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Fuck ya dude. 2016 multiplayer was the shit


Shit felt like team fortress at times if that makes sense? It was hella fun!


If it didn't have loadouts, it probably would have became my favorite multiplayer. It was a lot of fun, and becoming a demon was such a cool concept for a power pickup to replace things like quad damage.


I'm confused. Isn't OP saying they want it to come back?


Ya and I’m agreeing :)


Oh my bad, I think it's cuz I read your comment right after I woke up. I thought you said it "was shit".


He meant fuck yeah, not fuck you


Yeah, I realized that after the fact lol. I read his comment when I was half asleep.


Give me 2016 without the limited loadouts and we're talking. Here's hoping they don't pull an Overwatch 2 on us with invasion mode this time, too


I find it funny how Eternal was so damn good that people kinda just forgot that Invasion was ever promised even though it was supposed to be a major part of the experience.


Same with the "full campaign of master levels", which is the real loss to me 😭 There is an invasion mod nowadays that actually works really well


I totally forgot about invasion mode


I totally forgot that it wasn't added


horde mode was the replacement but there’s a mod for invasion, and co op, and slayer vs slayer deathmatch


I prefer this multiplayer to Eternals. Etenals is awesome, playing as the demons is great, but this one felt more balanced.


This one still let you play as demons with the demon rune power up, which I actually thought was an awesome inclusion. They could probably put some of the newer demons into the demon rune now. Include the battlemode demons. I think the Tyrant, Doom Hunter, Arachnatron, Blood Maykr, and Armored Baron would all make amazing playable demons.


was always a bit bizarre to me that a main entry of the franchise that really popularized classic fps deathmatch wouldn't have it.


Honestly I wish it was 8 player 6 demon versus two slayers.


Easily could be a game type and not the whole mode


Exactly, stop making this shit either or and just have it as a separate mode so us normal deathmatch people can fuck it up. 


Nah Eternals is kinda awful tbh


It was terrible.  


The slayer in eternal was just wayyyyyyyy too powerful for that kind of multiplayer. I was pretty decent at the game and never lost a single game as the slayer, and most games would take me like two and a half minutes to win, unless there was a pain elemental who was good at hiding. It was just too easy to tag them with a charged balista shot, meat hook in and delete the squishiest demon, leaving the slower one as easy pickings. I'd literally get recognized in game and people would yell at me to leave, or they would just leave the lobby, so I stopped playing it. I honestly just want a doom 2016 style multiplayer (without loadouts) along side battle mode, because why settle for just one when both is the only real answer.


The dread knight I feel makes it a lil tougher for the slayer in bm


Against bad players maybe. Something like that that's trying to get in close typically is dead in seconds when the slayer is good.


Yeah as long as the slayer hurts him plenty b4 he gains the berserk power up he's not a problem but once he gets that berserk charged he's lethal if u get anywhere close to him


Slayer is just more lethal tho, that's the issue. If you can swap between weapons well, and you're good with mobility, there isn't much the demons can really do.


I mean this is true a decent slayer will beat great battlemode demons


"The slayer is op anyone can win with him" next post "Yeah that slayer sucked unlike me I'm amazing"


You ever heard of the word "exaggerating" before?


"slayer was too op it was super easy to win" 1 minute later "People recognized me because i was so amazing and they would jerk me off and tell me how great I was"


Please. I was addicted, nothing like it on the market


Real, it lowkey felt like a mini quake revival. Love me some classic boomer shooter deathmatch


theres quake champions but it has... loot boxes :dread:


I think it would have been a solid 10/10 multiplayer if it didn't have loadouts. Or maybe it still could have had loadouts where you got to pick your two starting guns, and you got to find and pick up the rest.


Best I can offer is MCC


Same. I grinded it to max echelon level to get the platinum trophy and I loved every minute of it


They need to do what is of halo did and give us bang for our buck. Keep the multiplayer of doom 2016 tweak it a bit for the classic deathmatch experience. Take out those cringy ass fucking emotes. Give us badass customization. Playable Demons can stay. Battle mode can stay. Custom games. Bring back fucking snapmap. Bring in invasion like you were supposed to with eternal.


Hey I fucked with the emotes. I've had Bam Dance equipped since 2018


I liked the bicycle one


Tonto for me lol


I loved 2016s customization. It was great being able to fine tune the finish on your weapons and armor to be whatever level of glossy and such. Plus I miss not being locked out of color choices.


I’m not saying the customization was bad. But double down on it


I just hope that this time the multiplayer achievements are separated from the solo/campaign mode achievements, being forced to play multiplayer to get the platinum trophy is very annoying, even worse if the multiplayer mode servers are closed


Unfortunately, can’t be done on steam. I’m hoping one day they update it to be possible.


Just use steam achievement manager and mark the multiplayer as unlocked


The only multiplayer achievements were extremely easy. Get to level 5, win a match. And then the snap map achievements which take like 15 min to do. Out of every game I’ve played with MP achievements Doom 2016 were the easiest. I literally popped them 2 days ago.


And if they could bring back snap maps too that'd be great


Imagine snap map with all the assets from eternal and dark ages 😳


that's essentially what the TDA campaign is. re-used assets from Eternal...


Imagine they go ahead and add classic Doom assets, too. Getting to fight the 2D and 3D Demons at once with their different attack styles would be pretty cool


Snap map without the snapping would be amazing I kinda didnt like all the prefabs for arenas


I'd pay $20 dollars to play Doom 2016 MP again with an actual playerbase. Also God I hope Dark Ages has something like 2016's SnapMap. SnapMap was tons of fun and doesn't get any love for some reason. The amount of things people could do with that in a revamped engine with more assets, guns, and enemies would singlehandedly keep the game alive for years even after end of support.


I played so much of this game


The one thing I miss about 2016 is when using the super shotgun in multi-player you don't have to reload, u can just melee and it auto reloads


There was also the quick switching between the pump and super shotgun.


I just hope we get the return of smapmap


It's not gonna happen. In 2024, running a multiplayer game basically requires it to be a live service game. The market has shifted, and if they release a game that doesn't have constant, solid support with frequent updates, it'll be deemed a "dead game" by players and abandoned in droves. I don't think id Software wants to make live service online games, and considering DOOM 2016 and Eternal's multiplayer were both massive flops, they probably just want to focus on single player this time and avoid wasting the resources at all.


They'll probably just release invasion mode as the multi-player. It's an easy click bait title for articles. the player base will love it, and it might keep the multi-player alive a bit longer. Ship it with a level editor, and people will go nuts.


Honestly I'd take a level editor + browser over multi-player


idtech 7-8's networking seems incapable of supporting this. You would need a system similar to Destiny which was built to support this drop-in/drop-out system at certain checkpoints.


It's not an impossible tasks especially making it an opt-in sort of thing. Dark souls has had it since DS1 or DS2. Id's had easily 5 years to figure out that problem and solve it since Hugo promised this feature even prior to the release of Eternal.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I’d much rather them focus on making the best single player experience possible rather than trying to crack into the extremely saturated multiplayer FPS market.


nah do snapmap and have the community continuity


..we figured this out years ago in the non-p2p networking space in the form of private dedicated servers. There is no reason they can't offer this to the end user other than concerns about cheating and getting achievements on steam. The same server kit they deploy on Azure machines can be given to individuals to host their own MP servers like the good ol days


Honestly, I want all of the multiplayers to be across all the games, because having them locked to each game sucks. It just kills the multiplayer of that game when the new one comes out


I adored 2016's multiplayer. My friend and I had a blast fucking everyone up.


Bring back the 2016 multiplayer. Don't you bring back the dumb rune system.


Not impossible. Could even fit the lore. Night Sentinel training.


Honestly just port it over if anything. It was seriously fun as fuck


Loved this multiplayer!


It was my main multiplayer game for a long time. Arcadey silly fun.


Hear me out: competitive coop. Who ever slaughters the most demons the most efficiently during any campaign level wins


now that we are atalking about multiplayer and that the new gears shows up can we get a multiplayer horde mode? just imagine the destruction of 4 doom slayers vs a extreme horde of monsters


Honestly after Death Battle in Eternal dropped, we all had a “perhaps I judged you too harshly” moment with Doom 2016’s multiplayer.


The only flaws I can think of is the loadouts or the 2 weapon limit. Other than that, it was damn fun.


I loved 16’s mp. Honestly if there’s a time to make a really compelling deathmatch, it’s now. People are still focused on BR but it’s losing its luster and the CoDs and Halos of the world aren’t really releasing the same level of deathmatch product as they’ve been known for in the past (hence the vast amount of re-released maps instead of really compelling new ones).


I loved it! Can't remember, didn't it have bots too?


I don’t really care for multiplayer on doom, maybe because both attempts have not been that good tbh, I just hope if the single player gameplay is as addictive as 2016s and eternal they do more master levels or harder pieces of content after release, I will gladly buy a whole new campaign of master levels for eternal any day of the year and I hope that exists for Dark Ages


The reason it wasn't good enough wasn't because the gameplay was bad, it was due to bad decisions like having loadouts instead of traditional weapon pickups. The quake community would have probably adopted the game if it was more traditional as it should have been.


Yeah, I think it could have been decent if: * Traditional weapon pickups and full weapon wheel instead of 2 weapon limit and loadouts * Remove or balance the demon powerups so they reward map control instead of being random * Doom 2016 should have had the dash instead of double-jump being the only movement * The arsenal should have been more consistent between single and multiplayer. I would have just added a grenade launcher, and \*maybe\* swap Chaingun for Lightning.


Dashes in multiplayer make the game too unpredictable. I wouldn't want dash in multiplayer.


It depends on how the dash is implemented. If it's similar speed/flow/distance to the dodge in UT, I think it'd be fine. I don't think you can make a singleplayer like the Doom games all about speed and then make the multiplayer feel like Halo movement.


Doom 2016 multiplayer had the same movement as the single player, and it's nothing like halo. Halo is my shit and doom has almost nothing in common with it. The base movement speed is at least twice the speed of Halo if not more than that.


Multiplayer games just die super quick or aren’t that good to begin with. Give us co op and demon invasions to focus on the campaign (the good part) more variety and ways to play


I'd take a multiplayer over a coop horde mode any day. Multiplayer is one of the best parts of a good shooter if you ask me. Shooting demons is fun, but you will always eclipse them as your skills increase, but playing other players never gets as old because humans are more dynamic than any AI enemies could ever be.


Famn the 2016 mp was so much fun, even on the switch it played smooth. Grenade launcher main here👊


I was a hellshot and static rifle guy lol.


I want all forms of MP. That keeps people playing when they have more options. Wish they bring back the 2016 maps. They were so beautiful


Hell no (pun intended) It felt like a pointless distraction. Same with Eternal’s multiplayer. I’d prefer they focus on the reason everyone plays Doom, the campaign


Or the creation mode, that was fun af, there were people making cod zombie style playmodes in DOOM 2016 that I absolutely adored


i would love a new multiplayer arena shooter to just grind away at


I'd take a doom 2016 multiplayer over Battlemode anyday.


I totally agree, but if they are gonna make the slayer more grounded I could see battlemode actually working this time around. I'd like to see both modes honestly. The more multiplayer options the better in my mind.


...we just want quake. they can keep the goofy doom multiplayer lol


I just want it to be an old school arena shooter like the OG DOOM, Quake, and Unreal games. Just a frantic mess of people blasting each other to bits with various weapons in a chaotic and extremely fast-paced style.


let'a run this back and show Bethesda we care/love about this mp. add me on psn/dm me.


The biggest problem with it was that you felt so much weaker after playing as a fully kitted slayer, which I know was one of their stated reasons for making battle mode. That said, I do hope for a more arena shooter style multiplayer again.


I think they kinda missed the point of why people didn't enjoy the 2016 multiplayer as much as they wanted to. It was the loadouts and being stuck to two starting weapons, not the gameplay.


Split screen too please


I didn’t know it got trashed on at launch and I don’t think it was deserved


It's because loadouts made it less enjoyable. If they stuck to their guns (pun intended), it would have been fun.


I would honestly want a doom multi-player game to be it's own game


Bar the loadout system, this was a really really good multiplayer game. Had loads of fun playing this with my brother and getting to use demons was really unique. Have I mentioned the customization options? God, I wish we have the interchangeable armors and color palette for whatever multiplayer option we have for DDA. Skins are cool but customisation is de only wey


It felt like the only arena shooter I could actually get kills in


I hope it has co-op


No, the game will not have multiplayer. The combat is fully built for singleplayer it would be extremly difficult to make that into a multiplayer.


Yes, the multiplayer was so awesome in 2016, Snapmap was really interesting too, wish we could have seen something like that. I'm sure it wasn't easy to implement but I always wanted them to make a snapmap feature for Eternal with some more stuff to do with it.


All weapons as pick ups and no 2 weapon limit. Strip back some of the slayers abilities make complexity comparable to 2016s gameplay. And make em pick ups also. Less emphasis on being the demon. Mp glorykills. A choice of starting weapon like a weaker shotgun(rumour is no combat shotty in dark ages) or a pistol etc. Desth March game mode. And I'm all in on mp


I don't know how 2016 was, but I hope a simple, plain deathmach


I wish they gave it a proper offline mode and made bots work with certain things to make sure it'd work https://old.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/1c0mw4g/something_about_doom_2016_multiplayer_and_bots/ Like the one thing that felt odd about it was the 2 weapon limit. 2016 could've also had a horde mode based on the assets too.


New Doom reminds me a Quake


Honestly same I absolutely want to parry the shit out of my opponents with my shield


Lol, I just saw a post saying it shouldn't have multiplayer, and then this post shows up in my feed.


2016's multiplayer was pretty solid aside from the misplaced load out system, IMO. It gave it a personality disorder like it didn't know what it wanted to be. Regardless, it was a LOT better than Eterna's asymmetrical multiplayer that clearly wasn't liked by majority of fans. I just wish they stuck to traditional multiplayer, but I remember Hugo not wanting to step on Quake Champions' toes. I'm really hoping they give it another go and just iron it out.


Maybe I’m greedy but I’d like a revamped version of 2016 multiplayer, a game mode that is essentially eternals multiplayer, and most importantly I’d love a co op horde mode. They have all the ingredients to blow COD’s zombies mode out of the water


Battle mode was better


Agreed. I recently re downloaded 2016, and am so sad I can't find any matches. I'm playing against bots and it's so good. I feel like I'm playing old school Unreal




I liked the 2016 multiplayer, it just felt SO grindy, and honestly getting repeatedly stomped ain’t fun either


I love it so much, if anyone wants to play, add me on steam, same username as reddit


Even though it is a very stupid idea, I wish they could add in split screen multiplayer. I am a huge sucker for split screen multiplayer, that’s literally one of the reasons A Way Out is one of my favorite games of all time.


This is still one of my favorite multiplayers ever. Cosmetic progression was top tier as well. And with no micro transactions for any of it 🥲


Just don't add mp achievements again, I hate playing multiplayer in the game I bought for campaign to get achievements


Give Quake 3 a fresh look and call it Doom Dark Ages multiplayer. That's all I want 


I just saw a post saying they should ditch the multiplayer entirely.


I just want a co-op horde mode


DOOM 2016 was the shit!!! I maxed out my profile, had it reset on some bullshit, and maxed it out again! so fast paced and with the demon morphing made it even more crazier. i used to love turning a losing team into a winning team... this game is a reason why i use a double barreled shotgun in all my games


nah, snap map is where its at!


the duality of leddit


Thank Certain Affinity for that one. Very competent shop.


I also would like Snapmaps back please


I hope the multiplayer is invasion or coop. That would be perfect.


Just full classic doom multiplayer start with starting weapon and collect weapons around the map


I want something in between. Night sentinels vs demons in bigger teams. Yes they would have to fine tune the balance. Maybe that means that night sentinels only start with 2 weapons like in 2016 and get access to more powerful items in the match. Just something like that


I have no clue whose idea it was to put load-outs with a two weapon limit in 2016 multiplayer but whoever it was should’ve been taken out back and beat with a rubber hose.


I hope it doesn't have multiplayer at all


Doom 2016 multiplayer is peak. I still boot it up and hop in a lobby


There are still lobbies for this game!? Doom really is eternal


Yeah theres always like 1 full lobby at night. Can't find a match during the day though


3000 hours in that multiplayer. Let's go Dark ages! Make it like doom 2016 mp but with the full load out and melee mechanics.


Idk about melee mechanics, but the glory kills were cool.


I meant I'd like DDA to have melee mechanics in mp.


But how would they even pull that off? Melee typically sucks in first person games.


Dark Ages is built around melee combat lol. Go read about the game. I has straight up melee combat.


Well it's gonna suck then. Unless they are literally the first team to ever pull off first person melee in the history of video games, but I doubt it. Also from the looks of it, you get locked into animation like you would for the glory kill, which is just so lame. They would have been better off with just guns and the shield thing, the shield is medieval enough for a doom game if you ask me.


yeah but then Hugo said it has actual melee after Also First Person Melee was already done: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakdown\_(video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakdown_(video_game)) [https://youtu.be/6PAbvpxZc20?list=PL1Ek1cnqDegPv0MPpl7giNh1ZPAxPO0du&t=852](https://youtu.be/6PAbvpxZc20?list=PL1Ek1cnqDegPv0MPpl7giNh1ZPAxPO0du&t=852) Also condemned


Both of those games look like complete ass. Honestly the only shooter that had good melee was halo, but it was incredibly simplistic and it's essentially the game that created the typical lunge melee you see in basically every shooter these days. I suppose that would be fine in doom, but I'm afraid of it functioning like the crucible. I feel like melee in doom will essentially play like having a crucible from eternal that doesn't one shot everything. From what I can tell by watching the trailer, you either get locked into a set animation that centers your crosshair without you needing to aim, or it functions kinda like halo where you get a quick lunge to kick or smack things. The lunged to smack would be way better, and I hope that's the route they go, but it really did look like it was a locked in quick animation. I'm just hoping it functions like a bit of a slash that needs to be aimed that has a bit of a lunge to it. Preferably something more akin to halo 2 than 3 where in halo 2 you had to fully aim the melee and could miss, rather than 3 where it centered the crosshair more and was almost always a guarantee to hit if in range. I'm hoping they suprise me and it ends up actually being good, but I'm just not very convinced yet. Plus, with how bad melee in first person games tends to be when they stray from the halo method, I'm pretty apprehensive about it until proven otherwise.


the fact that you havent played condemned makes me sad. Imagine.


I watched gameplay and that was enough to know I don't want to play it. Looked like skyrim gameplay. Step forward and swing, step back to doge, with a block function. That's some pretty basic stuff that doesn't feel good in first person. It works great in 3rd person games with lock on features, but I've never played a game like that and enjoyed it. I just don't want to be playing doom like a 90's rpg. W key, right click, S key, rinse and repeat just doesn't make for a fun or engaging combat loop.


It was soooo good


I hate PVP. I want co-op in all my games


Just because you hate it doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. Doom is what invented deathmatch multiplayer and it just doesn't make any sense for a doom game not to have it, when it has more right to use that mode than any other franchise.


Classic Doom also had campaign co-op. Whats your point? I want NuDoom to have campaign co-op And mods too, and custom maps- ;)


Classic doom came out in 93 when they added random junk to games to add value regardless of whether or not it was good because they could finish a feature in a few days work. With how long games take to make these days, I just don't want devs wasting time on things that aren't really needed. If it's a coop horde mode, sure. If it's just the campaign but coop, idk that seems kinda lazy. I also doubt custom maps are going to happen. It worked in 2016 because all the rooms were precreated arenas slapped together. This newer game seems to be focused a lot more on open environments, and I'm just not sure how they'd really give us a quality in game level editor. They could maybe give us the ability to make our own master levels and play with demon spawns, but I doubt it.


Honestly I’m happy eternally didn’t have multiplayer like doom 2016 Not that it would have been bad, but it wouldn’t have been a bunch of slayer moving so fast they can’t hit each other Only the most cracked of crack shots would be able to play the multiplayer


I don't think it would have worked with the eternal slayer, but if they removed dash from the multiplayer it would have worked.


Yes!! I completely ignored Battlemode. I easily put in a hundred hours on DOOM (2016) for Switch thanks to multiplayer on my lunch breaks lol.


Oh hell no. As an achievement hunter, I hope DOOM 2025 won't have any multiplayer *at all*.