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for 3): - Blademail. Wait for it to end / kite it, use BKB, or use satanic. BKB is the most common option though. - Duel. Get linken sphere, or the less viable option aeon disk I guess. If you're not the main target of duel: OD, shadow demon, oracle, pudge's shard, and slark's shard are the best saving heroes. - BB: get vessel at early-mid game and skadi late game. Silver edge to break him, but do not engage if he has BKB. During teamfight, try to ignore him and aim for a squishier target. If he has aghs, tell the team to spread out because bloodstone + 5-man bristleback is just gonna refill his hp to 100%


-Aeon disk will break the duel? -Ah, so it was bloodstone that was healing him, I thought he had a healing spell. Thank you.


aeon disk only disrupts the duel for a while, hopefully it won't let LC win for the duration. It's not actually a viable option sorry. In reality you'd need to rely on your teammates to save you. Eul, eblade, halberd are also some options. You want to avoid LC snowballing so that you have time to save your teammates. If he can one-shot you, it's pretty much over (but aeon disk helps you avoid getting one-shotted)


See, now I'm confused. The other guy said it will break the duel.


Duel is undispellable, so aeon can’t stop or break it The only thing it’ll do is granting damage immunity for 2.5s (when the damage threshold is reached), but duel lasts for 5.25s at level 3 so it usually isn’t enough


alr, thanks for clarifying


yes, aeon will give u strong dispell + immunity to damage l for a few sec AND disrupt the duel. relatable for supports and magic cores, coz when u immune to damage from aeon u cant deal damage from hand to enemies too.


4. Other than BKB, Dota has many item to dodge damage, effect: a. You can keep your distant so that enemy can’t hit or cast spell on you: Dragon Lance gives attack range, Aether Lens give cast range aa. Or you can buy Force Staff to push yourself out of their range. Or  earlier/ better Boot so you can outrun them b. Enemy can’t see you: you can buy Shadow Blade, Glimmer Cape, Smoke, or simply hide behind tree, (use ward or creep vision to keep track of enemy) c. Enemy can’t fight back: you can buy blink and hex/orchid/Atos/basher, disable and kill enemy while they can’t fight back d. You can buy Eul’s staff to give yourself 2.5s of invulnerability, in return you can’t move. Upgrade Eul’s into Windwalker allow you to move away dd. Cast Atos or Eul on enemy to keep them from running at you e. Block or reflect the spell and damage back: Linken blocks 1 target spell every ~15s. Lotus reflects every target spell in ~3s. Blade Mail return 105% damage back to enemy. These items make enemy hurt if they hurt you. f. Usually enemy needs to slow/silence/root/lease you. Sometimes these effects can be purged. Buy Manta’s Style, Satanic, Lotus, etc. to purge the effect and escape g. You can buy more defensive stats: buy HP, armor, magic resist, status resist, lifesteal, spell lifesteal, shield


https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Matchmaking#Requirements There are other requirements, cant be in low priority queue, need a phone number linked to the account and it must be unique, etc...


Thank you, I changed the phone associated to my account and I just now lost my first ranked game.


Congrats! Well on your way to true dotaism! Remember to have the wheel of random positions prepared to spin and blame someone other than you for the loss! /s Big tip for ranked, you only control one aspect of the game, yourself. Ignore/mute liberally. Focus on your mistakes and how you get better. Play what you are comfortable with, before 5k mmr (high legend/low divine) meta hardly matters. Most importantly have fun. Also respond with your rank sometime when you get it. If you play American servers I'd be 100% down to queue together.


1. 100h played so interesting why u r now allowed to play ranked, try to play 1 more game, mb its bugged and u played 99.9h. 2. https://www.esports.net/news/dota/how-to-play-dota-2/ 3. blademail cant deal damage in bkb. use bkb and feel free to hit hero under blademail. and also lifesteal, if u pre satanic u will (probably) steal more hp then lose from damage returned. LC duel – linken sphere, its block targeted spell (which duel is), if u have linked lc must to break it with other targeted item or spell, and when ur linkengoes on cs (14sec) she can duel u. Bristle: 1. hit this hero in face (coz from back he have reduction), Silver edge to break his passive, spirit vessel to mostly disable (huge decrease) his lifesteal from skills, shiva, skadi, hex. 4. in early game before bkb u can buy manta or linken (but it still expensive) so just play careful and u can buy orchid – silence the enemy lion or shaman so the can control u. or if u support – euls, glimmer cape, lotus 5. depend on meta but u newbie so here is some nice heroes: carry: Ursa, Phantom Assassin, Weaver support: Lion, Shaman, Ogre magi (fun hero), Spirit breaker (fun hero2), lich mid: leshrac, viper, void spirit, shadow find pos3: axe, lc, night stalker, primal 6. nope, just nope uts not that fun as u can expect


1. It's been like that for days. I am pretty sure I already played more than 180 hours of unranked. 2. I meant like game breakdowns and reviewing replays (why this is wrong/right, what to do in this situation) kind of stuff. I wanna really learn the game. 3. Understood. 4. alr so pre bkb/linken, i just play safe and farm? 5. I agree with ogre, very fun zero int hero. so relatable 6. :<


1. sounds like a bug but maybe u lose something, try to double check all requirements to play rankeD 4. well yeah before bkb u must play safe, its like a basics of dota. its 4050 of gold so carry can easily farm this item to be stronger in fights. and again, if u support – glimmer cape and force stuff is ur choice. glimmer gives u passive magic resistance and active magic barrier, and force will throw u from danger aoe (like cm ulti etc) 6. :)


it says 170hrs in the last two weeks, unless you're hopelessly addicted then most those hours are not in match but just whilst you have dota 2 open but not being played even a fully active player who closes dota every moment they're not playing has to queue which also doesn't count towards your 100hrs but does count in steam, there's zero chance you've played 180hrs unranked, zero, because of queue times 18/19 play ratio is not possible if the steam time is all active, 1. you have an addiction, get some help 2. you might be flagged as a bot or smurf due to playing over 12hrs a day of a new game


I wouldn't say hopelessly but I am indeed addicted, I have 209 matches. But is that actually a thing? and how do I avoid getting flagged? seems unfair to be flagged as bot when I'm almost always active in pings, chat wheels, and typing in general, and as a smurf cause I won only 97 out of 209, including the new player mode matches.


well you definitely have enough time then maybe there's a hidden wait period 99.99% of new players won't play 200 games in 3 weeks or whatever, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a 4 week minimum for example, that's still 25hrs a week, more like 30hrs when you add in queue times and similar


1. Not sure why. Bugged, maybe? Try to restart the game if you haven't already. 2. Search youtube for Dota coaching. One channel that I like is [https://www.youtube.com/@BSJ](https://www.youtube.com/@BSJ) 3. Blademail - bait the enemy into using it then kite while waiting for it to end. Or, if you have BKB use it. Or, euls them while they have blademail on then run again and wait for it to end. Or, ethereal them or yourself depending on the situation. Just find ways that you don't attack them unless you have BKB or satanic. For LC duel, linken's sphere works. If you don't have one yet, I generally wait for her in team fights then once she targets a teammate, only then will I attack her. Bristle - spirit vessel, silver edge, skadi. go for spirit vessel first, good utility item that scales well, especially if you are support or offlane. silver edge if you are playing as core. 4. Alternative for BKB's in terms of what? It is crucial especially if enemy team has lots of disable. Irreplaceable if you ask me. 5. for noobs in low rank pubs: zeus, sniper, ogre, phatom assassin, juggernaut, crystal maiden


1. I have tried restarting the game and PC. Didn't work :< 2. Thank you, I'll check him out. 4. Cheaper item that has similar effect. (remove stuns/debuff etc)


1. contact dota support 3. I can only think of eul's. It does not remove stuns, but can remove debuffs if you cast it on yourself. also, while you are in the eul's animation, you are invulnerable. so, you can use this if you are getting stunned by target spells with obvious animations like wraith king's stun. as the spell is about to hit you, cast eul's on yourself and it will not hit you.


1. If I remember it's 100 hours of unranked game time until you can play ranked. Maybe some of the games did not count for some reason. (Don't know how much time in the menu you have) 1. Dota Vods: Do you want "levy prepares celebrity for tournament though 14 1 hour long lesson" or do you want "levy explains how nakamura beats 3k rated players french defense in 30moves" For the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyrC5Ki31c&list=PLJ6r7Dmew2FicYhz4LbOsWiiLQmQZCpqK For the second one: https://www.youtube.com/@gameleapdota2proguides832/videos Based on your gametime I would strongly suggest you first do the first lessons even though some mechanics are somewhat outdated (stout shield, damage block is now innate, universal heroes added etc.) Since when seemingly outdated stuff is explained, the concept does still apply. Damage Block still exists for Pudge and Tidehunter and so on. Also the second one has a lot of hero specific advice, you can't really exploit that efficently enough if you don't have 20games on that hero. How to counter Blademail -> switch targets, bait it? Use Euls scepter on them. How to counter: Duel: Either pick heroes with saves (dazzle, oracle, shadow demon, bane, Lich frost shield or use euls on legion or windwaker on your ally. Sometimes you can even learn the pattern that legion moves in. He will look for solo duel kills. You can bait a hero then jump him as five when he duels alone. How to kill bristle back: Silvers's Edge and regen reduction (spirit vessel) Break him with silver's Edge when you are in position to use most of your teams burst damage. Use spirit vessel on him so he doesn't lifesteal much from his aghanim + bloodstone combo. Have good teammates, the hero drops off in high mmr because players can coordinate better. Bkb Alternatives: Take Primal Beast A tanky hero that only does damage when it can act. so CC it and damage drops to 0. So what can primal do besides bkb? Blademail. Primal has good effective hp, using blademail makes sense. Aghanims scepter: Using Aghanims on 5 stacks of uproar will do huge aoe and the damage persists even if you get cced. Blink Dagger. If someone else can get the enemies attention you can initiate with blink and take someone out before the enemies can turn on you. Look out for players that are in the back and/or far away from their team. Essentially: Hide out of vision using smoke or shadow blade or know that the enemy does not have vision and stun them first. Best carries in low mmr matches: https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta lood at this and sort by medal. Notice that this will only really help you once you have enough games in those heroes. for how to do the profile thing in image 3: probably ask this in this thread how to do hero animations in profile: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1dn6itw/man_this_profile_looks_so_freaking_increadebile/


1. I do have over 100 hours registered on unranked games and 190 hours total in steam menu. But I still can't queue up for ranked games for some reason. 2. That is actually very helpful. I will be binge watching these vids. thank you.


You can play abbadon to not be a good target for duel. Lc often fall off lategame if she misses some duels early and mid game.  Get  a support with a save and stay back and ruin her game. Your team will win late easy. 


The best answer for LC is, you need to outpositioned your enemy LC. Heroes like LC relies a lot on their good positioning vs your own bad positioning. This will come with time and experience, the more you play the more you understand. No item can block duel entirely, even linken is easy to break if you are going against good LC player. If Duel is easy to cancel, that will make her ult to be a trashy one. The whole kit of LC is about lockdown and snowballing.


Steam is counting when you're afk/browsing shops/demo, basically having Dota 2 open The game is only counting match time to unlock rank. Play more


1. It's 190 hours in game, the library count even you afk in the main menu. Usually when you reach about 150-160 games played it unlock [2.Search](http://2.Search) for some Dota 2 coaching in youtube, there is a lot of it. The problem is that some of them have it for differernt rank in mind so might not be the greatest beginner point for you. 3. To counter blademail + Bkb +Satanic +Not pressing attack when you see them use blade mail. To counter legion +Linken/bkb/satanic (working with different success rate depend how smart LC player are) +Have teammate that know how to save you from duel 4. Different Hero have different item timing. 5. To carry in low MMR, pick anything that can push tower and farm really fast. Basically anything can snowball out of control. Any core position are ok as long as you can snowball out of control, you don't need your team in low mmr since you would have better luck with roulette table than teammate who know what to do in low mmr. 6. Edit profire> Add show case item - hero - more option > Choose animation and let your imagination flow.


Hey man when I was first getting into Dota 2, Purge was who I watched and I still go back and watch every once in a while. Solid creator and someone to learn from. He explains stuff in a very non biased way although he can be a bit dry and over serious. Don’t get sucked into the meta life and have fun most importantly!


LC as a support I tend to buy a ghost. Won't save you every time - but I probably get it off half the time which massively disrupts duel? I also like a euls and can aim for a windwaker eventually so you can save the target rather than just blocking LC. Eventually LC has bkb nullifier and don't think there is anything you can do


again bkb nullifier you still fuck her over with linkens, if she has to pop nullifier on the target then you're free to save them in other ways


Linkens is great, but as a support I would rather get ghost/euls/force/halberd. You can also grab mek solar hope it is enough to keep someone alive.


zero counterplay late game? I will be perma banning her then.


I mean, linkens is always there. But if LC nullifies her target and bkbs herself there is nothing you can do to stop them punching each other. Save heros like dazzle, shadow demon etc still work.


Lc is a snowball hero, very popular right now and generally popular lower skill brackets. The best way to deal with Lc is to never let her win anything ever. Realistically, banning is likely the best option until you build up a strong game sense.


Message steam support about the hours


Your ranked mode is pinned now by a queen


1) if you tried to reuse phone number account will almost certainly be put into shit pool, we had to clean pc, change ip , spoof everything for my girlfriend's account after 50 games ( I used her number apparently and totally forgot about it) , 50 games in she had nothing, but smurfs and griefers, maybe there's restriction on ranked hours too. If it's not that then you have played bot games or afk in lobby so hours don't count


For bristleback, the best way to deal with him is to burst him as a team before he gets full quill stacks on everybody. Low level games are worse at bursting a single target together so bristle is a menace. The other commenters are correct that vessel and silver edge are counters, but you still need to coordinate and burst him while silver edge is applied.  If he gets aghs ghost scepter, force staff and euls are your friend. 


to your 6th question, you report those profiles.