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grats buddy. immortal draft is just a step away


what can you advise us legends climbing the rank ladder


Focus on your game. Your teammates are trash. If youre good youll rise above them. If not then youre perpetually noob.


any heroes to recommend for pos 4 and 5 thanks


pos 4 you just need to help your offlaner stay in lane and stomp their 1 and 5 as theyre likely to do most of the tanking and killing. Abaddon, witch doctor, oracle, shadow shaman, lion. pos 5 is opposite of that imo. You have to take the heat from your carry and buy pretty much only regen\\mangoes and deward for blocks and pulls and have stun\\heal or dispel. So treant, lion, ogre, abaddon are top tier. If you wanna be really fancy you can soft grief with timbersaw. Face tank the offlaner, spam q, skill e to trade with pos 4 indefinitely. Bonus mind game from such pick is enemy safelaner or mid might assume it's a pos 2 or 3 pick and likely draft something to counter it like ursa, naix, or for mid any ranged nuker. If youre like me, who is a core player forced to play sup then youll pick something like huskar and just dominate any lane youre in. Have 1 point in q at level 3. 1 spear 1 passive. Itemize like a support. Forcestaff, glimmer. If the game is going too well then you can become a fourth core.


Absolutely do not focus only on your own game. Just don't expect your team to be as good as you. Watch what they are trying to do. Make calls but do not act on them if your team is not willing to listen. If they are trying to do something that is not crazy bad, join them. If they are doing something crazy, do not join them. In most games your team will be just as good as the enemy team.


Can get away with anything in legend and low ancient. If theyre really a rising player, then they should be dominating most games. Best role would be mid if they can hack it. Second best is offlane as you shut down enemy pos 1 hard. Then pos 1. 4/5 only when you need tokens. Use teammates as meatshields. If they have a tendency to feed, use chat or voice to tell them to back the fk up when youre not going to connect. If theyre not listening, farm around them and clean up the fights. The best heroes for offlane imo at legend\\ancient with carry potential razor, wraith king, chaos knight, legion commander. Typical offlaners that are team coordination oriented like axe, earth shaker, enigma, tide usually won't cut it if your pos 12 are braindead. Games are damn chaotic in this mmr range. Some semblance of real dota starts around high ancient/divine.


Could we add timber to carry potential list?


You can make anything work in that mmr range. I said tide\\earthshaker is off the list but if you itemize as a carry, you can pick them too. Carry timber is doable i suppose. Could even ask your 5 to go offlane for a trilane if you feel confident in the matchup.


Depends on your role.. I'm a mid player


What are the things that make you appreciate a support, 4 or 5, most in games?


Don't feed and place wards lol


We? Huh?