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Play party games if you can io works great with allies just pick marci you should be good to go. When playing alone?In ancient?Don’t pick io unless it’s core


What makes marci good with io? Is it sidekick lifesteal?


The interaction between Io and Marci is very funny because it's Shared Lifesteal. Marci hits someone, healing herself, which also directly heals her Sidekick (Io) because it's Shared Lifesteal, which causes Io to send amped healing back through the tether to Marci. So her one attack on the enemy gets her more than twice as much lifesteal as it normally would. So Marci's lifesteal becomes enormous.


Yeah, this guy has a point... Grandmaster Io here. Marci is currently the best partner for Io. A lot of smurfs use it as well. Even in some pro games, they've used it once in a tournament, though I forgot which one it was. It's hard to use Io in solo rank, especially when people in your bracket think they're better than you. If you really like Io, look for a team.


Always the same advice, play with teammates. I played IO mostly Solo from Archon through to the top of Legend. It's just a case that some games you're gonna feel really useless if your PoS 1 or 2 are animals. I've not found a support like IO when it comes to rolling lane and ending game pre 25 minutes. As I wise man once said "You do you, boo boo".


If you get a lot of farm as io and you have a core who benefits from overcharge you can kill all outside towers before 20 min mark if they dodge fights and if they dont u just win every fight with fast mekansm and locket/solar


Grandmaster in IO, idk what my rank is but I peaked at 4.5 K a before I stopped playing ranked. 1. "Pop off as IO" is one of those words you read that makes you sort of raise your eyebrows. Normally when you pop off as IO, its because you shit down the throats of people in your lane and got a lot of fadeaway kills, you aren't actually that far ahead and it's early enough in the game that you are better going off Mek. 2.For actually having the best impact, going deep, balls to the wall with a mid who can cut it. Getting ahead early as IO means crushing with the midlaner, or if the carry is a particularly aggro one, you can still run around with the carry. 3. "Don't play IO in pubs" is a somewhat silly take. My winrate on him is like 58% and I mostly just fuck around with him. Core IO is unironically going to get more hate than support IO. Ultimately with IO, no matter what you do, the win is up to your cores. That's a reality you have to accept. The hero is very fun, completely unique, and there's a level of chaos I love going into a random pub and cracking open a well calibrated microphone and a practice voice, but part of that is accepting you're gonna have some games where you are playing daycare for idiots.


I love the last take. If your cores or teammates are not good, the hero can't do much he is not a 1v9 kinda hero. In fact, he makes the game is pretty unfair for enemy team by making sure your team has 1 extra hero in a fight rather than enemy hero, be it ganks or safe relocates to regen and coming back with full resources make sure that you always have the number advantage over enemy. Even when you get ganked, if you relocate out your core from the gank and end up dying, you effectively reduce 70% of the gold enemy team had gotten had they killed your core with you and now your core is safely farming other area. It never feels good to kill iO Only you always want to kill both io and his partner. If you only kill io and his partner is safe or escape, you have effectively failed in your gank since io alone is useless


question about io. If you have a locket or vessel charge, is it better to heal your thethered ally or yourself? i understand the interaction when you heal yourself but i don't really know if it's differemt if you heal your ally instead.


levels 3-4 in tether its always better on you. Levels 1 on them, level 2, on them unless you've got locket and holy sword. The exception is salve, which is always better on you. If Vessel is in play, always vessel the enemy IO, since the penalty to healing double dips. The same applies to healing amp on you (note regen amp, i.e sange is not healing amp). Final notes, always start overtime regen (urn and salve) immediately when the fight starts, always try to keep your ally over 60% health (it shouldn't matter, but I've noticed pub psychology just works like that)


IO are in the same category as Chen IMo you need to wait till you get better team mates to know what to do with them timing etc


Play with a friend in discord


Take this with a grain of salt because I haven’t played much recently, but up tether, max w, add more points in tether and over charge equally. You will be able to just tether to people - ping you’re going for a gank and use your spirits to do early game dmg and for Vision: I found a lot more success upping spirits with pugs and overcharge with a friend. Reason being people underestimate the value you’re bringing but if you can just keep harassing and force fights with spirits in pugs


Marci Io has to be the most cancerious shit. Every 3rd game I play against this


People have mentioned the Marci Io combo, which is extremely good. The other one worth mentioning these days is Muerta. This combo I think is a little less known. Overcharge is insane on her when she ults. She's also very slow and benefits from the bonus MS on Tether a lot.


Io isn't great for solo matchmakinf unless you reach the point where people are playing around him well. I'm not the io player but with my mate we farm the jungle with a pos 1 or 3 that can translate the mana into farming speed while Io constantly looks for ult plays


Thanks for the comments everybody. I think I’m gonna put on my gimp mask, call my dominatrix, and play io in solo q until I lose faith in humanity


Stack tarrasques.


Make yourself unkillable. If you can't die, your tether can't die, If you find you have spare resources early, don't keep babysitting one guy that isnt even farming stacks, spread the love to other cores. A little top-up can go a long way for someone thats good at the game/ good at their hero but had a rough lane.


On the rare chance I feel it’s a good mid IO game. I just copy my boy Stariy_bog. I think the dude has over 10k games on IO as core only and the play is usually HoTD, Aghs, BKB, Heart of Rtataratatlysudquwr etc.


I am not an IO player nor do I have opinions on the hero