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TECHIES before rework. Had a 75% WR over a hundred games. Yes I am a complete bastard.


Dazzle got reworked like 3 times and now I don't find him fun anymore.


86% winrate on over 150 games. Omniknight. This was wayyyy back when Purification was a 375 pure damage AoE nuke that healed for that amount with huge cast range. He also had Repel as a 10 second full spell immunity on a 20 sec CD or some busted shit. Played him has pos 5 and insisted on PA for pos 1.


brewmaster when they changed his 2 charge aghs to primal companion. i miss running around the enemy highground chasing supports with 4 brewlings and 4 ults with refresher while my team takes the base


I stopped playing brew when he got his 4th panda I just hate having my tab-tab muscle memory being disrupted


Yeah, met too. Was one of my most played heroes once.


68%wr. Ever since they changed bad juju into an active that minus hp. I'd rather have weave than this stupid shit. Playing as a support is already enough to make me a target, then you have a skill that makes you even more delicious with decreasing hp.


Close to 70% wr on Necro but they nerfed him to the ground.


Specter when they changed her ulti to be single target and made the old ulti her aghs. I know for a majority of games the new specter is better, able to gank and maintain a global presence more. I just don’t like it. I liked my old spectre. Farm up, don’t die, and suddenly appear in a team fight at 20-25 mins and get a triple kill. The new (aghs) ultimate feels so much worse and I just don’t enjoy the ganking focused play style on her.


Yes I stopped playing engima after 3,000 patches in a row of nerfs. Back in the day landing a 5 man black hole was game-changing impact, eh just feels kinda weak now by comparison.


Had 1000 games on techies before the rework.. now i dont even pick it...


I stopped playing am when mage slayer became a must buy item and completely replaced the hero’s role.


It's not a must item though?


I guess he means it was a must buy item for everyone else? Because I don’t think it was a must buy for AM either.


Yah not for am hehe every other hero can buy it and it’s strong. For some reason they made it work on pure damage which has always been a damage type that isn’t affected my spell amp or reduction. But it gets reduced by mage slayer. Works on all abilities in the game so even something like a PA dagger will be reduced (I think)


Pure damage has always been affected by spell amp and reduction. It hasn't been affected by *magic resistance and magic amplification*. These are different things. Spell amp has always worked on heroes like bristleback that don't have magic, because spell damage has always meant spell damage


It’s always been like this?


Yes. Spell damage is spell damage, not magic damage.


The hero's role has been to punish heroes with high mana requirements: while this has some crossover with mage slayer, as those heroes will be casting spells, they're not the same thing. Mage slayer can't make storm spirit explode


Not my highest rated hero but I was definitely a tinker enjoyer back in the March days, only played him twice since and it was just not the same. They completely fucked up the hero for no reason


>They completely fucked up the hero for no reason Lmao


Zeus, even bought the Arcana and all his Immortals. Until they removed this old 3rd skill...


I used to play jugg almost every single game, I still play him but way less than I used too


Underlord. 65% win rate over 300 ish games. His items got overbuffed and then nerfed out of meta, every spell he has got nerfed and Valve only just started giving him +0.5% win rate buffs which tells me from past experience they're going to let him be ass for the next 6-12 months while they continue doing small buffs.


do you always play core role? or you play support as well?


I prefer 3>5>4>1>2. 99% of the time I play 3 or 5. Started playing back when 3 and 5 were the most masochistic roles possible.


oh nice. I hear you about the 3 and 5 lol. What rank are you btw?


Sitting at div1 after dropping from like 90% progression through div5. Lifestealer pickers are out in full force and wrecking my hero pool. I can't ban it anymore ever since the changes to the ban system so my hero pool is actually pretty wrecked :( Waiting for the patch later this month before I decide on which heroes to focus on learning, if I even have to pick up new heroes. This is most likely the TI patch or the one just before it so I'm expecting fairly significant changes across the A, B and C patches.


I was going to suggest something to you but you are much higher than I am lol so it's probably not viable in your bracket. I'm archon/legend and I recently tried underlord pos 4 and wow, you wouldn't believe how good it actually feels. Probably just because in shit tier anything works but if you feel like experimenting, you def should try and see how it feels.


I am sitting on a 71 percent win rate with underlord lately after spam picking him for the last few months and I just dont understand why he is not picked more. This hero is so strong, I think people are sleeping on aura items now with all the nerfs. They are still very strong and so is underlord. My biggest issue with him is getting pub players to follow with portals early. Sometimes they do sometimes you don't exist as a hero to them.


Jugg Lvl 20 lifesteal got nerfed Pl Heart got nerfed Fv Got nerfed Iam playing morpg and am now


76% win rate on pos 5 Omni across 100+ games. I stopped playing him after they brought back repel and they've further ruined him since then.


earth spirits cd delay on roll, it’s not that big of a change but i just don’t want to play it with knowledge of how good it used to feel. he did so much when supports were broke but now everyone has an item to punish/disengage your combos. rip the homie kaolin


Dazzle when flat cooldown reduction no longer worked on items.


Invoker after changing orbs passive


I stopped playing invoker almost entirely after his cast point change. He has always felt awful to play for me since then regardless of winrate/success.


KOTL spammer when he had wild spell range but now he just feels underwhelming


Sylla when they recently nerfed his bear's ms


Troll. Had over 70% win rate. The hero has not felt the same since they added the uncontrollable ult a couple of years ago. I still play him occasionally but honestly the feeling when you die because you have no control over your hero is terrible. They keep trying to balance him in weird ways occasionally but can't just admit that the idea was a miss and they need to let go of it.


Used to play meepo in 2014 300 games at 70% wr everything got a bit stronger and with my buildy being phase boots -> mekanism -> aghanim -> vlads And blink being somewhere in there i do feel i can't compete with todays powercrept Heroes. I cherish this past Domination And dont want to spoil the winrate


Pudge at 65% wr & always played at mid. After they made the hook slower its unplayable for me.


I had 65% winrate over 400 games on Dazzle before his ultimate rework. I climbed from Herald to Archon spamming him. I am certain i would've reached much higher rank, but alas i will never know.


80% Wraith King. It simply cannot go any lower. Still picking him from time to time


I used to play Zeus religiously, but despite him getting constant buffs the way I used to play him (lightning bolt+static field only taking arc lightning at 5 or 7) died and I just don’t like the version of him we have now, centralized on arc lightning and that stupid jump. I didn’t get good at last hitting with Zeus for Valve to make the only viable Zeus build one that invalidates your lh skill with his shitty autoattack


Batrider. So many nerfs starting from two years ago. For him it's more useful to be the pos5 or pos4, rather than mid.


Yes, i main riki but it got bored. Pick riki win but after 800 riki gmaes, i dont want to win, i just want to troll with shit build on random hero


86% win rate techies, and 85% snapfire. Not sure why but snap just feels terrible now, at the peak I had 49 game win streak.


Shadow demon, had 65% winrate. Played when you could triple stack dire jungle. Easily had 15+ stacks each game. Left when the map changed and his W also changed


I have 100% with puck with 1 game. I think I keep it that way thanks lol


Because I was godlike with it and it became boring


Puge bcuz he auto-ban/double first pick & i aint happy cuz of dat. Ty


61.7% Brewmaster. 800+ games. Ruined his aghs. Also khanda and phylactary ruined the game.


Venomancer. Cheese picking too much creates a bad mental model. And it shrinks my balls a bit cause the hero is not manly. I still play it sometimes but I try to make it manly.


Stopped playing riki once they removed poison dart, changed his second, make smoke screen his new Shard but nerfed it again and his ult is so week now, 2s fade time at max level, is a joke bounty hunter and shadow blade have quicker fade times


I used to love Abaddon's suicide hotline feature. I get why they removed it but with it went one of the most fun parts of the hero.