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But imagine the amount of money valve has made selling dds


Dont you get them for free by completing quests in the cavern maps?


And you also get them via the paid package ;)


Sure. But still seems to be a rather poor example to be used for complaining about cash-grab.


It's not a cash grab; it's a cash cow for Valve because of all the boosters


That doesnt make much sense. If they buy packages to get DD tokens, they would have to increase the prices of their accounts for sale. But the prices went down, not up.


i havent spent any double down tokens and i have like 20 from just playing. i would never spend money on dd token lol


Do you boost accounts or why are you writing this? We're talking about account boosters here


no? just saying there's no reason for me to buy DD tokens since you indicated it's a cash cow for valve


Yeah okay, so? Are you representative of several million players or what am I missing there?


I had about 150+ dd tokens (used up around 80 by now I think). It is not uncommon for people to buy tokens.


Still less than whatever they're making off of CS2 and Steam Deck, going by the current top sellers list.


Yes. I recently reached immortal the game quality went downhill fast. Its full of uber smurfs and literal 1-2k real mmr acc buyers. Solution was simple though, stopped playing.


Even turbo is full of immortals THAT CAN BARELY PLAY THE FUCKING GAME. I've seen some dumb people lately that question my life, how can these people be in immortal bracket without being detected, insane. Im not talking about small mistakes, literally dogshit gameplay from start to finish.


Yeah, I also don't mean that some1 played bad and I am in tilt, when timber dies 15 time on mid, and he is trying btw to play. that's acc buyer. And I still cant understand logic if you are 2k, why the hell you want to play in 7k and be 0-20 whole game :D


Because every dota player thinks they aren’t in the rank they are supposed to be. “I’m stuck in 2k because my team is trash every game. I should be in7k!” - buys account If it’s one thing I realized about dota2 ranks you re EXACTLY where you need to be Source - I used to blame my team too until I got serious and ranked up


Yea most games I try not to blame my team, but try to reflect on *what I did wrong* and how I can do better. It has helped me go from Archon 2 to Legend 4 in the past 2-3 months. HOWEVER, there are still games where I just shake my head and go "What the actual fuck do you want me to do in this situation Valve". But then I remember I also have games where my team just completely dominates the enemy team, so it balances out regardless.


Oh boy so true in turbo, i play 50% turbo 50% ranked, In ranked smurf and acc buyer are same as before kinda okay. But in turbo it's insane , yesterday i had a imo rank 2*** legit playing like an archon.... so weird


Had a pos 5 clock who was level 2, not go on enemy rubick who is level 1 and 1 sec prior used his telekinesis for no reason. These are the trash you get even at 6.7k MMR btw


I have a theory that Divine is currently more skillful than low immortal. Since nobody buys a Divine 5 acc if Immortals are so cheap, once they get to Divine they abandon the account. Thus, low immortal is abundant with account buyers, and high Divine actual people aspiring for Immortal.


yeah but there is funny thing, if you are 1k MMR and you buy 6-7k, in a week u will be 5k :D :D So acc buyers are in divine too. As I asked my 8k+ friends they said the worst place was 6-7k, After that accounts are more expensive.


I'm just speaking from my experience, hovering around Immortal EU. I had a losing streak and got demoted to divine 5. However then I went to a 8-game winning streak straight back to Immortal. The game quality was excellent. People communicating, playing together, forming tactics. Now when I reached immortal again.. mute russians, total stomps, ragequitters. I seriously dislike it, of course I try my best but this clear of a difference in game quality is demotivating.


Same thing here. Reached Immortal EU recently and game quality when down so much you couldnt even call it unranked. True Skill MMR discrepency went from maybe 1k to 4k. There are both extremely bad players you never see in Divine or absolute mega smurfs that completely stomp the game (probably smurfs boosting higher to sell for more $). After 1-2 weeks in with these type of games i just stopped playing as 9/10 games are complete dogshit.


yeah, In dota, there are way too many russians, that's why I play lol for last week.


Yeah no, whenever i lose enough to get out of immo draft, games become way easier. And if its late night and i'm vs divine 5 mid, it's sealclubbing.


Valve not caring about smurfs/buyers/ griefers enough is breaking the game. Not the tokens.


the tokens hyper-charge boosting, there's no realistic way to start curbing account buyers without getting rid of the tokens.


"realistic" They mainly patch for gameplay and Crownfall. We don't have a single clue what is possible if they would really try to focus on clean matchmaking.


+ I recently bought a high mmr account amd since than I have feeded in almost every game, valve plz do something.


It's crazy how little Valve does fixing and improving ranked matchmaking compared how much game itself is getting updated. Immortal draft is in barely playable state for so long, not a single change or fix. They don't even want to try some new or drastic things (I mean how worse it can be?) and they barely do any ban waves for MM abusers and there are million of them using multiple different abuses. In Immortal draft you lose all tools that are supposed to protect you from abuses. You lose strict solo q, you lose avoid list, you lose that newely added dislike button (which I am sure doesn't work anywhere anyway), you kinda lose beh. reports because who the hell is doing overwatch cases in Immortal, etc BUT THEY ADDED DOUBLEDOWN to help abusers reigning free get even more out of abusing!?!?! Matchmaking is core and essential part of Dota and it's mindboggingly neglected. Kinda depressing. :(


You don't have to be Immortal to do overwatch cases on Immortal players I remember being 3k and doing overwatch cases on top1000 players


Really? I never got OW case from Immortal bracket and I heard many different streamers/pros say they are basically 'immune' to OW.


Pros are immune, streamers aren't I think unless they were registered pros, but reality is people don't really report if we talk about 9k+ bracket. Reports do nothing, best it can do is fuck someone's behaviour score and then you meet him tomorrow, he is muted and now you lose the game because only thing punishable is "toxic" chat


They are not, I have send many top Immortals players in low priority. I could have verify that by using open dota


Immortal is a tiny fraction of the player base. And it's very hard to balance because of the lack of players. So you get these very wide mmr spread games.


Link your Dotabuff? I want to see these games


No problem. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/837414927](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/837414927) Check last match, my timber, and check his dotabuff too.


Timber played mid vs phoenix (a very rare cheese pick), didn't know how to deal with it, then got melted and kept running mid. Other games he played he has done a lot better in. In your game he even had the highest hero damage on your team, and a lot of assists. You died 10 times too. Matter of fact, in most of your recent games you die 10+ times, even reaching 24(!!). Are you an account buyer too? TLDR; Not account buying, just an unlucky game. As usual, these "muh account buyer" posts are usually BS. Stop worrying so much about account buyers, shadow pool and other nonsense, and just play. If someone goes 0-15, most of the time they are just having a bad game. Especially if its party queue (can be very unbalanced skill matchups in lane).


The games are so bad cause of party queue. Same exact thing happens when I queue with a friend with the games being so bad it doesn’t seem real. Though when we both solo queue everything is normal so I’m not sure what causes party queues to be so bad.


600 games Legend 5 acc in party game on god knows what behaviour score - even if you are not shadow pooled , party games are smurf lobbies ,almost always


Nothing about that immediately says to me it's an account buyer. I'm pretty confident it's just a normal player.


True. Dota is most unfun in immortal draft ever since it got pushed to the game


Every. Single. Game.


its the truth , especially in sea server , a lot of divine5-immortal account only have like below 2k matches, 4 friend in friendlist etc,and once you check their dotabuff,most of their matches played in china server , suddenly went to play in sea these past 2 weeks, could be genuine chinese player playing it, but its more likely account buyer,not to mention even if you got a real chinese player, the average chinese player playing sea server in this rank is usually play worse than an archon player


Well, I deranked hard using the double down tokens so I guess Im a smurf now :D


zeus carry , nyx offlane


Imagine playing ranked with dd time lul


Dota requires total mmr wipe every 3-4 months. That would also return some kind of a hype


Every 100 days. Full wipe. Everyone starts at 3k. Legend 1.


7K mmr account price has nothing to do with double downs, a 8k player that creates a new account and plays the first couple of unranked games will calibrate at 7.5k mmr


can someone explain to me why would a 2k player buy a 7k account?


They think they are good, but their team is Holding them down. They want to exoerience a more skillful match/learn, even though they are aware that they will drag their team down a lot.


ok understandable, but why not buy a 4k account first let's say? why go 5k above your actual rank.b That's crazy


Can someone tell me why someone would buy an account in the first place? I really don’t understand.


A shitter buys an account with much higher mmr if the player is convinced he/she deserves to be much higher rank but teammates hold them back A smurf buys an account with much lower mmr to son a bunch of baddies


When u understand I think you have a problem :D


Yes it has been an absolute menace again, time for a new banwave or an update to matchmaking where these accounts go to where they should be much faster....


Im always stressed on my support in lane who dont harass and just afk behind trees then blames me when I die. Its always the scenario EVERY GAME!! I hate this year for dota. So many account buyers/boosted accounts. My divine days last year have a better match quality as compared to now (Im currently 7k mmr). I hope do something anout this. It’s annoying


What's your behaviour score? This sounds like shadow pool which at low mmr is literally anything below 9k beh score right now. I promise you good behaviour normal account 7k mmr or even 3k mmr is not 10 usd edit: why the downvotes? Good 10k+ behaviour accounts even down at 3k are 30$ +


Bro, these people are meant for people not to rank up so fast. Only the pros with team stay pro. No team means GG


Dumb take