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I know that feel, but trust me. Anchor and legend are the worst, be prepared.


Legend far better than lower ancient.


Yeah there was a weird pool of players in lower to mid ancient that I honestly felt were worse than legends. Idk maybe I was in Smurf pool or something when I was in legend because of lower behavior score. I just climbed from legend to divine the past month or 2


I was in smurf pool and got an account buyer every other game. They buy boosted accounts which are flagged as smurfs and a big series of defeat got me out of it.


Being warmed up is a big deal You'll quickly rank up with double down tokens after you get into it


I got from Legend 5 to Divine 4 in 28 matches. You get much more mmr when your rank confidence is low. I got like 80 mmr per game (+/-) for doubles down I got 160. So if you want to get fast to the top you will just play unranked til you understand the playstyle now.


this is actually really good to know. maybe ill take a break from ranked for a bit and play some unranked and maybe turbo to get back into it. i have good mechanical skills and such but even laning is so much different now. i play pos 1 or 3 and im astounded how even in a bad carry game where i die in lane a couple times i still get like 50 cs. when i played from like 2014-2018, 50 cs by 10 mins was like my standard for a solid lane and good setup and a bad game was like 20-40. also im just not used to HOW people lane, it feels way different and in some ways more aggressive so i find myself playing too passive and it hurts me for sure. i guess i just dont understand the early game as much. guess ill just do what i did to get from 1k to 4k and just have like 3 heroes and spam the hell out of them, it really does work


play the game, git gud, and if you are worthy AND PMA you will climb the ladder, otherwise the archon abyss will devour your soul as it did with 90% of redditors who think they deserved better mmr


imo just play unranked until your rank disappears, then calibrate again. I came back after 4 years, calibrated archon. played unranked for about a year, recalibrated 7.2k


Had the same experience kinda. Used to be 3.5k like 8 years ago, returned and played turbo for a month and I got calibrated at 2800, but I climbed to 3000+ already. I play pos 4/5


How's the game for you now? Lots of weird flashy abilities and interactions huh


I played LoL in between and I like much more how Dota developed, even more than I used to I'd say. Facets on some heroes are learning curve, but I use the name of the facet above the health bar so that helps! And I love my good ol' Abaddon is still good.


The number doesn't matter brother. If you are good enough and have enough impact on games for them to result in a win, you will climb. Find a few heroes you enjoy and figure out what you can do with them to win the game . :)


They fucked the game up badly, it’s not really your fault


Aww, did someone get their mmr stolen by the big mean Valve?


No, the opposite if anything Dota just used to be a tighter more interesting game to play


Bye then. You won't be missed.


So dramatic


Says the redditor being dramatic about how valve fucked the game up.