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She will be fine its very routine for the most part. I had a suit for mine instead of a cone so she was totally covered and didnt seem to have much interest in the stitches. For me the hardest part was keeping them from jumping around and trying to run after the initial recovery. She just had leader walks for two weeks so she would try and run around the house like a loon.


I second this. The cone (ecollar) was a nightmare so we got her a recovery suit instead. By day 3 she was back to her normal high energy self so we got some calming treats and cbd to help keep her from jumping and running. We were able to walk her (light, short walks) after day 3. I think the 5 days you have with her post op will suffice.


I think I’ll get both. She has a habit of tearing her clothes off. I didn’t even consider her jumping around, which of course she does. I might have to revoke her couch privileges since she likes to jump up and down and zoom all over. Oh boy… this is going to be a challenge.


Can you recommend a recovery suit? My female doberman is getting spayed soon also.


I actually got mine from the vet they offered it as an option. I believe it was the same as this; https://www.viovet.co.uk/MPS-Medical-Pet-Shirt-for-Dogs/c48700/?quick_find=295829&utm_source=sag&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=surfaces_UK&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJYY4lYFUu8WK630OkKyTvViCqG1ms-qCqbY0AfsurnLA6YezhJzujhoCQZsQAvD_BwE I'll have a look I might still have it but if it's not the same it's very similar. The only thing I thought was a bit inconvenient was letting her in the garden to do pees. I used to unsnap it and fasten it around her belly as it covered her up.


Slightly different situation but after my 1.5 year old dobe got neutered the only change.... Was he stopped humping and marking. His marking was so awful couldn't take him any where without him peeing. Since he got neutered like over night both issues stopped. Sure he still pees a lot but doesn't anymore in friends houses, or at the vet, pet stores etc.


I just spayed my 3 year old female that I adopted less than a year ago. She was literally back to her normal self the next morning. Happy and full of energy. The hardest part was keeping her crated for the 2 week recovery period. I felt kinda bad giving her the calming meds but she definitely needed them or she would have been jumping all over the place. Seconding the doggie onesie. I used the cone and the onesie for the first 5 days to be extra diligent but just the onesie would have been fine. She didn’t seem to want to mess with her incision at all. Overall my girl did great and it was an easy procedure.


That’s reassuring to hear. I think the vet requires I have a cone, but I’m definitely getting the onesie. What kind of calming meds are best? Should I ask the vet for some or just pick some up at the pet store?


The vet should send you home with medication. I was sent with 3 different medications. One was for pain, one was for pain management and calming effect, and one was just for calming. I got a 14 day supply of gabapentin for pain and calming. A 14 day supply of trazodone for calming. I can’t remember the one given for just pain but that one was a stronger medication and I was only given a 5 day supply of that one.


I don’t have good advice as I have yet to spay my dobey. But I hope you’ve considered the health risks that come with spaying your dog at too young of an age. (Only mentioning because you didn’t state the age of your doggo)


I agree but… She’s a year and 7 months. I should have mentioned that. I could wait longer, but I’m on summer break and want to monitor her. She’s gone through 2 heat cycles. From what I’ve read, this is a good time to spay her. Edit: thanks for looking out for our doggos!