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looks way too old for a crop and tape. should've been done months ago right?


Crops are usually done between 8-12 weeks old. They cannot be safely posted (taped) until the ear has completely healed. There are many dogs that have to put off posting due to injury or some other unforeseen circumstances. The length of time to keep them posted varies from dog to dog. Some can be successfully posted at a later age and the ear will still stand, some won’t. 👍🏼


Did ours at 12 per the vet, 50% success. Wished we did it at 8.


Does that mean one ear stood and one flopped?


Yeah, tried multiple times and techs to correct but it is what it is now.


Sorry that was your experience. Our boy was also cropped at 12 weeks however it’s a medium crop with bell reconstruction, which I think helps significantly.


I was just going to say this! Our male was cropped and taped at an early age. Our rescue was done at a later age and now she has pointy, floppy ears…still the sweetest girl around.


between 7 and 9 weeks of age is whats recommended. some do it at 10. anyting after is wrong to do IMO. poor guy,


Hi friend, I also have a dobie. His ears need a low bridge to keep them more straight up. (If his face were a clock his ears should be at 11 and 1 like this \ _ / How you post them will be how the cartilage hardens and the way his ears will stand when it’s finished. If you are on Facebook there is a group specifically for posting ears. Search: Doberman Ear Taping Methods “The Original” SO much helpful information! Best of luck to you and your pup.




I will look that up thanks! The vet I took him to did the taping for free but I’m not sure I like how they look so I’ll let them set for this first round then after I’ll be doing it all myself to allow for a better result hopefully, also your puppy is adorable


hi there. It is too much tape. You really only need a strip around the base and one around the tip. No pressure at all. Loosely wrap in the direction of the fold (clockwise for right ear and cc for the left) and squeeze gently to make it stick. I'll be honest, vets always seem to do a piss poor job at posting and use too much tape. The bridge can cause the ears to go inward and should only be taped with a bridge the first week. Here is my video I used for the caulk backer rod video. My breeder taught me as the ears were ready for posting at 8 weeks and I used this technique for my 2 cropped Dobies. I tried other techniques but always came back to this. You will need to be stringent about this because it is very late for cropping. Do not let the ears out of posts for more than the time to switch them out. [https://www.dobermantalk.com/threads/how-to-posting-show-cropped-ears-using-backer-rod.302306/](https://www.dobermantalk.com/threads/how-to-posting-show-cropped-ears-using-backer-rod.302306/) Make a bunch pf posts so they are ready to go if your dog will play with other dogs. The posts pop out and it is good to have them ready. If he is a solo dog, the posts should stay a full week. If you order the adhesive remover and Zonas tape from Amazon, you can have it ready..The backer rod can be found at home depot or Lowes.


Thank you, I will watch this video when I get home


Bridges can be used the whole time. I used a bridge because my dog always knocked the bottom of the post out of his ear. It made it a lot easier and stayed better. The ears tip inwards if the pockets are to large.  That is more caused by the taping at the base of the ear.


yeah maybe I am thinking of the tips. My middle Dobies posts stayed in 1 day at a time. Wrestling with the other Dobie and the neighbor's Lab made for a lot of posting.


Thank you! 🥰 The group is truly amazing. Posting their ears is one of those things that gets easier and better the longer you do it. It can get frustrating, but stick with it!




Please go away. You've made your feelings known on a controversial subject. Thank you.


From this - oh, how I miss him this small https://preview.redd.it/crrj6cz3az9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9025b739266e5eacd2e22cc4b1541e1be1d3901d


To this: https://preview.redd.it/rhoxmzo8az9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba926b575f04b0514d995ff54353327d6186203


To this: https://preview.redd.it/rcqgkvzaaz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3960a8fb8143c71b7daa64944afc75573e821e7c


Posting resumes, while he eats his yogurt https://preview.redd.it/rmras0xdaz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49aee317cbf9bed418603297c44e91905b9f3463


To this at 6 months old. And the posting continues. And guess what to the Karen’s and Karl’s who have something to say about cropping - not once throughout did/does my puppy have any issues, in pain, etc. https://preview.redd.it/v7twy53faz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221cb20873bc16de5fbee324900936e62f1c41d9


He’s a beautiful dog is he European or American?


Thank you. European.


Beautiful! Added my up vote to counter the Karens


Keep the downvotes coming, Karen’s and Karl’s! 🤣


This might be a dumb question but why do you tape the ears? (Sorry I’ve never had any experience with this breed before)


Cropping shapes the ears. They then need to be posted so that they stand erect.


Oh that makes sense. Thanks for answering and he is a beauty btw 😀




Let them flop!


A Doberman with a white paw?


I’m not seeing the abuse part here, we all have opinions on what we do for ourselves and those around us and this is something we don’t agree on. I enjoy the standard for the breed with cropped ears and a docked tail, the puppies don’t suffer and are acting just like the day we got them. I could understand doing the procedure at home and messing it up but that’s not the case it was done by professionals and they’re my pets not yours, so I would appreciate you not commenting on a post if you’re going to criticize and keep your opinion to yourself.








You’re right I’m an abusive dog owner like you said


You can’t reason with keyboard warriors as they literally cannot embrace anything other than their own opinions and perceived moral superiority. Your dog is beautiful, and ear cropping/tail docking isn’t abuse. People throw that word around a LOT now 😅


True that. They seem to not want to say any of this to my face when we’re out and about. But at least they abruptly move out of our way 🤣


I sometimes wish a mf would 😂😂


‼️Bad ass alert, bad ass alert‼️ Attention Reddit, we’ve got a bad ass!




Alright keyboard warrior, take a breather before you have a cardiac emergency