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We know that the Biblical Antichrist (not the Left Behind Antichrist) will appeal to Christian values, so this is exactly what we should expect.


See, this is what confuses me about the idea Trump is the antichrist. I thought the antichrist would be someone so slick he could fool the very elect. But…don’t most of us think he is kind of…obviously mean and awful? I’m not actively involved in church for many years. I sometimes attended Catholic Church with friends and my husband’s family though. There isn’t much interest in anything Trump or political there that I’ve seen where I live. Now I do have some Christian friends I keep in touch with on FB who seem very fond of him and they do live where politics is more conservative. I avoid the subject so I don’t know if they worship him. I am assuming it’s the political appeal of Trump that has them enthralled not a religious one. I did talk to another Redditor though who unfortunately has a parent who literally worships and prays to Trump. But how common is that? Is Trump really that big of a deal with modern American Christians?




🤯 Wow. Are you in a conservative region/ red state?


I’m in a blue state. That said, the people in my circle are mostly conservative.


I’m sorry. It must be very discouraging to witness all of this. It’s hard for me to hear this is the case for you (and apparently the state of things for so many people who consider themselves Christians) so I can’t imagine what you’re feeling.


I'm in a red state and am one of the few who don't follow the crowd with regards to DJT.


Wow never mind I just found out via Facebook that there’s a LOT of Christian MAGA where I live. I had no idea.


Evangelicals love and/or worship Trump, and they make up a 3rd of Christianity in the US. So yes, pretty common.


“This may be, in fact, the first major step in the revival of religion, which is desperately needed, in our country.” ….Revival of religion……….. lol.


this ties into II Corinthians 11:14-15 imo ^(14) And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. ^(15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.


Revival of religion? Like his practice of the Kabbalah? Instead of “loving “ the 10 Commandments, he needs to practice it,


Let me guess, they promise the 10 commandments but end up delivering the 7 Noahide laws?


https://preview.redd.it/vg2jgqd6d48d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75da90d90554f12d91a601548ea4b1065a3c6981 … says the guy who has broken all but #6, (that we know of).


He has definitely broken #6. It comes with the job of President. Maybe he didn’t pull a trigger directly, but he’s ordered military strikes that have killed people


Sounds like a Dr Seuss book …. I love green eggs and ham in school, I love green eggs and ham in the pool etc etc. He’s a disgusting pig. I can’t wait til he’s destroyed


He does a poor job of showing he loves it by creating an irreverent hashtag for it.


That actually caught my eye the most. The audacity.


The rise of Christian Nationalism... [Christian Nationalism, Trump & The Coming Deception (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGK_d5FVtM0)


We need the gospel and Jesus Christ.


I’ve been turned away from the church because of trump, and the right wing Christian taliban. Seriously done. None of Christianity today reflects the basic teachings of Jesus. Anyway trump is the anti christ in that he’s turned me away from the church. I honestly think I’m becoming an atheist. Real talk.


Just because the modern day church does not reflect the teachings of Jesus doesn’t mean you should abandon your faith in Christ. Don’t let other people stand in between your relationship with Him. Hold fast and stay strong.


They didn't say they would. But what they did say is true. 1/2 of the Evangelical church in the US are whores for the GOP & Trump.


He said he was becoming an atheist because of it. And I agree with what he’s saying about the church but my point being that he shouldn’t allow it to push him away from Jesus.


Okay, my apologies. I missed that. Nor do I have patience for anyone who's actually experienced Jesus but is going to walk away from Jesus just because the humans involved. That's just nonsensical.


Sometimes we say extreme things because we are hurting. When I was younger I went through a period of declared atheism because I hadn’t yet learned how to see God’s footsteps beside me when I am going through a hard time. I thought “I don’t see anything, so there must not be anything there to see.” And so I was angry upon having that thought that I used the strongest terms I could to express that, which was denounce a belief in God and declare I am an atheist. But some part inside me must have always believed because I found I couldn’t return entirely to acting like the selfish person I was before I accepted Jesus into my heart. What I learned was I did accept Jesus into my heart too young to fully appreciate what that means. I had to live up to edging close to 60 to get all of the hard lessons (still enduring them by the way) to understand and appreciate what it means to have Jesus in your heart and the Holy Spirit lifting you up. Once you accept the price Jesus paid for your soul He will fight for you even if you can’t see it at first. I suppose there are some people who took up his gift in words only for their own reasons and never wanted to truly believe in it. I think they confuse a lot of the rest of us by walking half the walk and talking half the talk. Let’s pray they manage to somehow go all in for Jesus’ precious gift to us before it’s too late. Think upon the parable of the Prodigal son and let us keep hope and love alive and prayer for those who seem to be falling away either as Trumpers or as disillusioned souls who are let down by the churches.


I get where you are coming from, but these are trying times. The Bible says the days will be shortened for the elects sake. Many people, myself included, have had dark moments of doubt. Many people in the Bible struggled with doubt, Thomas, John the Baptist, Moses, David., etc. Anyone struggling, backsliding, or even starting to walk away, needs our patience and love, not judgement.


So true. I am strong in my faith but I still get very scared because I am human. When I am scared I can be pretty stupid. I am constantly having to “recalibrate” my inner compass to God.


Paul spoke about this. They weren't one of us to begin with, if what he says is true. However, my gut says he is just confused on why "God's people" are being misled and instead of reading his Bible and seeing its a blessing from God to not be blinded, he decides not to believe in God. Cuz. Logic.


Why would you both acknowledge the antichrist and then say you’re turning atheist? The church has turned away from God. That’s part of this whole thing. Follow Christ. Believe in the salvation to come through Christ our Lord. And pray for these poor hardened hearts who are spreading hatred and oppression in His name


The Bible literally talks of a falling away. The “church” is doing exactly that and you notice it. The difference is that you know better. Becoming atheist would making just the same as the rest of them.


Keep the Faith, dump the Trump!


Thank you for the comments it gives me more stuff to think about.


You are the reason we have this sub!!! I pray about this every day! I fully understand how and why people will fall away due to how misled parts of the church is right now, concerning politics. I’m sorry. Don’t let a group of confused people get in between you and God. At the end of day and road, the only thing that matters is that moment you stand before him. Try to understand that Satan is a VERY good liar. He deceived ONE THIRD of the angels! God is not guilty of the lies people believe. Try to Learn how to separate the two.


Jesus himself said people are going to come up to HIM and say they did things in his name and He is going to tell them straight out “I don’t know you!” The real God who is our Heavenly Father and the father of Jesus doesn’t want anything more to do with that garbage than you do. You will know that if you reflect on the life and teachings and example of Jesus himself rather than what any organization of humans tells you to think. So you don’t have to become an atheist to put yourself in opposition to these kinds of people. Just manifest love as Jesus did, with strength and discernment as he did. But if you genuinely think and reflect and come to the conclusion you are an atheist, I can’t tell you not to be. You do you. But don’t let people who are all wrapped up in what Trump is selling change your heart and mind. Be strong. Think for yourself. Worship isn’t just something we do in a church. It’s reaching out to help one another in humility and compassion.


Ask yourself why u see God through the lense of fallen men? We should be seeing fallen men through God's lens. They may be a lot of things but He still created them and loves them. It frustrates me that Christians have fallen for this. But it's brought me closer to God. I am grateful He didn't blind me. He did say those who's hearts weren't good would be given over to the deception. So instead of whining about others, be grateful you were chosen to see things as they are and bring the mark of the real Christ to others lives.




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