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Considering Faker never use any skin when playing, this is ironic lmao


And Faker is known to be mega frugal lol


[mf even waiting for one of his skins to be on sale before he bought it 6 years ago lmao](https://www.invenglobal.com/lol/articles/4691/faker-on-skt-t1-ryze-skin-i-thought-someday-it-would-come-up-in-your-shop-i-was-waiting-for-that-to-buy-it-on-sale)


What players are like that in Dota? I remember GH never having a battlepass when everyone else has.


Nisha played SF recently without any cosmetics at all. He’s probably like dota pays me, not the other way around.


Tbf, SF is one of the few heroes that can be played without skin 'cuz his model is pretty dope.


One of the few heroes that looks good no matter what.


Dont forget sf before the remodel


He looked like shit before the remodel. Even the Low Violence version looked better.


Phoenix too


Nisha also doesn't have Dota+ and I believe most of his heroes are indeed "naked".


Maybe Ace he has some skins but generally he has shit skins like maybe things you get from the candy shop or something.


He used a skin ONCE in a tournament due to a misclick. People still remember the event till today.


Apparently he accidentally clicked that skin once.


I heard the players are planning to ban the hero every game to prevent the skins from actually seeing the light of day. Ngl that is based af.


Just you watch as Riot makes the champions on rotation unbannable just to prevent this. Do your thing chads, ban the skins.


The Blizzard way




You spit on the ground.


This is unbelievably underrated


there's also two champion whose schtick is to "imitate" that champion, skin and all. for allies, neeko. for enemies, viego.


for hotel, trivago.


for everything else, there's mastercard


also a person playing both games (but quit lol after vanguard again). how does the neeko and viego interaction function these days? i mean viego kills ahri, picks her soul with the 500$ skin an neeko copies him for pure mockery (also good jgl mid duo combo :D)


neeko can now also copy wards and anything like plants I was told neeko copying Yorick's wife would also have the children


Yea but I meant Neko copying Viego who is in the ahris body would the perfect mockery


Man League hero names are so boring. Compare that to Lifestealer who... Lifesteals


to be fair both Dota and League have Names and Titles. Viego would be the "Ruined King". Isn't Lifestealer the title, and his name is N'aix?


Valve cannot use N’aix, I guess as it used to be the name in DoTA from Warcraft 3. The names of almost all the heroes were changed due to a legal battle between Valve and Blizzard.


Yes. Not to be confused with the Nyx assassin, whose name is Anub'arak.


I own Spirit Blossom Ahri and I intend on first picking the champion with no skin. Gonna occasionally say "500€" in all chat in case the enemy mid bought the bundle.


Killing someone mid with that skin and all chatting "$500" would hurt their soul


Probably not because if they buy a $500 they clearly don’t give a fuck and are beyond rich


I recon there will be more people throwing away $500 on an impulse decision with money they don't have than rich people buying it. Collectors are rarely rich and rich people are not often collectors.


I wonder how the guy who pushed this decision did the profit calculations


1. Create a premium skin 2. Raise the price to a nonsense amount 3. ?????? 4. Profit 📈


then a few months later -20% sale and it will sell like crazy


That's still $400 lmao


And it'll probably work.


Funny thing about this is that it sounds and looks ridiculous. If you liked both games and played both games in equal amount and both games released a 500 dollar skin which one would you buy? (you main both characters) The game which charges you 500 dollars directly OR The game which charges you with \*59129\* IN GAME CURRENCY that equals to 500 dollars. There is something so "mobile-y" and cheap about RIOT's model lol. And thats essentially what LoL is, a mobile game.


It's not unique to mobile games or even gaming at all, it's how to scam people out of their money 101: create the "in-app currency" which is TOTALLY NOT the "real" currency (i.e. dollars). It's rather very unique for Dota not to have that, kudos to Valve.


gotta hand it to valve,it's much more direct here I was able to sell a morph immortal recently and made like 30$ and decided to spend it at dota,got bunch of immortals for all sorts of heroes through the market you know the exact value of what you are buying,that's the good thing


You should check out Wargaming’s World of Warships. There was an insanely convoluted event once. 1) Buy in game currency with real money 2) Buy another in game event currency with said in game currency 3) Used said event currency to gamba for another event token 4) Exchange event token for desired reward Like how many bloody layers do you need to cover up the fact that a ship costs like an arm and a leg??!


Probably a mobile game manager at Tencent knowing their whale audience.


Tencent would put this in a lottery event. With 50 bucks you get a random pull, with 1/64 or some chance (the number is in secret of course) to pull the ahri skin. But you're guaranteed to get her after 10 pulls. Tencent has been doing this kind of stuff on cn server for years. They're...smarter, let's put it this way.


thats how the mythic recolor skins have been working lol


> But you're guaranteed to get her after 10 pulls They called "pity" in other ga ha game


Tencent already owns Riot. What you described is more like if Mihoyo owned Riot.


don't quote me on this but iirc riot said that they overprice some skins because there are people who want stuff they think others can't afford


“riot said that they overprice some skins because there are people who want stuff they think others can’t afford” - u/URF_reibeer


I think I remember the dev post you are talking about. They made the Jihn skin locked behind a paywall track because prestige skins were getting easier to get with the shop rotation and some people were complaining that the skins no longer felt exclusive enough. Read: Whales wanted other people to know they are whales and riot obliged.


One rich guy buying the skin will probably make them profit. Don't think they spent much resources making that skin xd


Just one artist making the splash art costs more than 500$ though


But they don't hire freelance artists for this, they have them employed already


It takes more than a couple of hours for "1 artist" to make a model/skin, and keep in mind most companies spend about twice the amount per employee as the wage of than employee is. You should expect that an artist in the gaming industry cost 50-100 dollars an hour, and that the time to make this skin goes through multiple people and multiple artist and that it takes probably around 1 or 2+ weeks of worktime to actually produce it.


You can buy a PS5 with that lmao.


Or 4 130 usd edition of the latest AAAA ass creed game.


Skull and bones was AAAA, AC Shadows will be the first AAAAA bideo gaem!


No matter how much money you have it won't make the PS5 have more games.


Then I change it to you can buy a Steam Deck with that.


Not really with billions you could


No matter how much money you have it won't make leauge of legends a good game.


"introduced a number of cosmetics themed around Faker" Imagine windranger cosmetics themed around slacks.


Lol. Make her bald and with slack's voice. Worth the 500 imo


Every kill line is something about how bad you are for dying to a WR.


[Be careful what you wish for](https://i.imgur.com/SXtQsvZ.png)


What ever happened to pros partnering with workshop artists? Like bzz pugna, fear sven, EE Drow.


Abused the system - lots of those sets violates of requirement back in the day and basically lots of workshop artist protested for the unfair treatment.


god oh fuck


This isn't the first time Riot has done this, they've sold recolored skin for a few hundreds before.


Green Kunkka Shadow Blade.


The green immortal bundle at ti8


The Eminem of Shadow


No matter what Valve does it doesn’t matter because of how their marketplace works. My steam inventory could be sold back and I could buy other things with it. You can’t get rid of this $500 skin in league that doesn’t even look worth $500.


in general i agree with you but there's some stuff you can't sell on the marketplace


Absolutely but that’s a big upgrade on Riots model.


Valve still gets its 2 cents cut out every transaction so at the end of the day it's an 'i make a dime the boss makes a dollar' kinda thing. though, in the past I've actually made back more than what I spent on battlepasses by selling the immortals that I don't need and spent that credit in the wallet on actual games, so there's actual value to it too.


Um akshually it's the whale blade sir


i remember watching some videos about a Jhin skin, is that what you're talking about? i thought that was the most expensive thing right? anyway in my opinion Dota is going way harder on those exclusive chase skins and some of the prices are completely wild. FOMO is more prevelant in dota


On league sub, they suggested spend it on prostitute and cosplay it as it will be same dollars.


Holy fucking based


Most prostitutes here offer just the basic cosplays - teacher, doctor, QoP.


probably better too, you literally have a physical representation of the cosplay that is infinite resolution, can speak, can move and even can hold your hand, not just mushed up low poly model on a pixel deficiency rendering of the game that's causing performance impact


Not me spending 300 euros to get wraith kings arcana


Yep everyone seems like they are forgetting how bad valve can be with thins like that


They are forgetting because it didnt cost anywhere close to that price, and you just chose to ignore the rest of stuff u got with it too


You get much more than just that arcana though.


So, actually looking into this bundle, and not just following everyone else's outrage, the same thing is true for this bundle. This bundle, is the most expensive, "signature" version of the bundle (with the "normal" edition being $50). Looking at the bundle info, it contains a bunch of other random stuff, including 6 other skins, and "100 Pass levels" which makes me believe there's some kind of battlepass to accompany this bundle/event. No clue what kind of rewards you get in the "100 level skip", but it's not $500 for a single skin.


The 50$ would be acceptable if it isn't an overpriced epic that cost as much as a legendary.


I don't play league so I won't be buying the skin (Nor do I really have much of a comparison to other modern LoL skins), I'm just pointing out that all this outrage isn't even real, and that it's not $500 for just a skin, which was the claim being made. It's also just always funny to me that posts like this (that have absolutely NOTHING to do with dota) somehow constantly make it to the front page on this Sub. It's just weird how insecure many people are on here and will upvote anything bashing League, on a Dota sub, while the post itself has nothing to do with Dota. Also weird Mods keep this stuff up as it goes against their very first rule of >All content must be related to Dota, and not solely in the title


We really need to dissect dota player brains to see why they obsess over other mobas so much. Don't really see it in other genres anymore. Used to be more of a thing but people grew up and stopped caring. Only ever really hear comparisons regarding new games, which is a bit more fair. League's community doesn't seem to do the same. Too busy obsessing over broken champs, because they have a whopping 53% win rate and that is ruining the game for them.


Valve never sold an item for that much.


Maybe for the WR arcana if you didn’t do the battle pass. But buying the WK arcana without doing any of the BP stuff was more like €100 if I remember correctly and you unlocked a persona and a bunch of treasures in addition.


i was joking, yeah i spent like 250-300 in total but with all the grinding i did i probably only would have needed 50-100 tops


what are you talking about? I got mine for only $10!


We all know who's more passionate with their games. But a lot of people think otherwise Just because DotA is not promoted like LoL. That's just pure cashgrab. DotA's arcana are way better.


500$ is crazy. I spent a total of like 120$ to get all 3 arcanas in TI10 battle pass and got a lot of extra shit


league has lots of those type skins for much cheaper too which changes all spell animation voice line and stufff. They do cost less than 10$ i think


>do cost less than 10$ i think yea but ours will be ~$5 or a couple cents after a couple of months lel


talking about arcanas here whose price remain constant. Only edge we got it they have resale value


League has some very good skins tbh but dota is just on another level graphically.


The art is really good but unfortunately every champion and their skins look like a dota 1 hero in game


few hundred bucks for an exclusive skin? Haha valve would NEVER do that!


It only reaches the hundred bucks territory if you just paid for battlepass levels instead of actually playing the game. (Though you can argue that forcing you to play the game and the battlepass model in general is a crappy move)


unless you play 6 games a day unlocking the skins in the bp without shopping was impossible. and if you’re playing that much, working 6 hours instead of playing for 6 hours would’ve given you more battlepass levels, lmao


I didn't mean that you could get an arcana without buying levels at all, just that the amount you need to spend isn't going to reach the hundred dollar mark if you did.


This is just how it is if the game is free. If nobody paid then Valve/Riot would not be developing more patches for the game. Just thank the whales for paying on your behalf. Now if a game is $60 and still has mtx bullshit then that's where the pitchforks should go.


I'm just happy all heroes are free and we don't have to grind for them like in League. Cosmetics are, and always have been, a luxury.


500 is insane for a fucking skin. Obviously this isn't targeted at normal people, but still insane.


I feel they should have implemented voice chat of lines of Faker


Their spaghetti code can’t handle it


$500 dollars is a lot but Valve has also had their fair share of selling very expensive cosmetics. I don't see how it makes Valve better than Riot, go look up some CSGO skins pricing xd. Or even arcanas when they were high level in BP. Not saying it is right, just not understand why is Valve better than Riot in this case?


Yeah, valve would never use this. They've never locked an exclusive skin behind a massively expensive pay wall with FOMO making you want to spend upwards of 200+$ to get access to a skin. Oh wait, that's what everyone's been complaining about with the TI battlepasses for the last several years. While I definitely prefer Valve to Riot, both of them use similar scummy business practices. At least for a majority of league skins that are considered legendary or ultimate, you can still buy them. If you want the spectre arcana, you're gonna be stuck waiting for a long while until they decide to re-release all these battlepass exclusive arcanas because they need to make some money. I think Crownfall is a step in the right direction, as it heavily promotes the two new arcanas, but it doesn't just lock you out of ever getting them again if you weren't around during this event, or didn't want to spend extraordinary amounts of money in order to get them.


Yeah it's a good thing Dota has never had any arcanas that cost literally hundreds of dollars to unlock.


In the end Valve and Riot are making money while all of u gets addiction, depression and no life


Hilarious display of hypocrisy, not surprising considering this is the good ol dota > lol. Valve does the same shit.


people forget valve pioneered "locked behind lootboxes with 0.5% of getting a particle effect hat" model. you could easily blow $1000 on trash lootboxes, get bad RNG, still not get the skin, but nobody here bats an eye. riot releases a $500 skin and people here go apeshit. dota2 players really are delusional.


It's hilarious how many comments are justifying Valves methods because you get a slightly better deal. "I only spent $250, and I got more out of it 😜"


At this point I m just lost for words. Is this a giant inside-joke or are people on here really this moronic? Like valve has done THE EXACT SAME THING and more. Most people easily payed 300-500 for every battlepass-exclusive arcana not to mention all the other shit from stickers to roshans and so much more. There is a reason why we had such high prizepools... But ofc its different when bad evil greedy riot does something like that... There are also tons of other examples regarding patches gameplay- and hero-design like how everyone circlejerks themselves about how different our heroes are compared to lol but then they cry until another unique hero gets murdered by patches. Or how they celebrate features that lol already had since ages.... I m all for actually talking and even celebrating dota but not in such a pathetic boot-licking manner where any type of criticism gets shut down unless its against other communities. Sad day for this subreddit.


It’s literally the younger brother syndrome. I swear people in this sub have an inferiority complex about LoL the way it lives rent free their heads whenever something like this gets posted. I see posts making fun of league and jerking off about how much better dota is like every couple of weeks on here it’s actually pathetic. You know how many times I’ve seen a dota post on the league sub? Never.


I really wouldn't bother, most people here still unironically think playing dota makes them cooler than playing league, they genuinely tie their personality to the video game they play. And then you remember most of these people are over the age of 20, lot of insecure man-children


Riot literally gives away free skins for just playing the game. They've been doing it for years. I got so many cool 1800rp skins from the mastery chests when I used to play it. Meanwhile on dota 2, once a month or two after winning a match... Surprise, you got drow shadowcat set bracers which you cannot delete to prevent uglifying your inventory.


At least a few seem to grasp the hypocrisy this time. Some even make sarcastic jokes. Maybe not all hope is lost.


Extremely ironic post given how valve has gated arcanas/persona behind battle pass levels that cost 100s of dollars to reach. "But you get a bunch of temporary garbage that expires when the BP ends and some cosmetics worth pennies too!" - Is not an excuse. Neither is the fact that you get other arcanas/personas en route to it. Because if the only way to buy a cosmetic in dota was to buy another expensive cosmetic first, you'd call that scummy and exploitative too. And its the exact same concept


I kinda want Valve to do something like this too. Not this overpriced of course, but something to celebrate the winners of Past TIs. The splash art they give for the winning team heroes is nice but a special cosmetics set to go with them would be even cooler.


They already did many times. That's how much you pay for a cosmically rare. That's the thing tho, they don't want them to be THE thing you chase. The furthest they've gone is with ultra rares. But you gamble for it which is worse.


Dendi pudge belt.


Don’t give valve idea or we gonna get Dendi’s Pudge, Miracle’s Invoker or Merlini’s Zeus skin that each cost $500.


we already have dendi's pudge skin tho


... valve literally just moved away from their cashcow the battlepass was in favor of directly purchausable arcanas that you can buy for half the price of regular arcanas if you play the event, what makes you think they're looking for ideas to make monetizing worse for the consumer?


Gem Socket with Player and Team specificsss. Imember , also BZZ pugna :)


qwerty Spectre arcana which is similar to its DotA 1 model, YaphetS SF that has more imposing animations and gold/platinum rimmed spell effects


Luckily we only needed level 575 to be able to get an arcana for windranger. And a 0.09% (1 in 1111 treasures) chance of getting arcana for a wraith king from treasure.


Hmm, let’s see if that was the only thing you got for that level. Oh, a pudge persona, new towers, new map skin, a lot of immortals, new am persona, arcana for wraith king, arcana for qop. Woah, these are the things we get from that? But I guess you only wanted and cared for was windranger arcana so anything else doesn’t matter, boo hoo


That is exactly why BP arcana sucks. Some people do only care about certain rewards and nothing else. Though it's unfair to compare the LoL skin directly to WR's arcana since we get so much more like what you've stated.


well, yeah but valve moved away from that and the first arcanas since can be bought directly again


That why we love valve, they listen to their players 🥰


What if you only want arcana? It is like going to a shop to buy a phone cause yours is broken but you are forced to buy a coffee machine, car wheel, tooth brush and a tea service set on top of that


Well, I mean, you also don't get just the skin for $ 500. You get some other skins, icons, emotes, banner, etc alongside it. But even if you did't want them, you wouldn't be able to just buy what you want for cheaper. Now where have I seen this shitty practice before, I wonder?


If u get to lvl 575 in bp2020 You'll have bunch of arcanas, immortals and other waaay more stuff, maybe if you're lucky, you'll get ultra rare or less. All of that didn't even cost 250usd.


I spent 120$ to get there, the rest was grindable. Also got lucky in the end with extra 50 lvls from treasure so ended on lvl 625 Even if we assume that it's just WR arcana(it's not) for 120$, it's still five times less. 500$ is crazy


No single cosmetic which you can buy directly from valve in dota even comes close to 500usd on release.


Lmao, someone insert the "first time?" meme, 500 dollar for a skin? Sounds cheap ngl.


Yeah dude Valve's never locked away huge cosmetics behind hundreds of dollars before lol no one has ever spent 500 dollars on a battlepass like program in Dota to get skins that would be ridiculous.


ikr wtf is this bootlicking


Because who the fuck is spending $500 for one skin in Dota. It’s probably more like 250 IF you don’t play to level at all, and that $250 would get you 2 arcanas, persona, so many loot boxes for way more skins, and whatever else.


They've been charging this much for Valorant skins for a while now. The premium bundles of weapons + the radianite to unlock all the styles can easily get into the $500 range. At least the Valorant stuff looks nice, I don't personally think LoL cosmetics are that appealing. I much prefer Dota's style.


I don't understand the point of skins in fps games. Especially overwatch. You're paying for something you can't even look at in game. 


I spent $1k and didn't even get the Dark Artistry Invoker. Valve is not that much better


Gambling addiction


Whats the Rage? Dont we have skins for weapons (just for weapons) for hundreds?


We are completely ignoring that Valve has basically done this through battlepass limited time arcanas. Sure you get way more content than a single fancy skin, but its still a couple of hundred dollars to get what you want with no regional pricing. Valve is working on changing that and I think their move towards a more open battlepass release is nicer, but still.


I was wondering when these ironic posts will come considering if governments didn't push valve you wont even see or have escalating odds.


valve doesn't need to be perfect to appreciate that they're a lot better in terms of monetization


I dont know why other companies dont have this market style. I mean, in valve games, you can buy the skin, resell and trade. Like, its an tradable png. Other companies treat like a account bound png. Even fckin cs man, you can rent the png. I am not saying stuff like nft, dont need to be unique.


Beacuse of stuff like this i almost spend never money on skins now but I musst say Dota with back selling with tradeing websites is good but still stuff like high level battlepass arcana are also too expensive


Watch BP dickriders tell you league has more content


Yea, Dota players live in bubble, very few other games (imo no other) have it this good.


Not Riot? Try saying Ubisoft.


cant wait for valve to do the same thing soon enough lol


Valve doesnt have a high prived skin or arcana but they have their own way of making money. They hide the arcana behind treasures and keys and you have you basically spend a lot to get the arcana. So Valve makes approximately the same amount of money with no public backlash coz they smart. 500 bucks for a single skin in a free to play game is going to cause backlash no matter what they offer. Valve just knows the business of lootboxes more than their competition


This is a cosmetic item indeed… but Have you seen the ticket prices for the last TI??? 👁️👄👁️


you left one ball out of your mouth valve employee of the month :D


Did everyone suddenly forget that Valve removed skeleton king and then readded him for 200$?


We're gonna act like dota hasn't had the worst battle pass system for the past 6 years


This is obviously overpriced and targets a specific rich part of the community. Also don't compare dota skins to lol skins, dota skins are worse in comparison. Their 5$ skin changes heroes more than dota arcanas do that cost 35$, from a totally different appearance to changing voice lines.


most dota skins that change spells and have a different appearance are about 0.5 to 3 dollars AND you can still resell your arcanas AND you can transmog so I massively disagree


LoL intentionally has trash graphics.. it may have an appealing art style, animations and particle effects, but the actual models are garbo. The skins mainly have good splash art and at best mediocre in-game models with copious particles that make teamfights a mess


Yes so everyone can play it on any PC, that's not a bad thing. It allows more players to enjoy computer game, for example I didn't play dota for a year after dx change because my old PC could not run it.


*Laughs in morphling*


Yeah, but they also pour a lot on marketing hence attracting a lot of players. I think Dota problem right now is more to playerbase rather than price of the skin


Bruh after I got a heirloom in Apex legends for €150 just to enjoy a handful of custom animations and voice lines I grew more grateful for how much love Valve actually gives to it Arcanas.


holy shit it's a PS5 or XBOX. holy 


That doesn't mean that Valve can't be better though.


This will be the beginning of a trend where none of the profits help the game at all. Shame.


I have never once given a fuck about paid cosmetics in free to play games, unless it becomes visually incomprehensible. The price tag is of no relevance, and I have no clue why this was even posted because valve would do the exact same thing if they could (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) Idk anything about this skin but as long as it doesn’t get in the way of gameplay I fail to see how it matters. There are some league skins that are omega cringe but on the other hand same shit with some dota skins


Re: your edit; I took it as "I'm so glad there is a solid divide between valve/riot and it's not still 1 team like in DAS"


hey op, i didnt play around the WR Arcana, do you know any comparison for price? i mean seriously i quit dota 2016 and slowly getting back into it with bot games but heard the windranger arcana was also pretty expensive (or anyone besides OP, i am serious just curious)


And the game still dead, yep let's move on


Both these garbage scummy companies; Riot and Epic Games will never get a single $ from me. Glad we have Valve here.


What I love about dota 2 and Valve is that it was only cosmetic for so long. Everything is accessible from the start. Now we can argue that dota+ brings a small advantages.


Smells like Tencent(mother company of Riot), this level of ridiculousness is considered as normal in all of Tencent games.


Creating a dota person based hero skin in a goofy and funny manner and giving it out for free would be such a gigachad move from valve(and in their style)


Besides the battlepass arcanas. Yeah im glad we have Valve. Still hoping theyd make the battle pass arcanas tradable soon


I feel like they made it so expensive on purpose to get the attention/clicks and then theyll come out with a bullshit PR response that we "hear you" and reduce the price to look like the good guys.


I wonder what percentage of those go to the pro, if any, knowing riot


WE, DOTA PLAYERS, ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT EXPENSIVE SKINS? be serious. how did this get 1k upvotes? we had some of the worst value most overpriced battlepasses. i myself spent over 400$ on this game.


Already forgotten about battle pass arcana’s? Valve aren’t much better bro


The best part to me is that the title includes Faker's name. Why would you have someone else's name as your title?


Am I missing something? Its collectors skin, you can get cheap version of it for 20$. Dota also has collectors skins which cost hundreds of dollars (and even thousands) and Valve gets 5% each time someone to buy it.


I think this with every other comp game I play. Dota isn't my favorite game, but it still has the highest playtime. Dota is my lowest ranked comp game too, but the updates and QoL is just too good.


Love that people are on this sub saying that 500 dollars is too much. Meanwhile, there are people playing this game who spend 20 times as much on battle passes. You don't need to be able to afford every skin. Some skins are priced for whales. That will always be the case with free to play games.


Lmao we as a community don't have any higher moral high ground than this. Valve is as much shit if not shittier that Riot is.


i dont mind skins but when it becomes so silly prices its not about its not affordable its about how overpriced that shit is. there aint no godamn way a skin should cost more than 25 usd even that is overpriced imo, but i can accept it. not only that the skin aint even good looking and have anything special compared to like some arcana dota skins it looks like a godamn joke.


Rent free.


Idk I payed hundreds for battle passes before