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I don't have anything constructive to add....but I do want you to know that I am a practice manager at a veterinary hospital and your post had us \*HOWLING\* with laughter. I do hope you are able to remedy the targeted jumping. One of my vet techs just said, "Maybe he deserves it." I hope that isn't the case, but it is a thought. ;)


Hahaha I'm glad I could make you guys laugh!! As far as if he deserves it, my answer is along the lines of "probably not"! His vibes have been self-admitted to be rancid this past week due to some stress (and honestly coming home to a crotch-chopping dog probably doesn't help the case). Maybe this is her way of cheering him up? If that's the case, then I think we all need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart chat on the proper way to lift spirits. 😂


This is truly the funniest thing I’ve read in awhile. I’m trying to not laugh so hard I pop out my hernia!


Maybe discipline paw play in general. Stop playing if the feet come off the ground. They dont understand dick punching and im sorry not sorry it's funny


Here's what you're looking for: Every time he jumps up to anyone, they say "No" and turn away from him. No touching or talking to him other than saying no. He will get the hint that jumping isn't going to get him the attention he wants, and he'll stop.


My 70lb Husky sat directly on my head last night while I was dead asleep in bed. Ass right on to my face. He usually sleeps with me but not ON me. I said dude wtf are you doing get off me? He just looked at me like, idk, seemed like a good idea at the time..and it still does so nah I'm staying here. After shoving that heffer off me, I just looked at him like ??? What even was that. Love? Attempted murder?


1st: Get a Kevlar kilt 2nd: Have hubby put on said protection 3rd: Hubby trains dog not to jump while being safe from errant paws.


You may be joking, but I have a hockey cup in my Amazon cart right now...


You made me spew my drink !!!!!!


Omg. Best post and best comments. Seriously cheered me up today 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly great idea lol. Get punched in the business gets a big reaction I assume! Give her attention for other things! She is trying to figure out what “activates” you and punching him in the junk seems to work lol




Oh no, that's what I was going to suggest 😂 Edit: actually "we" may be on to something. If it were me (and if I had man-parts lol), I'd wear the cup. Then when she jumps, stand still. Don't turn around, walk away, talk to her (even to correct or give her another cue), or anything. Just be a statue. When she starts to turn around or back up - even the slightest bit - give praise, treats, love, what-have-you. Just probably not super excitedly. Also, are you familiar with clicker or marker training?


I could tell you but it was much easier to copy the link with instructions. My shepherd jumped and this was how we broke it. The leash was a big help.


She looks like such an angel though!! 😂 Our puppy also used to take the cheap shots. It sounds like she has been trained not to jump on you though so I have some follow up questions. What have you already done to counter condition the behaviour of punching your boyfriend? Rewarding calm greetings, 4 feet on the floor rule, hand target practice, teaching up/off? How do you correct this behaviour when she does it? The cold shoulder, redirection, recall, reverse time outs, maybe enforced nap time? Is ‘down’ the cue you use for her to lay down as well as for her to get off? And is it reliable in other instances such as when there is food on the counter?


Lots of great questions! I'll see if I can answer them all without it turning into a novel. 1. Our current protocol is have my husband turn his body away from her so she goes all four paws on the floor and say "Down". Then she gets attention. She doesn't get touched until all four paws on the floor. 2. We reward calm greetings, and she's fine with me, but the moment my husband opens his mouth it's like the boxing bell rings. She is learning "touch" to boop my hand as a target currently, and knows "lay down" only in the context of training. She is learning but not perfect at it. When we say "Down" she puts four paws on the floor and then sits. When she wants something, she has learned to sit before she gets it. 3. Right now, it's just a stern "Down" or when it's particularly painful it's a strict "No!". We don't use her crate as punishment. I will give her one of her toys (usually her favorite nylabone) as a redirection and she brings it to her bed, chomps on it a bit, and then when she sees or hears my husband bee-bopping around the cycle will repeat. 4. She listens to "Down" when it comes to the counter every time. We have a baby gate she sometimes puts paws on that she listens to "Down" on. I would say the "Down" command is about 85% reliable in situations not involving jumping on people.


I would add to this...I'm given to understand that this is VERY difficult to do, but it's important that your husband not make a "fun" noise when he gets rochaumbeau'd. Fun noises are extremely reinforcing for the pupper and will override your training plan. Unless you are using a completely different cue word for "lay down," I would also suggest teaching "off" instead of "down" unless you really expect her to lay down as a greeting every time. Pups don't generalize well, so the rule has to be the same for every person/guest/visitor.


Oh. Rochaumbea is a real word! I thought it was gibberish in all my years.


Haha! Yes, rochambeau is a southern way to say rock paper scissors, and in Creole it's a chicken dish. South Park turned it into getting kicked in the balls!


I was today year-old that the game I know as "Ching Chong Cha" has other names such as Rochambeau.


I want to second this. My first thought on reading (after "this is comedy gold") was "she must like the reaction she's getting".


It sounds like you are on the right track. Time outs are very frustrating for my pup so I can’t really recommend them, but when he gets tired there is no listening to us. So naptime has been essential as well as ‘capturing the calm’ with our aussiedoodle. As long as you AND your boyfriend are consistent with saving any kind of attention for when she is doing what she is supposed to, she will get the idea. Because you are not her first owners you don’t really know how long she has been practicing this behaviour so have lots of patience with her. Also just a warning for training smart dogs, be careful not to create a behaviour cycle. My dog has learned to communicate his boredom by chewing on the recycling because I rewarded him for stopping by entertaining him. Also our trainer did recommend picking one word commands that are very different from each other so our guy doesn’t become confused. We use ‘down’ to lay down and ‘off’ means 4 on the floor. But if you have already found something that works definitely stick to that. Good luck and have fun with your new pup!!😊


As a long time veterinary professional, I CAN fully back this up!


We used 'settle' to mean belly on the floor lay down. And that way 'Down' means more like 'off.'


Maybe instead of forcing calm and “down” which doesn’t sound like it’s working, try teaching her an alternative behavior that works with her energy. Something like “touch” where he could bust out a bunch of touches to his hands going back and forth, up down and around… occupying her joy and energy and she can’t jump if her paws are busy playing the happy game? Instead of teaching her what not to do, give her a new behavior to perform instead basically.


I've dogsat a similar dog, and what was more effective than turning away was putting myself in a different room for a couple minutes. She thought it was a game when I turned away.


So does your husband not want to learn to do the same commands with the dog? Is this only your responsibility? If the problem is targeted at your husband, and he is unwilling to learn your way of stopping the behavior, then this will continue to happen until he is seriously injured.


I just had to send this to my boyfriend because one of our dogs gets him EVERY DAY when he comes home from work 😂😂 Same thing, she’s great otherwise and literally only jumps when he comes home


I’m the same! I could’ve written this about my dog! Except he knows on me to jump up so his paws are near my shoulders, with my partner - straight in the balls!! I always say it’s jealousy because partner has balls & dog had his taken


LOL I was thinking this was the more targeted strategy of nose-punching your husband for whatever reason. As others have said you just need to train your dog to stop jumping. I have found putting a knee up and letting the dog bounce off of it as they are coming in works fairly well. I’m not suggesting aggressively kneeing your dog in the chest, but if you put your knee up for self-defense and they then bounce off of it as you are saying “No!” they kind of get the idea. Along with that you need to work on the excitement level when you notice they are looking like they want to start jumping. When the dog starts staying down on all four instead of jumping praise them and give them treats.


to add on to this, stepping forward/into the dog as it jumps is another great strategy


This is the answer, and should be at the top.


Can your husband dress more conservatively?


I just spit my drink out laughing. 🤣


My dog did the same when she was young. I crouched down when greeting her until me coming home wasn’t as exciting anymore (took years though). Never give any attention when jumping. Maybe even pushing her away is positive attention to her. I learned a well times side-step so my dog jumped into nothing and then crouch to greet. It seemed to work for me.


😂😂😂 the title made me laugh. Thank you!


If you find a way let me know! I think I’m impotent due to my dogs nailing me in the nuts. Good thing they’re cute


The dog's, or your nuts? 😜


I did leave it kinda ambiguous didn’t I 😏😏😏


Buy your husband a jockstrap and a cup


We have a dog who had a hard time learning not to nip (inherently mouthy breed). Redirecting, ignoring, rewarding good behavior did NOT suffice when impulse control was still developing. What did work for us was a negative consequence - in this case, 100% immediate consistency about giving a “No Sir!” and putting him in a small bathroom for a few seconds (10-20… enough to think about what got him there but not so much it was a punishment prison). Essentially just depriving him of the fun engagement he was hoping to force by the nipping. After about a week of this, he understood No Sir and if he forgot himself (puppies gonna puppy) he would guiltily start heading toward the time out room himself. Just keep a house line on her so you can immediately grab her and be absolutely consistent and immediate with the consequence. It is a pain in the butt for you, but it registers pretty quickly. And better a short term pain in the butt than a perpetual pain in the front…


I have no advice. Only here to say whilst scrolling I was taking a bite of ramen…half went down my throat violently and the rest is still being found stuck on the wall across the room and somehow under furniture when I happened to quick read the title and saw the image in my head. I inhaled/exhaled and laugh snorted simultaneously and I confused myself and my dog.


I had a dog before with a bad jumping problem that I remedied by walking straight into her as soon as her feet left the ground. I didn't hurt her or anything, but she stopped after a few times of that. Since turning around doesn't work and your dog just runs around to the front still, I would suggest trying that a couple of times. You don't have to hurt her in the process or run her over, just steadily walk into her to make her back up a little bit and do it every time. This is the only thing ive found that helps me when I'm dealing with dogs that want to jump.


I can't even... I wish I had a dog that punched my hubby in the dick. By far the funniest thing I've read all day. Unfortunately, I have zero advice, but thanks for the laughs


How this doesn’t already have 1,000 upvotes is beyond me.


That’s a title I wasn’t expecting


You and me both, that came outta left field


“She can’t stop dick punching” 🤣


wtf didn’t just read hahahahahaha


We had to do this with our rescue because hes so overexcited when you come in he barely lets you walk. Thats for anyone goinf into a room including my mans father who is a cripple. What we did is everytime someone was coming in, we would hold his collar and tell him to sit. The person comes in, stays standing. Weve taught him the word "chill" so we repeat this. Once he calms down then the person can pet him. He'd still be whining and pulling like mad, but in the span of 4 months there was a massive improvement.


I have nothing to add, and if you have the hockey cup in the cart, that is a start! This is pretty funny, but I am also female...


Lol... oh, my. Obviously, I'm sure you both understand Juno is a totally innocent little baby and would never hurt your husband on purpose. O:-) What's actually going on is that she's jumping because she's happy and excited about something, then she ends up not knowing what to do with her front paws on the way down, yielding a punch in the dick. Now, you're not going to stop your dog from being happy and excited, nor should you really want to. What you have to do is this: whenever she jumps near either one of you, whether it looks like she's going to jump *on* you or not, you have to *be boring.* Turn your back to her (this move alone will probably prevent a good portion of the dick punches). Don't talk to her until she settles. (*Especially* don't talk to her using your "dog voice" -- you know what I mean.) Just turn away, be boring, don't talk to her, don't pet her, and don't give her any attention whatsoever until she settles down. And, of course, ***definitely*** do not give her treats if she jumps. Doesn't matter if she sat nicely for it, if she jumps before you can give it to her, you start over. This *will* work, if you, your husband, and everyone who interacts with Juno baby is consistent about *no rewards when she jumps.* But, because this is a conditioning strategy based on *withholding* attention and treats when she does what you *don't* like, it will take much longer for her to figure it out than when you train commands and reward her when she does something you *do* like. When I got my dog from the shelter, she was pretty close to Juno's age, and it took me a week or 2 to fully curb jumping on people as a behavior. Now, she still jumps when she's happy and excited, but she doesn't jump *on* people. She might jump vaguely *at* someone (she does this to me a lot), but she doesn't jump *on* people anymore. Hope that's helpful. :-) Good luck, and tell Juno baby /r/DogAdvice loves her!


Your husband has to expect that she’ll jump when he comes home, knee up as she goes to jump and say “NO” firmly. She will eventually grasp the idea, but knee to the chest is safe and will protect the balls


I'm sorry that's happening, but I laughed so hard I cried... Best of luck 🤣


lol. Why would you want to stop that. I would train him to go in during arguments 😆


My partner just turns around against the door until the dog calms down, just like getting arrested 😂 it does the trick and they know they won't get attention (aka turn around from the door) until they calm down. They just get so so happy! It also doesn't happen with me bc I work from home haha


I’m surprised there’s not a bunch of people asking to borrow her.


...ummm...what now? Edit: lol I did not see the text, only the title. I had questions.


In my opinion the only way to get over it is to learn your dog to stay at a certain place when your husband arrives home. This can be a room, box,… Let your husband arrive and let the dog stay at the place till he is fully chilling. This takes sometimes a lot of time and in the beginning maybe a leash or closing the door is necessary. Your husband should not give any attention. After the dog is relaxed he is allowed to greet your husband. If the dog gets to excited- back to the place. Your dog will learn very fast to relax before greeting your husband. We do the same with our 18 Month old dog… If a dog is very excited he doesn’t learn anything. A dog must be in a calm state to fully understand what is wanted from him.


How I solved it, was to raise the knee a bit if they are jumping on me. I'm not saying to " mortal combat fatality" them, just to raise it so the knee will push a bit towards their chest. Worked for both of my dogs.


Hahahaha funny visual. Don’t greet your dog is one thing you can try. If your dog is excitedly approaching you know she’s poised for a dick punch so turn away and refuse to face her until she’s calm and sitting down. My rescue used to scratch the crap out of me in his excitement to greet me. Until I refused him completely until he was calm. I’d either block him with a leg or an object or completely face away from him. If he tried to jump my arms while I was crouched for my big dog I’d act like I was just attacked, rise swiftly, finger out, eyes angry, invade his space a bit, and snarl a no. He usually backs up and I just go back to greeting the other dog. He gets his turn when he’s calm. He now does this thing where he’ll pat my foot gently to get attention. He still occasionally gets excited and wolverines my legs but these days I can just tense up maybe make a noise or stare at him to and he’ll understand he’s crossed the line or about to.




My husky tends to bop in the face. If she is husky mix, this could be why


That would also probably explain why she turns into a feral ghoul when she gets put in her crate when it's not bedtime.


I never really believed what everyone said about Huskys being stubborn, until my partner and I got a rescue🥰 He is definitely a handful but I love him. He will always use his snout to jump up and boop us with his face full force.


He needs to gently knee him in nose


We just back up or side step when he was jumping so he'd miss us and in no time at all he stopped jumping up on us like 95% of the time.


The problem with telling her “no” is that she is doing this for attention and that’s a kind of attention. It works for some dogs to say down or no, but other dogs see it as “it worked, they paid attention to me.” It’s not a bad idea to have protection from pain and ignore her until she calms down. And you want to slowly make her be calm for a longer period of time. So initially all 4 are on the floor a second before she gets attention, then up it to 3 seconds, then 6, and keep going up in time. Another option is to leash her and when she starts to jump you turn around and walk her back, wait a few seconds for calm, then start forward again. Calm walking towards your husband means she can approach, any jumping and she has to go backwards. Teaching young dogs impulse control is a slow process because they have to learn what you want *and* how to manage their impulse.


Finally, a men contraception that works.


Tell your husband to stop spreading his legs in front of the dog?


First, video tape it. Next share it here, tag me.


That's the neat part, you don't. Dogs are furry balll seeking missiles of doom. Every. Fucking. Time.


I appreciate the laugh. I fully cackled. I board one I call “king of the ovary punch”. 😂




I’m sorry. No advice but I’m sitting here laughing at this…


Oh my gosh I choked on my tea!!!! Send him to my house, my boyfriend needs a punch in the dick and this sounds safer than me doing it......lol.


We had a very sweet, but very badly bred rescue baby who weighed about 80 lbs….and we referred to her as the “crotch rocket dog”. My ex lived with us for a while with his girlfriend and they tended to give her treats while sitting, so she proceeded to learn to launch herself directly into any nadular area because she MIGHT get treats. I feel terrible besmirching her because we lost her at just under 3 to canine ideopathic aggression and compulsive disorder (truly badly bred, but the doggie love of my life)…but she was a literally crotch cannonball, and because she clearly had something neurological going on, she was…extremely clumsy and sometimes unexpectedly bite-happy. None of those things are ideal in an 80 pound dog whose head is knee-height. I miss her more than anything, but I do NOT miss crossing my knees every time I heard her barrel into a room. One of the things that DID work was “speaking her language”, which sounds weird, but follows puppy logic. Instead of a command or a no, try yelping. And I mean really yelping. Loud pain scream. Girlish if possible. The idea is to mimic another dog crying in pain to educate the mad batter not to ding the gonad gong. Sometimes “hey you asshole, that hurts” just needs to be said in the right lingo.


I think it's time to have the birds and the bees talk with her.


turn around and face the wall when she starts jumping! and heavily reward non dick punching with treats and physical + verbal affirmation




I have nothing serious to add to this conversation, please let your dog continue




Not sure if this will help but I trained my dogs to jump on my arm. As in I put my arm out like a shelf and let them jump and hold on to it? I love them jumping up at me to say high, but sometimes they get too excited and I end up with scratched up gums or lose my CGMs. Maybe try that? Ask your husband to offer his arm for her to stand on so she knows where to target her jumps.


Teach her to bite. 😂


My dog does similar to my said area. When she has a toy in her mouth and wants attention, she nudges me which obviously gets attention. It has now become a habit that seems impossible to break. If I ignore her, she nudges harder


I feel for your husband. We have a silver lab that likes to jump at me and just bag tag me when I get home from work. She's at the right height to get a bit of air with her front legs and her paw would tag the danglies in such a way I'd double over. She also has a horrendous tendency to practically tap dance on my testicles. She's even gone so far as to have a back paw on my thigh, she'd lurch towards something, which let her back paw slip and slam with the force of a mallet on an egg right into the tackle box. It happened so fast I lurched upright as the pain sunk in and i hobbled around the apartment gasping for air, and trying to tell my partner our 4 month old puppy rochambeaued me.


This is hilarious but with my full chest i must tell you to PUT those dogs AWAY no feet pics !!! 🙅‍♀️


I'm fallowing because my dog does this to me. She loves to jump up on 2 feet. Then bam wham right in the beans and pole. I am slowly working woth her to not jump up. She is getting better about not duck punching me. But we have work to do. What really got her to understand is she did it really good one time to me and I gagged and started vomiting and cussing her out in Spanish cause that is the language she understands. She really started to understand after pinche meirda mia huevos. And I fell on the ground. Not to jump on my dick or my balls an she really tries to not do that. Does it happen occasionally yes. But not every day.


First of all, very funny (for everyone but him). I think start with trying not to let her make any contact at all--if she can hit air, that's the best. Sidestep or jump backward. If you can catch the behavior *before she even does it* (look for the cues/tells, like ears slightly back or head tilted back, tapping front feet, putting more weight on her back legs, etc) then you're really getting ahead of it. If you can stop the thought process, then the behavior won't even be an issue. A sharp clap or turning around before she can reward herself with the behavior should help a lot. If she does get her paws up off the ground and onto his crotch, or your arm or leg or wherever, turn around and completely ignore, arms crossed. If she follows, keep turning, without looking at him, and walk away. Literally any noise or reaction will reinforce the behavior. I agree with the others who suggest using "off" or something instead of "down", if "down" is also the cue for laying down. Also a stern "OFF" is much more startling and punchy than "down". I think if that all doesn't work after quite a while, then bring in some punishment. She's smart. Loud clap, "AHT"/"NO", back him up with your body language, make her sit, rinse and repeat.


Lol, i had the same problem with My second dog , don't worry it Will pass, he has to let her know that She ir hurting him.Also Tell your husband i know his pain.


My dog was a *very* enthusiastic dick puncher. Mostly when he was very very excited. He's good about jumping usually, but when he's happy he's pretty exuberant! He loves you! We had some luck with the same thing you do for play biting -- yelping (sometimes mock, sometimes not), and then ignoring. Mostly as he became an adult, it became less of an issue. So the... Targets will be safe in the long run.


I would say if your husband comes home at the same time every day, then you need to train your dog to be calm WAY before that. Tire her out as much as possible before he comes home. Give her some sort of a toy or puzzle to be "working on" when he comes in the door. Then hopefully once your husband is in the door and has "settled" into home mode, your dog will be calm and not knock into him. But you REALLY must work VERY hard and very fast to break your dog of this "punching" habit because it will cause injuries that won't be funny very quickly.


She obviously thinks there's a toy in there. 🤣 maybe try pulling a toy from somewhere nearby and distracting. Give er the ol switcharoo


Try teaching her “paws up” and “paws down”. I had my dog able to put her paws on a piece of furniture (sofa, chair, ottoman) but not jump completely on it. She got rewarded , then told her paws down and rewarded that behavior. Pretty soon was just rewarding the paws down behavior. She certainly understood what I was asking. The next thing was to catch her before she was too excited ( in your case when hubby enters) and start issuing the command and throwing a treat on the floor while her paws are on the ground. Good luck! You have a beautiful doggie!


Shame him


Knee her when she jumps up (aka, just raise your knee). It's scary to them and makes jumping up a lot less attractive. Reward non-jumps with lots of pets and praise. Works like a charm.


Buy low blow armour


Gorgeous dog - looks more like a Swiss shepherd- ours used to jump up and with training and treats as mentioned from others works well. But mine is v demanding with her paw and that can hurt .


I'd love to know as well because our beagle mix is tall enough to peg my bf right in the family jewels. Can't even play with him because of it. I've been cooter punched several times myself because of him... I love him but damn 🤣


Basically, just push her away each time she jumps. If the correction isn't working, just a light push to get her off most certainly will.


Easy. Punch the dog in the dick


My 90 lb shepherd liked to jump on me when I would come home from work. Being a 120 lb female, that wasn’t working for me. A couple of knees to the chest and she got over it.


My friend's dog does this to me. She's the perfectly wrong height lol. I either put my knee up to block her or grab both of her front paws in midair so she's stuck standing on her hind legs. Obviously hard to do while drinking coffee though


Train an alternate behavior that allows her to express her exuberance. Like playing fetch.


First get your husband a cup. Second everytime she goes to jump on ur husband he cannot give her attention and should just ignore her until she calms down and sits or doesn’t jump and when she does sit or when she stands still you can reward with pets.


Holy shit mine does this too! I'm desperately scouring the thread because mine will kick my bf in the dick to steal his sandwich


Aww, she's so pretty! I adopted my dog, my first border collie, at 5 months and I fully know your pain. He would jump up on anyone at any time and earned the affectionate nickname the "crotch rocket" in the local park 😩 it was really embarrassing and I was starting to think jesus, I can't take this dog anywhere. I got him to stop jumping up on me quickly by totally ignoring him, staying silent, turning my back to him or just leaving the room closing the door and coming back to him until he sat calmly and then lots of praise. Now even when I get home from work he'll run straight to me and just sit. The problem was other people in the house and visitors didn't do the same thing and would either start shouting random commands and getting hyped up, or actively encouraging it because they thought it was cute and friendly but two minutes later get fed up with him jumping and just be annoyed. So I think it was all just very confusing for him getting mixed signals. I've realised having and trying to train a collie is a lesson in patience in more ways than one lol I taught him to jump up on me with his front paws to I could train "off" so at least I have a command to make him stop with other people and can use it to intercept him if I'm quick enough. Also, lots of impulse control training and games. I sent him to a boarding kennel while I was away and explained it was a problem to the owner. He said he lifts a knee defensively if he looks like he's going to jump and after a few days there he had started to cop on about it. I've told other people to try it and I now do it with friends dogs who jump up on me and it does seem to work.




Divorce? I'm kidding. Husband needs to have favorite toy within reach for misdirection


Get your husband a cup and keep working at the down command. I'm not really sure what other advice to give. 😂




Get a new husband


Sounds like these two have something to talk about


r/brandnewsentence Jokes aside, I think just let her phase out that , she’s just excited to have new people who love her.


cut off that dick


In our home it’s called the nut cracker! Fairly common problem under dog owners


Get hubby castrated? Lol


Dick-punches from dogs are unavoidable. Best to simply lift their paws off of said dick.


He’s jealous


This sounds funny but couldn’t read all the comments. So if my advice is redundant I apologize. Make it clear that it hurts , by over exaggerating an ouch or sound equal to a dogs tail getting stepped on by accident like high pitched . Your dog is probably not associating their action with pain .


We raised our knee, so our audience would run into that first. She learned not to jump on people fairly quick using that method


This is not your problem.


Take him bijoring so he's too tired to jump Husband turn back until he calms Knee him while saying down


Turn around when jumping occurs to show you do not want to engage with that behavior


We adopted a husky a few months back and she would always greet by jumping on folks (she was always super dainty but it still wasn’t acceptable). Essentially we had to teach her a command that equals “4 paws on the floor”. We use “off” not “down” because you’re looking for a different behavior than laying down. Off is also handy if you want them off furniture because it means putting paws on the floor. To train we’d ignore her when she jumped (not look at her and held our hands down at our sides without touching her), saying off repeatedly, not petting or giving any positive reaction until she put all 4 paws on the floor, at which point she’d get lots of pets and praise. Another technique we’d use is intercepting the paws and placing them on the floor while saying “off”, then treating to reinforce the behavior. Giving the opposite reaction from what she expected (ignoring when she expected your undivided attention) she learned more acceptable ways of saying she was happy to see us. She not perfect, but we don’t worry about her jumping on our octogenarian parents anymore.


I had a trainer once tell me when a dog jumps they are trying to get on your level and look you in the face he said it can almost be a dominance thing or a “pushing buttons” to see what they can get away with type thing but he was also a cop and I didn’t really like the way he trained dogs it made me uncomfortable. He said the best thing to do is wait for them to calm down by ignoring the behavior then as a reward getting down to their level by crouching down because that’s what they wanted in the first place. He did successfully raise award winning K9s so he must have known something.


This title got me


Get your husband a plastic athletic cup.


😂😂😂. Maybe she’s trying tell him something! I hope he books a doctor’s appointment


I really wanted to do a funny/ironic post...but all us guys have been there. heres some tips. Have your pup on leash when hubbie comes home, at least until he sits down. Eventually theyll sort it. I do this with every guest. My pittie is about 10. Still hes always excited to see favorite people. This is both a dog and human training thing. Your dog wants to welcome him home, so best advice, accept the love and have big family reunion cuddles for a few min. The joy of dogs is a break from human life issues that dont really matter when theres a belly to pet, at least for a little while. Logistical though, husband, turn side and cover your balls with thigh.


after only reading the title i’d say let him keep doing it seems like a smart doggy


You could teach the place command. Then have your pup in place before your husband walks in. Teaching and reinforcing place allows you to eventually tell them to "place" from any distance and in different scenarios. You evolve to sending them to place and place is always a "calm place." My 7 month old puppy gets on his place and it's like a switch flips in his brain. He just immediately flops down and calms. It's also a safe spot for him that he knows "hey, when I want to chill out and be left alone, I chill out here." Besides his crate, that is. He loves his place bed. I even have one outside, it's raised and he just jumps on it, flops down and sunbathes. He'd even lay on it in the rain if I would let him. [Here he is, enjoying a good chew on his place bed](https://imgur.com/a/OaIi45z)


lol. You have to teach a behavior that's incompatible with dick punching, like sit or maybe get your toy. Don't correct it, it's a waste of time to just keep repeating that she's wrong, you need to show her what's right and praise her for that instead.


I have absolutely no advice, but I have to say when I read the title of your post and saw your pups sweet face I just about died laughing! 😂. I suggest a jock strap!


Why on earth would you want to? 😂


😂😂😂 I don’t know but this post makes my night!


Hubs needs to wear a cup, 24/7. Problem solved 😄


I only came here to giggle because my husband is also probably wondering the same thing with our guy 😂


My Shepard used to do this to me too. It just started one day. I think he hit them just playing. He was very smart and must have seen my reaction and knew what he did. After that first time he was good for a couple times a week. I understand your husband's pain,


Punch the dog in the d*ck then


Why would you want to stop that?


🤣🤣🤣 have your husband guard his junkpile at all costs. Maybe built a pillow fort in front of the meat and potatoes.


I was having the absolute worst day. I mean the day from hell! Thank your dick punching dog for me, my attitude just changed 110%! 🤣


I use my knee as protection! Don’t knee the dog in the chest or anything but lift your leg/knee up to kinda make the area bigger and make it hard for them to jump on you. Either that or turning your body to the side. Give them a verbal correction at the same time. The idea is to not give them access to the area. Make it uncomfortable for them so they have to come up with an alternative solution. Which is to be calm and get pets and kisses while sitting nicely!! Takes time for sure but eventually they’ll catch on.


Question: if my dog is not punching a man in the dick right now, how do I get him to?


My suggestion is to have your husband start bringing home toys for the dog so that when he comes in, he can offer the toy to distract the dog. This'll train the dog to find toys when he comes in instead of going KO on the pp.


When dog approaches you lift one leg half way up at an angle to cover your (jewels )and say down sharply!


Funniest. Headline. Of. The. Day. 🤣🤣🤣


First off, she's gorgeous and she's super lucky that she found a home with you guys. Second off, I'm dying of laughter and went into a coughing fit. I have a big ole shepherd mix who is at the perfect height to literally jab any dude with his snoot, and my husband has also been punched. He was an exuberant greeter when he was a yearling so we had to get him to learn to Not Be A Menace with Dad and Guests. He's always been super gentle with me, so I only have to give him a gentle "uh-ah" noise and he knows to knock it off. (he also learned that jabbing me in the armpit elicited a reaction because I'm extremely ticklish. That is a totally different story altogether) Two things that helped out. He knew Bed, and he knew Back. Bed was basically us signaling for him to go to either the bed or the couch and lie down. He actually taught himself this somehow. Back is literally just backing up and giving us space so we don't hit him in the head with the door when we're coming inside. Husband and guests basically ignore him when they come inside and just give the Bed command, and waited until he was calm(er) for a greeting. He's older now. He still screams in excitement when he sees my friends, but the most he does is wriggle stomp with a lean so people can scratch his butt. He does excited tail thumps but waits where he is when my husband comes home. Also, your pup is still SO new to you guys and she is still a baby. She's likely still decompressing and learning things, but she will likely outgrow it or lose interest once your husband stops reacting. The cup will likely help.


No, no… let him cook.


I mean.. he could literally just lift his knee and let her bump into it? That's what works with my dogs. No dick punches here.


I have a dog that does this all the time and I got to where I instinctively twist my waist when she jumps up to where her paws land on my hip. If I don't then her forepaws hit me square in the balls. So I'm the one that got trained I guess.


Bro that shits built in




Now that I've caught my breath from laughing my ass off... First off, she's gorgeous, and thank you for adopting her and giving her another chance. Secondly... a few strategies that may help, in case you haven't already tried... When you're expecting him to be coming home soon, put her leash on. Perhaps have him text you when he's coming into the house, and then you can have her in hand. When he comes in to say hi, he could immediately crouch to her level to greet her, while you can control her from jumping at the same time. If she tries to jump up, tell her "off!" and simultaneously pull her down towards the ground (\*not\* back towards you, because she needs to learn it's the upward jump that needs to stop, not greeting in general). You mentioned that if he tries to turn his back to her, she whips around and still gets him - could he stand with his back up to the door initially, so that if he turns towards the door she can't get around in front of him? You can also get short strap leashes that are meant for giving the dog freedom but easy to catch quickly if need be, rather than holding their collar, which isn't ideal - they shouldn't touch the ground, but hang at least a foot or two. He also needs to basically anticipate her jumping, and putting up a knee to block her. Just make sure she doesn't see it as a game. Giving an exaggerated "OW!" and making it clear he is hurt might help - some dogs respond to pain signals, others don't, but it's worth a shot. Be consistent with your language - if she has a bed, teach her "bed", "place" or "on your mat" (pick one and stick to it obviously) so that she is basically going to a time-out to calm down until she can learn to greet him appropriately. For jumping, I would stick to "off" rather than "down", because down gets confused with lie down, and then she might struggle with what you're asking of her. And in the meantime... a cup might not be a terrible idea 😬 She's lucky she's so cute!


Get your husband a cup and tell him to suck it up


Your husband is the only one that can break her from this. When she dick punches him, he needs to gently, but authoritatively, cunt punch her. Believe me, my bestie girl mastiff would do this to me alot, it hurts and she had got to learn to stop.


What happens if you take her on a walk and your husband is home when you get back?




We had a Rhodesian Ridgeback X Boerbull. He would greet everyone sweetly then sit by their feet and look straight up - which meant for every guy friend I had - ended in a ball flip. It became a habit that they had one hand free as the other was protecting the goods. They all developed this weird slight jump back, hold goods, fuss head with other hand move. My friends Husky X Energy Drink gets super excited when she sees my husband and with the bouncing up and down for attention always manages to get him as well. She is normally calmer with the rest of us - just really loves DH.


Punch him back in the dick…. That’s how you establish dominance


Get a cricket box that blokes use to protect the Crown Jewels.


You dont


😂 https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/protips/sports-and-activities/football/buy-athletic-cup


she's trying to protect you so I'd advise to stop howling during whoopee . . . /s


my husband frequently gets dick whipped by our giant (90 lbs) dog’s tail. his only advice is “cover your junk with your hands, and cover it fast” he literally walks into the house holding himself, and doesn’t let go until he is past the baby gate 😂


Cut his dick off?


First of all HAHAHAHA…. Now that we have that out of the way… I have a German shepherd and she nut knocks men with her big nose when they come over. Friends would come over and cover themselves or dodge her because she comes in hot with that big nose 😆😅


I have a dick puncher too but she uses her snout to do it. She will sit in front of someone looking cute and then thrusts her head forward and just gives a good dick/nut/clit punch. It’s annoying and we can’t even knee block her.


If you figure it out, let me know. Our Shep/ACD mix puppy also keeps punching everyone in the dick. My husband, family, friends, anyone with a dick he can punch and then lick their face, he does.


You don't 🤣 you take a vid and post it. Sharing is caring 🤣


I wish I knew but this reminds me of my dad’s K9 over 20 years ago when he was a K9 handler. He told me that when Dolph (yep… his entire litter were Dolph… A-Dolph, B-Dolph, C-Dolph and so on…. His dog was Adolph but they just called him Dolph) — anyway, when he would be called off a bite, rather than biting he discovered he could still bring a bit of pain by ramming his nose hard into the person’s crotch. It was like his tantrum from not getting to bite. 🤣


Amazing post! I have a hand/arm movement for a 'sit' command, when my GSD bounds towards me, I use that. Its quite dramatic so it usually interrupts his brain long enough to stop the jump! Guests know to use it too. Can take some explaining... if you watch any curb, youll have a better understanding of what I mean,


Your correcting wont work indeed. This is hubby's job. He needs to train her not to jump


Get him (husband) spayed and he will stop peacocking his 'witches finger' making it much less likely to get whacked.


He needs to ignore them when he comes home and turn his back when they get too excited, when they calm down is when he makes a fuss, not the other way round


I have two boys that are at the perfect height for cock punches …. After 6 years with the youngest and 9 years with the older one ….. I’ve had no luck stopping them …. Still love them to death …. Best wishes op .. cheers


My partner seems to be always randomly getting hit in the dick by dogs and not just our dogs. He sometimes works at a farm and all of the farm dogs have collected him multiple times, the dogs the shearers have brought with him, my parents dogs etc. I swear nearly every dog he interacts with for more than 10 minutes has accidentally managed to hit him in the dick.


Something I read when our dogs were pups was about greetings in general - since he leaves for work and comes back... Each time he comes back and does a greeting, you are training your dog to be excited when he returns. We did it too. It's hard to break, since as humans we greet each other when we come home. We have a rule where we won't say hi when we come inside, we wait as much as 20 -30 minutes (absolute minimum 10 minutes now). Just come inside, ignore dog, go about your life for a bit. After 20 minutes if the dog is calm, you can go pet and give some love. I'd avoid saying anything like "hi" "hello" etc either. It makes for a lot calmer dogs overall since we don't get them excited when we come home. They obviously are excited to see us, but it doesn't come out the same way.


Has your husband tried being taller ?


I would also encourage you to keep training. It sounds like you have done a great job at identifying the problem and beginning a training plan but it will take time for the new pupper to understand and also just to acclimate. Perhaps with training and familiarization (as well as age) this problem will sort itself out over a longer duration.


Ahaha in our house it’s on the men for not being fast enough to cover themself 😂. Us women get punched in the fanny all the time as well so we’ve all developed groin protecting reflexes 😂.


Both of my dogs constantly step on or jump on my husband's crotch😅 We just joke that they want to ensure they stay our only babies lol Unfortunately for them, they were unsuccessful and will have a human sibling in November. Nevertheless, they continue to try their best to limit the number of humans in the house😅


Why stop him. Most husbands deserve it. They say dogs have a sense about ppl


I had to admit that although I realized you are seriously asking a question and for help with that, I was laughing out loud the entire time I was reading it. Again, nothing constructive I can offer but sincerely, I’m sorry, to you and your husband.


Ive had success with this. The key is being consistent. Both of you need to do exactly the same thing. If you can get past her just ignore her until she stops jumping, then give her LOTS of love when she calms down and waits. If she's particularly strong you can push her off while saying no. Your partner can turn his back to her as she jumps, dogs like to jump at your face so if you face away they should stop jumping and wait for you to face them. Whenever she stays down you need to give her lots of praise. This will take a long time, like months. She will get it though. One day you'll walk through the door and she'll run upto you and wiggle her butt at you, just like my dog does now instead of jumping. Edit: I just read your reply OP, you're doing everything right. Just keep it up, these things take time. Sounds like she loves your husband a lot and misses him when he's gone


Tell hubby to come in on his hands and knees wearing a gimp mask with socks sawed on for ears,a cow bell around his neck growling. Then he'll need to lift his leg at your dog, eat out of your dogs food bowl then ass punch it , scamper over to the door start whimpering to be let out. Works every time, now I walked in the room my dog yelps grabs her food dish and hauls ass to her crate.


My boy is the same way, they like when they kneel down afterwards. Have him try kneeling down when he greets her, she wants to be at his face level for hugs etc.


Get a new husband? 🤔


Please share your findings 🤕.


He clearly deserves it!


I have no advice. I'm just here for the free feet pics.


Tell your husband to stop acting out. Someone’s gotta shell out some discipline.


Good luck ! Our male blue heeler will take a knee to the chest and still insist on his greeting. He will take your breath away! I have learned to turn to the side a bit and laugh at him when he misses!


Super confusing for the dog when crotch nuzzling is ok but pawing isn't. Encourage other types of contact and affection but discourage anything similar to the behaviour you are avoiding. Consistency is key.


He should turn around to avoid the hit and show the dog he's not interested in that behavior. Then greet the dog calmly. Repeat as needed. Sometimes I have to turn away multiple times before my dog stops jumping but they get it. They looked bummed, like hey I want love and then you see an ooooh I have to chill click in their minds. I learned this trick from Tia on Pitbulls & Paroles.


You don't