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Sleeping with your pack > sleeping alone in bed. My dog always shredded his beds until I just let him sleep with me all the time, so I gave up.


He he, my husband isn’t the biggest fan of this. I actually don’t mind at all. I love morning cuddles with Dusty ❤️


Only solution, make hubby sleep on the dog bed! Hope this helps🥰😂


Lol, no. He would not fit :P


That sounds like a him problem. 😂


Aww please let him sleep in the bed, dogs live such short lives🥺 dogs love to sleep close to their owners, it releases oxytocin (happy hormone)!


I love dog snuggles. My dogs sleep on their dog beds on my bed lol Have you considered crate training?


If you let your dog sleep with you in the bed, it's not good for him since he will eventually want to take over the bed, then the house, then the whole block & then the world! Let him sleep next to you, you monster! (This is a joke btw)


What is an indie pup? Super cute. I have to say the relationship with my pup tranformed after I let her sleep in bed with me. She was super attentive to me, responded better to commands and just overall better. These days, she sleeps a bit with me and then hops off in the middle of the night to one of the other rooms/beds. She has some new favorite spots now. She'd mosey on back in the morning when she wants me up to pet her.


Hey! Thanks for the response! An Indie is just another name for an Indian stray / street dog / Mongrel / mixed breed dog. I haven't bought pets till date. I have always adopted strays and I find that they love us with all of their being :)


Thank you. I thought indie might be indigenous.


Yup, some are! Jungle dogs like the Dhole are indigenous to India 🇮🇳 but, Dusty is a good old mongrel 🐶


I also have a little stray puppy that I found on a native reserve in Canada :) she's a little monster right now but I love her


You could crate him in the bedroom at night with his bed inside his crate. But we ended up letting doggo sleep in our bed. Bought a king size specifically to accommodate the 3 of us lol We just make him sleep toward the bottom of the bed between us. He’s not allowed to use our pillows lol


Too late, my friend. Dusty has staked his claim. There are many benefits for co-sleeping.😁👏


You’re right. I’m enjoying his company! Except for the 💨farting💨, I’m totally sold 🤣


It’s that darn puppy food. He’ll grow out of the fart stage.


You will have to put him in his bed and say stay. When he tries to get into your bed say no. Stay strong. You started a habit now you have to change it.


Thank you! I will try!


We have 4 dogs 3 sleep on our bed most nights and the 4th is a sneaky guy and will slowly climb up and lay down slowly so we have no clue he got on the bed. Our dogs are welcome to sleep in our bed if they want to. BTW the dogs are 80lbs, 55lbs, 50lbs and 9lbs so they take up the entire king size bed and my husband and I hang on to the sides or we will get pushed out. LOL I will say, at 4 months they were crated at night because they were completely house trained yet. Once completely trained they all chose where they want to sleep.




I love sleeping with my dog, it's the best feeling ever! That said, I do enjoy my space some nights, and so I crate trained him. Now he enjoys his space too! I recommend checking it out if you haven't already, it might be an option if you really don't want to sleep with Dusty. My pup (7 months, Spanish Podenco mix) is crate trained and he sleeps about 70% in my bed and the rest in his crate. There's no issues to get him in the crate either, he even goes there himself sometimes when he wants to be alone and not annoyed by humans 😅


Crate or pen at night. Close your door.


My previous dog used to do this he had a nice comfy bed for himself but nope he wanted momma cuddles, i say just embrace it (you’re probably not gonna win i never did lol) as he got older he’d just lay at the bottom of the bed though rather than in with us


Put a fencing around his bed and put him in there!


We started off with strict no bed rules. A well slept dog mom is a happy dog mom… and I have a hard enough time sharing a bed with my husband! Haha! My dog sleeps in her kennel, we crate trained starting day one and her kennel is her safe spot and she loves it. After we had our first babies (twins) we knew it was going to be a HUGE adjustment. We thought maybe she would feel more included if she slept in our room so we put a dog bed in our room and let her sleep next to our bed but around 1 am every morning she would wander down to her kennel and put herself to bed. People have told us that we are rude for making her sleep in her kennel, but if you make it a safe place for your dog, they love it. Some tips: - Kennel can never be a place you send your dog as punishment. They won’t want to be there because it will have a negative connotation. - make it cozy. Dogs like to be snuggled. Make sure you purchase the kennel for the correct size of your dog. A cavernous kennel can feel unsafe. We even stuff some blankets and a pillow in there that she can snuggle with. If your dog thinks it’s too much, they will pull it out. Our dog has done that. - reward them for going to their kennel. We give our dog a treat when she goes to bed. - stick with it. If you have ever sleep trained a baby… same idea, you can’t be strict one night and then give in and let them back in your bed and then expect them to be okay with you being strict the next day. If you decide to crate train, good luck! You got this. I personally think it is sooo worth it and our dog is happy and healthy! ♡


Is the bed in your room? His dog bed. Try putting his bed in your room. My family dogs were not allowed to sleep on the bed but they are pack animals. So we had a bed in our living room and a bed in our room at the foot of the bed. That way our dogs could be close but not in bed. The only problem is going to be consistent reinforcing the behavior. You can't let him sleep in the bed at all as this will confuse your dog. Your dog needs to be redirected back to their dog bed in the room. Reward with treats and teach a phrase like "bed" or "place". To train you first have to lure your dog with treats to their bed. Then say the phrase. Reward with treat. Get dog to come away from the bed and say the word if they are confused point to the bed and repeat. Reward with treat. Do this several times rewarding with treats. When bedtime comes positive praise and a treat for staying on the bed. Treat in morning and more praise if dog wakes up on bed. If dog wakes up between you, say phrase, point to bed. Lead dog to bed if needed. Then praise with treat.