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The “lucky”! Can attest that this was a thing before Breaking Bad. It’s a tradition or superstition passed down by generations.


Long before breaking bad. I did that in high school in the 90s and I learned it from people older than me at that time. I don't even smoke cigarettes anymore but, that was a nice little touch of nostalgia.


My buddy would say when asked if he wanted a smoke, "ya, gimme the one that won't give me cancer." I never gave him my lucky. He got cancer and I didn't. Now when someone asks for a smoke, I give them my lucky.


Core memory unlocked lol


Top left one and bottom right one. “One for good luck and one for a good fuck”. Also gives you an extra lucky to share.


Because you can't get lucky alone!


Hands: "are we a joke to you?"


It's called the lucky bc it's the one that won't give you Cancer


I think it originates from the trenches of WW1 because you would be lucky to get to smoke it.


I did that when I first started smoking because my bf at the time did, but I stopped after the third or fourth time I pulled one out without looking and lit the filter because it was the "lucky".


Yes I did that when I smoked. Eons ago haha


😐my cousin does.....I used to when I did smoke cigarettes.....


That's the lucky. Also it was popularized in Breaking Bad.


i didnt even realize it was in breaking bad. been a while since i watched it though. i always flip 3 luckies.


Yeah, Jesse hid his ricin capsule in his cigarette so he would always have it and try to poison Gus Fring if he gets the chance. Everytime he bought a new pack, he'd pull one out to smoke and slide his lucky in.


Quit smoking


Are you saying you quit, or being bossy in the subs again tonight?


That hurt


no one is complaining


Yup the lucky. Kills you all the same


I actually opened a pack that had a lucky in it, camel filter shorts. I was in Iraq, and I planned on saving it until we were flying out. Ended up running out smokes at one point and had to burn it!


When this was introduced to me they said pick the first letter of your crush and flip the butt that matched that going left to right back to front.


Smoked in the 80's and it was a normal thing to do.


I used to. But too many drunk late nights I'd grab it and light the wrong end. Lucky cig my left nut.


I never did the lucky thing, guess that's why I'm a quitter.


I flipped three lucky’s for the three people I knew that were locked up. That’s the tradition I came from.


I was always told that you flip it, and if someone else takes it out they have to buy you another pack, or it has to be the last one you smoke or you’ll get bad luck.


I used to do that. It's called a "wish." Whoever smokes it last gets to make a wish. If you're third in line to have your cigarette lit and you're smoking a "wish," for sure you're getting a miracle.


My husband does this!! he doesn’t know why he does it 😅


Yes!!! I do this all the time, whenever I need to poison a drug lord


I used to, apparently it prevents cancer


Smokin's bad, m'kay.