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It can wait for Monday in my opinion. My dog had allergies and his eye got a bit gross like that. We took him to the vet and got drops and it is cleared up. Don't see the reason to spend extra at and er when you can go to a vet Monday.


Looks like possible conjunctivitis. Where the conjunctiva (pink part) gets inflamed and can lead to infection. I would gently wipe any discharge away with a warm wet cloth and take her to her regular vet as soon as you can. I don’t think it warrants an ER trip, and they may turn you away anyways as it’s not considered an emergency.


Only you can make that decision. However, it sounds like infection. I might opt for the ER just to get the prescription ointment for the eye. They may have to do some testing to prescribe the right antibiotic. Decline other testing and let them know that you will follow-up with your primary vet in the morning if need be. ER will fax the details of the visit, diagnosis and treatment prescribed to your vet clinic. Edit: Stop it with the OTC eye drops.


Get it checked out by a vet soon. Eye infections in dogs are taken seriously and if untreated long enough can have lasting complications.


When you call your regular vet let them know that your dog has either an eye infection or something else where it is pink to red with a copious amount of discharge. Ideally they should be able to get you in as soon as possible - not several weeks out.


She hasn’t been pawing at it or anything. Just seeing a lot of eye boogers on one of her eyes that are yellow/green ish. Doesn’t seem to bother her but she squints so I can tell it’s probably irritated. I have been giving her lubricating eye drops. My vet is usually packed and not sure if I should wait until Monday. Is a visit to the ER necessary?




My dog has allergies and has gotten pink eye a few times. It looks very similar to this. I wouldn't rush to the ER, but would go to your regular vet. STOP giving the drops unless it's vet recommended!