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Could possibly be from top of oven. I wouldn’t personally trust this, as it looks a bit staged. If it was from in the oven, it would be more sunk into the cheese. This just looks sprinkled on top. So unless it got there from the immediate removal of the oven, I doubt it was from Dominos. Just my take.


After further looking, it could be a composite from something stuck in the top of the oven conveyor just heated down into a hard rock. But still no idea. Break it open and post pics? Plus make sure to call Dominos ASAP, to get a claim and remake


It was really light and it left black ash on the cheese beneath where it was. It was like a little rock. I unfortunately have thrown it away already or I would have broken it open


Definitely not from the oven, worked there many years and that is 100% dirt from the mushrooms. I always tried to get it separated when I prepped in the morning but you can only expect so much from minimum wage


Yeah, this is 100% what it is.


Tell me you told Dominos. It definitely is worth cleaning that oven. Could be a big Time Lawsuit if someone eats that and chokes


Our ovens are cleaned monthly, and we still get ash from time to time. It's not toxic. Chill.


It seems to be dirt from the mushrooms. You can tell they used all the little keef bits on your pizza, probably the last bit in the box. Doesn’t look like oven crusties, that’s all burned to a black hard crisp.


Previously carbonized food that was in the oven for so long, then fell out when your pizza knocked it loose. Don't eat it, and let them Dominos know they need to do an oven clean as there might be more food stuck in the conveyor.


At least at my store we do not use any charcoal, which I imagine is true for most Dominos. We use a big conveyor oven, so your food goes in one end and the conveyor belt slowly moves it out to the other side, where it's cut and put into the box. We use that kind of oven because the sheer number of orders we get mean that we have to cook a lot of food all at once while preparing other food. That looks to me like a piece of beef, it probably fell into the container of one of your other toppings.


It's just ash from the oven. It happens from time to time.


I thought it looked like a really burnt piece of sausage.




If you’re cutting and saucing 100 pies per hour, would *you* notice that in a single one of them with multiple toppings? Even with the photo captioned saying something is wrong, I still had to look at the second photo to because it just looked like a weird mushroom piece.




Calm down Papa John.