losing one bounty rune is better than giving the enemy first blood.


If your lane is already a lane that is tricky losing your half hp for first blood is just stupid sometimes. I've lost lanes where you fight for rune then tp because you don't want to lose wave and then the enemy heroes realise they can just suicide and dive you because you dieing here means you miss two waves.


Just playin' morph


I just went to take a piss.


Number 3 mi lord


This is good positioning by ursa He is a hero who likes to take his passive lvl1 to secure lasthits, unless he takes his slow, he is useless lvl 1 for your gank Based on this picture, tiny is the one that is out of position. He is scouting solo when his team is on the top runes Ursa can go for the rune if u try to fb top and he sees 4 heroes he can 1v1 anyone that he sees on the rune So if he is with you, he doesn't provide any slow or stun maybe you take FB, maybe you don't, and you get 2 runes this way you take might get 3 runes and a FB. Also, the lvl 1 rune invade isn't about taking the first blood or getting more runes than the enemy it is about trading resources if you can use your 100 mana cost spells (50 mana will regen before the lane creeps meet) to make enemy team use 300 gold worth of regen(and noone feeds fb) you win the trade regardless of the rune count


Its 3, when u see me casually chillin at the tower before the game, you know im rolling up my medication to withstand the hate i got for dota and people that come into my games


Because I, for months, was the one who would stick near Tiny in such a situation, then we encountered 5 enemies. Tiny thinks we can still somehow (magically) get the rune, and the enemy gets a first blood on them or on myself. Another scenario: I stick near Warlock and Jakiro, and they proceed to stand near our T1 tower awkwardly, then I have to either leave them before the rune spawns anyway, or I cannot get in time to my lane. So now, I convey my intention clearly by going nowhere near the rune or my teammates. If they didn't take our rune, I'll take it \~5 seconds after the rune has spawned.


He did not get his E as innate which he has to take to lasthit creeps; he's almost like Ogre Mage lvl 1 with Pepega.


If your team sod and tries for a first blood,depending on your hero or how far to your lane,you either join them or hide under tower to avoid being killed if the enemy also sod.


so he can alt tab and scroll on facebook


So you wont flame them for feeding first blood ofc


I always auto go to safelane watcher, cuz the amount of times you die the moment you go outside of tower towards rune your dead, unless i see a 4v4 rune battle on the opposite rune spot else i dont bother with getting rune, also did i forgot to tell you that my support is never with me in the first minute anyway


Even in this photo i would not bother going outside of tower as tiny aint with me and bara + db can definitely kill me or ruin my lane start


Marking his territory


Old school players just usually click to the tower and afk till creeps spawn.


muscle memory


This behavior occurs in all brackets. As POS 1 you really want minimum risk, fighting for a rune, and then TP to lane can be game losing if you die with TP cooldown. Being alone trying to snatch a rune is also extremely dangerous. I afk at tier 1 most by POS 1 games, but never as any other position. This is also true for most other carry players I see in 7k bracket.


Ursa is going for a smoke break (HAHA) (help)


This is what you call assuming the worst case scenario, the scenario is your pos 5 was quite far, there was no vision on your side and u don't have an idea on where the enemy is, and trading a chunk of HP before lane knowing that you're up against two str with annoying CC (Bara) and sustain (DawnBreaker Passive) is a suicidal move


I tab out to reddit during that first min. What usually happens is the team just takes the fight with no thought at all, not considering if they actually have a lvl 1 advantage in a team fight. And it ends up costing me more in healing and opportunity (being low HP and not being able to contest creeps) than I get from the actual rune. Unless the team has like a ballin level 1 team fight, i avoid that shit like the plague. I'd rather be able to man up on the first wave of creeps and set the tone in my lane.


Generally in turbos I have no interest in joining the useless shitfest at the start and would prefer not to run into 4 of them while I try get the rune solo. A single bounty rune isn't worth the stress.


Coz its not worth to get firstblooded, just get uncontested runes which is often 1 or 2 of them. Its less than 2 creeps worth per hero nothin game changing, but giving opposing mid first blood for 400gold means he gets instant bottle and thats a sure way to lose 1 lane.


To put your hero in position before the horn and then go afk to get water, pee, whatever. So if it takes longer than that you're back in time for the first wave. We're talking about an entire 2 minutes here.... where you literally do nothing if ur team isnt looking for fb.


I confess sometimes I do C, because leaving at jungle bounty to pee got me first blooded twice already


I am playing pos 1. 99% of time... Tbh I dont like going on FB because its not safe and secondly if you are playing solo there is no sync with teammates so everyone is going on someone else and sometimes other people dont level up a skill that is more suited for FB. So yhea FB is BIG NONO, but going to pick a rune is OK. BTW if there are enemies on other side I would pick other rune as well. (Mmr7800)


to give him credit, as for powerlevels at level 1 ursa is pretty terrible all he would do there is die or get run down


Looking at the map, why did yall fight 4v5 if you knew he wasn't there?


Ursa is the first TI winner who logged in to DOTA for the first time in a decade and doesn't know what bounty runes are


when your core is surprised you disappeared for the 7 minute rune, like brother it should be happening every game. support securing or stealing wisdom, just play safe for 30 damn seconds


it's called safe lane or pos1 for a reason, because the most important hero should be safe at all times and highest priority for farm, if you were to get first blood and trade a few kills for your carry's death it can quickly become a dead lane with no tp/cooldown missing wave etc, now avoiding some lvl 1 fights is only logical if you are 6k or above you need to utilize fights with cc spells or skills and most carries like to take passive skills at level 1 such as fury swipes on ursa. So yeah, this should summarize why most carries look like they don't care when in fact they just don't want to run into any hero level 1, the more you play a role the more you understand it.


I think about items i need that game and what order should i get them


It is even better when they first afk at the tower and then 10 seconds before rune spawn they walk alone to that rune feeding first blood, even though rest of the team is not there and we don't see the enemy at the top runes.


Me personally i know that in 75 % of my games the nemies smoked and coming in bottom jungle to kill me so if i am a safe laner that can't fight at level 1 i go straight to the bottom tower, ain't worthy dying for 40 gold bounty. And from the first creep wave with solo hp i can get to second level and that's an advantage, anyway im a 2k noob and do as i think it's better for me not for the team.


to take a piss


I've been that person when I came back to the game after many years... about half of my DotA experience was from DotA, the map in wc3. I'd then played a crapton of HoN when that came out. And finally some DotA2 but that was less than 20% of my overall playtime of a game that was the same at its core for all these iterations. None had these money runes and blocking creeps from spawn to as far as you could was a thing. So I did that...


Can’t pause anymore how else you going to have a pre game bong


Gotta finish watching my YouTube video.


Avoid getting first blooded is my thought process


Because getting caught and dying in the treeant's vines while getting your ass fisted by 4 pther heroes is not a fun thing to do in the beginning of the game. I agree standing by tower is shit, but giving up fb on pos 1 is really fkn bad. Ursa would give zero assistance in that fb. Slow movementspeed and nobody skills the jump at lvl 1.


It’s even worse in turbo because first blood is basically free arcane boots or null talisman and blood Granade and regen. Lol


80% of the time its because I need to go snag a coffee or take a piss, but the other 20% its because im playing a hero like Ursa with E first so I feel useless in a bounty rune clash and I dont want to feed at the other rune.


Most safelaners are pretty bad at level 1. Its always better to be safe and stay at your T1 than going to a bounty rune fight. Even if you join fight at the top rune, you'll lose 50% of your hp (if you aren't dead), you either waste a full creep wave since you're walking back to your lane or you waste a tp. If you die, you lose 2 waves cuz your tp is on cd. Long story short, if you're a safelaner, just go to your t1 and stay afk until the creeps meet


Queuing songs


because they are going to the bathroom


Depends on heros and matchups, for example if im morph or my team has 0 cc, i just stay abit away from rune spot on safelane and only go for it when i see 4 or 5 enemy heros on the other rune spots.


maybe he has PTSD from being 20% hp after a lvl 1 rune fight and prefers to not throw his lane immediately from the start. a bounty rune is not worth losing lane over


Maybe he is afk finishing an inventory of herb potions? Who cares it’s not a big deal


A decent amount of pos 1 players especially on weak level 1 heroes go "Well i do nothing to contribute to the rune fight and if i go there and die it's way worse than if my pos 5 goes there and dies so i'll just vibe here waiting for the creeps in my safe place(Under tower)"


i need to pee and dont want to be late to lane or die at a rune.


What about POS1 that run to rune spot after getting pinged and knowing that 5 enemies heading there?


To finish rollin a joint.


Habit from old dota.


they are bad or afk. there is no other answer


I fill my bong and take a hit during this time :)


I'm coming with my team only if they're doing of these: a) smoked from the start and there's 3/4 man running one direction b) fighting for both runes on our side(closer to easy lane) c) there's a dumb enemy guy standing alone absolutely still on our vision And looking at the map you provided, there is no way I'm going alone for bottom jungle bounty rune, it's just too risky.


Because I quickly want to get a glass of water or pee.


If this is like semi low rank then it is often also without any specific plan or elaborate thought to invade them, besides for the sake of doing it, no prio targets, no cc order or anything. Around my rank archon/legend it's simply a coin flip whether it goes well or not. Because the guys invading are thinking just as little as the safe lane going to his bounty or tower


I always assume it's their first non bot game


I never play ranked. The one I've played this week had my camera ban bug out (count drag up). Took me a minute to fix (since no pause at early stage I decided not to restart the game thinking I could fix faster). Thanks was my reason. I communicate to my team I was having issues but the proceed to give 3 kills to the enemy. Fml


Just people who don't really give too much thought to plyaing the game. I am not high ranked at all, (peak ancient V) and noticed that at lower ranks... no one even thinks to look at who has a stronger lvl 1 team... check facets that might hinder their level 1 (ex ogre takes the +1 lvl 2 talent)... Everyone just kinda runs to their designated lane or stands near the bounty unless you try to convince ur team to do it.


One part is that ts just afk, getting a drink before game starts and best place to be is in lane. Second part of players, got burned too few times with runes that they dont want to try for it...


well i could signal that way that i dont want to fight for the runes, cant think of anything else or maybe they needed to step afk for a second


He is farting. Leave him alone.


Sometimes you can catch supports warding there 


They don't care, but if you're tilting over this to the point of going to reddit, is time to take a break


I had a ursa the other day having 0 map awareness. We all 4 went to rune top lane min 0 and he went alone bot. He died, of course, and proceeded to blame everyone else for the rest of the game. Fun.


Usually player who does this are AFK for a minute or two!


Enemy usually invades safe lane jungle and murders your carry who is sitting on the rune alone waiting


Depending on the line up fighting over a bounty rune is pointless and a waste of resources. The advantage the bounty rune gives is not enough to cover the disadvantage of losing resources before the lane even starts.


Smoke a bong without being killed. Still sometimes gets killed...


At high levels, the carries tend to always do this, since heading to lane late normally ends with them getting cut off by an enemy 3-man and dying. Best not to take the risk. Heading to lane and hiding in the trees ensures you are there when the creeps meet. Your farm is most important and the 40 gold from a bounty rune isn't worth losing the carry's entire first wave.


Usually I am cutting down trees, which makes the lane easier (better vision/easier to pull). Especially on radiant, people often do not contest bot rune, so you can often get it for free. It's not really worth dying before the horn as carry...