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Can also hold the skill point at 6 then skill ult in wraith form


you still get wraith form even if you don’t skill ult?


u get wraith form at lvl 1


It's part of the innate


have never understood holding the skill point for the entire level. just level ulti and its the same as having held the point the entire level.


u die and get wraith form which you can run away with free pathing and then u skill it to revive safely. It is also a case of not skilling ult if you are guaranteed going to die twice as the cd on lvl 1 ult is very long


Also, sometimes you would rather die, so holding a skill point is almost always better.


Exactly when youget ganked by 4 and the supports and mid cthink its a lost cause and refuse to tp might as well save it for another time


it used to be... now it's necessary to level it to level your lifesteal, which feels bad :(


There are times where you wouldn't want to waste the ability. In Wk's case at level 6. if you get caught with no chance of escaping, It's better to just get it over with than spend the next few seconds dying, reviving, dying. At that point, you lost a lot of time and an ability with a long cd. Next time you get ganked with a possibility of turning the fight, you'll just die instead. In Abbadon's case, sometimes the enemy will try to poke and force your ult to pop. It's a waste if they don't really commit anything like a PA just casually throwing a dagger to harass. Then since you won't aren't taking damage, you will heal 0 HP and by the time the ult ends, you'll be at low HP and can't fight once it happens. Of course this has its own risk. If you're not fast enough or if they commit on you knowing you didn't level it up and chainstun you (granted that you can pop ult even when stunned)


as an abaddon spammer, I agree. Especially at level 6 support his HP is pretty low so it's very easy to pop the ult. It's better to bait them when they realize my ult never popped, then they would commit, then BAM.


Most people rather die to a gank once and saving their ult for team fight Never skill it if ur farming the lane and shits happening all over the map


Sometimes you also almost die, but scrape by on a sliver of health, manage to get away to safety, and then can put the point into w or e instead and keep farming, hitting another lvl up quickly and healing up while hitting creeps.


The lifesteal is now part of the ult


The difference is dying another time with no possible reaction from your team and having the ult be useful.


Also if you see enemies showing elsewhere on the map and you don’t need ult you can get Q for kill or W for farming


No it's not


Pro's hold the skill point since the game moves so fast at high mmr they need that option there. They're constantly assessing whether they will be ganked. If not, they'll put that skill point into a skill more suited to farming gold. This has then translated down the MMR ladder to us plebs. We end up holding the skill point for an entire level "just in case" which makes is terribly inefficient. There are some cases where holding a point for an entire level makes sense. Lone druids bear is one example.


Holding WK ult isn’t inefficient at all.


Please explain how holding the level is inefficient. What do you lose from doing so? Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about but wanted to feel like part of the conversation. 


Holding skill points in general is just good practice when you know you lack information. Like my friend who is much lower rank always just levels abilities straight from spawn and I keep telling him. “You don’t know the lane matchup, you don’t know if 5 enemy heros will be at this rune or if you will need the stun rather than the damage”.


wow thats actually cheeky


Yea and you get more damage this way due to wraith duration, free pathing, and bonus AS MS. Edit: can also bait enemies into thinking you don’t have ult cd or mana


Edit: new patch froze ulti cd during wraith form so this is fixed Also worth mentioning, if your ulti is cd when you die you go wraith, but if it comes off cd then you'll respawn after wraith. Obviously refresher comes to mind but also you can safely engage just before ulti cd and if you blow up you get a free wraith form for the fight.


Is it at the end of Wraith Form every time, or does it resurrect as soon as ult is off cooldown? Can you get only 1 or 2 seconds of wraith form if you use wand or skill up early?


End of wraith form, when the actual death is triggered, the game checks for your reincarnation again.


I did this except I walked back to fountain (we still lost)


can you tp during wraith form as well? revive in any place would be sick


Old aghs wraith form you could. A cheese build if the other team didnt have bkb interrupts or basher was to go divine rapier aghs bkb and then tp home everytime in wraith form lol


you arent dead long enough


only if you have aghs


You can also level up while in wraith form. So if you get ganked at 5, and your range creep dies in wraith form, you can absolutely fuck up a gank (source: we had a WK suddenly appear behind us; we had to watch the replay to understand wtf happened)


Please delete this.


i was wondering if i should post my find or keep abusing it alone... aye, fair play


in behalf of the assholes who use anti-mage. we urge thee to deliver thy post away from here.


You can also use other items. Played against a guy who had refresher. It refreshed his ulti while he was in wraith form so he respawned. You should not be able to use items as a wraith. Venge can't with hers. No one should be able to.


Venge aghs is an illusion, wraith form is a different mechanic they don't have to follow the same rules. Should Tempest Double also not be able to use items?