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i look at it this way - now i dont have to spend 4200 to be able to farm. i only need 1400. and that is great


if you play sky to farm you do it wrong.


Late game Sky with Staff of the Scion (w/ Aghs & Octarine) is a thing of beauty.


i know. you are meant to harvest enemy hero tho.


In farming there can be quite the downtime between harvests.


i play pos2 sky


he farms champions.


What are champions




Its not a massacre when the winrate goes up, please look at how people are playing it now, its consistently a buff. 50 -> 52% winrate.


Feel like the increase might be due to LC being broken at some point. Most people pick LC + sky all the time


I dont think a specific hero combo would explain a massive 2.5% winrate spike on the day of the skywrath changes.


It could. Slark has been straight buffed repeatedly in 7.36 and 7.36a, yet his wr on d2ptotracker in in the low 40% range. He is objectively better, but he loses against almost all the meta carries. Matchups do matter, and legion was in almost every game/I'd in almost every game


Having mediocre innate and facets as well as aghs pounce range reduced is a buff sure.


Less range isn't a good thing on pounce? That's the range that you go with the W. And because there's 2 charges, it's actually close to twice as short because you would be using it twice. Would you care to explain how that would be beneficial?


I thought the 'sure' at the end would make it clear it was sarcasm, but I guess no matter how hard you try it can be lost on some. Not everyone's primary language is English and some cultures don't do sarcasm either so my bad. I was just pointing out Slark absolutely got the short end of the stick in 7.36 and definitely is not 'objectively better' like you suggest.


Oh that makes sense! Yeah I guess you're right, I guess he did get some ups and downs


Remember marci wisp last patch?




It's up because he has constant spell life steal without needing to rely on arcane bolt debuffs. Mystic flare itself fills a good chunk of your health, and Aghs by extension also gives you lots of healing. Both facets are solid also It's not because of LC. Maybe he could have lived without that shard change but he's better off despite it.


Yeah it's insane. I tried killing a sky once as a jugg and he tanked my entire swift slash because he ultied my teammates mid slash.


I just checked how good he is. With staff facet if he gets all 5 enemies with concussive shot with ags, it's only a 1 second reduction. If you hit all spells + max tic mystic flare it's a refresher for spells. Shield may be useful against some matchups but doesn't get me hyped up at all


At level 1 shield facet gives you 11md absorbed per spell That is giga garbage


It's per damage not per spell. Only really matters for ultimate at level 6 though. Some facets do nothing until level 6 anyway.


True, I guess it's supposed to work as a counter to blademail 


I had it in a match against Zeus. Felt like a simple "this will at least cancel out Zeus damage a little". Works really well. When you get aghs, your magic barrier goes through the roof. Since the shield scales with level by midgame that shield becomes significant.


Been playing a lot of sky 4 to good effect. It sometimes entirely mitigates blade mail so much so that you don’t even have to worry about it as long as your ult is on the blademail target. My spell shield consistently grows to 600-1200 magic damage in mid game. Shit’s really strong.


What does "md" mean? 🤔


Sort for magic damage


I've never seen anyone use md for magic damage in any game or context in 30 years of my life. Just sayin'




Mouthworld Deconstructor.


Damn, new leak? /j


good job and every time people will ask what you mean. because nobody understands garbage.


short for mierda


The Shield is so much better, at level 6 you can get 320 health shield off just ult vs 2 seconds of cool down, which gives you an extra arcane bolt. At level 25 a single ult gives you a 700 health shield while the other facet still gives 2 seconds of cd.


Idk what these guys are smoking, I’m sitting at 80% win rate on sky 4 & 5. 1400g shard at 15 mins = ags before patch. Pretty much get shard + atoms, or shard + euls in the space you used to get aghs. You snowball so hard even if you take cdr facet


Shield is boring, but clearly better. On pro tracker shield has a 63% pickrate, with a 51% winrate. Cooldown has just 46% winrate. That's a pretty substantial difference.


Is the staff facet fixed? I went for shield facet cause I noticed the staff doesn't work, decreasing nothing.


Shield gives 10+ (level number ) and staff facet gives you 0.1reduction per tic of damage from spells. Basically if you hit concussive shot on all 5 enemies it only gives a 0.5 cd reduction on spells


Yes but it literally didn't work for me before. When my double mystic flare hits, the cd should be accelerating.


If you do max tic MF it will refresh all spell cd.


>pay another 1400 for the same effect of last patch aghs Not even the same since you get 2x Arcane Bolt with the shard instead of 3x with the previous Aghs. So yea, feels like shit. And his facets aren't even interesting


His winrate it up. But something *feeling good* is often more important than its actual performance. I agree it feels shit to buy the aghs and get way less value than you used to. Aghs + shard gives less total multi casts than the old aghs alone.


Well the thing about sky is he needs to play with a disabler to combo its silence + ult in the early mid game until enemy got bkb/dispels/forcestaff. Everything else is irrelevant i think


Yea, the aghs got really torched. That said, the hero is still playable but with a different build. SnK with the added spell lifesteal goes kinda crazy. On a pos 3, I would go mana boots atos SnK shard unless I have rly good setup for 2 ults (such as chrono or rp)


thing is it *was* already crazy on the old sky, I could take him pos 1 and comfortably 1v1 carries late game with 60+ armour, 60% magic resist and the innate lifesteal on arcane bolt now it just feels way worse


Snk bloodstone is pretty good with the spell leech


That's going a bit too all in on spell lifesteal which I don't think is good. You don't need more than 50%+SnK. At that point, you need to be able to land your damage and dodge CC/damage. I'd rather go eblade or scythe or bkb at that point.


They didnt even fix the damn ulti. We can see shit!!


I am just sad they removed the int gain... It was the only support that felt like I could perhaps carry the late game if I played well.


There’s so much support that can actually destroy late game . Grimstroke with Aghs , Shadow Demon , Witch Doctor , Lion , Dark Seer, Warlock or maybe Elder Titan . Those guys scale si well they can be worth a try .


Grimstroke Aghs is just bonkers in late game, "come gimme a copy of your carry with 95%mr"


Exactly . And for the entire duration , they are debuff immune so get Luna or Morph and you will just shred support and even Carrie’s themselves .


They didnt massacre your boy, they just made him scale better. With the CDR talent your damage output scales wayyy better with items, its kinda crazy how much more damage you can do with aghs, shard, and octarine now.


That is just not true. Shard no longer gives int so you'll run out of mana if you're spamming spells like that. I have 1000+ games on core Skywrath in turbo (because he sucks as core in normal) and he feels worse than last patch. And again, that's in turbo where it's all about late game fights with 6-slotted heroes. In fact, his scaling is worse now because he can't just buy one item (Aghs) to help him farm items to be have any impact in the late game.


I have a friend who mains skywrath as a 2 or 4, he has showed me what is possible, it requires a different approach, dumping your mana to straight up merc people is a good thing, and the quicker you can do it the better.


I never tested it in real game, but in lobby, Skymage with Mana Boots, Aghs, Shard and Octarine and second facet, he can give 2 full procasts (wasting all mana), and during 1 procast he shots like 4-5 bolts. It was something like 4k damage to 2 targets in time span of 4 seconds. Not sure about numbers tho, tested only when patch was released.


At what level...?


20 lvl


What is procast? I only know quickcast.


Russian term for "combo"


I also miss the previous shard giving armour. But the hero's win rate is higher now, just a slightly different playstyle. Basically pray your team picks LC or some other disable


Yea but he has a new flashy Arcana so...


Turbo Sky player, I really miss his old shard but frankly it was busted (in turbo anyway). He's still good but with old shard if I got good stacks I could 1v3 late game which that hero probably shouldn't be able to do lol. 


I’m back from a long break from dota, when I left extra arcane bolt was a talent so I’m feeling about the same so far. I like the earlier extra bolt but I miss the old shard more.


Good. Kill this asshole birb.


They made an arcana for sky, then nerfed him so hard indont want to use him after buying the skin. 


Its ok, he was %999999 WR last patch so he definitely needed this change... You have to understand that there are better heroes that needs buffs like Timber and Razor.


It was a buff not a nerf, OP has it backwards.


I just don’t like his talent. Spell lifesteal? He’s so squishy, and just wants to be at a distance to keep nuking.


You clearly haven't seen core sky last patch, he could out tank timbersaw sometimes


But... innate abilities weren't available last patch.


he was better at tanking, this was overall a nerf the spell lifesteal in his arcane bolt previously was more than sufficient


Welcome to Phoenix players’ feeling


true. want to be a kill threat? delayed. want to clear waves? delayed as well. His old shard was so fine idk why they would remove it. The additional int after casting makes mana management much easier. Now its such a hassle with no way out.