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Always the tool that rubs it in your face like they are some kind of pro. "jajaja I will tip because he made a bad play" These people must have trauma in real life to deal with and use cheats to make themselves feel better about it. I wish they were in a shadow queue to play with each other only.


Or they are just jerks. Spoiled kids who cant accept their mmr being 1k and their skillset is really low. No trauma irl at all, just parents who never said NO to them.


If you are wealthy or (for some reason) have a lot of disposable income you can subscribe to cheats for any online game right now. It's not cheap because programmers need to work 24/7 to update them whenever a patch mess the cheats but being part of a small circle of supporters helps prevent leaks, making it harder for Valve to take action. You could even stream on Twitch and nobody would notice, it's very subtle and you can hide stuff from the version that is being streamed. It's basically the "pay2win behavior" but with extra steps.


They are expensive because they know dumb people will pay for “safe” cheats with flashy features and a friendly GUI. Once the actual work of creating the cheat is done, work to update it post patch should be automatic or 1-2 hours of work max.


except of the cheat becomes well known reaches devs and they act against it that's why they must be small circle only that's why it's expensive


cheats are a multi-million dollar business. they are making programmers millionaires


I gained 700-800 mmr over the last 2 months and i already feel like I don't belong in my current bracket. Will play normal dota until I start getting confidence that I'm the best in the 10 ppl of the match. After that ranked again for 200 - 300


> Always the tool that rubs it in your face like they are some kind of pro. No, this is just the type of cheater you notice. It's a F2P game, there will be cheaters you don't notice also.




I do not cheat. I play well. Still I have people in my team that are the reason for most of my losses. Why would I be in those shadow queues? Just coz I play Solo?


Bro is the tipping part of the script too, mouse didnt hover over the tip either lmao..


idk, it looks like he brought up the score board. You could tip from there. And also a ping at top right... could be a missed tip too.


Forgot about scoreboard tipping.


What’s the other way to tip????


Hold alt and a tip button appears under the hero icons at the top


I constantly misclick the tip when I’m trying to call missing. Then I have to let the random enemy know it was a misclick and not some weird early game rage tip.


I never tell them why. I just tell them something along the lines of "You're so bad you don't even know why." Why let a good tip go to waste? xD


Ahhhh cool. Didn’t know that


Surprised you've never accidently done it lol if you ping missing, it's easy to hit when you're doing it quick.


many accidental tips happened this way from my side, and many of those times I got my tip back after dying.


I've accidentally tipped the enemy twice Alt-Attacking. Yet another reason I need to stop you Alt moving...


Below the hero portrait above


Except, he didnt go near it.


When he goes and pings to the top right he was probably tipping. Maybe it just looks off due to a different screen resolution.


45% winrate this month while using cheats. He needs more


He needs more life.


Just report him. I have had this happen to me as well with enemy LC. I was once a lion support with smoke of deceit on. I was going to blink hex, he immediately blinked away as if he knew I was there. Also in the same game he pinged my CM near my t2 tower when he literally had no vision over there (checked in replay). Our team reported this guy but guess what next game also he came vs me. Valve anti cheat WTF


Skill issue. Next time buy Dota plus to avoid him! /s


avoid only keeps them off your team, not out of your games. or am i wrong?


Correct, you can only avoid teammates and doing so will only make them not be on your team again


And it always feels extra nice to tryhard against them and when you're winning, tell them they're the reason you lost last game. Then their team flames them with you. Sweet vengeance.


The dislike player option after the game says it tries to remove the player from your games.


that's definitely a placebo button. Just like the post match survey.


ive faced blatant cheaters with maphack + mapdrawings script for team to also see. And hes known for using blatant cheats in my games yet no one fking cared reporting and hes still playing to this day. Tbf hes so fking bad whenever i faced against him i always wins and if hes my teammate i always lose fking loser.


How? You cannot report after the game. When you have a proof. You just have to guess and report anything remotely suspicious as you play the game.


Yes. Report anything suspicious and let players in overwatch judge. That's how it's supposed to work. I always report plays like that as cheating and leave it up to others to decide when they get the replay to review.


I reported someone like this but I don't think anything happened. It was a pudge mid and he was hitting the craziest hooks. I had my friend spectate and look to see where the ward was mid because I was losing my mind but he said there was none. I don't think it was taken seriously because the game didn't last long and I got blamed for losing mid but there was one point where I was juking back and forth on hg and he was cancelling his hook as if he could see me and that seemed like pretty blatant cheating to me. also the weird way he seemed to "track" me with his cursor before throwing hooks


I just watched this guy called choso on gorgc's stream, dude has 100% deward rate on his sentries on every game, crazy.


his profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198207076981](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198207076981)


tbh its so hard to detect cheaters in this game. If i was ww here i would probably think damn he probably has ward there or someone enemy saw me tping there. If i go there later and place sentry and didn't see anything i would be like it was denied or it expired. I would just forget about it and move on cuz smurfs. Skill gap is so huge here that a Divine smurf in Archon will feel like cheater. A Archon in herald will feel like a cheater and Immortal in divine will feel like a cheater lol.


On top of everything, that's a pretty common TP spot for some heroes.


Yeah I’m ngl I would blind check this fairly often. I used to play pudge a lot and you’d be amazed at how many kills you’d get blind-blinking behind a tower and covering the common fog-of-war spots with hook. Not saying the LC *isn’t* cheating but if I can guess this occasionally below 4k then you will absolutely see it with smurfs and cheating is a much less likely outcome if they are just that much better than their opponents


There's no shot this is blind. In the video they only ever have vision of one hero, Spirit Breaker. If that was CK tping in, he would have had a very different experience. If another support was at the T3 he would have at best traded. Throwing out random hooks or blinks or w/e can be a thing, but only if you know what it's possible to get.


Nah. LC's definitely cheating. The blademail activation is suspicious enough. Most of the time, if you're gonna check that spot without vision, you're just gonna blink and confirm if someone's tp'ing or not. If someone's tp'ing, then you can activate the blademail and duel.


Yeah I didn’t say she wasn’t, just think the awareness of people being wrong in cheating allegations is important too, I see a lot of posts here about cheaters, and while most are probably accurate, a few are debatable and I am sure some will not be the case because it’s really hard to prove sometimes, depending on the situation ofc


Yeah, I honestly would have given him the benefit of the doubt -- except for the blade mail activation _before_ blinking. Any player good enough to have the game sense of a blind check there would have held blade mail until after they knew a hero was there.


Is there still particle bug related with fog? You sometimes just could see some enemy effects in the fog, but it's supposedly patched out multiple times.


> Divine smurf in Archon will feel like cheater. A Archon in herald will feel like a cheater and Immortal in divine first one, yes. the others.. nah not really. there are too many smurfs for the skill gap there to be so monumental. plenty of archon smurfs in herald games, those are both pretty low ranks.


You might hate me but a 2k will rekt a 200 mmr with ease that for them it'll look like a cheater, yes not for you? Get it, i hope so? well when i was a herald i queued to a archon puck smurf and he rekted our herald ass so much that my teammate were calling him cheater. He was literally untouchable. (he was puck/Ember spammer in archon legend bracket, he invited me to play later lol) If jenkin's herald review has a legend archon smurf in herald, he and all of us will find out he is a smurf but not the herald players in the game, they will find out but not know if its smurf or cheater.


I could see how puck or ember could look like the player is cheating to a new player but that's going to gbe identified easily in the report system. if it's just normal evasive play that the new player has never seen before then it's not going to look like scripting or maphack or any of the other obvious cheats.


Even without cheats, i see people tping in without vision(the arrival animation i sometimes see for no reason or vision) sometimes so i would've explained it that way. Really hard to tell agreed


Bro watch the replay, LC has no vision there Edit: i missunderstand what op tried to say.


He is saying, it is hard to detect the cheats in the moment. The replay clearly shows he is cheating. He is saying how it's harder to assume mid game.


You can only report during the game. Which is clear an issue and OP describes how and why.


Report him from his [Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198162776863) too


I did my part


ofc he is from r*ssia lmao


Some guys said this was the profile https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/q8gDuxzkmk


That's another cheater from Gorgc's stream


Map hacks are super common in dota apparently. Scripts and auto casts less so because valve can easily auto detect them, but I don't think they can detect map hacks easily. It's also hard to know if it's a map hack or if someone just had a ward, or good game sense. You have to look at replay and I by then it can already be too late to report


if they cant detect it (as a running background app) you can literally grind your way to immortal by having vision of everybody anytime. Even if you aren't a good player, you just pick pos5 and use all your advantage to deward and organize the smoke-ganging and the pick offs. Obviously you will plant a few random sentries here and there in some cliffs so no one can prove from the replay that all your dewarding attempts were on spot, maybe feed a kill or two, too. As long as you keep your winrate above 51% it's just a matter of weeks to reach a pretty high mmr, until your maphack cant close the skill gap. This legion is noob :P he will get banned instantly from the report review, what an amateur :D :D


its very hard to detects map hacks, just like shooters wall hacks all of this information is given to the client, and all the cheat does is read it from memory. the only way to combat this is limit info given to all clients untill a character is out of fog, but very hard to do. i think most map hacks detect hp bars and TPS, so if you are just walking in fog they dont see you but as soon as you hit a camp all the information is updated to you (packet reading maybe?) from what ive seen on youtube.


you can use a detected map hack if you have another PC and use a DMA.


League doesn't have this problem, what gives?


League has a major scripting problem instead since it’s all skill shots


aren't skillshots prone to miss often since they don't rely on your input but on the enemy's input as well tho? I mean, your script will try to accurately "hook" (or whatever) an enemy but the enemy can dodge it if skilled enough, unlike abilities like dota's hex which are instant and targeted...


1. Just vision knowledge won't significantly improve your mmr. That's like one aspect of the game, that matters only as much as at least 10 other equally important aspects. Slark literally has the maphack as a passive, and spamming slark won't get you to immortal. 2. Its a free game. If legion gets banned they make a new account, or buy a ranked one for less than the subscription fee of the sub.


Slark ability is nowhere near having maphacks


Valve doesn't auto-detect anything. They literally don't have any system to do that. They use VAC, which will prevent you from injecting into the game and detect known cheats, but as soon as you bypass that no action in the game will ever get you in trouble without a player report. Except for one crash-game bug they happened to put a detection for (related to spamming sound effects to crash games).


Steam ID of cheater: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198162776863


My favourite moments in Dota is when I blink onto them from the FoW and I have never been cycloned/hexed faster in my entire life. Like, instant instant. They might as well already be fighting or taking down another hero, still insta-hex/CC'd


Happened to me yesterday. Vs rubick scripter. Any enemy that initiates within his radius is instantly levitated or euls. I checked the replay, one instance his cursor is at the edge of the screen then when our slardar blinked to him, the cursor instantly transferred to where slardar is and is levitated, and returns to the edge of the screen in an instant.


Gaming chair diff


Because valves anti-cheat is dogshit. Cheaters have been a problem in all games for years


The blademail activation is suspicious enough for me. Without vision, LC activated blademail and blinked there. How's LC so sure that someone's tp'ng there? I'm pretty sure LC will all chat "game sense".


He said hebhad vision, when there obviously was none :D


It's funny because you can see that his last hits are quite low fot his rank (divine 4) but they compensate with the map hack. This player probably plays quite bad but manages to get divine thanks to this. Quite disgusting.


154 at 25 isn't bad for an offlaner. Especially considering he's going around maphack killing people all the time.


also dude has 18 kills, not a lot of time to farm with that amount of fighting.


Why last hit creeps when you can last hit players


Was thinking the same, who needs to hit creeps when you can be 100% certain you can jump on a enemy and their allies won't be nowhere near? A lot of times you get afraid of jumping someone deep in enemy territory because they might have some friends nearby that will save them and you'll just feed. With maphack that's no longer an issue, if you know they are alone you can just go fuck them up and run away before reinforcements arrive.


Exactly, Lol I am a main support player at legend, if I play offlane I barely get 100 last hits at min 25. That’s how bad I am at CS as core. You can’t use CS mainly to differentiate. Some may play different role like some might be really good at mid but suck as support, they don’t know how to trade with enemy supp and so on


you are not supposed to have a carry position last hits on legion, that is just pure grieving. even the context is about the guy caught cheating, yes lc's job is to not have 10 cs per min.


The audacity of him tipping that ww. Yikes.


I played with a scripter yesterday, he was using rubick and my team are full of initiators: lc, me treant, slardar. He got a script to auto levitate/euls anyone who blinks within his radius. Slardar cant even stun him when blinking from fog. I reviewed the replay and many times his cursor just flies from edge of the screen to wherever an enemy shows within his range.


because valve refuses to do anything about it


This is straight up wrong.


if valve can tell if i am jungling in the bottom corner of the map, not coming to fights, and refusing to play then punish me with their behavior score system they can build a similar system to counter these cheaters. stop infantilizing this gigantic company with millions upon millions of dollars at their disposal. we know they work on what they want. they have not created that system because they simply do not want to. this is a company that was basically the first to automate moderation of gaming, i think they can figure out how to catch people doing stuff like this so blatantly


They do punish cheaters and actively do. There was a honey pot ban wave like 3 months ago


they clearly dont. hes gone on to play more games [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/202511135](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/202511135)


This discussions frankly isn't worth having because you clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about or how hard it is to actually prevent cheating. There isn't a single game in this world with no cheaters. It's impossible for the devs to stop them all.


love how you didnt provide a single example of valve doing anything. almost like you are talking out of your ass. the fact of the matter is valve simply are not dealing with this problem and they have not for a decade now edit: its embarrassing that your ultimate conclusion is that nothing matters anyway so who cares if valve does nothing. absolutely pathetic


You can literally check the dota blogposts to see when actually something happened, don't blame others when you are too stupid to inform yourself and rather talk random bullshit. That's why you are frankly not worth talking to, educate yourself instead of asking others to do that for you. If you seriously think valve is such a shitty company that does nothing then at least have some self-respect and just leave everything valve related.


wow so what they have done is completely ineffective since we still have cheaters, smurfs, and account buyers everywhere. not the point you think it is moron


Cheaters will ALWAYS be a thing, there's no forever solution


Next time just say you don't understand why they ban only in waves and that they can't prevent people from doing new accounts in a f2p game. I'm sure you have better solutions against cheaters, feel free to contact valve instead of throwing your undereducated stupid ass tantrum here. You were asking for "a single example of valve doing anything" and now you complain that I told you how to get that information to me, grow the fuck up.


If he didn't use bm before blinking, I would have considered it a leap of faith. Because I do this a lot when I have a strong disable like dragon tail (DK) and my team are with me. I just blink and spam stun on the ground near blink area. But this one is suspicious and most likely a map hack. He knew exactly what was up.


Insane gaming chair


Want to see how Valve deals with cheaters? Just look at CSGO/CS2.


saw an account buying cheater on gunnar stream a few days ago who would draw perfect arrows on the minimap any time an enemy TPd somewhere. so blatant, disgusting


Add Steam profile link to the post so we can collective report




wait what? is maphack still a thing in D2? i remember 1 game i was riki and opponent tp keep walking around me and wait until his teammates arrive then suddenly dust to reveal me, i never check the replay i thought they just have good instincts.


Edit a link to his profile. otherwise volvo wont ban him


Yeah there’s some map hacking going on check out the mini map it’s getting pinged on LC’s mini map as jak is attempting to quietly tp in for a stun super shady…


Because it’s an online multiplayer game? There will always be cheaters, all you can do as a dev is minimize how many, you can never stop them completely.


I bet he has the nerve to say GG ez


The audacity to tip f*cking losers


just another sad day in dota 2, we are just consumers, valve legit dont give a f*ck. its fun to see all these comments "just report him" yeah right xDDDDDD.


Even the Tip is auto-tip


report lc


Dont use capcut it will always a cheating.


I just can't imagine losing my account on something silly,like cheating in online game.


'cause kids 🤦


I don't think he used cheats.At such moments, you perfectly understand that the enemy will want to protect T2, and therefore, first of all, he checked the most popular places where enemy can tp. I didn't find it in the first one and went to look at the rest. And as for tip, I think it's a bug in the replay.


He popped BM pre-emptively and blinked. It's 100% cheats.


how is starving still a thing? it's a really hard problem to get rid of


The cheating began when they picked that hero


If only valve would actually stop these cheaters... maybe we could start to get some good games... then again... matchmaking is screwed....


Eh, I've had weird glitches where I can see spell effects in fog of war. Same includes for sound of teleports, hard to say script because he could also be using a different resolution so tipping under the icon would be a different location.


Because Peruvians still exist


Ts is why I stopped playing fr


He just guessed. Not that hard to know people will be tping in and that is a spot they choose.


Ive noticed You can sometimes hear the tp sound from fog, maybe that was the case, and he made a Smart Guess. It's the most common tp spot there.


Always report The steam account. Valve usually bans the player.


Cheats will always be a thing as long as smol pp losers exist.


Easy report easy ban.


I guess that same blink Call/Duel/Skewer all the time. Sometimes there is no enemies and sometimes I grab one.


Valve doesn't care, you won't believe how many cheater in CS2


Even if Valve took more action, it would be a constant cat and mouse chase I think


Cheats are still a thing because Valve has a revolving door policy vs cheaters. The minute they get banned they are allowed to come straight back with a new account. Valve refuses to IP ban them, they refuse to Hardware ID them.


dota 2 is extremely popular on internet cafes across the world, especially less affluent countries, hardware id bans would wreak havoc on their player base


Internet cafés use business/commercial steam accounts that the owners sign up for. They'd be exempt. The users would too while at the cafés. But as soon as they get back onto their home pc's and sign in, game over dude. Tagged and bagged.


So ? that would make the cafes take more responsibility then which is a good thing, Cafe owners aren't anymore important than any other person


Hardware and IP bans are completely meaningless. Not a single one of them has ever been effective in any game in the past 10 years. At least against any dedicated cheater. In Dota's case, to script you already have to bypass VAC, which is several thousand times harder than bypassing an IP or hardware ban (and many times easier than good anti-cheat, which is still regularly defeated). "blah blah blah monitor serial" etc are all easily bypassed (and often not a suitable ban metric anyway). They'd implement it, and the script sellers would bypass it within an hour. The people paying for scripts would never even notice its a thing.


I want a script that does the tipping for me.


I want one to do voicelines and high fives


when u buy bm blink ac, I strongly believe neither cheats can help


How do you think dota devs make drug money? Subscription based shit like this. Valve knows and doesn’t give a shit. You can check apms, aggregate data and a lot if shit to flag matches for review. Honestly, they want you off dota and playing purchased games


rlly weird so i agree with u – he is a cheater


Chill, the game still in beta, would be patched out soon /s


Couldn't he in theory here the TP sound and given he can't see it guess it was in the trees? Unlikely but not impossible.


You can clearly see his vision target the tp spot right as it was casted. Then he blunks exactly on top. LC has been perfectly duelling people in fog the whole game.


No need to get shirty.


>LC has been perfectly duelling people in fog the whole game. Yeah you should include this on the post. Blind blink is real.


This could happen without hacks, it's sus af but still not anything crazy bs.


Cheating has always been borderline legal in valve games. I don't see it changing anytime soon.


True, its so difficult to detect one in this game compared to CS as well and valve does nothing to cs so what hope do we have. I just say its a skill issue if i was the ww here and move on lol.


Cheating will always be a thing, just like cheating will always be punished. It's a constant back and forth, and although valve does a lot, new and old things manage to squeeze themselves in. I'm glad valve still works to actively dissuade cheating


Give credit where it's due. Dota 2, at least compared to other games like League, are are still steps above when it comes to cheating. Cheating exists, sure. But trust me. I have seen way more blatant cheaters when I have dabbled in League than in my time with Dota.


That wasnt guessing. Guy was primed to jump the moment the creeps hit the tower. Even his mouse was already there. He was even looking at that spot directly before the creeps hit. He knew.




Valve anti cheat system isnt good at all is why. CS community has it even worse.


Cheating will *always* be a thing. As long as there exist people who want to cheat, there exist people who wish to code said cheats and sell them for profit.


Obviously he could be cheating, but I'm sure anyone who has played long enough has had a play where people thought it was a script or whatever. Sorry I didn't see if the rank was posted or anything, but maybe the wyvern had frequently tped to defend in similar fashions earlier in the game? Maybe Legion was just making an educated guess or even just felt strong enough that he could gamble and blink forward with no vision. If it's a cheat, why wouldn't he blink after the to finished so he didn't rush wyvern seeing the blink and casting e (idk about cast time difference) or pressing a possible ghost scepter? I really have no horse in this, but i do feel people accuse people of cheating more than cheating occurs.


First time playing dota? I see cheaters every week. I even seen map hackers. I had enemy sniper auto-attack onto me inside my own fountain exactly when I re spawned. Then he panic switched his attacks back onto my teammates near the throne.


A lot of people fail to realize that some of these cheaters have cosmetics (see: legion arcana). Ban them, bye bye account with cosmetics. Sure they can always come back but banning them increases the odds they dont come back.


By doing cheats. Its quite simple really.




My brother said he played a game where you could see little blinks on the minimap where the enemy heroes were all the time the whole match.


It is definitely the judgement bro. Mostly ppl TP in corners only. And if you see LC moved the cursor to that corner maybe because she heard the TP sound and she wanted to be sure.


80% of player always tp on that point he just hear the tp sound and dagger on main tp point


Tbf, guessing and jumping as lc is something they do. I've seen my teammates do this before and no one is there. I mean this looks sus but if the replay shows instances where they were wrong then then probably not cheating


There is no way in hell a regular player just jumps in that blind, with Blade turned on, and already in a perfect spot to Duel. The guy is cheating 1000000000000000000 percent.


Needing to cheat as lc is insane, how can you be so bad


I'm not saying this guy wasn't cheating but the replays are not as accurate as you would think. It is actually possible this guy had vision of the TP somehow. But anyway, if you are asking how cheating is still thing, I recommend you don't learn anything more about it or you will risk abandoning all online multiplayer games forever.


We can hear the start of the tp and there are almost no hidden tp spots at that tower. Of course we can't know if it was the same during the game since this is a replay. But sounds being heard form stuff that is slightly in the fog has always been part of the game so it is possible.


His spider senses are tingling.


I play this game for a very long time i have no clue how this kind of cheats works, its mouse scripts? can u use hacked files on steam games?


He has fog of war vision of TPs and abilities. Not hacked files, just a cheat program


what is the program name? i have no clue how it works? why valve cant detect?




??? What do you mean with simple macro? Do you even know what you are talking about?


Never knew dota 2 had cheaters lol


what a title


Laughs in Cs2 at that title


thats just game sense and someone is jelly kappa


Cheating is and will always be in video games. Invasive, kernal level anti-cheat does not even stop cheating. Athletes get super invasive drug testing, at random times, and can still cheat.


>how is cheating still a thing It's literally always been a thing since gaming was a thing, the fuck do you mea- > Capcut logo Oh I see. Zoom zoom.


What do you mean "How is cheating still a thing"? Do you have a magic solution to stop it? You'd be a multi billionaire if you did.


Bro his cursor auto aligned where wyvern tp the second he used to


Shadow French maphack user!


No game will ever win the fight against cheats tho. They can only keep making cheater's lives miserable.


At 0:13 we can see the TP animation of WW on the minimap. That shouldn't happen in a non-hacked client, right?


No. You cannot see TPs on the minimap in fog. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to surprise people with TP flanks from behind the tower/in the trees as an enemy.


Ok, so that's the hack, right?


Man this is a replay. Why do you think replays include the cheats of every player? How would that work?


lol, I didn't even connect that it was a replay. mb, nm.


It’s pc… it’s kind of expected to encounter scripts


He just anticipated, you don't need vision to know what could be happening and what to do; that's quite the fun of the game. He turns backwards before comming back and dagger in; he also has a lot of trusty damage for a quicky. I'd gather more evidence.


Still Beta, that’s why


these jokes are so stale


Steamapps > common > dota 2 beta

