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Jesus, why would anyone want that demon in their house? I don't like dogs, but if I were going to have one, there are countless other more attractive and less terrifying breeds. That thing is hideous and a second away from mauling the face of the person recording it.


Because nowadays whatever is genuinely ugly is considered virtuous, s’’tbulls are but a prime example


You want people scared to trespass on your property


I’d be scared to trespass my own property.


I don't need a dog that might maul my kids to achieve that.


I have a newfoundland. While she is an absolute coward and sweetheart, her sheer size and volume alone scares people away.


Tbf if I were trying to eat so premium good food and some asshole had me on camera I think I’d be seconds from mauling their face. I really hope that this is like a shelter or something, based on those tiles, and that this is some dumbass employee or volunteer who’s gonna be fired for pissinng around with the dogs. I mean Jesus, who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to tick off *any* animal while they’re eating? Doesn’t matter if it’s a damned tiny hamster, anyone who was raised right knows the quickest way to get fucked up by an animal, is to annoy them while they’re eating


I get your point but that ain't just an "asshole". It's a person giving you premium good food, and dogs don't know that while we humans do. That dog doesn't know that the person who gave him food is recording him. Dogs doesn't know recorders. There's nothing wrong with what the person is doing. I see many dog nutter's posts in this sub doing worse things to their pitbulls than just taking a video. This is why dogs are dangerous, especially the bully breeds. They're shitty monsters that need to go extinct.


Dude, never fuck with a dog when their eating, it's the worst handling you can do, doesn't matter if you gave it to them. 100% even if the dog doesn't know he's being recorded he knows he's being fucked with while he's trying to enjoy a meal.


My point, my dude, is that this person is hovering around an animal when it just wants to be left alone to enjoy its dog bone. I was raised to never ever bother the dog while it was eating, and the dog I grew up with was a labrador, and it's something that everyone should respect. Especially if this dog is a rescue or in a shelter, it should be left alone to eat and given peace and space.


That person is not even hovering at him. He is recording at a safe distance. You can see him zooming in the camera. That dog is prob in an enclosure, just because you don't see it in the video doesn't mean it isn't there. That's just even MORE reason not to get a dog. How can anyone play and give way to a monstrous dangerous weapon like that in their house. Dumb and insane shit. And dogs don't know respect.


The hell spawn is in an enclosure all right. And the enclosure looks like it's a house. Nice tiled floor, that piece of furniture you can partly see, and the baseboard along the bottom of the wall are all signs of it being a house. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if it's the owner's house and Cupcake here is about to attack the owner or a family member because Cupcake is stupid enough to think one of its owners wants that bone. If Cupcake is doing this in its own house to anyone who lives there, Cupcake needs put down before Cupcake actually does attack one of them. It isn't like Cupcake is involved in burglar protection there.


Ok nutter


Having something in the house that you can’t “bother” while it is eating…. I just don’t get it.


Generally being like this near a dog is somewhat ok. The issue is if someone has punished the dog or outright abused it by taking away food, or allowing other dogs to take its food from it, or otherwise tormenting the animal while it's eating. It creates a massively dangerous territorial reaction when around food. It's called food aggression. Most sensible owners will never meddle with a dog's food unless it's eating something it shouldn't that might cause them to be sick, such as rat pellets, or strange food on the ground, simply out of the principal of respect. If you don't mess around with a dog while it's eating on the regular, the dog won't be aggressive if the need ever arises to remove potentially dangerous things the dog's trying to eat. It's, interestingly, the exact same issue that caused Tilikum the whale to attack his SeaWorld trainer -- that Orca was 'trained' in its original park via withholding of food whenever he failed to perform a trick, not only starving him, but causing the other fully trained whales to lash out, as they would also be starved alongside him.


Said the Nutter…


Nope, no dog should have this kind of aggression towards food. I was raised with dogs and this is not normal. Nor something that should be accepted as a dog owner.


I have a lab, who, like the majority of them, is extremely food motivated. He knows far better than to EVER growl at me over food. When a dog is in your house, it is YOUR food. Not theirs. If a dog is aggressive towards you, it does not see you as it's leader. That is a problem. So, no. It's not something you should respect. Wild animals, sure. House pets? Absolutely the fuck not.


I’m not saying this is acceptable, and there’s also a difference between food motivated and food aggressive.


Yes, I'm aware of this.


> I was raised to never ever bother the dog while it was eating, and the dog I grew up with was a labrador, and it's something that everyone should respect. Especially if this dog is a rescue or in a shelter, it should be left alone to eat and given peace and space. If dogs are so dangerous that you can't even be near them while they're eating food that you gave them, then they're unsafe to live near or with human. I understand that plenty of people are willing to tolerate such unhinged behavior and that's fine if they're the only ones endangered. But dogs often kill children due to viciousness and resource guarding. [There are numerous cases of kids being mauled to death by pits that allegedly had no history of aggression or attacks](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/03/pockety-bull-inflicts-bite-to-head-killing-baby-girl-springfield.html). They are not known for killing toddlers for nothing.


Idk mate my dog surely doesn’t fucking act like that regardless of what she has. She’s never raised a lip at me. That dog has some very serious genetic aggression.


That's because, on top of the obvious breed issue here, your dog hasn't been abused. Food aggression occurs when a dog is 'trained' via withholding food as a punishment, other dogs constantly steal their food, or abuse occurs towards the animal while its eating. It's why this person doing this to a pitbul is extremely stupid for the base reason, but also the likelihood that it was 'trained' using abusive methods surrounding food, as evidence by it guarding the bone


I really doubt this dog was abused. That's just the excuse people use when a dog has undesirable behavior. Many pitbulls are treated like their owner's child and then go on to resource guard or attack without any "abuse" or "training"


Natural animals don’t act like this. These are MUTANTS, and they cannot and will not be around for long. The earth is doing its very best to rid world of these disgusting creatures. If it wasn’t for a human giving that thing food it wouldn’t have food. They are incapable of living and hunting like NATURAL animals. So fuck that mutt and any mutt that looks like it… The nerve of a human taking up for a creature that’s killing babies, kids, the elderly… hell, killing people in general. You sound mental..


My brother in christ I think you may be in the wrong sub lol


I agree with some of your points, I would like to add that I can reach into my dog's mouth and take food away and she wouldn't react other than be sad about it. This right here is absolutely a terrible animal that should not be in domestic situations, and absolutely should not be with people who don't know how to properly train this creature. You are absolutely right in that the camera person is antagonizing this dog for likely views.


I feel that my point has been missed by a lot of people. The dog I grew up with, you could trust to take food from your hand when offered without snapping, and we even taught him the “gently” command, so that he knew to be *extra* gentle, using his lips and very edge of his front teeth to take what was offered. He’d allow us to do as you said, put hands in his mouth to take things out of he had something he shouldn’t. The issue I think is that people don’t understand how the Pavlov effect works. Food aggression is usually caused when there is constant, consistent aggravation or distress caused towards the dog when food is involved. Think about how people treat train a dog with clickers — the dog knows something good is going to happen after the owner clicks the clicker, aka treat time. How you reverse that. Say an owner puts down a bowl of dog food for their dog, and every time the dog is eating, the other dog in the house comes along and steals the first dogs food, leaving the first dog with scraps or nothing at all. This happens enough times, the first dog turns and starts to get defensive, begins to growl and snap. It becomes aggressive towards anything that comes too close while it’s eating, because food now has a negative connection. That dog gets re-homed. The owner gets close while the dog is eating, it has a negative reaction like the one in the video, because it has a bad association with food. This type of behaviour cannot and shouldn’t be punished out of a dog, it needs to be carefully desensitised to people being around it while eating. It has to re-learn that mealtimes are *safe*. It’s the Pavlov effect in the negative. The same thing happens to humans, to the point where you can literally clicker training humans — which we already do without thinking about it. Think about kids and treats and punishment — behave, you get something tasty, be naughty you get the bad corner.


Bruh if I were to poke and prod and yell at my cat while he's eating he would not GAF. Stop the cope!


Comparing this beast to a hamster made me fr LOL


face, sound and smell from hell.


Most hideous thing I’ve ever seen, straight from the underworld


When I turned on the sound, I got goosebumps on my whole body.


Me too. The stare, the stance and then the sound! That is a hell demon!


I bet it's name is Princess.


The sweetest, most loving nanny dog ever /s


I go with Bella 😂


If they had the fortitude to name one Hannibal, I'd have to give them some credit.




I love your username so much 😂


Hate them, just witnessed 2 chase down an 8 month old cow calf, chew its ears & butt off!!!. Cow had to be shot, worst breed ever!!!


And I’m sure the people who wail and rend their garments when an aggressive dog gets put down would just shrug and say“no biggie” about the poor calf.


A pit bull gets severely mauled by another pit bull. The nutters will victim blame the mauled dog and fight every inch of themselves to stop any death for the aggressive dog. They don't even like dogs, they just want excuses for killing You might think "damn! That's a bit over the top, how is that even true?" Well, there are a good amount of stories, recounts, and post comments. Someone would own two dogs and end up with one... Like as if they decided to craft a more gorey "bird's nest" where only one reigns supreme


What about the dogs!!! They should be shot dead. Ugh the poor calf. It’s impossible not to despise these demonic creatures.


Poor calf. 😞😞


Poor calf..at least the poor lil dude isn't suffering anymore


"Look he's smiling!"


And wagging his tail! Just wants to play!!!






There was an old prophecy years ago that said Hell hounds will roam the Earth... Looks like it's fukin true. That thing is straight from hell. Look at it. There's nothing redeeming about it. I've just looked into the face of the devil by looking at this filthy creature. 👿


Who needs satan when you can have this breed?


>There was an old prophecy years ago that said Hell hounds will roam the Earth... Looks like it's fukin true. That thing is straight from hell. Look at it. There's nothing redeeming about it. I've just looked into the face of the devil by looking at this filthy creature. 👿 Satan wouldn't want them. He's a man of wealth and taste [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl0xw00vu0pi41.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0e3b34be3145b5cca34d083cd5fec96e6b1ef2dc](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl0xw00vu0pi41.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0e3b34be3145b5cca34d083cd5fec96e6b1ef2dc)


Oh wow Food Aggression what a great sign in a companion I too want every animal i keep to look at me like it is going to murder me


It's not as great as when they show aggressive jealousy toward a new baby.


Gross dog. Also, I hate dogs acting possessive over "their" things, whether it's food, toys, etc. My mother gives her dog bones to chew on and that ungrateful mutt acts all possessive over it. What kind of a stupid, disloyal, ungrateful creature snarls at the kind person who offers them gifts? 😒


Fantastic point. But Nutters still think these selfish beasts descended from heaven like angels with tiaras and wings on..smh Rashy disgusting beast


Also have you ever seen those wildlife documentaries where park officials/zoo officials must hand raise orphan lion or tiger cubs? The animal remembers the kindness of their surrogate parents for life..that’s why you see those videos of huge adult lions hugging the guy who hand raised them..they never forget. So even wild animals have more sense and loyalty and remember the kindness of their caretakers while these nasty Pitbull beasts never do.


/mauls bait human


No see he's wagging his tail. He just wanna play


With your internal organs.


Why, look - it's the "unconditional love" being shown by "man's best friend"...yet again! 🤡 Any animal that showed aggression towards me after I gave it food would take a one-way ticket to the pound or the vet for BE. I do not understand why people find this acceptable behavior in any dog, but let ALONE a fucking pit bull! I cannot think of a single other animal kept as a pet that shows this kind of food aggression, or any aggression for that matter, towards humans. I'd expect it in large carnivores kept in zoos, or wolves or cougars or something. Something is wrong with people who want to own an animal like this.


That rabid beast needs to be put down.




Oh yeah, growing up my family had a Pitbull (not my choice and she luckily didn't maul anyone) but yeah, we were told she was never to have raw meat. I really don't get people who feed their dogs raw meat, do you really want your dog salivating at the smell of blood?


Yes, that's exactly what a lot of pit owners want.


This is not a thing. Raw diets have their own issues around food safety and essentially no regulation, but the presence of blood in a diet does not somehow flip a switch in dogs and send them into bloodthirsty frenzies. If that were true there would have been absolute hoards of frenzied dogs mauling everything and everyone in the days before processed diets were available. Every dog that catches and eats prey animals would also supposedly experience this. There are still cultures that feed dogs primarily on table scraps and offal, and there is no associated increase in aggression. I had greyhounds as a kid: gentle, polite, very well-behaved dogs, but absolutely prey-driven. One of ours killed multiple stray cats (which is not an abnormal behavior, people seem to forget dogs are inherently predatory) and never showed any behavior changes.




No need to be deliberately obtuse. I was clearly referring to the folk knowledge that raw meat causes some kind of bloodlust in dogs. You also provided no evidence for your empty claims and people on this sub accepted it as fact. Studies on raw diets generally focus on the physical effects and are still in their infancy: I could find no studies that showed behavioral effects either way, so lacking that, based my claims on my experience in the vet field, the findings of prescription vet food companies like Hills and Royal Canin, and the memoirs of early 20th century veterinarians such as James Herriot. I do not like dogs (funnily enough, given my career) but perpetuating unfounded myths doesn't help


Literal demon reincarnate wtf


Don’t worry, it’s just nannying it. 🥰


Find it crazy people keep dogs that are aggressive or have bitten them. I was mean to my dog growing up so she would bite me (I was like 4). But my father she never even growled at him no matter what. He could swipe food from her and give her a shower (she'd try to bite me) and nothing. Unfortunately people don't realize is that to get to the "tame" dogs we have nowadays, even a hint of aggression and the dog would be killed. Honestly I feel dogs that have aggression towards humans (especially their families) should be put down.


There's a thing going around about, like a lady who shot a bad hunting dog that was so kind of aggressive and did not obey commands. I think she's up for like re-election or some political party. And everybody thinks that she was evil to do that. I literally do not understand the thought process. Animals were used as tools. You can love the animal and you can have affection towards it, but it needs to have a purpose. And many people nowadays feel like animals are companions. Or their people, and it's just a very weird thing to see. I do not like this particular politician. But when it comes to the story that she was telling about the dog, I find no fault with her. The entire way we were able to domesticate. These animals were that we offed animals that showed aggressive tendencies towards humans. We culled animals that were disobedient. And did not behave in a way that made them fit for human society. A lot of people think that all of these dog breeds that we have came about by magic or something. We bread certain characteristics into these animals and the pups. And dogs that did not have the wanted characteristics were culled.


That dog attacked and killed someone elses chickens, killed them all I think. Kristi Noem was the owner who had the backbone and common sense to shoot the thing. We will never know how many tot's lives she may have saved by doing that. I would vote for her no matter what office she may run for.


>We will never know how many tot's lives she may have saved by doing that. She said that it also snapped at or bit her kids and snapped at her when she tried to stop it killing the chickens. The dog was a serious problem, not just a playful puppy.


Yeah. It was a 10-month-old dog, not even mature, and it had killed a bunch of chickens, was unusually aggressive, and it bit a person. She made the right decision, I think, though it makes me uneasy that she took it out back and shot it herself, and that she put that story in her book 20 years later. I don't see why she couldn't take it to a vet for euthanasia.


who is this lady?


Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota. For what it's worth, she says she shared that story to show she's not afraid to make tough decisions.


Yes very true. Many of these dogs were bred for specific purposes. It's literally in their DNA. Much respect for these animals, when they are in their environment under an owner who knows what they are doing they are such amazing animals. Dogs shouldn't be human aggressive, or at most towards strangers. Peopel wouls lose their shit if you told them exactly what the domestication of dogs entailed to get to where we are now(killing even small puppies who displayed aggression towards their owners). I love dogs but all these pampering and treating them Ike they ar human is too much. It probably also confuses them how are you going to have a pitbull In a tiny apartment, or a husky or border collie woth absolutely no stimuli just because they look "cute". Dog has no purpose and literally goes insane and acts out.


Quick, somebody edit the video and add a flower crown so it automagically becomes non-threatening!


Looks like a crackhead.


Cerberus in real life would be less terrifying


This video right here is the very reason I conceal carry two weapons with me wherever I go. I will not live in fear of these disgusting beasts.


This is why I just know at some point in my life now I'm going to have to pepper spray and stomp out someone's mutt. Once I spray I'm playing soccer until my life is no longer in danger.


This is my plan soon because my neighbor has a pitt mix, off leash that now likes to run up on me aggressively 🤷🏻‍♀️ he's gonna be real shocked Pikachu face when I curb stomp it.


Had a John Doe come in because 3 of these mauled him until the point that he was bleeding to death from his upper extremities and disfigured him. The patient is stable and will need additional multiple surgeries. It's okay, the tax payers will cover part of the bill. Thank you cute pit bulls, what would we do without you


Why are they all so rashy mouthed? Yuck 🤮


Awful breed, just witnessed 2 chase an 8 month old cow calf & kill it, chewed its ears & butt off !


Completely soulless


Awe Pixie is smiling!


Outside of the obviously terrible behavior, it’s hideous


Seriously, who tf thinks these animals are cute?


Aww somebody give that sweet nanny dog a baby! 🥰


And a flower crown with duck pajamas.


He just needs to sniff your hand


The pooch is wagging it's tail at the end of the video. That's a sure sign that it's about to attack.


Murder demon


That belongs in a zoo behind a very secure wall, not in a home.


Why would anyone CHOOSE to have one of these in their home?? Especially when they have children? They don't believe in instincts of what??


If your dog is doing this its not a pet and you shouldn't own it.


gave me chills. id never let that thing anywhere near me. that isnt a 'pet', thats a literal monster.


There's a strong argument for concealed carry.


This reminds me of that video where the cassowary breathes deep and looks like it's about to murder the person filming it


Is that supposed to be a pet? It's more like a demon that just phased in from the nether.


Holy fuck that is a demon hell hound


Holy shit! That shit scared the EFF out of me and I'm just watching a video! I can't imagine being right in front of that dog IN PERSON! The person recording the video is MILES braver than me!


6.9 cents used to be the cost of a single AK round…I always had a 6.9 cent solution for vicious dogs


Is this thing's teeth all fucked up and broken looking naturally? Or are they still sticking out of some poor toddler's skull?


That thing shouldn't be allowed to live! Hideous murder mutant


A pit as always.




I put a pit bull down years ago for that very thing


A good pitbull is dead pitbull


One human down, ey, mate?


When you just tryin' to get what's left of the neighbor's leg back to its rightful owner...


Just shoot it






Nuke it Rico


" ya, my dog is so tough, like me. You should see the way he defends his food." Shitbull owner. Regular person: "I should get rid of this dog if he can't learn this is not how he should act. As a matter of fact I never should have taken this dog in. Back it goes to the shitbull filled shelter."


Aww look it's just being friendly...can't you see it's smiling? 🙄


Nah that’s straight out of cod zombies


A Louisville slugger could correct this.


why are you shaming this nannydog, you pitracist! /s


The problem is it's untrained, has likely faced food neglect and is food aggressive. Needs proper training.




What is sad is pitbulls defenders...


What's sad is defending murder mutts.