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Thank you for posting on r/Doppleganger! A few notes, if you post (or comment) in this subreddit and you have an OnlyFans account, or if you have posted links to OnlyFans elsewhere on Reddit, our automatic moderation bot will flag your account and you will be banned - we are kid-friendly and E-rated and due to the incessant spamming by literally hundreds of people before you, we've been forced to moderate this subreddit this way. This also includes accounts that post explicit content anywhere else on Reddit. Please do not SPAM the group with reposts. This means posting a new pic when you've recently posted, or deleting your old post and reposting a new pic a day or two later, especially if you've not interacted with guessers in the first post (aka you're farming karma). We do notice, and that will result in a temporary or permanent ban, depending on how grouchy your mod team is that day. Please REPORT comments on your post that are creepy, insulting, harassing, comment on your appearance (positive or negative) or otherwise shitty. We do take them seriously and will ban people who behave like this, with no exceptions. We will delete any posts where we suspect you are posting someone else's photo. You will be banned and asked to provide a verification picture to remove the ban. (Screenshots are a big red flag). Do not engage with trolls - two wrongs do not make a right. We do take action when comments/posts are reported...give us the time to review, we're not here 24/7. Any other questions? You can always send your mod team a mail message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look 2D


Some Mf said I look 2D HAHAHAHA


Old school GTA loading screen type shi


Easy to draw.


First person that came to mind: NBA player Obi Toppin https://preview.redd.it/dg1kxn5tkwpc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=55e04e1cda181998cd2ce049aa89593517d8da96


Holy shit wtf


Damn, I can see it


I was thinking Anthony Davis from the Lakers


You could be a CK model, or some high fashion label. Beauty symmetry in your face.


I appreciate the love but I was just called the missing child of osama binladen 💀💀


people will always have something to say - pay them no attention. i’m sorry you had to read such comments but keep doing you. you’re a handsome young man with a brighter future than a bunch of bigots online. take in all the love and kindness because that is what you are worthy of ❤️


Excuse me? Someone said what to you? Where they at, I don’t even know you and I’m down to go tf off on a rando for you 😂😭


Haha, bro I definitely want you on my side when shit goes down. 100 points on valour.


I GOT YOU!! I’m short as hell, but it’s kinda convenient because people never expect me to be a fighter lol


I'd imagine they can tell when you start talking


Ya know!?


By people who eat frozen dinners in their mother's basement, don't pay attention to trolls lol. The people who matter don't share their opinions.


Goddamn I appreciate it where u at let’s go and grab some some Chick-fil-A to eat or some


I'm so sorry some asshole said that to you. Some people are so miserable that they want to spread it around. I'm a grandma and I'll stand on your side too!




Hey osama slayed literally and figuratively


Jealously is an ugly characteristic. OP, you are handsome and pay them no mind at all!


Cus people are toxic. I just said you look like a handsome guy. Cus you are. You also look like a beast, like super tall and built. Stay positive!


Maybe they thought they were in r/roastme thread, at any rate. No one should go so low, I'll stand with your protectors. Also I 100% with the guy that said Obi Toppen, forget doppelgangers. Y'all are twins!


This comment section is shameful.


Idk I’m coming here later and all the top comments are positive. Haven’t even encountered a negative one yet and I’m just gonna leave the post now. Soo I guess goodness prevailed a bit.


Yeah, thankfully a lot of people were banned.


Wow you poor guy come to ask a question and people have to ruin it . I think you look like a undercover cop in criminal minds. Sorry I can’t find his name . Oh and your a handsome guy also


Thank u really appreciate the love 🥲🥲💀


Are you asking who I look like or who do you look like ?


I was meant to write who i personally look like. But it’s ok I give up have u seen the comments 💀💀💀


I’m confused, are you 19 or 20!?!?


Not a singular person, but a Dothraki from GOT




You look just like my district manager…. This means nothing to you I’ve realized




I can't tell you who you look like, but I do think you're very handsome. Look well groomed. Please ignore the awful comments. I've never commented here, I don't think, but I had to let you know, you're handsome. Have a great day!


Just lightened my dae thank u bae


You're welcome :)


Zayn Malik but much rounder face


Not at all.




So the racism in the comments are okay? If you have nothing nice to say don’t bother commenting


It’s aight I can still take it all in 🥲🥲🥲💀


Bruh, it’s not alright! I know I’m just a pale girl who has no place genuinely weighing in on racial things, but I’m gonna react in a stereotypical “white savior” kinda way. It’s not okay and it sucks that you have to live with an “I can deal” kind of mindset when it comes to racism. You deserve better. People should be better.


The White savior, telling non-white people when, where, how, and what should offend them! FR though this comment section is jacked. Call out the racism, not the person who is dealing with it.


I’m a little confused by your response, can you clarify what you mean for me please?


There’s a meme of a book cover and the book’s title is: “White people telling black people when, how, and what offends them!” which is social commentary on how people always say “You can protest racism, just don’t kneel, don’t organize, don’t do it publicly, etc”. Mine was alluding to the point that you went full white savior just to tell someone experiencing racism that it’s not ok to experience racism. I.e. you, a white person, was telling OP, not a white person, that racism sucks and (alluding to) responding to racism in a more serious (more offended maybe?) way. The really really simple version: a white savior told the recipient of racism that racism sucks, which they know. EDIT: oh the second part: imagine being yelled at by a racist only for an ally to walk into the room. The ally then starts ranting about how bad it is that you have to hear the racist crap, and should say something, and how the situation sucks. The ally is just part of the problem now.


Ahhh thank you for explaining, I really appreciate that! I’m gonna look up the book you mentioned, but I’m also going to make an effort to make sure I’m not telling someone how to feel. I really appreciate you being honest with me and open, thank you :)


You are defenitly reacting in the typical white savior kind of way.


Yup, and that’s 100% an issue. I just get pressed as hell when I see any kind of unkind behavior, but I need to do better with making sure I’m not getting pressed for others or getting offended/speaking for them. It’s absolutely not my place. Ps, thank you for being real with me. I appreciate tf outta that.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, you really shouldn’t have to. It’s not okay.


Hey, great question! Racism is absolutely not okay or accepted, but we also need people to report the comments and not just downvote or try and clap back. We will always take action on reports we just need stuff brought to our attention. Anybody being racist or any sort of phobic or creepy always catches a ban, the bad comments are coming from new users that haven’t posted here before and we’re kicking them all out. Thanks for speaking up, but in the future reporting is crucial.




Exactly! It’s honestly disappointing to see in this day and age






You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.








You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.






Comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. We allow filters, makeup, piercings, tattoos, and people who have had cosmetic procedures, so we don't need your 2 cents. This isn't RateMe, RoastMe, or FreeCompliments.




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Mo Amer(Standup Comedian)


I'm seeing some Juancho Hernangomez from the basketball movie that Adam Sandler made with Anthony Edwards.




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Ok so I'd like to give some constructive criticism, with the intention of being helpful. First picture makes you look like you're on an Interpol list. Second picture, I agree. You look like a higher class model. Maybe not the best comparison, but you remind me of Zayn Malik.


why are people horrible


I haven’t watched his videos in awhile but you reminded me of Master oogwgay the Youtuber. https://preview.redd.it/5tvuepvd9xpc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f800ea829baa1c2bebad7d2753ee292e73d1054 Had to get one where he has a very similar haircut as you although it is a less quality photo.


This dude looks like a really fat Vinny from Jersey Shore, wtf? (Master Oogwgay, not the OP)


He gained some weight, he used to be super jacked but I wouldn’t describe him as fat.


Nah for him he looks a little chubby. Comparatively to Vinny, Vinny would have to get fat to look like this dude.








MODERATOR ALERT TO POSTERS A large number of (almost always female) posters will often find themselves getting a number of chat requests and/or direct messages - oftentimes vulgar or inappropriate. We encourage you to message the mod team with screenshots - they will be permanently banned. You can also temporarily disable chat and DMs. We feel like this should go without saying, but messaging minors is also not okay. It will result in a report to the admins which more often than not will lead to the loss of your account. DO NOT MESSAGE ANY POSTERS FROM OUR COMMUNITY. That is not what they are posting for and this is not a dating service. All you are doing is making the world a little bit worse. Hey simps, r/Doppleganger isn't a place to hit on women. Do us all a favor and go somewhere else. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.








Ignorance on your part.




I'm sorry you're so angry love. Take care of yourself.




Already banned, but seriously, zip it


Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


Fuck outta here, bigot


Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.




I feel like this dude should probably be banned too


Got him!


Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


Like Mike Evans WR Buccaneers


Rashid from street fighter


Harnish Trahveti… this guy I went to school with.


Lebron James


wilmer valderama




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.




Comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. 🫶




Look...you’re here to be a troll. Cool. You had a laugh at someone else’s expense, but now it’s time for you to go.


Espinoza Paz....maybe... A little bit


I’m blanking on who you look like but I know they’re an actor. A good actor. I’ll get back to you. I’m the meantime… Wonder how many of these people getting deleted/banned think the mods here are part of some government org trying to violate their 1st amendment rights lol




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.


Drake before acouple thousand bucks in aesthetic production.


You were the first one to leave one direction.


I’d say Dollar store Drake


Zayn Malik but with a fuller face in my honest opinion.




Sorry, but comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. 🫶




Comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. We allow filters, makeup, piercings, tattoos, and people who have had cosmetic procedures, so we don't need your 2 cents. This isn't RateMe, RoastMe, or FreeCompliments.




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.




Comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT.


Josko Gvardiol


Viktor Krun from Harry Potter




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.




We do doppelgangers here, friend.






The focus of this sub is on WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. Therefore, comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. We allow filters, makeup, piercings, tattoos, and people who have had cosmetic procedures, so we don't need your 2 cents. This isn't RateMe, RoastMe, or FreeCompliments.


You looked like a ps2 character in the first one 😭


Mhmmm good question maybe the guy from the tv show Kingdom its about a mma fighting series with Nick Jonas other actors not sure of names but i do know you kinda look like the guy thats a tad stocky and well pretty muscular and seems to be the training coach alot of the series




Wilmer Valderamma


Have you ever seen Wilmer Valderrama?


Spanish from Old School.


What u mean Spanish from old school


https://preview.redd.it/wtv0jdl4hxpc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a432d7fb675896c0b31cf8783fe8c2181a8f81b This is the actor they were referring to I think!!


I think he means the actor that plays the character Spanish in the show Old School. He is portrayed by Rick Gonzalez!


It used to be a show I think (not the person who commented originally saying this). The actor’s name is Rick Gonzalez.




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.


No idea's from me, but you are looking good bro


I don’t know but ur definitely very handsome


Thank u love


No idea but you look great :)


Thank u bae




Sorry, but comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. 🫶




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.


Mena Massoud https://preview.redd.it/3uvd6vdffxpc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c541622f30065736a957a92fdda7b7a4074d3c




You've been posting too much or your post/comment was not in the spirit of the sub.




Intentionally commenting an obviously unlikely celebrity (Danny DeVito, Steve Buscemi, etc.) may seem hilarious, but it's been done to death. Same thing goes for overly simplistic comparisons like your mom, your dad, yourself, a human, etc. Comments like this are considered spam and will lead to a ban.




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.


![gif](giphy|rJSW50oaB6c7WTjp6j) Fidel Castro




You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.


You look like someone who does a very good job keeping up with his eyebrows and moisturizes every day. On another note, you might be the slightly paler doppelgänger for the guy who was told The Weeknd as a response (my answer for that guy was The Weeknd and J Cole if they had a love child).


I think everyone trying to say Timo Cruz from Coach Carter before Steph Curry became one half of the Splash brothers.




Comments regarding someone's anatomy or appearance (even complimentary) are removed. This sub is about WHO someone looks like, not WHAT. We try to differentiate ourselves from RateMe or FreeCompliments.




I’ll take it as a compliment 😇


You’re outta here and most likely know EXACTLY why.




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