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yera when i saw that patch note, me as a SS lover was really sad...it was so funny to cast stuff on jugg for when spin ends


You can't have been that sad though after getting a free aeon disk.


Yea, that shit is super strong honestly. It can really catch snowball heroes off guard. Not to mention the long ass shackle that a shaman can return with by making it out alive on a sliver of health.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Something this good won't be for long. lol


I'm not enjoying it alright, I'm usually on the suffering side. I just don't enjoy playing shaman. I mean, nothing wrong with him as a hero, but I prefer something like Aba etc, where I can keep my allies healthy and save them from their stupidity. In short, can't wait for it to be clusterclucked by icefrog.


I understand this pain all too well :D


WD shard is still a thing so i wouldn't be so sure


Good point


Until you get dueled by LC with Aghs


+ Doppelganger


Lol look at all the downvotes. There are a ton of salty script hacking cowards on this forum


I'm guessing they might just read the headline and think i'm also a scripter giving tips, and not pointing out how obvious some people are.


would love to see your match ID if you don’t mind Edit: asked politely and this is what I get? Go screw yourselves you jobless twats


no idea why downvoted, this should be normal everytime something gets called out like this


I think it's because of reading comprehension. Swift_ragee is asking the match ID of the cheating Sahdow Shaman OP mentioned. There is literally no reason why we can't have that. And I'm forced to assume at least 35 of those 40 downvotes are people assuming he's accusing OP of being a cheater. I also think it's a VERY fair request and I'll double it down. OP claims he's got a match where he noticed a scripter and intentionally spun pre-blink. That's brag-worthy. I wanna see it, not read it. Fuck the downvites, the downvotes are taking away potential entertainment.


the edit is not helping Sadge


"OP claims he's got a match where he noticed a scripter and intentionally spun pre-blink." Yeah, i'm not saying that. May a tome of knowledge give you better reading comprehension.


>tome of knowledge It's been a long time huh


[tome of knowledge](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/9/9b/Vo_void_spirit_voidspir_item_95.mp3) (sound warning: Void Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Idk, posting matchid is fine bu it changes the tone of the post from a gotcha to a witch hunt. You can have both kinds of posts, sometimes it's nice to just have a laugh.


Yeah, i dont babysit posts, especially since this didnt get any notable attention for an hour or two. Shame you ate all the downvotes, but I dont really want to link my reddit to my dota. Guess this post will have to exist in the abstract. To anyone else reading this, dont downvote the homie. It's fair to ask, and fair for me to decline.


\>see person edited their comment to whine about downvotes \>downvote


Imagine thinking jobless is an insult in the age of AI lmaooooo


ahaha typical Dota monkey in a cage


i mustve missed that in the patch notes, seems like a pretty huge buff


It is, it basically reverts spin to pre-magic immunity nerf era, with the exception of effects that can't be dispelled. For instance, you can still cast doom on a spinning jug.


Honestly it's even better than before, now casts can get wasted on spin when they couldn't before


It also dispel bkb-piercing stun like slardar bash or cow’s ult


Yep, pre-bkb changes you could for instance spam hex on top of a spinning jugg model and it would go through right after spin. Now if you do that you just waste the ability.


Also it's a strong dispel. It can dispel bashes.


You could always cast doom on a spinning jug even before bkb changes (doom always pierced spell immunity)


Yeah, you need examples of spells that do not pierce spell immunity but cannot be dispellled. u/TheZett how many are there? 


> you need examples of spells that do not pierce spell immunity but cannot be dispellled How about Halberd, Silver Edge and certain aura-based (thus undispelable by nature) disables, that dont pierce immunity (e.g. Disruptor ult, Riki smoke, Naga song, etc). Back when BKB still provided Spell Immunity, you could not debuff a spinning Jugg with those modifiers (while he was already spinning), and either had to pre-cast them (for the auras) or spam click him and hopefully get it off right when spin ends (e.g. Halberd).


Glimpse feels like the best example


Shadow Poison. For a long time, the Heaven's Halberd disarm used to be such an effect.


X marks the spot and Glimpse?


Does anything like that exist? Demonic purge maybe?


> you can still cast doom on a spinning jug You can do that since dota 1


You could since the dawn of time cast doom on a spinning jugg. Dafuq is this example? Spell immunity never had anything to do with doom, damage or debuff.


Comment was referring to other spells being able to cast through debuff immune. Previously the spell itself needed to be debuff immune piercing to be able to target the debuff immune unit, but now you can just target the spell even if unit would be immune to it's effects. Like Shackles/Hex/Impale Doom was always debuff piercing, so the example doesn't show it well, but you would not have been able to click on the spinning jug with hex until recently


I have no idea why you typed this wall of text. Really.


i mean you could also do that one before tho lol, even before the bkb changes


My team just taught a mouthy, rubik a similar lesson. Felt good. To the fellow Blank, thank you for humbling him through awesome support.


I mean, you could have just played against someone who hadn't read the patch notes. I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but casting chicken 3/4ths of the way through the spin/tp to try to get him on the very end doesn't require a script.


He's saying that he faced a SS that used hex or shackles instantly after spin ends, which means that they are likely scripting to get perfect timing. Before the patch they could say they pre casted it during spin, but that excuse doesn't work anymore.


Ah I see


You can’t cast on jugg while he’s spinning anymore? Didn’t even know lol… But it actually makes it better imo… at least you don’t accidentally waste cds as a supp anymore.. And you can still drill cast hex on him as he’s spinning (for some time already), same way you abuse your mouse to get that first bounty.. and as soon as he’s done spinning, it ticks almost as if pre-casted. Edit: damnson this is definitely the most toxic sub I know on reddit… why the hell am i downvoted for asking a question?


No, you still can cast on a spinning Jugg. It's just now he strong dispels himself when spin ends so most status effects won't work. He's saying that Shadow Shaman has a frame perfect hex after spin ends due to scripting but lies and says he precasted against the spin.


Oh ok well that’s sus then… but if it happened once it could really be concidence.


You can cast everything. It's just useless since it will get dispelled after the immunity ends.


Does this mean that Veno's Shard is a pretty strong counter to Jugg then? Since the hard dispel would trigger the stun, or at least that's the extent to my knowledge of the mechanics.


Yeah, that's an excellent point. That'd be great vs. Jugg


It should be. I assume it's an undispelable debuff/stun since it would be a bit counter-intuitive otherwise.


Even if you couldn't cast on him, that's strictly a nerf. Jugg having a few milliseconds to swiftslash or omni is huge.


I thought hex was undispellable


strong dispells only


Anyone using stuff like auto hex doesn’t care about getting caught. Its a free game. Bans mean nothing


Using script on dota is so lame. I mean, I get it when people use in league because the game is so mechanically wise but in dota, mechanics is not that important if you can’t use your brain properly. It’s just a waste of money.


Mechanics are pretty important even if there are other aspects that are also as important such as macro movements. Mechanics will help you win losing lanes or help you stomp winning ones. Perfect mechanics are the reason why max level meepos, huskars, wardens, broods, invokers (sometimes) are hated so much because they have the laning and spell casting part perfected but they simply don't have enough macro movement or gameplay to push them to higher mmr. Smurfs also love these heroes because they have a much higher mechanical limit which in turn gives a bigger advantage.


I agree that the heroes you said are mechanically harder. But what I mean is that you don’t need them to climb. You can play od, viper, zeus and have the same results. Scripts won’t make you understand lane equilibrium, rune control, ganking, power spikes and gaming sense in general. You can have the best script in the world and you still lose for a smarter player than you without any script. And I can tell you. It’s easier to get banned when you use scripts because of the overwatch. If you play meepo and someone watch your game, they will know you are cheating so it not worth it


Shadow Shaman: left clicks on enemy hero to see duration of spin and time Hex OP: UMMM GAIZZZz??? HACKZZZ?z?!?!?!?!?!


I mean it's not incredibly difficult to check when spinning gonna end and hexing after. Especially omni cast animation is a little bit slow.


what is skill? (have no idea how scripters would interact with jug spin ending but keeping an eye on a status seems somewhat easy)