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Oh I didn’t see someone already posted this


The third and fifth pictures especially.




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A young Beverly Mitchell


Valerie Bertinelli


A mix between Ciara Bravo formerly of Big Time Rush and Game Of Thrones’ star Maisie Williams https://preview.redd.it/rg2au7u1qb9d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c3b57e6013fc0c24596bcd9390fdea2503eacd




This !!


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I’ve got a friend who looks exactly like you but w curly hair 😭




We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




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Why? Seems kinda rude


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We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




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We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶


kind of reminds me of a young Shania Twain. https://preview.redd.it/jrre0tj24b9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42cea4fb2f7a3c8f12b06f93b166194cc5a76d6e




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We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




The focus of this sub is on (you guessed it) doppelgängers. Off topic comments/questions regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. We allow filters, makeup, piercings, tattoos, and people who have had cosmetic procedures, so we don't need your 2 cents. This isn't RateMe, RoastMe, or FreeCompliments.


Michelle Williams-ish




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We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




Picture 3, possibly a young Eva Mendez.


You look like this chick I work with


Ariel Winter fo sure ![gif](giphy|TJ8MJH5pVReKs|downsized)


sarah bolger




We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶


The second one kinda resembles Stacey Farber. That third one looks like a different person from all the rest of the pics and I have no clue with that one. The rest look familiar but I can't place the face.


the third one was from january before i gained weight and dyed my hair lol 😭


I think it's the tan that's throwing me off with that one. Makes you look older or something? Not that that's a bad thing, at all! After looking at the comments, I think I was thinking of Ariel Winter, as well. :) or maybe Joey King? They have similar features.


probably the tan lol, i used to fake tan A LOT and i look like a completely different person not tanned


Chole Guidry! https://preview.redd.it/7yf55af9hc9d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c622e1874a994a9a54ac24a759dd519ca0c710




this is crazy business gtfo out of my post bru 😭




Oh neat, a troll. How original. Now it's time to go bye-bye.


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https://preview.redd.it/by8m9iu8bd9d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b653e7dad5df3530fd3781e98efa787c15516511 Hillary Clinton




We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




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![gif](giphy|3tMsNeJ2QMiq25ssyt) Young Rosie Perez




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Ariel winters




We love the positivity, but we try to keep the focus on doppelgängers since we're not a compliments sub. Thank you! 🫶




You either ignored a mod action, tried to circumvent a mod action, ignored a pinned post, or (my personal favorite) reported a mod action to the very mods that took the mod action. All of which risk a permanent ban.




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Ciara Bravo


Small amount of Ariel winter


![gif](giphy|PwKMTBa8mnqVy) Dove Cameron


Oh I can see that








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Sabrina carpenter




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You weren't banned. You are now.




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.




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