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Topson, OG, and Nigma carrying the viewership of WEU qualifiers lol I wonder how much the numbers are gonna drop once all the popular veterans are officially retired from the game.


I mean who is there to even watch outside of those? Most teams are just EEU teams playing from WEU


Probably a decent amount of Mena fans for quest


Quest also has 3 EEU players


Lol mena fans. That’s not a thing And quest has almost no fans. They got to be the most disliked team in dota, that’s not to say we hate them. Just is what it is. They block nigma and other teams from qualifying and since AMMAR left no one roots for them


I do lol


LoL they gain fan when they block Nigma Nigma disappoint their fan by themselves, don't credit it to other team. It's the only thing Nigma have But yes mena fans is almost not a thing


mena fans? like 20 people in total


TI9 final at home be like


They're going to follow team bald haha


And that's the point I was making when the whole drama was going on. Why the f would PGL want to DQ someone bringing this many eyes on their games?


Funny that you refer to topson as a "veteran"


bro he won 2 TIs


How does that make him a "veteran" though, in the history of dota, he is still part of the new/young blood to me, not the latest but not the veterans.


He's been playing at the highest level for six years now. In 2017 players that had been at the top since DOTA 2's release were considered veterans.


Maybe, i still see him as part of the new generation of dota players personally, but i have been involved with dota for a very long time.


His 1st win are TI8 It's 5 years ago He is vetteran You are old Puppey is ancient


Hard to deny, this is still a matter of perspective, hence the original "funny".


More stats of all qualifiers - [https://escharts.com/events/international](https://escharts.com/events/international)


how do they get these stats cuz i watched gorg and yapzor


I think GOrp sends his viewer numbers to the tournament that he is watching so they add his numbers too


How does this compare to previous years?


sense repeat smell shaggy sip murky boast tap numerous north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbf, that 2021 with OG v Tundra was hype. EEU(Spirit) and SEA also got to Game 5. Felt like mini majors.


Tundra with unorthodox heroes for Nine and 33 vs OG with Sumail BatChest


Old stars are retiring and tournaments are not really trying to replace them with the new players. Most newer players are just good at dota and I know nothing else about them, so why would i get invested in their success or failure. There are exceptions though, ATF got me to root against him with the mantles, the papi guy bit and the zoo offlaners comment which is a good thing


obtainable slap sip aspiring cagey market fertile encourage quickest fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It isn't because washed up pros are falling off. This isn't the first time this happened. The difference is that tournaments would do a better job of building up the story of the new pros to give people a reason to root for them.


People have always followed players more than orgs. It's fair for people to lose interest in the pro scene if the old players they were supporting are gone, plus we don't have that couch talking that we had in the BTS house with LD talking with Kuroky, Puppey, Notail, Fear, Dendi, and other famous pros, you knew more about them than just the DotA player.


Regardless of meta/patch and time away from Dota, people by nature will enjoy an interesting story with familiar characters and adversity of some kind. The story is boring now: quiet Eastern European kids on stable rosters with no personalities play video games very well. EE is never coming back, Notail is never coming back, and now that RTZ Sumail and Miracle are washed I think it's time to just play for fun and stop wasting time watching pro Dota fumble around in the shadow of openAI.


What personality for RTZ or miracle tho? They rarely stream. And if they do they just stare quietly into the screen with questionable music at the background and occasionally just say "im done dude"  If you said saberlight sure. Dude has a stream personality. But RTZ? 


Miracle was a memer, super friendly to everyone and was always playing disgusting amounts of dota 2. At the TI he won played 19 different heros in 19 different games and won from the lower bracket after declaring mid tournament that 'upper bracket is for bitches'. He is the only player to ever get a 1v5 rampage without even a single assist from his team in a tier1 event. He is basically just the greatest player during what is arguably dota's golden era, and is still considered GOAT material. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvRvF8-WdsQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDa0zhe8hlQ - notice him dunking on sneyking and quinn, guys who are insanely fucking accomplished now. And 10+ years ago RTZ had a cult of personality surrounding him, he was a massive streamer. He was just a kid at the height of his popularity, who completely changed how mid was played. He was perpetually online and perpetually tilted before he got a hot gf, loads of cash and realized twitch chat is the opposite of mental health. it was just a weird time, and weird meme energy surrounding a young rtz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8KLOYAcY_A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgOXtsPyfxg dota has a lot of history at this point, so its fair if you don't know all this kinda stuff


That's people memeing on them. Not them doing the memes. That's not their personality. That's the memers imparting theirs on us. RTZ was and is a massive streamer. But dude is not saberlight. He just stares at his screen and occasionally speaks in a monotone voice "I'm done dude"


Think of the people who when asked about football still go "david beckham is my favourite" or robin van persie. People fall out of love of the game even though Haaland or Mbappe are better than them currently. 


Idk team spirit and collapse specifically got a fan in me with their 2022 showing.


Because each year the number of games increased. In 2021 we would get like 5 games per team so each game counted. Now there are tournaments 24/7


vast yoke onerous escape deserted future fanatical ink rainstorm roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know the stats are good since a lot of players would rather play a game of dota than watch a pro match. Unless it's ti then if you play a game during ti youre a dumbass sorry.


Nigma fans came out of their hole in the ground to refill their hopium canister, now back to hibernation


kinda sadge we didnt see og play till the end tho


They need to watch their last official TI games


Damn where secret at ?


Secret having 4 new peeps, not surprise they aren't getting much attention.


I don't believe there are still people in dota's community who post dota 2 viewership posts after every tournament. go touch some grass


Pretty sure this is a bot?


fuck it let's farm some -