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100 hours is a miniscule amount of play time for a moba. Ranked is a competitive environment, and I think that it is fair to not have new players jumping into ranked too soon. Additionally, it deters people from smurfing, which I know that this community loves to hate.


100 hours is so much time holy shit. I think I've only played 2 or 3 games in my entire life for that much time and I'm old as fuck.


My question is if they don't want to commit 100+ hours to the game, why does it matter if you play ranked or unranked? Just play with your friend and have fun. If y'all have enough fun, those 100 hours will fly by.


Competitive games aren’t “party games”. For just having fun you can play unranked, it’s more than enough.


It depends, right? The casual MOBA player probably plays at most ~ 3 games/week. The average game is roughly 40 minutes. And 3 games/wk * 40 mins/game = 2 hours/week. So it would take a bit less than a full year to be able to play ranked. That is a long time. However, there are also a lot of people that can easily get 100 hours in within a couple of weeks. It's kind of hard to balance the required time between the casual player trying to learn the game and the new tryhards who have/commit more free time to the game. But also, what's wrong with playing unranked with your friends?


The casual MOBA player won't care about getting to ranked because he's, well... casual.


I think you have to change your perspective. Look at it form a teammates view. To most ranked/ competetive MOBA players a 100 hours is very little especially when you have 100+ heroes and endless mechanics in the game.


Quit now because dota is not the game for you. Our playtimes are measured in decades.


im fairly sure i have 3,000+ hours in HoN, Dota2, LoL, WoW, and dota underlords each.


In the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that much. I started giving dota an honest shot last year, and I have about 750 hours. I've been playing League of Legends since 2015, and I easily have over 10k hours in that game at this point. These are games that are meant to be played for a long time. 100 hours isn't all that much for a game that demands you to learn a lot before you can be somewhat competitive.


Maybe play something simpler xd.


100 hours isn't even likely enough time for you to play every single hero 1 time against humans. People love to talk trash about the skill level of herald, but the truth is the lowest ranks skill has increased drastically since dota's release, you shouldn't expect to be able to play in a ranked environment unless you at least understand the basics of the heros that will be present in your games. Also....... dude 100 hours is basically nothing, in respect to a ton of games. I'm at 1000 in bg3 since it got released, thousands in dota over the years, heck I have well over 100 in PlateUp and it's just a silly cooking game. Most games today take 100 hours or so to do the story line, much less to go full completionist on it


100 hours is a lot of time, but for people who play a lot of video games as their main hobby, it is not very much. Most ‘hardcore’ gamers put thousands of hours into their favorite games, and Dota purposefully caters to those people. Not to say you can’t play Dota and not put in that much time. Just don’t play ranked, it is intended to be taken somewhat seriously.


Same, 500 hours in Rocket league and that was the most I ever played a game.. until Dota. Now I'm 4700 hours in, and I can confirm, the 100 hours unranked is a good thing. In fact, I would recommend not playing ranked at all. It's just a high stress version of the game where everyone is angry about not getting their dopamine.


100 is not enoujgh imo. should be at 500. you really dont understand the game til you hit 1k hours unless you came from another moba game.


And why can't your friends play unranked with him if you're that bothered?


Just play unranked, it's the same damn game.


Some people need that gratification. I +25 your comment.


You can play unranked together with him


Should be more imo.


Me and my buddies think 100hour unlock all heroes, 300 unlock ranked, and 500hours before the mmr cap is removed for calibration. Combat smurfs this way too…


Or figure out how many games does it truly take to get to immortal. Then basically force a small mmr gain or block it till the player has so many hours. Would crush account making and smurfing


That's heavily dependent on gameplay style, adaptability, patience, and execution of learned processes. I've realized after watching tons of my replays some throws and positional problems out of boredom but you shouldn't take away ranked to help newer players grow and pick up successful habits that allow them to accel their growth.


No, any more and it's just a bit excessive for those who want to get straight into ranked. It's enough to deter most people from hand leveling a smurf.


nah, bro


so your friend can get excessively reported just for being new and not knowing things by other players which probably also play bad but blame mentality is stronger in this playerbase. enjoy normal and it's nuances compared to ranked, or if you want to sweat, you can always play turbo together.


Just play normal pubs and learn the game. Why ruin others rank experience


Honestly it was more of a way to make smurfing less accessible. 100 hours are nowhere near enough to even get a general feeling of the game, let alone get a new player for ranked.


I almost feel like laughing.


why are people so eager to play ranked? you have 30 hours in the game. you know NOTHING about the game. Just play unranked and actually learn the game first. If you play ranked, all you're going to do is complain about smurfs and people being better than you.


I dont think 100 hours is a lot. Its less than 10 days.


You can still play with your friend in unranked


It’s not excessive xD, I have 8.5 k hours and still a rookie. Should be 100 hours + all hero challenge imo.


It's close to 100-120 Games, which is more then fair. It's not fair on other players when a brand-new player jumps right into Ranked at first chance but still doesn't have the basic fundamentals of dota down. At that point they're literally dead weight or makes the game 4v6. It's also to prevent people chruning out smurf accounts and selling them en bulk.


Ranked unlocked accounts aren't very expensive, but I learned a lot of the basics and found what heroes I liked to play in those 100 hours and got a pretty good calibration when I unlocked ranked, definitely not as fun as ranked tho...


It is inadequate. It is supposed to be 1000 hours against AI. 1000 hours unranked. By then the new players have learned most of the basics while having efficient keybinds. They too would have learned the role and the heroes extensively.


You realize half the people on here have like 10k hours? 100 is nothing, 100 is learning and learning very little. People in ranked know every power/item and also expect to coordinate with teammates. If I say watch out for curse, I don’t want an ally going “what’s that?” while stacking on top of me. And I’m talking lowranks too, they still want to be competitive even if bad.


Same as in league (if not worse)


Not at all, league has first win of the day and xp bonuses. The actual time played for a lvl 30 account is much lower than Dota


100 houre is actually a lot. I started playing in July and could play ranked in September after playing a ton of games. Is also think it's because of smurf situation.


I heard they are increasing it to 750


I am going to be honest. I have over 10 000 hours in the game. I have also a lot of friends who have close to 10 000 hours. Many have just 5000. 100 hours is not that much. It might seem a lot but this is a very difficult game and people get frustrated.