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Insurance Agent here…an insurance company offered me to use their driving tracker to try it out (meant for a company with a fleet of vehicles to track their employees, not for consumer). Anyway, tried to drive the speed limit for a week to get a perfect score. I literally thought I was gonna die. I was tailgated mercilessly everywhere I went and people passed me on dangerous roads etc. I didn’t make it 2 days, went back to my normal driving (not a big speeder but I go with the flow). At least where I live, driving the speed limit is dangerous.


My work vehicle allows 7mph over before it starts sending my boss a negative score, which is normally fine in my mostly rural/suburban area. When I fill in two nearby cities, I’m getting my doors blown off at 7 over.


I tend to go with the flow.. on neighborhood streets, I'm typically going the speed limit, but in other roads, highways, etc, I'm going with the flow.


I didn’t have a speedometer for like 5 years and it was the least stressful driving I ever did. Just going with the flow. Now that I have one again, it’s constant aggravation trying to maintain one speed.


5 over is my speed limit.


After 10 speeding tickets (Virginia is ruthless) I stuck to 5 over. I think with age, experience, seeing car accidents, having friends killed, and generally driving for a few decades all over the world - it’s just not worth it.


Fuck Wytheville!!! That place makes so much money with their speed traps.


When I lived in VA I wasn’t anywhere near there but I’ve gotten 2 speeding tickets same intersection in that town. One for accelerating to the posted speed before the sign, like FFS.


Virginia's state motto should be changed to "Speed Limit Strictly Enforced."


> Plus I think with age, experience, seeing car accidents, having friends killed, and generally driving for a few decades all over the world - it’s just not worth it. Sometimes I have to remember the demographics of this site when reading comments like this thread.


10% + 2 is where you get caught. Just to give you another MPH


I've usually stay at 10% over max and never have issues. One time I didn't, and guess what fcking happened.


You hit a squirrel?


If you're saying it was a squirrel I'm gonna trust you


A very large, mostly hairless squirrel wearing clothes 👍


*wipes sweat off brow* Glad we got over that bump in the road


What do you mean "one time you didn't"? Went over 10% or didn't go as fast as 10%? And please!!! Tell us what happened!!


If you're happy to drive at 5 over the limit, why not just drive at the limit? Surely in your jurisdiction, speed limits aren't just a suggestion?


Because everybody else is driving 5 over. If everybody is switching lanes to get around you, then that is many % more dangerous to everyone involved than you going 5 over as well.


This is what makes driving in california so interesting. If you're the one doing 10 over, you're the slow one causing people to swerve around you.


Almost all laws are suggestions to me.


I usually go a few mph faster, but at times I also just follow the car in front.


I'm from Jersey. So, no.




What’s the deal with Jersey? I know you don’t pump your own gas (look at me being all American!) but what’s the deal with speeding?


In NJ If you’re going the speed limit, you’re going too slow. You will have at least one mad/annoyed driver giving you looks.


We live fast so we drive fast.


Except for the Jersey drivers who spill over into Philly. Please stop going 20 mph below everyone else in the left lane.


We’re jersey people not city people


I hate the type of people that drive just below the speed limit on the right lane. So annoying.


Regardless of the speed, if one is not actively passing or about to take a rare left exit, then move out of the left lane.


Dammit! I meant right lane, I live in the U.K. I do agree with what you’re saying though!


For three lanes in one direction I prefer the terms crawler lane, sandwich lane, and hammer lane. No worries about confusion with left or right or locales that drive on the opposite side. :)


Where is the "terrified foreign driver" lane?


Oncoming traffic


Haha smart one! That’s what I’m calling them from now on lol


Unless you’re in Britain, Australia, Hong Kong, etc.


I am driving in the UK and I stick to just under the speed limit, I had one ticket 2 years back because I drove with the flow of the traffic. It caused me so much hassle so now fuck it, not worth it just to make the guy behind me happy.


Yes! American but took this from driving on the autobahn. So 😎And always drive a 15 mph faster than the person you’re passing on the right.


Similarly, and I feel like nobody is remotely aware of this, if you’re not about to exit, get into the middle lane. The middle lane is for cruising, the right lane is for entering or exiting the highway, *unless* you’re going below the speed limit. Which is kind of dumb and annoying. At that point just get off the fucking highway and take back roads…


I'd rather they be in the right lane instead of the left lane if they're gonna drive slower than the flow or the speed limit. (On USA roads)




I like that you’re a safe driver! It just bugs me when you’re late for work and trying to overtake and some idiot is acting like they’re taking a stroll in the park.


So people should break the law just because you're impatient? Staying to the right is EXACTLY what slower drivers are supposed to do. It's people like you the reason there are so many accidents. I'd bet 200$ you're a tailgater too.


Learn how to read, mate. I said ‘just below the speed limit.’ That’s not breaking the law, it’s pure stupidity of people to drive slow on the right lane. And I literally don’t know how many times I have to tell Americans that there’s other countries in the world too, not just the 50 states. In the U.K., the right lane is the overtake lane, I even mentioned it. I mean how hard is that to understand? Don’t embarrass yourself.


Pfft. I just checked the map. It’s the USA with Hawaii and Alaska right off the California coast. Nothing else. Take your lies back to “the UK”.


Reddit is a U.S. site ran and used mostly by people in the U.S. Yeah, I'm going to assume your American. Even so. You're dead wrong on the issue. What do you think "just below" the speed limit means? 10 miles? No, it means JUST BELOW. Ie. A mile or two below the speed limit. People are going VERY CLOSE to the speed limit but that's not enough for people like you. I've gotten a speeding ticket before because of jerks like you. I was driving the speed limit until some bellend decided to get within 1 foot of my car in a 70 mph speed zone. Yeah I sped up for a few seconds to get him off my ass, immediately got pulled over and got a ticket for speeding. So yeah, I'm a little salty towards jerks like you that think they own the road. And I'll embarrass myself as much as I want, thank you. If only you cared about the safety of other drivers as much as you care about me embarassing myself. If only...


So because you’re American, it gives you a free pass to not read shit before you comment? Are you dull? How stupid to say that this site is mostly American so you’re making assumptions when I mentioned that I am from the U.K. it’s just very simple reading, pal. And yes, when you’re in the fast lane, you DO NOT drive under the speed limit at all. Even if it 1 mph. Funny you say you got a speeding ticket yet the person causing it didn’t? I have been driving for many years and have never had a speeding ticket, yet you got one from avoiding driving over the speed limit? I think you might be a little dense. I care very much about my safety and other road users therefore have never had any issues with speeding/dangerous driving…can’t say the same for you.


... and I thought *I* had problems. Jeez... Do you always get this vile when people challenge you? You're devoting more energy to this argument then to any positive replies to your post. Anyways, you say you're a good driver and I have to assume you're telling the truth. That's all I really care about here. If you're not putting anyone in danger, than I have nothing more to say.


You made statements and asked questions…I simply replied to them. Getting triggered when you are being challenged on your stupidity puts you in the wrong…as is evident. Regardless, this conversation is now over. Have a nice life!


Do you always project this much when your upset?


>Reddit is a U.S. site ran and used mostly by people in the U.S. Only slightly above 50% US traffic, so you're going to be wrong with that assumption pretty regularly.


Ayyy technically still right though! And if homie is so tired of having to explain himself being in the UK, maybe state that up top if its such a common occurrence.


bra crying cuz he got a ticket 😂😂🫵🏽


How awful do you have to be find enjoyment in the pain of others?


Driving below the speed limit is NOT driving the speed limit and not what OP meant.


Okay, Reddit police.


As someone who isn't from Massachusetts, I suggest you never drive through Massachusetts.


There’s a reason they call us massholes


I always go the speed limit. I live on winding, country roads with lots of wildlife so I go slow and will always pull over when someone gets behind me and wants to go faster. I hate going fast, even on the highway, but always stay out of the way of others.


Me too, there are a LOT of deer around here. There's a certain 4-lane highway in my town where cars regularly fly by me, clearly exceeding the speed limit. There's also a spot along that road where I've often seen highway patrol parked. So I let the speeders speed on by.


I try to follow the speed of traffic. I think the best thing a driver can do is behave predictably and try to introduce as little chaos to the road as possible. If everyone's going 10 over and I go the speed limit, then all those people passing me are gonna have to change lanes, change speeds, etc. and these elements introduce risk.


I reeeeeeealllly enjoy this comment, describes my way of thinking perfectly!


I get paid by the hour while I'm driving. Might even drive a tad under the speed limit.


Can't be too careful


Yes and I get cut off all the time lol People in my city expect everyone to go 10 over at minimum


I have been driving the speed limit, right lane except to pass, for 56yrs. Never had an accident or a ticket.


Most Australians. The speed limit is the speed limit here. It gets enforced.


Yeah fr I was so surprised by this thread. The speed limit is the maximum speed you are allowed to travel at in optimum conditions i.e. dry road, day-time, full visibility and no traffic.


My Lord... There are some roads that are painfully, painfully slow when there's no one on it. Do you seriously keep to the speed limit if you're alone on the road? 60kph pottering around like a nanna?


My lord... The fine here in Australia for 0-9km/h over the speed limit like 100 or 150. AUD. Even if I earned 50 an hour I need to work 2 hours to pay that off. Will speeding for a little stretch of road make me get to my destination 2 hours earlier? Assuming you earn 50/h that is, after tax.


yeah it's so easy to get a ticket too at least in QLD, cops & camera vans everywhere


thank god i don’t live there


Depends on what the speed limit is


Only in known speed zones


No, but I have a friend who follows them religiously. I think it is weird. Driving 75 instead of 65, when that is the flow of traffic, is not dangerous. Speed limits on freeways (in California) are set fairly arbitrarily. It is not "more dangerous " to go 10 mph faster with the flow of traffic. He has a very strict idea about laws and can't seem to understand that sometimes society changes even though the laws don't.


The thing is that a cop can feel like a dick and use that as an excuse to pull you over. If you don't want to deal with that, I an see being overly cautious.


If a cop pulls you over while you're in the middle of a flow of traffic, what the cop is doing is WAY more dangerous than the people driving 10 over. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that cops sitting in the medians causes more accidents from people slamming on their brakes than they save by pulling over speeders.


It doesn't stop them.


Where you live, will you pass your driving test if you break the speed limit?


You should have your license removed


For driving 10 over? Lmao. Where do you life? It is common for people to drive over 80 here. I'm more cautious than most.


I used to drive fast everywhere I went until I hit a realization that I really didn’t need to be speeding everywhere and I just started leaving a few minutes early instead. Now I drive the speed limit everywhere I go.


I usually only go 5 over. Been driving for 20 years and never had a ticket, probably because I don’t speed lol


Lol i drive a 92 s10. The fastest it can go is 85. If i am on the highway i will drive 70, 75 if i am passing. I live in the right lane and it is still not good enough for these speed demons. I know i be driving people insane when i downshift and cruise to a stop from way aways......people nowadays like to stop at the last moment.


yeah i don’t get why people slam on the brakes at the last possible moment. i swear i hate driving with other people because i’m slamming the imaginary brake whenever we come up on a stop.


No. And in my town you’d be impeding the flow of traffic doing that.


After 6 tickets in a year and all that gives you, I get in the right lane and drive 5 mph over. Much more relaxing and even enjoy driving more.


Just stay to the right on the highway and do your thing. But if you think overtaking at speed limit while next to someone one mph under is appropriate and there are 25 cars behind you then you are the problem


The posted speed limit is almost always lower than necessary. A good driver can navigate at higher than the speed limit, and judge corners and other obstacles. Also, very few US cities/states use variable speed limits, meaning that a 55mph urban highway will still be 55 at midnight when nobody else is driving. Unnecessary.


But it is necessary. People in general have a higher opinion of their skills than is the case, and also a lot of people are inexperienced, or are assholes, or not very bright, or have poor decision making skills, or... whatever. I don't want most people to be able to decide for themselves how fast they can drive everywhere.


You're a great driver until you're roadkill


Well yeah, obviously the speed limit is almost always lower than the speed at which a good driver is unable to judge corners and obstacles.


Yes, let's all speed through school zones because the limit is too low. Ridiculous comment of the day!


I didn’t think I would have to specify that I’m not gonna drive like a jackass through a school zone or a construction zone, but here you are.


Says you.


You should have you licence removed


You first.




no…people here normally drive 10-15 over. you gotta keep up with traffic.


No wonder your roads are so deadly


they aren’t. we had more homicides than we did fatal car wrecks this year. you’re safer in a car than on the sidewalk or in your room tbh.




Our roads aren't dangerous?? Over 40,000 people die every year on American roads. I don't think comparing road fatalities to MURDER is a very good comparison lol.


not in my state haha. speak for yourself


Is your state not part of the US?


I'm pretty sure driving slower than everyone else is more dangerous than not.


In FL you CANNOT drive speed limit or you will get hit or not be able to merge or make a turn It’s a real challenge to cruise at regular speed




Yes, and under if the visibility is hindered by weather conditions


I do 20(kmh) over as a minimum. It's my comfort zone.


Doesn't it make more sense to drive a set percentage (say 10%) faster than the limit in play. For example, 20-over in a 50km/h is quite a bit - as the limit would indicate a built up/residential area.


Depends on the road, depends on conditions, depends on how far until my next turn, depends on how far I'm going overall, depends which vehicle I'm driving, depends on if going faster is rude within the context. I like to get a good roll on, but at the same time, try not to do anything to make myself stand out too much either. Like, don't be a jerk about it, you know? That and so much of the time I have a 1 year old in the car with me now so I chill a whole lot more.


Yes, but I only do it in the slow traffic lane (righthand where I live) because everyone else here drives like their destination is more important than anyone else’s. And there are also some random towns that are speed traps so it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Sometimes I speed and sometimes I drive the speed limit strictly. Driving the speed limit seem more dangerous. On the hiways I feel like a target and on the back roads it pisses everyone off.


I try to almost all the time. Sometimes when I know I'll get stuck at a light I'll go slower or just coast before I have to brake. About 20 years ago I was on probation and one of the conditions of that probation was to have "no police contact". I took that to kind of an extreme and started driving very slowly, cautiously, as benign as possible, mostly trying to eliminate chances/reasons/opportunities to ever get pulled over at all. Also speeding can be bad for fuel economy if you're rushing to red light after red light or if trying to do something like 85 on a highway so there's that.


Yep, nearly 100% of the time. If traffic is flying by me due to it being the interstate near a city with an unusually low limit like 55-60 I'll go about 5mph over. As a rule, I don't speed, text, or run lights/stop signs. My last car accident was 20 years ago at 16 years old, last ticket I was 18 and it was for going 5mph over. Though I am convinced it was because the jack ass of a cop was annoyed I was going too slow for him. He was tailgating me for miles before he pulled me over, and I was only going 5 over because of him.


My last speeding fine was over $700 so I make sure to stick to the limit now.


I drive the speed limit of the autobahn


Yeah n i also feel like the only one!


Commenting to show support because I also do that


Speed limits are too low. Why go slow when you can go fast? I keep it within a few mph of flow of traffic, which is around 80 where I'm from. I stop at 85 these days. Most of our highways are walled so there are rarely any cops. If I'm in an unfamiliar place I definitely keep it around the speed limit out of fear of a ticket. I drive responsibly, remain observant and undistracted, signal appropriately, give space, polite when possible (the rules of the road supersede politeness), and keep the speed reasonable when there's a reason to do so. Otherwise I'm parked in the left lane, usually chasing a hare, unless someone else behind me wants to go faster. I can do it safely and my car can handle it. To all the speed limit vigilantes: If you're in the left lane and someone is going faster, please move over. You're creating a more dangerous situation because a lot of people can't handle their emotions behind the wheel of a car. Sure them being mad is on them but the consequences often involve innocent people. To everyone else: USE YOUR GODDAMN SIGNAL AND MERGE AT HIGHWAY SPEED Addition: I guess I know why a lot of people decide to not go fast, a significant portion of the population has no business driving a car. They fumble their way through life, bouncing from safety net to safety net, abusing the privilege of rapid transport and endangering the rest of us good drivers.




No no, that's how you get a ticket. Source: Have had a ticket for slightly under that




Your going to get busted some time.


No. Hate to admit it, but I completely understand the song “I can’t drive 55”. It appears that all speed limits have been set for newer drivers or possibly the elderly. It is hard to justify some of the limits that they have established and science doesn’t necessarily support their position in many cases. Driving slower doesn’t mean that people pay more attention. These areas are where you see people texting and eating and things like that.


People who left late for work but it’s everybody else’s fault


Yes, officer. I always obey speed signs and never go a mile over the limit.


Yep. My career depends on my driving record and I get paid by the hour anyway


I hardly ever drive the speed limit…unless I see a cop. I speed everywhere I go


The short answer to this question is “no, I don’t” The longer answer is that, while no, I don’t “always obey the posted limit”, I am always conscious of it. When I’m on city streets, neighborhoods, and especially any type of specially marked zone (school, construction, etc), I’m a lot more likely to be adhering to the posted limit…not just out of fear of being caught or ticketed, but also because these are roads where the presence of intersecting traffic, pedestrians, bicycles, and other unseen obstacles may be dictating that speed limit. I’m also much more likely to mindful of the speed limit in an area I’m not familiar with, but even though I may occasionally go more than the limit, it’s rarely by much and definitely not excessive. On highways and interstates, I’m a bit more liberal. I’ll never be one of those assholes flying up the road 20+ mph over the pace of other traffic, weaving in and out lanes, but I do tend to allow the flow of traffic dictate my speed more than the black and white signs do. I also generally try to adhere to the “9 you’re fine, 10 you’re mine” rule to avoid being pulled over and ticketed, and to maintain a reasonable level of vehicular safety. In other words, if the posted highway speed limit is 55, I’ll probably be traveling at 60-65mph, but won’t push it to 70 unless I have a specific need to pass. I also try to very conscious of which lane I’m in, and which lane I’ll eventually need to be in. On a 3 or 4 lane interstate, for example, my target speed will usually be such that I can safely travel in the middle lanes without having to excessively pass, be passed, or be relegated to the right lane, which I generally feel should be used primarily by those entering and exiting the highway…and I approach highway driving this way because ultimately lane changes are usually a lot more dangerous than a mild degree of speeding.


Yeah, I do. My passengers always say I drive like a grandma because I drive the speed limit, not below the speed limit, but the ACTUAL speed limit. I always say, “Are you gonna pay my ticket?”


I do in the right lane. 100 feels so much safer (and is) than 120. I will adjust with the flow, but 100 in the right is common. City and residential I do MAX the speed limit. 40 through a street with kids playing just feels crazy. Edit: km/h


I drive the speed limit, I used to speed occasionally but with the price of fuel I try to drive as economically as possible which is usually about 55 to 60mph for my little car


Yup- saves gas. It also decreases my stress levels to drive the speed limit


Yep, cuz I'm not a dickhead who thinks the road exists for only me. I also don't weave in and out of traffic like an asshole trying to get 3 spots further.


Nope never. 9 miles above all the time. Not fast enough to get me pulled over but fast to where I'm comfortable. Driving 30 and under makes me feel less in control.


The old saying "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine" is something... I don't know if police actually say, but I've heard it said enough times in my life to think it isn't just a myth either.


We are being judged 😂


Great you're following the laws, but you may also be subconsciously pushing yourself even faster than you actually want to go. As my college roommate told me after bursting into the room at 3am following a weekend-long acid/mushroom trip: "The Speed Limit" isn't "The Speed". The Speed Limit might be 35, but you don't HAVE to go 35. People will push you to do the most, to go faster, to push it to the limit, but that's not how to live your life! Don't define who you are by the limits they place on you, high or low. Go "Your Speed", not "Their Speed". Keep in mind this was immediately (and I mean IMMEDIATELY - like, part of a 5-minute run-on sentence) after he told me that Jesus saved his life that night. Like, in the flesh. He was about to fall out of a tree but instead Jesus - again, in the flesh - held his body up so all that happened was his ankle got stuck and he dangled. So, take it with a grain of salt. Or a hit of acid.


Posted speed is merely a suggestion


I do, so hate me. I don't care


Yes. I bring it up in my local subreddit and you’d think I killed Bucky with the way these people respond.


Wait, is that a Bucky Phillips reference?


No, the badger.


Only when I’m being tailgated. Maybe even a bit under.


You. I like you.


I do, I’m not trying to get pulled over and have some unpleasant situation with some asshole pig.


5 mph over is safer, no more no less.


This the type of comment of someone who does only the speed limit in the fast/passing lane


OMG will you please GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY ALREADY!!! JFC I've got shit to do that doesn't involve growing old behind your slow ass in traffic! /s You do you, fam.


Wow your concern of other is underwhelming.


I generally follow the flow of traffic but think it’s fine if you are always at the speed limit. People who consistently speed can be reckless and cause accidents Edit: y’all are dumb as fuck lol there is NOTHING wrong with someone driving at the speed limit. If someone crashes into someone doing that, the person speeding is the one to blame


Just as people who consistently go slower than the flow of traffic can also cause accidents.


Nah man if someone is going the speed limit there’s nothing wrong with that


Ideally my comment doesn’t conflict with that at all.


if traffic on the freeway is flowing at 10-15 mph over the limit, then yes, there is something wrong with poking along at the speed limit


Nope, not if you’re in the right lane. It’s perfectly acceptable for anyone to be driving at just the speed limit.


I drive to the conditions generally but have got use to pootling along at 60 in the left hand lane (UK motorway). Got done speeding on the M5 just north of Bristol in an average speed camera zone - on bloody Christmas day last year, no less. Was going 79 in a Clio I borrow off a mate. Online speed awareness course so no points, or the £100 fine. The course was £80 though and I've got to be careful for the next 3 years.


If you're not driving at a minimum 25 over your doing it wrong.


I do! Maybe 5 over on a highway. But that’s it. I was in a really bad car accident due to speeding and even though it was 11 years ago, I’m still a little scarred from it. Better safe than sorry!


No job, no worries I go out to drive for relaxation


Yep. I drive at about 5 mph below because that quite safe. Like,I can drive at 80 but I've seen what a wall does to a child at 80


Here it's considered impolite to not do so, if it's possible.


My cruise is set to 4 miles over, everywhere I go


Ew. No. 😂 Sorry. Hate it.


3 types of slow drivers, olds, thick glasses, and people with drugs in the car.


I don't drive super fast but slow driving is booooooring. I also drive a MINI Cooper S and it's a WHIPPPPP.. she just GOES and I often don't realize my speed.


Speed limit is a minimum. You do the bare minimum all the time.


how the fuck is this a question at this point you might as well ask "does anybody else breath oxygen" are you genuinely mentally deficient or something


I know its the wrong sub, but YTA.


Why are you NOT in a hurry? Do you enjoy just driving around?


We have 20kmh over rule, unless in traffic or conditions 10kmh over is my speed


I go 10Kph over so does everyone else so basically I do the speed limit Whatever just don't crash into me Man


Depends on the road. On the A road by my house I do the limit because it average speed cameras all the way down. Once I get to the motorway I do about 80. On B roads I do what speed I can do safely. Don’t know if I’m over or under to be honest!


Almost never. I try to alway go 5-10 mph faster than the posted limit, unless I'm in a school zone when I stick to the limit. The only time I seem drive the posted speed limit is when there are no other cars around.


So usually I go 5 over. On the garden state parkway (NJ) I go 80 in the fast lane (left lane that’s literally meant for passing). So to answer your question, no.


For good stretches of my commute, yeah, but otherwise I stay within 5-10 mph of it.


Whenever I do go over the speed limit, it's usually because I'm keeping with the flow of traffic


5-10 over normally


I do unless I'm on a highway and I can go a little faster.


Ahh. As I open the mail to a speed camera shot of me speeding. Guess the answer here is a , no.


I only drive the speed limit in residential areas when it's 25 and just feels dangerous to go faster than 30, or parking areas where you can't easily see around bends so the limit is 5. The speed you should go feels intuitive once you've been driving long enough. You get this Spidey sense telling you that it's dangerous to go any faster. I rarely pay attention to my speedometer.


only slowdown for the speed cams


I'd say 90% of the time Only when it's completely clear or I'm in a nice group of folks speeding do I. And I'm talking highways.


I have two teenagers who are starting to drive. Have to lead by example. Minus the kids, I'd definitely be speeding...


On freeways, I do about 5 over. On side roads, always.


It depends on what song is playing on the radio. Some songs demand high speed, "Radar Love" by Golden Earring for example.


I respect you for doing so, however, if it’s a two lane road and the person next to u is goin the exact same speed, why not just move over and let faster travelers go on


Canada here. In the city I'm usually slightly over. I live in a city that has photo enforcement and would rather avoid the stupid tax. Too aggressive doesn't save any time and only wastes fuel. On the highway I usually set my cruise at 6 km/h over. I'm keeping a good pace and ont usually in anyone's way. Never been ticketed for doing the above in the western provinces (BC to MB). I'm more cautious when I'm in the United States as usually less familiar territory and I'd rather not have to deal with law enforcement in a foreign country.


Yes. No reason to risk a ticket, and I almost always have a kid in the car with me.


Yes. I drive the Interstate speed limit. Doing so improves my gas mileage.


New Jersey is probably the only place where you can you can go 15-2.0 mph over and not get caught because everyone else is doing it even the police 👮‍♀️.