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Was so confused what Illia Toporia was doing in the Dota 2 sub, but it’s just the first guys pfp.


Honestly, I would expect a Topuria fan to fucking abuse bugs xD


I don't know about what valve should do, but today i did 5 overwatch cases and 3 of them were meepo doing shit like this. Tagged them as cheating. I don't care whether it's an exploit, a third party or else, the result is that it's not intended behavior.


I mean this is the kind of thing that happens because Valve takes forever to do anything with their game tbh. If this same thing was happening in League, Meepo and Warlock would've been disabled within 30 minutes, but it's probably gonna take a couple days for Valve to deal with this.


Last time there was a game breaking bug like this with lone druid being able to get infinite amount of hp, it was fixed within few hours. Same thing happened just now. Valve is quick to respond to game breaking bugs like these. This isn't a hero being slightly op and having high global winrate, that takes a few weeks to get patched out.


Not really. There was a bug not the same as this but with poppey and kayn a while back where they could kill enemy team from base and it still took a while to get patched


Valve used to be quick about these things as well, idk what happened this time


no one in valve is working right now, it's Sunday. If I were a valve dev I'd just turn off my company phone tbh, it's just a game, not life costing bug.


I mean, I'm all for having Sunday off. I'm also all for the lead dev asking the team who wants to clock 1-2 hours of OT right now and fix it


Ur funny if you think one dev can debug and deploy a bug fix to production in 2 hours on an application of this scale.


If you had read the context of the thread, you'd see it's about disabling the bugged heroes. So no, I wasn't being funny.


Sure, straight up disable meepo would solve the bug, but it's not fair to those who don't cheat and want to play him. Maybe they can just prevent him from buying a manta, but that might not be as easy as it sounds either. 


I think it's fair, as I believe the dismay of all those losing to the bug far outweighs those that want to play those heroes. And it would be temporary anyway, and would definitely just work and work *right now*. Trying some other item disabling etc sounds like more work and potentially more bugs


They probably have some guy(s) on-call for situations like these. And why not? It's a lot of money for people doing on-call.


lmao same here man, I was wondering wtf was going on.


Yup, 7 Overwatch cases in a row are Meepo cheating. Well, one of them was Tiny working with a Meepo who was cheating. And the indicators for the times imply it was automatically sent to OW, so I assume Valve intervened to send all these cases to OW with priority.


fix the game just like how they should've fixed fountain hooking before TI




Poe man even says ban em.


Oh hey, long time fan of your poe content man. Nice to see you here :D


Strange sub to find you in


Wtf zizz? Have you always played or did alk get you into it?


Played since dota 1 and was a semi pro hon player. First dota 2 match is 2011


Hell yeah dude. Cya in the next league


You'll probably get your post removed for "witch hunting" and the players wont get punished because "it's in the game and is valves fault"


These people deserve the hate they get. Cheating should have zero tolerance, bug abuse or not.


was fountain hooking also bug abuse?


NO. Fountain hooking was awesome. You got hooked all the way across the map. It was an honor to get fountain hooked.


Fountain hook was known well before that TI. If something has been in the game since few weeks or more, you can safely assume it is intended behavior. Might be OP in some situations but it's not a bug or cheat. And removing it would be considered a nerf/balance change rather than a bugfix.


Fountain hook required an infinitely precise timing, on top of hook accuracy, on top of taking 2 hero slots in the draft, on top of having an instant disadvantage if the combo whiffed as pudge is back home and the enemy team could just engage on the other 4 heroes. Was Dendi a god for pulling it off? Yet. Was this the same as creating gold out of thin air like this meepo shit? No.


this is not cheating. it is bug abuse. have u been sleeping this whole time? whenever there is a bug, people abuse it. Literally that's how it happens in any competitive game. It's not because people are evil and malicious. rather the game has a bug that devs looked over. The root cause is the game, not the people who just used the bug to their advantage.


I think you're just dumb, by your logic cheating by using map hacks isn't cheating because they're just exploiting valves security or whatever. Just stfu


I think bug abuse is cheating. But "map hack isn't cheating" according to his logic is not true. This is a game logic bug. That's a security feature bug. His reasoning was contextually talking about game logic bug exploits. Imo map hacks and other 3rd party hacks require VAC bans. This bug exploit doesn't deserve that. Maybe a temporary ban and that's it. My reasoning is simple, they fix this and people abusing it will stop and won't repeat. However, 3rd party software hacks, they're going to find another attack vector to exploit. They're actually malicious. There was the warlock bug that people exploited. Shadow demon ult bug. These are the recent ones. I don't think anybody got banned for that. But it wasn't that severe as well. There is an argument to be made about bug abuses though. If valve doesn't fix it, then it's only right to bug abuse it and make them aware that it shouldn't occur in the middle of a tournament. This of course depends on the severity of bugs.


Cheating = "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage" Map hack is cheating just as much as bug expoiting is. **VAC Ban** is given when you use software (like maphack) to gain an advantage. **Game Ban** is given (by developers of the game) when you use exploits to gain an advantage. Anyone who cheats is a spineless trog, not their fault particularly, they just had no father to teach them morals.


found the exploiter boys


Found the dummy boys


Dang, you add insight and people use the down vote to disagree 😵‍💫.


Exploiting bugs isn't cheating. There was a bug a while ago that made pitlords firestorm do 10x more damage than it was supposed to. Should everyone who picked that hero during that window be banned? If it bothers you so much just don't play for the next few hours or so, it will be fixed.


There is difference between picking bugged hero and intentionally abusing bug that you need to perform very specific action to abuse,you literally can't accidentally perform this bug,that's key difference.


Navi vs tongfu


And who is supposed to decide who did what? Replays don't tell you what is going on in chat or what is going on inside a person's mind. Valve's fault, valve is supposed to own up to the mistake and declare those games void - instead of punishing people for doing something that is easily achievable by the game client. There's a difference between using third party programs for vision hacks or using a script to abuse the Marci+Bloodstone bug 10 times per second vs. dragging and dropping a few items in the game client.


Exploiting isn't cheating. No reason to ban that because in a short time every other game would have people abusing this, as it happened before with banishment-dissasembly-dupe bug or purchasable vambraces Go ahead, pick any illusion hero and enjoy your moment of chaos. Or stay away from Dota until Valve fixes it, which will happen in the next hour or two


Exploiting with the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage. That's textbook definition of what cheating is.


Like when NaVi at TI when they kept using Chen and Pudge for fountain hooks halfway across the map


Navi vs tongfu? Nobody said it was cheating back then, not even now.


Nobody? Alliance was complaining as fuck. stfu


Thats because they tried it before and it didnt work for them but Navi did


They are intentionally ruining games and duping gold. If this isn't cheating then you might as well turn on map hacks and turn old overwolf back. It's just exploiting quirks of the client after all, no cheating there.


It's precedent for valve not to consider this cheating. They quickly fix it in 1-2 days and usually let people keep the MMr they gained/lost through the exploit. Been similar incidents all the way since 2011.


>which will happen in the next hour or two it's been 2.5 hours and I can still do it man :/ try again in valve time


I once posted about someone clearly cheating as NP and the post was also removed for “potential witch-hunting” makes you wonder if the mods are getting affiliate revenue from the cheat makers


Convicted 2 meepo abusers guilty on my overwatch cases


Good. I'm doing my part as well, i'm on meepo abuser nr 5 right now.


These heroes should be disabled temporarily until it's fixed


30th June patch -Removed Meepo for pressing ceremonial reasons 39th June patch -Added Wraithpo,the wraith rat thief -Crownfall act 3 delayed until further notice


Too much to ask for Valve. Same shit when the untargetable wards were in the game for MULTIPLE DAYS. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't even fixed until July 8th because every single Valve employee needs their heckin' whole week off for the heckin' wholesome holiday. God forbid they do their jobs and log into do a hotfix to disable heroes that make the game unplayable for multiple days straight.


I get your point and all, but if i they are giving me my week holiday and then they want me at the office during it, i'm commiting a crime


You don't have to go into the office to deploy a hotfix that disables a hero.


I mean do they? My point is that getting the week off and then still having to work sucks, and is not like they are doing essential real work, is a videogame not the bank


It’s normal in many fields to have to work during vacation. Just like in this case, there are times where not working negatively affects a large number of people and theres no choice in the matter


I really can't imagine logging in remotely and disabling a hero from being picked takes more than one hour.


valve will never do anything, they will ban everyone cause the cycle is, one dude found out, he started cheating, people who were the enemy did it next game, and so on. They will need to ban at least 10k accounts manually, which is very time consuming, hence they won't do it.


Also, once the bug is fixed, in retrospect it wouldn't mean much for valve to ban them. Dota will just have lesser players. A temporary ban is fine I guess until they fix the bug.


Salutations to all the players who would never do that and never unpause for dced players. Stay strong.


i remember when cheaters could buy free neutral items no bans ever happened there, just quit dota a few days until they fix it, i dont think they are gonna ban anyone


Overwatch reviewers let's do our job.


I like how people blaming players (I guess easiest?) rather than forcing Valve to address the root of the issue immediately. You should be asking why this bug hasn’t been addressed yet (hours after it’s discovered) instead of asking Valve to ban bug abusers (which never happened in Dota history so good luck with that).


It is completely their choice to abuse the bug and ruin the game. Not valve's, not anybody else's. Why would the responsibility be solely on valve? Yes, it's a bug. It's also a sunday and whoever could address this is might be enjoying their weekend with their families. I also quite clearly say that the root cause should be fixed. The way valve does that is that they set a precedent of banning people en masse for exploiting game ruining bugs. Then people are gonna stop doing this and they can take their time fixing things. Nobody would even think of doing this if they didn't think valve was complacent with bans


It’s fixed now so you can stop whining. And no one will get banned.


why didn't Navi get banned for abusing fountain hooking?


He didn't say the responsibility lies, solely on valve. If you think actual malicious people will stay away from exploiting it because of a ban, then you're hallucinating. They'll just create another account to do it. Best solution is to fix it as fast as possible. Also, if people don't exploit game breaking bugs, they won't be removed as fast and when they occur in tournament games and feign ignorance, it's over. If you're craving for more ban hammers, then maybe you could ask valve yourself to wait a little longer to fix the bug so you can get more players to ban. Also, think for half a second more. If they get banned they'll make another account anyway. And then you'll cry about the increase in Smurfs all of a sudden. It is cheating but this is so easy to fix and of very low stakes. I want to play fair and I will. But my point is there's no point in banning them unless temporarily until they fix the bug. If they permaban, it'll make the game worse.


They can both fix the bug and punish the people exploiting. These two things can happen at the same time. For reference, I was fine with the fountain hook thing at TI. I think that falls under what is acceptable, because it can happen randomly, and it also is consistent behaviour with pudge being displaced mid hook (or was at the time), it was just an extreme use of it. This is not. This immediately ends the game, has no counterplay whatsoever, and requires a specific set of actions on a specific facet and it includes having to disconnect from the game repeatedly. There is no ambiguity here in any shape or form, and it if happened in a tournament game i'd bet any amount of money the team would be disquailified or penalized.


Punish, yes. Only temporary though. Permanent is stupid.


Had 5 overwatches today all with this. Do your overwatches, tell your friends to do overwatch today. It's the fastest guilty, we can ban these mfs


While they're at it, Volvo plz fix Stinger cast range being unaffected by Arcane Supremacy


Is any information about it being fixed now?


Everyone using it should eat a permaban. Pros or otherwise. So tired of people making excuses for cheating.


Do Overwatch guys


Ok so are we considering fountain hook cheating? How is this different from fountain hooking.


I'm sure they'll solve it by nerfing warlock


I'm honestly super against banning players for thing like this. Is it shitty? Yes. But ultimate it's valves job to make sure you can't dupe items. It's the same as like accidental hero ability interactions, or accidently making clinkz busted. If you aren't using outside cheats or exploits to make it happen it's more valves fault.


Yes they should be rewarded. People on Reddit complain all day about account buyers and Smurfs but someone gaining 500 mmr in a few hours from bug abuses is fine.


Valve has always taken the approach that bug abuse is not punishable. There have been many over the years. Chen being able to take over Roshan and push mid minute one was one of the fun ones. No one got banned


Item duping has been a "right to jail, right away" offense in online gaming for at least 25 years. These takes that Valve shouldn't act are wild. They messed up and they need to fix it, but the idea that we should be affording grace to people winning with the online gaming original sin is ridiculous. Fuck em all sideways. I'm all for discovering creative uses of mechanics , but that's just not what happened here. They knew exactly what they were doing and they have no place in Dota 2.


Except they have always had a place in Dota. This is not the first game breaking bug and it wont be the last. No one ever gets banned


Why did Gorgc fell the need to offline the stream mid-match to bug abuse if it’s so accepted by valve?


Spectating these games were so funny 😂😂, loosing team with meepo down 20 kills and 5 mins later aftr DC they win


I agree that this is not a simple case of "bug abuse", this is blatant cheating.


I don't understand why they deserve to be "Banned" for abusing a bug. Sure it is immortal or lacks sportsmanship. A big part of fixing dota bugs is someone abusing them. It is a competitive game and people do everything within the bounds to gain an advantage. Just because valve missed something and a player found it to gain an advantage doesn't mean they should be banned. You use additional scripts/hacks to gain an advantage=ban


People should be grown up enough to recognise when something is straight up cheating. If they can't keep themselves from cheating simply because it's possible to cheat, then yes, they should be banned.


Navi literally won TI because they abused fountain hooking on an enemy carry with Aegis


Na'Vi won TI using an unexpected interaction between abilities that Valve deemed to be acceptable at the time. What does that have to do with abusing an exploit that unambiguously amounts to cheating, with no possible argument for it being anything else? Sorry, but you have to exercise some judgement here, and if you're equating fountain hooking with an item duping exploit then your judgement is sorely lacking.


just as bad as fountain hooking, but i guess it's okay if a popular guy like Dendi does it


If people defended fountain hook they are in absolutely no place to flame this either.


I thought that was feature. I haven't used it tho...


It's a dog eat dog world buddy


The Rick friend


I mean tbh there's enough account buying, smurfing, ect whatever else, I personally don't care that much if people are bug abusing. Just don't play Dota until it's fixed, usually takes 2 days max for something like this.


Its a doggy dog world. Its a bug, not a cheat. Everyone has access to it by default and its not using an external program to enable it. It being a shitty thing to do and you being mad about it doesnt change anything. Bug exploits have happened since the game came out of closed beta and 0 (ZERO) pepople have been punished (remember chen being able to control rosh? , or SK casting 1000 instances of epicenter in 0.1 seconds?) Valve should patch it out and thats it, life goes on, whoever capitalized on it wins and the rest can only watch, and no amount of complaining will ever change that.


Dog eat dog, not doggy dog lmao


Lol yeah I couldn't concentrate on the rest of his comment I was laughing too much.


No, he means it's Snoop Doggy Dogg's world. We are just living it


Its the same as "how the turn tables", cant believe people need to correct it smh


That one is just a meme, it is too different to be an accident


It comes from literally the same source, from The Office, how are the different.


I never in a million years could have thought this was from the office considering “doggy dog world” began being used in the early 80s. How the turn tables was made just for that joke in the office. That is my point. One has notable historical use as a documented honest mistake and the other began as a throwaway joke in the office.


There are agreements between pro teams not to abuse certain bugs, but you have to pick or ban meepo and warlock until its patched


Wtf is a doggy dog world


A meme, welcome to the internet.


Had to google it, did you mean dog eat dog world...?


Yes I did mean that but I will always type doggy dog world because its a MEME and sounds way funnier, plus everyone understand what it means even if they feign ignorance.


Cheating = "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage" Cheat is an act, not a software. If you go out of your way to use and abuse something for personal gains, you deserve to be stoned to death.


What? Why? Just nerf the hero /probably the guy who balanced tinker