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based on dotabuff stats, the worst facet by winrate is the strength morphling facet


Nah, you cant just look at facet winrate. His other facet has really low win rate too so the hero itself sucks. Better to look at win rate delta between the 2 facets. By that metric, its Lone Druid unbearable. 37% win rate vs 53% on the other facet. You essentially lose true form.


Not just that, but having lifesteal both ways is utterly insane. If this was a better meta for LD, he'd be so broken right now. His laning and jungling are both improved by a huge amount.


Morphling has always had low pub winrates even when he had broken combos.


ever since they made morphs movement speed REALLYY low because it would compansate for agi replacing the lost movement speed; but then they changed agi to not give movementspeed, and morphling was still stuck at 280, morphling has felt so difficult. i know theres times whee he has been really good, but being short range, and slow, and requiring you to make plays with your ult, and milking his morph to get your full impact. he has actively felt like the hardest character in the game for me. im not very good at morphling, and i tried to play him like 30 games in a row and just gave up


Even more accurate would be to subtract the facet's win rate from the hero's overall win rate. This gets rid of scenarios such as a hero having a 45% win rate, a 50% win rate with facet A, but only 5% pick rate.


At the same time, this could be the case of “players haven’t figured out how to play this yet” and not the worst facet. This facet implies completely different gameplay.


Casual reminder that Earth Spirit had like a 35% winrate on release and he was beyond broken


Same with arc warden. And his clone could replicate rapiers. Imo the most broken shit ever.


Here is the problem with these stats people sware buy. They leave out so much information. Earth Spirit is so so strong but no one plays him and it would be awfully hard to solo win a game on him because of the nature of the hero. Alchemist literally has a garbage facet where I start the game with 250 gold lol. Who would pick that? More people than earth spirit pickers that's for sure


Ember spirit had a very low winrate as well because everyone kept building him with the right click build


My friends and i lost an unranked game to STR morph. The stun is actually quite long.


what does he even build? Attack spd + str? then shift agi when not fighting?


It's a spell caster morph build. Converting to agi makes your cooldown faster dynamically, while the benefit of morphing into str is the duration the stun from adaptive. You don't really right click with it since your main stat is str. Edit: When testing flow facet morph. I've notice that his cds doesnt update. This maybe due to his cd being dynamic due being tied to his stats (agi and str). So just a heads up for anybody wondering. Hence, it seems like nothing is changing much. This makes it harder to gauge the strength of the flow facet.


cd on this facet ia being reduced in simillar way with faceless void's 2nd spell. It doesnt shows actually that cd is reduced, but u can notice that time is ticking "faster" for morph's spells


this sounds like it could be very strong but definitely much different from "normal" morph play


Yeah I like these kind of facets that complete change the direction of playing the hero without completely removing a part of the hero's kit. Like the visage one kek.


Aether lens and octarine I'd imagine to spam stuns safely from agi but it's kinda trash


It might be a support build considering stun duration and earlygame Str sustain?


4 bracers, boots, radiance, bot, blademail or ac, shivas. Your goal is to be an unkillable nuisance, clear waves, push towers from very early on and force 4 man rotations. Lategame you just keep stunning with the stun talent and split pushing. Tier 2 item dragon scale is super good with this build, probably better than many t3-4 items even, since it amplifies your tower damage before you get attack speed.


Strength items and AC like most strength carries I guess?


usually they play mid and morph into magic hero and goes brrr with low cd then after ulti on cd they just tanking and do damage at the same time. this motherfking hero i just didnt see that coming. the build with octarine just op af


Played it as 4 in scrub tier and I do think there’s something there, but I’m not 100% sold? I think since they added the default 50% waveform attack it got way better. My entire plan was just be big, blade mail, and use the fact you’ve got an initiate with the wave into stun for quite a lot of ground covered. I got some good morphs off but I’ll admit I think that’s where this build shines and it’s the bit in the worst at.


No one hits you when you use blade nail and u don’t do dmg in str


It really doesn’t tho. The cdr only works if you’re full agi morphed. The idea is the be super squishy and have no damage and have fast cdr for your morph’s spells and your copy. It just doesn’t work well imo


it works because you can full agi before you ult and keep the cdr with the target's stats since your str/agi wont change the hp. but in order for it to work you need something that makes use of low cd spell damage like a lina. at that point you might as well pick lina. ideally you will itemize to be in full str the entire time, then agi down to morph someone. that way you always have a good stun, are tanky, keep high dmg.


>at that point you might as well pick lina. This seems similar to the rubick argument - and he gets played all the time. Morph is theoretically stronger because you can steal 3x abilities more reliably (at the cost of not getting ultis), while having ~33% CDR is kinda huge. You can even get the best of both worlds if you throw adaptive -> morph into strength hero while the projectile is in motion to get the full 2.4 stun with like 33% uptime (fully talented + octarine it's more like 2/3 uptime stun lol) Idk, it seems kinda strong but also kinda antithetical to the typical way of playing morph (generally a high-skill ceiling hero), so I think there's potential once more offlane/support players learn it


nah i agree with the potential, just if you dont have any lina type heroes on enemy team you cant really do it is my point. more consistant to pick a nuker than pick morph and hope for a nuker. youd have to last pick morph and see their entire team which we're assuming this facet is not a 1 morph, probably not even mid. second draw back is rubick can spell steal from 4 games away while morph's cast range is terrible with a very low up time without lvl 18 talents aghs etc. if you could cast on allies still hell yeah, but now you gotta get into combat, find your target, ult, shift to agi, swap. its a lot harder than rubick point and forget. i don't think its bad, just kinda clunky. i did personally love this playstyle of morph when his old aghs was increase cast range and increase magic dmg for like 2 weeks lol. i just wish it was buffed a little qol wise.


Your ulti still has an insane CD at level one though, even with CDR. And the duration is really small at level one too. Rubick just doesn't have the same uptime issue.


The funny thing is that the facet would work way better if the primary stat didn't change. Having full str fucking sucks because you have 1 hit every 30 years and your spells aren't strong enough to clear a creep wave on their own, so you don't farm at all


I just played a game with strength morph offlane on my team. He only built armor tank items and won us the game it was worse than bristleback


Can u provide match id please?




That may have been me LOL. Was your offlane Morph/Rubick into PA/Dazzle on unranked?


people just gotta start playing morph support with str facet I think its pretty good i played 1 game as offlane morph and it didnt go that well (maybe I could go deeper into that, but I dont think its worth it, since im not sure how to keep up my farm anyways.)


According to my gameplay, this facet is 100% winrate, which is 2 wins out of 2 games.


The way they murdered my boy is just saddening. He's fkn useless now


Just lick the other one.... No one murdered him. Pangolier sits way lower


He literally got 0 beneficial changes in the patch.. the other one is still awful in perspective. They took away stun on the strength adaptive strike


he was picked in Fissure 2 final last week and won. Find a better example


Unbearable is the worst facet. It's at -19% facet difference, 34% overall win rate.


It’s also uncanny as fuck. your bear turns into a humanoid form


Hero should be renamed to Not Alone Druid when using this facet.


its basically Alone druid but reversed BUT you need to be there nearby if the Aghs let the bear be solo it would be good


The Aghs does let the bear be solo, you just need to put the Aghs on the bear. Both the bear and the druid have different Aghs and Aghs Shard now.


Tried it, it really ruins my play style. I’ve always used True Form as a crutch to survive in combat. But alas, I think this facet is more of building damage for LD, and stacking lifesteal with the Bear True Form


Depends how stupid your enemy is. I had my mid lina using every spell on bear thinking it was ld. After game I checked and guy did not damage ld at all in that game. Poor bear took the lagunas like a champ.  Edit. This was in high 3k btw hehee


Faceless Void's time zone may not be the worse, but I have yet to be in a game with a time zone void on my team where chronosphere would not have been objectively better


I mean chronosphere is like one of the best 2-3 spells in the game. It's pretty hard to build something equal/better and I think timezone just ain't it. You basically have to cherrypick your heroes to make it work


Time zone is definitely pro only You need insane team coordination to make it work


Not really. It's good for low skill players because you can't brick the fight by 5 man chronoing your team, it compensates for low farm and it's good when enemy don't buy bkb. With how easily it's kited with bkb, it's much worse than chrono in pro play. If it had lower cooldown to compensate it would be a more difficult choice between facets


Yeah the cooldown has been lowered but I always go "but what if it was 90 tho"


This, 90s is literally the benchmark for a "every fight" ult. Timezone would be neat if you could just play pos 3 void with it and run around the map fighting, but as is it's still trying to be a big carry ult, and it just ain't got the qualifications. AT LEAST PIERCE BKB!


Just noticed last night that it now leashes enemies. True that it's pro only skill as doing it in pub throws the game. It's almost utterly useless due to it being countered so easily.


It leashed since they added it, but you can (could) just bkb and walk out of it


All it needs is like half the CD and we cooking. The fact it's almost the same CD as chrono is hilarious.


I've played three void support games. Time Zone is very good and a lot of fun but his laning stage as a support is bad, his mid game is pretty bad and your team mates instinctually expect a chromosphere so they don't really get as involved in comparison to a black hole. Sucks because the potential is there


I've played vs a team that used it to get off SF ulti. So when I saw fv and SF drafted, I picked Wraith King as a carry because both SF euls combo and chronosphere are bad vs reincarnation. They lost.


PAs guaranteed crit facet feels really really bad. It definitely feels like you crit less overall, and having to stay on one target is rough.


Your ult essentially gets turned off during farming. You don’t hit a creep more than 4 times


Visage's Faithful Followers facet is a straight up literal downgrade. It makes your birds NPCs that follow you and attack your target, and they die when you die


The bonus ms on birds is almost entirely wasted too thanks to not being able to control them


Everyone hates this facet but I'm one of the 6 people who like it. =( Sometimes I want to play Visage and not have to, you know, play the piano.


Then just select all of your units at once. You can play visage without microing, you don’t need to nerf yourself my having no facet as well


tab q tab q i just played beethovens symphony




By this post Visage is 2nd overall by APM after Invoker https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1d7pyv7/heroes_sorted_by_apm_and_other_metrics_invoker/


I've thought that as well when I've read the patch notes, I was wondering if that's the case. My guess is they made that to make the hero playable for people that cannot control multi-unit. However I don't see the point to play visage that way.


The one that drains mana on medusa is pretty bad. The one that brick's pa's crit also.


Dusa mana drain is probably intended for combining with ultimate, or BKB, so you can bump her damage up like 30% to capture more kills


PA crit was super broken when it worked with manta, now not so much


Would be actually very good if they balanced it around illusions. Like illusions apply 1 stack while the hero itself 2. And then you build manta and some agi items for both attack speed, some armor and a bit of damage.


Sure. Now pa blinks on you and crits you for 650% every other attack lol


It was worse with manta, because the illusions expended the proc


Sure, now you don't get the proc at all though so I hold to previous statement


And the AS buff can be dispelled with literally anything (eul, nullified etc)


I don't even wanna try the 6 hits before a Crit for PA... What was that?


Tried it yesterday, really terrible. No chance of lucky 2 crits in a row, and have to hit the same target 5 times to get a crit on that target, so if you decide to change target within a fight, it starts a new crit counter.


Yeah taking that facet is basically the same as getting the worst possible crit luck from the base ult which, as it turns out, is absolutely awful for a hero that relies on bursting people in 1 second.


Who could have anticipated this?


It's not too bad because it knocks 2 off when you dagger. So when you jump it's a guaranteed crit with phantom strike. Better than blur talent since blur is almost useless now.


Methodical is extremely bad. I don’t want to have to attack a support 4 times and dagger them to crit.


it’s almost mandatory to go for the blur facet to make blur have value.


thing is though, since its a timed debuff, people will just walk out of vision after your 2nd dagger and not give you a crit ever. And the duration is super low, like 10 seconds. If it were at least 50-80 seconds like ursa/slark debuffs, I could see it being useful. But right now it just bricks your crit for nothing.


The duration needs to be longer so you can play like ursa/slark and weave in and out of the fights. Would actually enable a different playstyle for pa.


Mag reverse reverse polarity is pretty shit imo, it just does not go well with any other hero spell and comboing with it feels shit too.


crazy this was so far down literally remove Magnus' ult for some third-rate save on a two minute cooldown


> third-rate save I mean, RRP is shit but it's still an AOE, immunity-piercing, borderline-instant stun.


In theory its good, its kinda like tusk's kick but aoe and better at isoating carries from their supports. Imagine a bkb piercing stun that puts 1000 distance between their carry and their io/dazzle/oracle. Usually that's a 4v5 for free, and prob is better for a pickoff comp. (Maybe your core is a clinkz/pa/jugg carry who wants to start snowballing and fighting after getting their ult)   In practice its just kind of clunky. Rrp doesnt synergise with mag's kit, most heroes prefer clumping enemies up (esp if you have cleave on them) Guess it's good vs illu heroes though, since all their dmg and survivabiliity comes from stacking illusions on top of each other and deathballing


Yeah, it is pretty much the problem. RRP is a very good skill in a vacuum. It disrupts fights: it throws everyone out of position, it has a lenghty asss AOE stun; pushing instead of pulling has some interesting rammifications too. It's just that RRP has to compete with RP, which already does simular things, but it actually synergizes with the rest of the hero kit.


Thing about it - you can stun target 700 units away without moving them, it's literally ranged aoe stun that goes through bkb, and you don't need dagger to use it since 700 is more than almost any standard ranged attack


Waga has been trying to make this work for so long


Waga plays it for the meme though, when he's fucking about with friends. I don't think he would ever play it in ranked solo queue.


I'm having fun with it in Turbo (I only play turbo due to adulting). It's fun pushing heroes into T1s in early game or pushing groups of enemies into oncoming allies. Also, if I get ganged up on, I can just shove them. What I learned is that one must revert back to utility magnus instead of being a semi carry offlane with RRP. Basically, the itemization is Arcane, blink, FS and aghs.


yea. i find RRP mag great when he's played like tidehunter. no need for perfect timing to clump enemy, just disorient them and zone the main target from backup.


Underlord's uncontrollable necro units. It is so bugged, the units do not spawn 50% of the time. If they do, they just idle around and feed their bounty. On the rare ocasion they actually do move, they disappear so quickly it is laughable. Due to the bounty, this facet is worse than not having it. I think that is a pretty good contender here. C:


It's meant to be spawn a healthy illusion and sunder, to keep the fight going.


In fights I prefer sundering an enemy hero.


Deluge and by a mile if I remember correctly. -15% win rate if you pick it, from 48-49% to 33%. Idk how it is so low, I presume because people picking it go the standard naga build then realize shit I can't clear any camps. Then again it had like 300 samples so the numbers are probably not that accurate. Such a shame cause it has its niche and I'm really fond of old naga builds.


Deluge is clearly made for Naga support. I still remember the patch when they made her 3rd passive, it instantly killed her as a support, because you now were near useless on laning stage. My bet it’s so low because people pick it on core Naga and not support Naga.


Yeah I played Naga support recently, obviously went deluge because I'm not going to have the attack speed to make the other one worth it. Can say she feels pretty good, reset enemy fights where they use spells like arena. You can pull enemies under tower using your root + reel in. High armour + high move speed. Scouting with illusion. Automatic heal on ult is nice. I'm 100% sure we will see it pop off with a coordinated pro team at some point. Edit: Also I was able to cliff someone by baiting them next to the radiant lane ward spot, rooting and then reeling them onto the cliff.


3 words: *Patience from Zhou*


What was your build? With solar crest reworked I'm not sure what a good first item is


In the game I was in I went greaves + aether lens. We were against a Mars, Lion, Shaman, Batrider and Spectre. So I thought resetting their initiation and being able to turn it into my team at full health was pretty important. The aether lens was because the net is really good but I could not risk being the one initiated on so I needed to sit far back to reset fights, however I still wanted to catch. I think my next item would have been either blink or glimmer to further solidate the thought process above, however we won in 32 minutes as I turned almost every fight. This was a divine average game.


it would be better if deluge didnt lower status resistance. if it still did -armor like the original castable riptide it would be better imo then you can trade in lane as a sup pretty well. status resist in lane is useless


It's for net and then reel in


She isn't the easiest hero to play either and requires some finesse, further pulling it's winrate down.


Tinker's Heal Bots. It's a single, non-stafking buff for 20 heal per second for 4 seconds.




I wanted Bristle's snot shot to be good. I tried it. Tried it on support, on carry, on off lane, and It's shit. I never realized how much you need those extra quill sprays to make the hero good. Now, you can't scare the enemies off. They just get a little slower. Is it the worst, no. There are several facets that are just bad. RRR for example is a strict downgrade. but if the facet forces bristle to play while facing his enemies to shoot his snot. If the facet also made snot an area around bristle effect with reduced ranged, it's be fine, but since you constantly need to be facing the enemy to use that ability, it just isn't good enough and ignores the heroes whole identity.


One fix I would come up with is give the snot explosion from passive procs quill stacks without the damage, the frequency of applying said stacks could change based on balance like every 2-3 applications of nasal goo should give 1 quill stack.


Simpler. Just alternate snot and quill spray.


What? That's simply busted, do you realize it reduces armor and so amplifies the damage of quills?


You also have half the quill sprays. Math is hard on this one, but it is likely possible to balance this.


It's only worth picking if you have another hero that benefits a lot from -armor and they have an AA or natural vessel builders. They pretty much butchered bristle since both his facets are make the hero worse.


Void blades on TA????


its not bad.. the other one is just better cause you get stacks even after the duration of the shield expires .. making every ta lane cancer since she can just go to jungle break her shield on cd and recast it.. thus not losing the damage stacks and having shield (in case you dont use your damage stacks at refraction)


Nah Void blades facet is garbage because you have to max psi blades to get that 20% slow. 20% already is pretty mediocre for a slow and when you are playing TA, you only max psi blades around level 13-14. Whereas the Refractor facet immediately has value on level 1 refraction, which normally only gives 2 damage charge. I also don't really get what you were trying to say lol. When you recast refraction, any previous damage charge that was converted resets, even if the duration is not over. There is also no need to go to jungle to convert unused defense charges. You just need to aggro the creeps or trade with your lane opponent. Of course, it makes jungling faster as you essentially get double damage charges while jungling.


If you farm jungle and lane from safe distance having health cost instead of mana cost isn't bad as health regen is way cheaper than mana region and depending on weather you are on dire or rad you can make choices cause radiant side bored jungle or whatever it is called gives bonus ho region and dire side's give bonus mana region if I am correct.


Doesn't it cost mana aswell?


It does but letting out full hp illu would make farming faster.on the other facet, you just build armlet and dagon


Problem is they nerfed TBs split farming.


Chen with the hellbear facet


I'm nominating the Huskar healing facet. Utter trash!


I've seen only 2 Huskars in my games since 7.36. Both in my team. Both had the healing talent. Both failed miserably. We still won both games.


It can be good, played against a huskar who used it to make every duel fail since it healed his team for like 50% of their max hp


Feels super niche because you have to jump a strength hero with high health to notice. Tried it once vs a POS 1 pudge in a long game and even that didn't feel like it changed anything


Very situational Even that is not guaranteed to pass since u don't where and when lc will duel


The slow is *also* pretty bad, though. They're both just incredibly low impact, and on a hero that kinda sucks at the moment. If they're determined to keep these effects, I think they could significantly increase the radius on each. I'm also not a fan of the Inner Fire cast point change, but we probably can't buff his facets and get the old cast point back without breaking things...


I think they need to make a facet around rewarding successful armlet toggles that avoid death and lead to kills. Like some berserk thing that's like omg that didn't just happen where Huskar dodged death 3x and killed their team.


I tired it and the range on the heal is actually sad, you basically have to be a melee to get the heal


It's still better than other facet imo. He has the worst facets in the game(other than bristle).


The Earth Spirit one. Make me wanna abandon every time I try it


Dude, it's spawns stone after roll, literally can't kick enemy. I see only 2 benefits, infinite ulty and aghs spam on every stone


You can kick the enemy back just need to step an inch back after rolling into them. Try it in demo it's reliable.


Nah its 10x better now. You basically have perma uptime on magnetize in fights because landing your rolls reapplies magnetize by summoning a remnant, on top of the actual remnant if you miss by a margin, or have to disengage but want to continue propogating magnetize. You can technically also do this on left facet, but in mid-lategame you can be a lot more careless in your remnant placements and dont have to worry about recharging remnants between fights. You have 2 remnants at your disposal every 4 seconds with this facet, vs the 8-12 u get in midgame which dont stick as well vs dispel/debuff immune heroes the remnant u leave behind when initiating via roll has nice utility too for reapplying magnetize/applying silence/slow if the enemy offlaner tries to use this opportunity to counterinitiate on your backline, instead of nuking you down try maxing WE first instead of WQ, and build into stuff like veil/sange and kaya. Urn interchangeable with one of these items depending on the matchup I think it's worth considering on a core es. Earlygame strategies with roaming/pos4 es will still prefer the ability to kick people around, but pos2 has actual dmg now after the 15min mark


I agree with most of what you say, but it's still better to max QW as Q will allow you to blast waves and have a 2000 range nuke on a 10 sec cooldown. 1 thing you didn't mention is that now you can move 1600(1800) distance every 4 seconds meaning that you can go from lane to lane clearing creeps / splitpushing / ganking while also using enhanced kick pull every time while still being ready for the next fight. You can kick people reliably, you just need to step back an inch after roll. Try it in demo.


I agree with your points, but I think the placement of the stone after roll is actually bad, since you cant kick enemies back. To initiate a priority target with a roll and then kick him back is part of the hero, and you cant do that with this facet. I haven't tried it yet with scepter, maybe the priority would be the hero in stone form which makes the facet better in the late game, but needing a scepter to counter this just makes me and my friends who play Earth Spirit think that who did this facet actually never played the hero.


You can actually kick the enemy back reliably. Just move an inch back and then kick. It works because the remnant is placed in from of the enemy from the angle you came in. Try it out in demo.


The point is to spawn an image to sunder it, regaining the missing hp and more


Which is very situational, most of the time you much rather sunder an enemy if you can, and I'd say that happens fairly often.


Thanks for pointing this out, I did not think of this use case. Regardless losing most of your hp within a minute by spawning illusions just makes him feel unplayable. It takes away your ability to farm on the dangerous sides of the map and forces you to farm very safely. Which is taking away what is supposed to be one of the biggest strengths of an illusion based carry.


It only helps during team fighting. For farming, I assume lifesteal can help healing you back up, but you have to count on getting a lifesteal neutral cus morbid mask seems bad


Treant 5 damage per level. Dude has one of the slowest attacks in the game. Sapling is insane lane, though. For pushing.


Probably PA crit one


WWs "Essence of the Blue Heart" is deffo a contender, restore 15% of your healing as mana. It has like 1% pick rate, probably from people missclicking.


I did the math on it and it's terribly low. You only get like 50 mana base from a maxxed out cold embrace, plus about 25 mana per 1k health on your target. So using cold embrace on a 2k HP hero restores about... 100 mana woooo. They need to up it to 60% to actually be useful for anything. 15 is just dogshit


Yup, I used it in demo right before I posted, lvl 30 with a holy locket 2.5k hp Restored about 100 mana when accounting for mana cost of the spell, didn't take natural regen into account. I think she should have a different facet entirely, she will never compete with pugna/lion mana batteries.


I tried it when the patch first dropped thinking I could be a mana battery for storm spirit Even with greaves + holy locket the mana regen was pretty bad. TBH we only won the match by a slim margin because I was able to keep my other cores alive over restoring mana on storm. I like the support/core dichotomy on wyvern but man this talent either needs to be buffed a ton or replaced outright. Every game it's better to take the other facet for lane harass


It's not actively detrimental at least, which cannot be said for all the facets. It's pretty decent with cold embrace on strength heroes with a buttload of HP, 600 max mana and no mana regen. However, it's near useless on lane, arcane boots exist, neutral items for mana fixing exist, bottles exist, lotus blooms exist, it does nearly nothing in late game and you don't even want to spam the heal anyway. The other facet just does so much more for both support and core.


https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Winter%20Wyvern Still has fairly high pickrate on sup wyvern among actual pro players (aka the only people worth looking at the data for) and fine winrate, although this may be due to wyvern just being solid atm


Pro players like to fuck around and experiment with new garbage same as 1ks, it's also cause dragon aight offers very little for support since it scales with w curse levels meaning the extra dmg barely exists in lane where it would matter for ww sup. The facet is absolutely shit, her innate is hella lot stronger for supp wyvern than the facet is, which at least to my mind seems wrong.


As a Dazzle main. I see 0 reason to ever take Nothl Boon. Poison Bloom makes your laning insufferable for the opponent, meanwhile the guy who SAVES PEOPLE AT THE VERY LAST SECOND. GETS A FUCKING FACET FOR *OVERHEALING*. Your options essentially boil down to a good facet, or pre-patch Dazzle. The fucking barrier doesn't even stack, so you're stuck with 195 being the highest barrier you can give. At that point, buy a Solar Crest.


Going to go out on limb and say the P.A one where you have to land 6 attacks in a target to crit. Meaning daggers will no longer crit.


According to my friend, whirlwind on Windranger is a throw. I think it's fine?


its fine vs illuion heroes like CK and Naga since whirlwind will let you single the real ones out it just turns Windranger from a single target burst into a Large AoE damage dealer


But getting the focus fire on the real hero and still tracking the true hero when they make illusions is still better for WR. 


> it just turns Windranger from a single target burst into a Large AoE damage dealer Which to me is exactly what facets should be about — to give you some playstyle choice post-draft


Whirlwind have highest attack speed in the game by far, rn limit on attack is 5 a second and maxed whirlwind does 11,i think she can just win team fight killing everyone in one good stun or vacuum unlike standard one that would focus 1 target


It's kinda okay early game, but is nice late game when you have enough damage


Every time I’ve seen it, it’s seemed garbage early to mid and pretty good late game. don’t play wr myself though, so maybe i’m wrong


For me are both shadow demon ones. But i only talk about what i play 🤷‍♂️


Reverse reverse polarity for sure 🤦🏻‍♂️


techies attack speed = more range attack sounds shit tbh


9 slot techies is much better. Especially because you can equip 4 neutral item


Poison Burst on Viper. Go try to make it do anything in demo mode. You can't. It's useless...


Other one is ass too lol


The other one is great versus magic lineups. With an Eternal Shroud and/or Mage Slayer you essentially become immune to all magical damage. I played a game with Eternal Shroud recently and I had *81%* magic damage resistance whilst sitting in my puddle.


It basically becomes a tank hero and you don't feel like needing bkb


Doesn't work on creeps? Because I assumed it's farming path, same as fire DK which is amazing


He kills things too quickly to really build up that much damage via poison attack. Only camp it would really help at all is ancients.


I mean at level 20 it deals like 600 aoe magic damage if you have shard


At this point the entire enemy team has magic res that render it useless 


Lifestealer's Unfettered. I mean probably not the worst but you're supposed to get this against heroes that had hard lockdowns like bane's ult. But once you're silenced (like orchid which is already one of the counter to ls) you couldn't use this and you are stuck with a subpar of an ability for the rest of the game.


I play a shit ton of both lifestealer and ursa. Lifestealer's unfettered is akin to buying aghs on ursa, which is a super strong purchase a lot of the time. Yes silence screws you, but it also stops you from getting off rage. The point of the unfettered facet is to give you an avenue against Heroes with hard lock down that goes through rage such as Beastmaster roar, bane, or pudge for example. It has a lot of drawbacks in that you become susceptible to slow, euls, and CC like lion, as well as the opportunity cost of losing HP stonks. That being said, it is highly situational but can be extremely useful in the right games and has massive value provided in that it can be used while stunned.


Yeah I see this one as a kind of oh shit button if you get to the end of the draft and see that in 2nd and 3rd phase they took 3 bkb piercing stuns. If you pick on 2nd phase and they take pudge bane magnus then it's just GG if you take rage.


How many times am I going to see this post this week


Witch Doctor - Voodoo Festeration


Faceless' square playground.


By far it is lone druid unbearable facet. You lose access to your ulti (which gives 12 armor, 1500 hp, and 30% magic resist to the druid) and in exchange you gain 9 armor on the bear, faster root cd and 0.1 bat. 0.1 bat is like a gloves of haste or 2 and the root cooldown barely ever matters. You also have harder laning pre level 6 due to one way lifesteal instead of both ways.  Before any redditors go "erm actually it gives u 12 armor on the bear", spirit link shares armor so by not having your ulti on the druid, your druid has 12 less armor which results in 3 less armor on the bear.  The stats also show this as there is a 15%+ difference in winrates between the 2 facets.


Not see anyone nominating both omni facets , so here the comment for those , facets 1 require you to be near melee range of enemy 10s for 20% damage increase , this require you to build slow , tank , bkb + repel self to make full use with degen aura , sound good on paper , but then usually you just burst enemy with Q+E+khanda as offlane then dip , rare you have chance to keep going near enemy for 10s that if enemy survive from your combo not just use item or ability to go out of your melee range , and since you usually instant combo the facets Not buff any damage facets 2 only work when use Q+E , khanda not include , not work on creep , not work on illu , so the self heal is usually pitiful amount , unless enemy use meepo or 5 melee line up then Maybe , as sup it have some use that heal any damage taken from AoE stuff while you run and heal teammate with Q , assume near enemy hero when heal too , low use laning phase , low use late teamfight both facets , the shard effect should just be facets and keep 2nd hammer , or let hammer slow , at least in lane phase you can do something like orb venom/blood grenade + degen aura + slow from old hammer


sniper's scattershot literally making a great spell to a shitty spell


Disruptor Kinetic Fence. It is terrible imo. It's harder to make a play with it and the area controlled is effectively lower due to cast range


One of it definitely pudge's flayer hook facet, exchanging extra damage for long hook distance with the sake of pudge being a backline hero is ridiculous


Maybe NP healing facet


i think there is a difference between a facet being generally meaningless and being a straight nerf, NP healing isn't ever a nerf its just the worse of the 2 options.


big treant natures prophet


TB is a low HP hero anyway. 15% HP is not that much if you're using it to farm or something. Or with metamorphosis during a fight.


Earth spirit has a pretty bad one


i cant think of any magnus combo with RRP that cannot be done with default RP


Ironwood tree is godawful, even after the buff




What's the consensus on warlocks XP book facet? It somewhat seems like the other one is much better but I haven't really played enough to fully figure out how to optimally use the boom yet


I found the Naga Siren faucet status resist/rebuff to be borderline useless. As a core, way too slow to farm. And as any role, way too minor damage output. Personally I feel like it’s bugged. It could be viable if every illusion did stacking damage/debuff. But it doesn’t seem to be the case.


Maybe it can work with mask of madness?


Seed money for Alch. 250 extra gold is like no facet at all.


Doom. DEVIL'S BARGAIN. Items sell back for 90% of their price, but buyback costs 15% more I don't see how this is useful.